
The hidden truth: pycho's love

Having your life changed without your consent, not by your parents or loved ones but by an unknown organisation, was really shocking yet thrilling and exciting. Read and learn as Bella goes through different adventures with her twin-partner and overcomes difficult huddles together. But don't forget, no novel can do without romance! Both Bella and Ace get entangled with this mysterious, pyscho & dangerous mutant that wants nothing more than to claim Bella for himself. The question is; will Bella agree to be his' or will she decide to escape his clutches and flees with Ace to finally spend their life as they wished and go for multiple adventures?!

Dianacay · Urban
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8 Chs

Home sweet home ll

" wake up sleepyhead "

I said as I tapped Ace gently. I woke up early, maybe too early today because I was so excited! Ace didn't bolt his door well so I got in with ease to wake him up, didn't want to be the only one awake.

"let me sleep a little longer Bel. It's 3:00am o fuck's sake!"

Ace said in frustration as he turned to face the other way to continue sleeping.

" but I'm too excited to go back to sleep so just get up already and keep me company!"

I whined as I shook him vigorously. He lazily sat up and said

" fine! I'm up, I'm up!"

I looked at him triumphantly as he made his way to the shower when he saw me fully dressed while I, on the other hand, laid on his bed awaiting his return.


Ace came out of his bathroom and was met with a sleeping Bella in his bed. He chuckled and said

" look at the person who was too excited to go back to sleep. You succeeded in waking me up only for you to go back to sleep in my bed. You don't play fair Bel!"

He got dressed then climbed in with her, pulled her closer to himself and wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her from behind before joining her in the land of dreams.


I woke up and opened my eyes slowly while running it before I jerked up with a start only to be held tightly by a strong hand. Whose hand is it? I asked myself in my head, not fully awake. I then turned check it out only to see Ace holding me in place. Did I fall asleep?! I groaned as I remembered getting sleepy while waiting for him to finish showering. I know I'm gonna get an earful from him once he's awake! Looking at how he held me, I sighed because we usually sleep in this posture most times. As I tried once more to get up, I was pulled back into his embrace.

" don't move, I'm trying to get some sleep"

" but we have to get up now! Remember we're leaving at 6:00am?"

He sighed then sat up

" you know, I so badly want to punish you for that stunt you pulled!"

Looking at him with a confused look, I asked

" what stunt?"

" seriously?! You don't remember waking me up then going back to sleep while I was in the shower?"

He questioned with a raised eyebrow. I laughed awkwardly then said

" Well, you can't blame me for that. You took hours to bathe, how is it my fault?!"

" you know what, whatever "

He said then checked the time on his wall clock which showed that it was 5:45am.

" where is your stuff? We need to get moving"

He spoke as he grabbed his bag. I pointed to a bag beside his table which looked exactly like his' then he picked it and motioned for me to follow him.

I got down, went to his mirror and fixed up my ruffled hair before following him out. We were the first to arrive at the main hall which was where we had our meals but after a couple of minutes, it became packed with the rest of the members. Once we were all settled, Master Zain gestured for everyone to stay silent and it became as silent as a graveyard. He's the boss after all.

" toady is a sorrowful day for me as you can see."

He began as he wiped invisible tear drops from his face before he continued

" two of our most important members have completed their years of service and training, so,they shall be returning home to their families. It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing Ace's and Bella's departure from our midst "

Everyone gasped in shock and started whispering until they were silenced once again by Master Zain. I mean, everyone knows how he refused to let us leave two years ago so this news came as a shock.

" so as a departing gift, I have organised a special feast to celebrate their departure. Enjoy yourselves everyone, today is a free day! Bella and Ace, help yourselves to whatever you like, this will be your last time as a member of this organisation so make sure to eat your fill!"

Both Ace and I looked at each other before sighing deeply. I guess he wasn't joking when he said he was reluctant to let us go. Once the feast started, we walked up to our Master

" excuse me Master Zain, we are supposed to depart this morning "

I tried to remind him

" who said that?"

Ace looked at him, bewildered at how his master could pretend he knew nothing

" you said so Master. You specifically said 6:00am sharp, no late timing"

He looked shocked for a second with a grin plastered on his face and said while pointing to his chest

" did I? Sorry about that, I meant 6:00pm sharp"

" Master Zain!!"

We both chorused. Now, that was a huge lie! He chuckled and said

" I know, I know. You both are allowed to leave in the next thirty minutes so go enjoy yourselves before time okay?"

" yes, Master Zain "

We said and bowed our heads. He patted Ace's shoulder then nodded to me and left.

" gosh, that was frustrating!"

Ace said as he pretends to be recovering from a nervous breakdown.

" well, don't blame the old man. He's getting old and is yearning for someone's company obviously"

" well, that person can't be me in any way "

I laughed as we headed to our seats. We kept bidding other members farewell as our time of departure had arrived, well, I was doing the bidding while Ace was stuffing his side-bag withas much snacks as it can contain until the jet arrived to pick us up.

" don't you ever get satisfied?"

I asked as he stuffed his face with another doughnut.

" nope! Besides, I need to eat more because I'll miss their food and snacks a lot"

He said with a full mouth. I rolled my eyes and took the glass containing red wine. It really was a celebration to be returning home in one piece.

" Mr Ace, miss Bella, Master Zain instructed us to deliver this gadgets to you as a parting gift from a master to his disciples "

The air hostess said as she handed us two black bags.

" thank you so much. Can you please relay our gratitude to Master Zain for us?"

" I would gladly do that miss Bella"

She replied as she left us alone. Inside the bags were two laptops, a few types of guns and daggers, two cellphones, two credit cards which I'm sure contains a huge some of amount in it , and some documents for license of both car &guns and for acquisition of a house under our names. Credit cards was also attached to it. My eyes nearly popped out as we emptied the bag.

" a...a house?!! He didn't have to buy a house for us! This is too much!"

" well, at least we have a place to keep our secrets safe right?"

He does have a point but....I know this is more than what we were meant to get. There was a note that was stucked to the laptops which read

' the house is my original gift to the both of you and I may or may not have added some cash to your accounts but rest at ease for the rest are from the organisation directly. Ace,make sure to keep Bella safe.

Master Zain '

Ace blinked a couple of times before speaking

" if he bought us a house and added money to our accounts, I can't imagine what he gifted his top notch No1, overall best disciple "

" I can't seem to imagine either!"

The rest of the flight was quite peaceful as we stared at the clouds and planned our future. Just kidding! We both after two minutes of staring at our gifts, well, cellphones to be precise.

" Mr Ace, miss Bella, we've arrived "

I opened my eyes lazily as I stared at my surrounding. I seemed to have been carried to the room by Ace and we both slapt together in our usual position. Ace was still sleeping without being bothered about the sound around him so I pinched his cheek harshly and said

" we're home sleepy log"

He immediately shot his eyes open and said

" you sure know how to make me suffer. Don't you know how to wake someone up nicely?"

" nope! Now get up and pack your bags, we're home"

He got up hastily as he heard what I said rushed to carry our bags. On getting out of the jet, we both breathed in some fresh air before exhaling loudly.

" the air smells nice and so refreshing!"

Ace held my hand, causing me to look at him before he spoke

" let's go home Bella "

I smiled widely and nodded before helping him with some of the bags as we headed to our final destination, home. Now we can start afresh and live the life we want and our families with us too.

We're now home. Yes, home sweet home

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