
The Hidden One in Legend of Korra

Kang, a nonbender, has disgraced his parents and wasn't ready to face them, but as he tries to repair the relationship with them, little did he know that he was going to have to help the Avatar in maintaining balance to the world.

masterchief2285 · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Falling of a City

Kang was sleeping in his bed as Asami sat by his side. She already saw Mako hold the unconscious Korra's hand and didn't want to see anymore.

Asami heaved a sigh as she simply moved a strand out of Kang's face and placed a hand on his cheek. She soon leaned in and kissed him on the forehead as Lin arrived to sit next to Asami.

Tenzin went to his bedroom to see Pema and his kids sleeping in the bed. He soon sat by their side which led to Jinora waking up.

"Daddy, you're home," Jinora said, "we waited for you. Is Korra okay, is Kang back?"

Everyone else started to wake up as Tenzin grabbed the waking up Ikki.

"Yes she's fine, sweetie," Tenzin said, "and your brother is back, but… he's still recovering from some injuries."

"What happened?" Pema asked.

"Tarrlok sold him out to the Agni Kais," Tenzin explained, "he needed Kang out of the picture and he knew that the Agni Kais wanted revenge after Dao, so he…"

He stopped talking as he didn't want to say more and Pema sat up and held him, leading the other children to follow their mother.

Kang woke up and saw that Asami had her head on the bed with her hand holding his. He looked at his body and saw that it was properly bandaged and most of his wounds were healed. He soon put a hand on Asami's back.

"Hey," Kang said in a gentle tone, "wake up."

Asami started to slowly wake up and her eyes widened as she saw Kang smiling like there's no tomorrow. She soon tackled him in a hug which led to Kang wrapping his arms around her back.

"You're awake," Asami said, her voice breaking as she continued to hold him.

"Hey," Kang said, "I don't die easily."

The door slid open with Lin and Tenzin arriving to see their awoken son.

Kang shifted and started to get out of bed as Asami helped him up. She helped Kang walk to his parents as he stood up straight and looked at his parents. Lin and Tenzin lunged forward to hug their son and he said nothing as he hugged them back.

"Thanks," Kang said, "for saving me, Mom, Dad."

"Don't worry about it, kiddo," Lin said, "we're your parents."

"And we'll be here for you, we won't fail again," Tenzin said, "we promise."


Kang and his parents separated as he walked past them to see his younger siblings who jumped up to hug him. He hugged them back as he rubbed their backs, reassuring them that he was indeed back home.

"We were so scared," Jinora said.

"Don't scare us like that again," Ikki said, "we thought we would never see you again!"

"Sorry to scare you like that, kids," Kang said.

Kang and Korra were just chowing down on the food they received. Kang wore his white robes as his black ones were probably gone.

"Thanks for the food, Pema," Kang said, "after being tortured by Triad Members for almost 24 hours, you start to grow an appetite."

"I'm just glad you two are home safe," Pema said as she got up. She soon started to grab dishes and Asami got up to help Pema.

"Korra I know that you and Kang went through a lot," Tenzin said, "but I need to know everything that happened on your end."

"Yeah I agree," Kang said, "your predicament is more severe than mine. I was captured due to a personal vendetta."

"Well…" Korra started, "First off Tarrlok isn't who he said he is. He's Yakone's son."

Kang, Lin, and Tenzin's eyes and mouths were wide of Korra's revelation.

"It all makes sense now," Lin said, "that's how Tarrlok was able to bloodbend us on a full moon."

"But how did you escape?" Tenzin asked, "And where's Tarrlok?"

Korra looked down in fear, "Amon captured him and took his bending."

"What?" Tenzin was shocked.

"What happened?" Kang asked.

"He showed up out of nowhere," Korra said, "he almost got me too."

"It's annoying for me," Kang said with a hint of rage in his voice, "I have a deal to settle with Tarrlok for handing me over to the Agni Kai."

"Now is not the time for your murderous vendetta, Kang," Tenzin said firmly, "Amon is becoming emboldened. Taking out a Councilman."

