
The Beginning

*Dark*, That was his first thought when he woke up. He was confuse and his head was throbbing with pain. As he tried to touch his forehead with his right hand, but could not lift his arm at all. He look down towards his arms and tried to focus through the dark to see the outline of what was retaining him down.

The more he stared and focus on it, he started to see that he had some leather restraints on both his arms as well as his legs holding him down to a wooden chair. *What the hell is happening right now?!, where am I?* the boy thought to himself.

He started to struggled and move fraternally trying to free himself, but he no matter how much he struggled he could not even loosen the restraints.

"Help! someone help me please!" the boy scream at top of his lungs hoping someone would hear him. But his cries for help were met only with silence.

The boy began to panic and as well started to hyperventilate. He once again started to struggle against the restraints, trying with all his might to get out off the restraints. Once again with no luck he could not get himself free.

*Shit! shit! what hell should I do now?!, alright lets take a deep breath and think about this calmly.* The boy took a deep breath in and hold it for a seconds then let it out, calming himself down a bit. He started to look around his surroundings to see what he could in the dark. The boy turn his head to see what kind of place he was in, but he could not see how big the room was because of the darkness. All he could he see was some sort of table that was close to his left-side. There some kind of tools on top of it but he could not make out what they were.

*OK, so still no clue on the where part . Lets figure out the why. Why am I here? The only reason that I could think of someone kidnapping me is because ... . I can't think of anything! OK, that's great. Just calm down for a sec ???. Why can't I remember my name?! What the hell is my name?!*

The boy was once again panicking. Not knowing what to do or even remember a single thing about his past. All he could was sit there and ask the same questions over and over again with no clue on what the answers could be. Until he fainted of the build up stress.