
The Hidden Protector

Vanguard, also known as Ethan, was born as a superhuman in a medieval world where magic prevailed. As the only superhuman in existence, he faced discrimination and animosity from others who practiced magic. Despite this, Vanguard grew up with loving parents who treated him well. However, his obsession with superheroes and the desire to become a hero caused criticism from friends and family who considered it childish and unrealistic. In an effort to prove himself and become stronger, Vanguard dedicated himself to intense training and physical exercise. However, he still felt inadequate and was frustrated by his perceived weakness. One day, while returning from school feeling upset and broken, Vanguard heard a cry for help. Determined to take the opportunity to become a hero, he confronted a thief who was stealing a woman's purse. Tragically, the thief reacted by shooting Vanguard, resulting in his death. The story ends with Vanguard's death and his readiness for reincarnation.

ASH1928 · Fantasie
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2 Chs


Hello everyone, my name is Vanguard, I know my name is quite displeasing but please bare with me. I am currently 17 and here is my weird story.

I was born as a superhuman, in a classic British-style medieval world, not proud of it but it's better than nothing.

You may think it's a good thing I have superhuman powers, but no hear me out. I am the first superhuman to exist here, and so many people aren't happy about my presence, and people don't seem to be happy when they feel my strength, because it feels like they just don't appreciate me.

Racism! If you know what I mean like we all know the continuous fights between a black and white person its endless, same goes here superhumans and magicians don't get along, well except for the fact I am the only superhuman. So how can a superhuman be born in a world where there is only magic, you may ask? Well, it's simple, a superhuman can be born when a couple, who uses magic only to enhance their strength can give birth to superhuman, but it's a very rare chance guess my parents got lucky.

"So let me begin my story"

My real name is Ethan, I was born in Tokyo, on the 5th of January.

My parents were kind and loving people, they treated me like I was some angel, but that didn't mean I became a spoiled brat, I showed my respect to them with all my heart, I used to help them around the house and also I attended my school honestly.

Life was fun till I got an obsession with becoming a hero, every day I used to wear a cape, and pretend I am Superman flying around the world, saving lives and upholding justice in the American way.

As I grew up, so did my obsession, many people including my friends and family started criticizing me, that how childish it is that I only think of superheroes, they said there just fictional characters.

Which made me very angry they just don't realize, what they were talking about there just jealous of me.

Because, I am stronger, smarter, and better than them.

So I started training, so I can become unstoppable I tried benching heavy weights, I tried doing exercises that sharpen your mentality, and also makes you mentally stable, even after all that it still wasn't enough.

So I was coming from school mad about being weak, and not strong enough to be a hero, I was in tears and I was also broken badly.

Till suddenly I heard a scream.

"PLEASE! Somebody stop him"

I saw that as an opportunity and a first step in my hero journey, as I looked I saw a man stealing a woman's purse, he was running with great speed. I decided to interfere and stand in front of him, I was over-excited to stop my first crime, till he pull out a gun and shot me, and then I was dead and was ready for reincarnation.

So as I lost blood, and my vision was becoming blurry, I thought to myself how useless I was against a gun. But who cares I will at least die knowing I died fighting for what's right.

So boom, my vision is completely dark, and I can't see anything, till I notice my vision coming back slowly, as I open my eyes a lot of light shines into my eyes at once, blinding me badly.

Till I hear a woman speaking.

"Oh my god he is so adorable"

"He looks just like his father"

As my vision cleared, I saw a man and a woman staring at me smiling, which was awkward.

The woman spoke in a soft but charming voice, aww he has my eyes that are so cute what should we name him?

The man replied in a happy voice, oh dear I think Ethan is a perfect name, the woman replied that is perfect. Ethan, it is.

I was confused and had no idea where I was but I tried to play it cool, by pretending to cry, cause that seemed a logical option.

Till the woman spoke oh my he's hungry, and gave me milk and I didn't appreciate the natural process of drinking milk.

So as I grew up a bit, I learned to crawl I started by crawling around the house, and was eager to explore this new world, but the problem is my parents would chase me around the house, making sure I didn't go anywhere dangerous.

I was strictly supervised, can't blame them that's what parents do, watch over their children, and protect them from harm.

So now I was given a choice either, I become the main character of this story or the background character. The background character sounded better because I hate attention because it makes me feel weird, disturbed, and uncomfortable.

So one day my dad lifted me up and said, Son today I will teach you how to do magic. even though was young but still okay he took me outside and my mom waved goodbye, as we reached the destination, My dad placed an apple on a rock, and stood in a position, and pointed his fingers forward, and his finger fired a small beam making a whole in the apple.

Which was quite interesting to see, I had never seen magic in real life it felt like I was in a fantasy world. I laughed from excitement and my father noticed it, so he did some other tricks, like making flame with his hands, and trying to make it rain I enjoyed each moment.

It felt like everything, I wanted was here in front of me which was awesome and also good.

I wanted to learn magic very badly, but before that, I had a long way to go, and I was ready for it no matter what would happen I will be a hero at all costs.

But let us enjoy the normal life first, and then jump into future decisions.

So I don't know what's next, I guess school is the only place left and I am excited. I wonder what school has to offer, especially in a world like this if you know what I mean.

well, I hope there are good-looking women because I am interested in some especially when I hit puberty.