"A crooked one," Kang interjected.

"Capturing the avatar," Tenzin ignored his eldest son's remark, "Amon is entering his endgame."

Kang got up and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Tenzin asked Kang.

"To train," Kang said.

"But you haven't recovered yet," Lin said.

"Doesn't matter," Kang said as he started to walk off.


Pema and Asami were washing the dishes in the kitchen.

"When was the last time you visited?" Pema asked.

"It's been years," Asami said, "I do love this place, it was more comfortable than my father's place."

Before Pema could speak, she felt a pain within her womb.

"Pema are you alright?" Asami asked.

"The baby is kicking really hard," Pema said, "that's all. I'll be fine."

"Should I get Tenzin?" Asami asked.

Pema shook her head, "No reason to worry him. It's nothing, you'll experience it one day."

"What do you mean?" Asami asked.

"I see the way you look at Kang," Pema said.

Up to then she was about to speak in protest, but Mako came in the room with a teapot.

"May I get some water, please? Korra needs more tea," Mako said.

"YOU'RE a Firebender. Boil it yourself," Asami said, washing dishes in a bitter tone, making the Firebender confused.

"I'm… gonna step out in case you kids want to talk." Pema said walking out while having a worried expression.

"Is there something we need to talk about?" Mako asked and Asami gave him a stern look.

"I've noticed how you've been treating Korra. How you acted when she was missing," Asami said, dropping the plates and washcloth into the sink, "You have feelings for her, don't you?" Asami asked.

"What? No! She was taken by a crazy Bloodbender! How did you expect me to act?" Mako asked.

"Don't get me wrong, I like Korra and I'm grateful for her and Kang's generosity, but you've been keeping the truth from me this whole time," Asami said.

"The truth? About what?" Mako asked.

"You're seriously going to make me say it?" Asami asked.

"Yes! Because I don't know what you're talking about!" Mako said.

"The kiss, Mako. I know," Asami said, making Mako shocked.

"I… well… I… Bolin told you, didn't he?" Mako asked.

"Don't blame your brother for what you did! Do you have feelings for Korra or not?" Asami asked in an angry tone.

"Look, things are crazy right now. Can we deal with our relationship problems later?" Mako asked, placing his hand on the heiress' shoulder who angrily swatted it away.

"Well, there might not be any relationship to worry about later." Asami said walking off.

"Asami!" Mako called but groaned in anger as she's now gone.


A shirtless and sweaty Kang was in his bedroom practicing his hand-to-hand combat, but as the door knocked, he cleaned himself up and put on his white robes.

By the time he opened the door, he was surprised to see Asami who looked heartbroken and sad.

"Hey Asami," Kang said, "What's going on?"

Asami said nothing and just hugged him tightly, crying in his chest. Kang said nothing back and hugged her back, rubbing her head trying to calm her down.

After a few minutes of Asami wailing, the two separated. Kang put a hand on her cheek, cleaning her tears.

"Do you need anything?" Kang asked.

Asami hugged him, "Just… don't leave, please."

Kang held her close, and put a chin on her head. Comforting her as he just heaved a sigh.


Soon Tenzin came in, leading to Asami and Kang separating from their embrace, but not letting go.

"Sorry to interrupt," Tenzin said, "but I need Kang."

Kang looked at Asami who gave him an understanding nod.

"I'll be back," Kang said, "I promise."

"I know you will," Asami said as Kang joined his Father.


"So you need me to come with you to the city," Kang said, "and contact the Hidden Ones?"

"Yes," Tenzin said, "with everything that's happening, I will give you full authority to contact Grandmaster Sakai and bring as many men as we can. Although your grandfather and Fire Lord Zuko drove them out due to their methods, we need all the help we can get and with everything that's on the line, the United Forces won't be enough. At this point I am willing to bring in any help to save Republic City."

Kang nodded as Lin soon came out and approached Tenzin and Kang.

"You wanted to see me?" Lin asked.

"Lin, um… I-I need to ask you a favor. It would mean the world to me…but I-I know it could be a potentially awkward situation; furthermore…" Tenzin was cut off.

"Just spit it out already!" Lin said impatiently.

Kang started to snort as he missed seeing his Mom and Dad squabble like this.

"Will you stay and watch over Pema and the children while our son and I meet with the council? With everything that has happened lately, I want to be sure my family is in safe hands," Tenzin said.

Lin smiled, knowing how much this meant to Tenzin as she was a parent as well, "Of course I'll help, old friend," Lin said, placing her hand on Tenzin's shoulder.

"I didn't realize you three were OUT here," A voice said and they saw Pema holding Meelo.

"Pema, yes. Lin has agreed to help out around here and keep an eye on things while I'm away," Tenzin said.

"Thank you! I could use the extra pair of hands. Would you mind giving Meelo a bath? He's filthy." Pema said giving the youngest Airbender to Lin who is reluctant while Meelo sticks his tongue out and blows a raspberry. If Lin had to compare Meelo to Kang at age five, the differences in their personalities were night and day.

"This is not what I signed up for!" Lin yelled at Tenzin while holding Meelo away from her.

"Thank you, Lin!" Tenzin called while he and Kang were mounting on Oogi who flew off.

"I gotta poop! Really bad!" Meelo said, making Lin quickly metalbend a cable around him to avoid touching him while making a disgusted face and walking off.


Tenzin and Kang landed onto the roof of city hall and jumped off Oogi. The two walked around the dome where several workers are cleaning glass windows and they nod as Tenzin and Kang walked by but the two stop as they heard electricity fizzing and ducked a surprise attack as an electric disk flies over their head and spins around to see another electric disk coming at them but it misses as they landed on their feet as the workers take out electric gloves and bolas revealing they are Equalists.

Two Equalists attack Tenzin who dodges and Airbends himself into the air with an air spout sending the Equalists flying backwards against the concrete wall by a gust of wind but they hold onto their bolas as they are trapped by Tenzin's powerful wind making them release their grip and are sent flying onto a nearby rooftop and Tenzin lands back on the ground.

One Equalists tried to fight Kang but was stopped as his electric glove exploded from the shuriken. The explosion was so strong that it made the Equalist unconscious.

Just then the door opens revealing the page who comes running for the Airbender.

"Ah, I'm so relieved to see you!" The page said.

"The other council members. Are they alright?" Tenzin asked.

"I'm afraid not. Just received word from Chief Saikhan. They've all been captured." The page said, making Tenzin and Kang shocked.


"This can't be happening," Tenzin said.

"The leadership of Republic City is in your hands now." The page said holding his hand out to Tenzin but then they hear a sound of explosions nearby and run at the edge to see bombs falling onto the city from airships. "Oh, this is a tragic day!" The page said.

"We need to get to the Police Station, now!" Kang said. Tenzin nodded as the two ran off.

Outside Lin, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, and White Lotus sentries see Equalist airships flying over the city.

"Alright, kids, time to go inside." Lin said and the kids did what she said as Korra, Mako, Asami, and Bolin came running out.

"We heard explosions. What's going on?" Korra asked now, wearing her parka.

"Republic City is under attack," Lin said, making them shocked.

"Kang's still there," Asami said, "let's go to the bison caves."

The Mako, Korra, and Bolin followed Asami to the caves where the skybison slept and found Kujo who had a lavish saddle.

Korra, Mako, and Bolin got on as Asami got on Kujo's head and manned the reins.

"Kujo," Asami said while snapping the reins, "yip-yip!"

Meanwhile at an airship Hiroshi was looking at a photo of him, his wife, and Asami as a child. He later pulled out another photo and looked at a pre-teen Asami and a pre-teen Kang in formal attire as if they were at some formal event. He later tucked them away in his jacket pocket and joined Amon who was watching the city from the windows at the front of the airship.

"I've dreamed of this day for so long." Hiroshi said.

"Yes, the time has come for the Equalists to claim Republic City as their own." Amon said and they looked down at the city.


Meanwhile from across the bay of Republic City as smoke rises and sirens are going off while explosions are occurring again the gang arrive at the docks and get off the bison who flew off to, back to the island.

"Where did you say you parked the car?" Asami asked.

"It's right around here somewhere. There it is!" Korra said pointing at the parked car which hit a lamppost causing a dent and it's over the sidewalk.

"Wow, nice parking job," Asami said sarcastically.

"Hey, you guys were arrested and left me alone in the car. I made it very clear; I don't know how to drive," Korra said.

"All things considered, you did a great job. How are we gonna pay for all these parking tickets?" Bolin asked, removing the tickets from the windshield but Mako took them, crumpled them up, and then burned them with his fire, making the younger brother gasp.

"Relax, the city's under attack. The police have more important things to worry about," Mako said.

Asami takes her electric glove from the trunk of the car and puts it in her right hand.

"This should come in handy," Asami said.

Everyone gets in the car and Mako is about to sit in the front seat next to Asami who glares at the Firebender.

"Why don't you sit in the back, next to Korra?" Asami suggested bitterly.

"I think I will," Mako said in the same bitter tone and sat at the back while Bolin sat in the front next to Asami.

"Is everything okay?" Korra asked.

"Yeah, everything's terrific," Mako said sarcastically and bitterly.


At the police headquarters in the control room Saikhan is in the control room.

"Chief! Air unit seven was just taken out by an Equalist airship. They crashed into the harbor," A telegraph operator informed me.

"Send a river rescue unit!" Saikhan ordered.

"Chief, all the river rescue ships have been sabotaged!" A female operator informed me.

"What?!" Saikhan asked, shocked.

Just then Tenzin and Kang arrived in the control room.

"Chief Saikhan," Tenzin said.

"Tenzin, am I glad to see you. I was afraid you'd been captured too," Saikhan said.

"I'm the only council member left. What's the status?" Tenzin asked.

"Amon has launched simultaneous attacks across the boroughs. The police are trying to regain control, but we're spread too thin," Saikhan said.

"I need to send two wires," Tenzin said.

"To whom?" Saikhan asked.

"To General of the United Forces and the Grandmaster of the Hidden Ones," Tenzin said.

"The Hidden Ones?" Saikhan said in shock and uncertainty, he looked beside Tenzin at the now hooded and oni-masked Kang who had his arms crossed.

"Alright, but I don't know their frequency," Saikhan said.

"Well thank the spirits I'm here," Kang said while going to the telegraph.

One of the operators moved out of the way for Kang to use the machine. After a few moments, Kang got up and approached Tenzin, "Father, I sent the wire to Grandmaster Sakai."

"I sent another one to the General," an operator said.

"Chief, the phone lines just went dead!" The female operator said, making Tenzin, Kang, and Saikhan shocked and just then an alarm goes off and the power goes out silencing the alarm. Kang extended his hidden blade and unsheathed his katana as power went out, silencing the alarm.

Saikhan turns on a flashlight and gives one to Tenzin and they search the room and Tenzin sees smoke coming out from a vent.

"Saikhan, the vents," Tenzin said and Saikhan Metalbends the vents shut as people in the room are coughing, "We need to evacuate immediately. Everyone, stay close to me," Tenzin said as the hallways were filled with smoke but Tenzin created an air dome around him, Saikhan, Kang, and the workers. They later reach outside and as Tenzin stops his Airbending, the mecha tanks arrive, "Not these mecha tanks again!" Tenzin said.

The mecha tanks hold up magnetic arms and pull the Metalbenders' uniforms and two Metalbenders are caught with the magnets but Tenzin tries to save Saikhan from being pulled with an air current but Saikhan gets captured as well.

Three mecha tanks deposit the uniforms into a truck while another mecha tank fires a pincer cable at Tenzin who Airbends at the cable and it wraps around the mecha tank. Two mecha tanks fire at Kang who dodges them with some advanced acrobatics. A mecha tank charges a pincer cable knocking the Airbender against a wall but Tenzin uses his air wheel to break the fall but he finds the trucks holding the metal cops and Saikhan driving away.

"Saikhan, no!" Tenzin said and then looks up to see a burning police airship falling from behind a building and also sees telegraph operators being captured by Equalists on city hall steps and Tenzin's vision starts to become blurry as a mecha tank gets close to him. Kang stood in front of his Father with his Katana out and hidden blade extended.

All hope was lost, but he heard a satomobile and the noise grew as he looked ahead and saw Asami and the rest of the crew rescue them.

In an airship Hiroshi watches the fight via telescope and is disgusted.

"Tenzin has escaped once again. I can't stand to see Asami fighting alongside those… benders!" Hiroshi said, but he later looked to see the son of Tenzin protecting Asami and his expression softened. 'At least Kang is protecting her.'

"You will have your daughter back." Amon said.

"What about Kang?" Hiroshi said.

"As promised, he won't be harmed," Amon said, "but once his family is purified, he can live a peaceful life with you and your daughter."

The mecha tanks are finally defeated and they are broken down.

"I dunno about you, but I dig this Team Avatar power!" Bolin said.

"Are you two alright?" Korra asked Kang and Tenzin.

"We;re fine now thanks to you kids. Another moment later, and I would have been on my way to Amon," Tenzin said.

"And I probably would've been killed," Kang said.

"Uh, guys… look." Mako said pointing at Air Temple Island and there are Equalists airships heading for it.

"Oh, no…" Tenzin said horrified.

"Shit…" Kang said, sharing his father's expression.


The lieutenant hatches open the door of the airship and he and a group of chi-blockers look down as a metal hook and a cable fire from above their heads and attach to the temple's stone steps and chi-blockers use harnesses to slide down the cable to the island and White Lotus sentries guarding the island charge forward to confront them.

Meanwhile Lin sees airships and prepares herself to fight the Equalists and Pema, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo stand with her.

"Everyone, hide inside and remain calm," Lin said but then Pema started screaming in pain. Lin saw that Pema was holding to her womb and looked at the acolytes.

"Get her to bed!" Lin said, "She's going into labor and could give birth at any moment!"

The Air Acolytes nodded as they led her inside.

The White Lotus sentries watch as chi-blockers run up the steps and they start bending at them with their own elements as a cable from a second airship buries itself in the steps below them and more chi-blockers swing down and follow the lieutenant as Lin stands ready.

The lieutenant and a group of chi-blockers race up the steps and charge at Lin who uses her cables to take down two chi-blockers before grabbing another one with the cable but then an Equalist runs up to her but she intercepts with an earth column and then bends out another earth column and shoots it to an Equalist's face and then Lin slams the ground creating three earth columns sending the Equalists into the air.

Meanwhile Pema is in bed as an Air Acolyte puts a cloth on her forehead.

"The children, where are they?" Pema asked.

"Don't worry. They're in the other room, totally safe," A female Air Acolyte said.

Back outside Lin is fighting the lieutenant who intercepts her cables with his batons and sends a current through them to knock her over and the lieutenant stands over her and raises his electric kali stick.

"Stay away from my big brother's mom!" Jinora yelled from behind while flying with her glider and then used it to blow wind at the lieutenant away over a nearby roof.

"Jinora, you shouldn't be here!" Lin said.

Just then Ikki arrives on her air scooter and knocks several Equalists over.

"Get off our island!" Ikki yelled, knocking more Equalists and joined Jinora and Lin.

"Girls, you need to get back inside THIS instant!" Lin yelled, her motherly tone was rusty as she hadn't used it in years.

Just then Meelo jumps down from the roof.

"Taste my fury!" Meelo yelled, farting on an Equalist's face knocking him out.

"Meelo, be careful!" Lin called but Meelo sends three air blasts from his hands and rear and then makes a small air shield around himself to send remaining Equalists flying and makes an awkward face. "Never mind," Lin said.

Later the Equalists are bound in a row in front of Lin, the Air children, and the White Lotus sentries.

"Take these Equalists and lock them in the temple's basement!" Lin ordered and the White Lotus obeyed. "Nice work, kids." Lin said.

Just then Oogi comes down to the courtyard.

"Dad!" Jinora cheered as Oogi lands and they get off the bison.

"Oh, thank goodness you're alright!" Tenzin said, hugging his children.

"We caught the bad guys," Meelo said, climbing onto Tenzin's shoulder and pulling on his father's head.

"You let them fight?! Do you realize what could have happened?" Tenzin asked.

"I would have been toast if it weren't for your kids. You should be proud. Like with our son, you taught them well," Lin said and Tenzin smiled at his children who smiled back. "Go on, be with your wife," Lin said.

When Tenzin ran off, Kang and the Krew were riding on Kujo as he came down.

"Kang!" The three younger siblings of the nonbender hugged Kang as he landed down.

"I'm glad you guys are okay!" Kang said as he hugged his siblings.

"You four may want to see Pema," Lin said, "you may have a new sibling."

Tenzin ran down the hall when he heard crying.

"Pema!" Tenzin says and arrives at the room where he finds Pema holding a newborn baby.

"Tenzin," Pema said.

"I'm here, Pema," Tenzin said, sitting next to his wife.

"Our new son," Pema said, handing the baby boy to Tenzin who carries him.

"Hello," Tenzin said and Kang, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo peer into the room. "Come, meet your new brother," Tenzin said.

"A brother? Well, it's about time," Meelo said.

"I'm here, you know?" Kang said to Meelo.

"Welcome! I'm Ikki, and this is Jinora and Meelo. This big guy is your big big brother Kang!" Ikki pulled Kang closer to them, "He is the most awesome big brother we all could ever ask for! We have a super great family and we're so happy that you're a part of it."

"What're you gonna name him? Can I pick?" Jinora asked.

"We already chose a name." Pema said.

"Rohan." Tenzin said. He later looked to his eldest son with a smile and handed Kang the baby. Kang looked at Rohan as the baby smiled.

"Hey little guy, I'm Kang, your big big brother," he said, "and this is Asami."

He looked to Asami who was next to him and her heart melted as she went closer to Kang and his new baby brother. Lin looked at the two and smiled, thinking that if they hadn't broken up, they would make a great couple and would have an amazing family.

Kang later looked at Lin who rubbed his hair gently as she remembered those memorable times when he was so young.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt, but... more air ships are coming." Korra said in sadness.

"Everything's not going to be fine, is it Kang?" Ikki asked in a sad tone.

Kang said nothing as he handed his newborn baby brother back to Tenzin.

Everyone exits outside to see more airships heading their way.

"What do you want to do, Tenzin?" Korra asked in worry.

Tenzin sighed heavily, "I need to protect my family and get them as far away from this conflict as possible." He said as he looked at Lin and Kang, "If Amon got his hands on your brothers and sisters... I hate to even think of it."

"If you're leaving, then I'm going with you." Lin said.

"But-" Tenzin tried to argue, but Lin cut him off.

"No arguments, you and Kang's siblings are the last air benders. There's no way in the world I'm letting Amon take your bending away." She stated in defiance.

"Thank you Lin." Tenzin said as he turned to Korra.

"Korra, I want you and the rest to leave the island and hide for the time being." Tenzin said.

"I'm not giving up." Korra argued

"I'm not asking you to. I have sent word to the United Forces. And Kang sent word to the Hidden Ones as well. They will be here soon and once my family is safe, I will return. With the reinforcements we can turn the tide in this war." Tenzin reasoned.

"What you're saying is... we need to be patient." Korra said in a dejected tone.

The monk rested a hand on her shoulder, "You're learning well." He said

Korra gave him a small smile as they prepared to leave.

Korra hugged Tenzin while he returned it.

"Stay safe Korra."

"You too." She said back.

After that, Tenzin approached Lin and Kang who was giving the woman his bison.

"Mom, I'm serious," Kang said, "you can have Kujo."

"Are you sure?" Lin asked with uncertainty.

"Positive," Kang said.

Tenzin, Kang, and Lin got into a group hug, "Stay safe for us," Lin said.

"Right back at atcha," Kang said.

Lin and Tenzin later looked at their son with a smile.

"We love you, son," Tenzin said.

"Love you guys too," Kang said back, smiling at his parents.

Lin and Tenzin let go of their son and went on to the bison with Lin getting on Kujo.

"Oogi, yip-yip," Tenzin said and the bison took off with the air acolytes on another bison.

"Kujo, yip," Lin said, making her son's bison fly off as well.

Airships started to follow the flying bison, but one remained behind.

Chi-blockers jumped down the railing cable attached to the island and the White Lotus Sentries guarded Korra and the rest.

"Go, we'll hold them off." One of them ordered and the group started to run.

"Guys climb on." Korra said as Mako, Bolin, Kang, and Asami jumped onto Naga.

"Mustache guy!" Bolin exclaimed as the Lieutenant came sliding down the mountain side.

Naga jumped into the air as the Lieutenant did and batted him away with one of her paws as he fell down the cliff and into a tree.

'Oh shit,' Kang thought, "that had to hurt." Kang cringed as he saw the Lieutenant falling.

"Nice one Naga," Korra complimented her companion.

They jumped into the water and Koda and his riders followed as they latched onto Naga's saddle and Korra water bent an air bubble around them as they headed for land.


Tenzin and his family are flying away but then an Equalist airship comes and attacks and shoots a giant net at Oogi but Lin and Kujo flew behind them and metalbends her cable to destroy the net and then wraps her cable around the rope and then looks at the family with sad eyes as they look at the airship with fear.

She later looked at Kujo and petted him, "Stay with Tenzin, okay?"

Her son's bison roared and she later looked to Tenzin and his family.

"Whatever happens to me, don't turn back!" Lin yelled. She later looks at Tenzin one last time with a sad smile, "Tell our son I love him."

"Lin, what are you doing?!" Tenzin asks but Lin jumps off Kujo and reels herself up and lands on the airship.

Lin starts ripping off a large section of the airship's metal skin and an explosion occurs and the ship starts falling into a harbor below but Lin catapults herself to the next airship and starts ripping apart the airship but then Equalists come and wrap their bolas around her and she is electrocuted and is now unconscious and the family look back shocked.

"Kang's mom is my hero," Meelo said in admiration.

"Yes, she is," Tenzin said sadly as Oogi kept flying with Kujo following behind.


It was raining heavily as Lin was brought in front of Amon after she had been captured while taking down an Equalist airship.

She looked ragged as she looked up to see Amon looking down at her like he was about to pass judgment.

"Tell me where the Avatar is and I'll let you keep your bending while leaving your son out of it,." he said.

"I won't tell you anything you monster," Lin answered with a sneer.

"Very well then, you've made your choice." Amon said as he walked behind her and held her head as he pressed his thumb to her forehead.

Lin closed her eyes as Amon took her bending.

Kang looked as the Air Temple Island was taken over. He started to ball his fists into anger as what his Grandfather had created was going to be misused. Asami noticed this and held his hand.

"C'mon," Asami said, "we have to go."

Kang nodded and started to walk into the sewers, but not without taking a good look at the island as he saw it getting taken over.


At the high seas there was a ship formation and the one leading it contained a cultured looking man in a red military uniform standing at the top of the leading ship.

"General, I just received a wire from the Avatar," the wire operator said, "The Avatar said Amon and his forces have gained control of the city. How do you wish to respond?"

"Tell them we will be arriving in three days' time and I look forward to winning back Republic City... together." The man commented.

"As you wish General Iroh," The soldier said, saluting.


In the Hidden Ones headquarters, Grandmaster Jin Sakai was in his studies as a wire operator came inside.

"Grandmaster," he said, "I got a wire from Mentor Beifong. He said Amon and his forces have gained control of the city and needs assistance. He mentioned that Councilman Tenzin sanctioned us to arrive."

Jin stood up as he exited his quarters, "Gather the men, we're heading to Republic City."


A/N: The Hidden Ones are returning to Republic City! Let's give them a warm welcome back as they will need the motivation to take down Amon with the United Forces.