
The Hidden Disciple

Samuel Lestrange was trained to kill from an early age, raised to be a Death Eater, the perfect pureblood. Kept hidden for most of his younger life because of who his mother and father are. However, when Samuel turns eleven, he comes out of hiding and makes his debut in the magical world. What will happen to Samuel, when, against expectations, he is sorted into Gryffindor? AU!

TheRealestWangLin · Bücher und Literatur
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12 Chs

Ch. 10


(Ron Weasley Pov)


Ron, Harry, and Alyssum sat in Hagrid's hut; a fire was roaring, and a large old black dog named Fang lie in front of the fireplace.

Ron looked over and saw Harry and Alyssum's smiling faces as they happily explained to Hagrid how Harry was going to be the youngest seeker in a century!

"Blimey Harry, I knew you were good but I didn't expect you to already end up on the team!" Ron exclaimed

Harry had a triumphant smile on his face as looked back at Ron.

"Well done A'rry, Well done! I fig'red twas only a matter of time it's in yer blood eh A'rry!" Hagrid exclaimed

"Thanks, Hagrid! Now all we have to do is figure out how we can get Ron on the team!" Harry replied with a smile on his face.

Ally snorted in response.

"Oi, what's so bloody funny! You don't think I could make the team?" Ron said in an annoyed tone as he glared at Ally.

Ally just rolled her eyes and flashed a demure smile his way.

Suddenly Fang stood at attention and began barking loudly. He ran over to the door and began pawing at it trying to get out.

The three of them all shot each other confused looks as Hagrid quickly yelled, "Fang hold yer horse, I'm comin, I'm comin!"

Hagrid slowly got up, as he rose to his full height towering over everyone in the room, and quickly stomped through the small hut to the door to let Fang out.

Maybe there is something out there, Something from the forest!

"D-do you think it could be something from the forest?" Ron asked, his voice tinged with worry.

"Not likely boy it's rare fer sumfin to make its way up 'ere" Hagrid said as he stepped out of the house to follow fang.

Harry, Ron, and Ally followed each with worried expressions on their faces. Gripping their wands for protection.

When they got out Ron saw two Slytherin boys, one dark skinned and one with platinum blonde hair, struggling to carry what looked to be that idiot Goyle onto the bridge. They were followed by another large student who seemed to be clutching his face trying to make it up the hill onto the bridge.

Ron looked back and saw Hagrid standing over something, stroking his beard, while Fang licked something on the ground.

Ron quickly ran to catch up to Hagrid; Ally and Harry followed close behind him.

Quickly, a figure sprawled out on the ground, blood pouring from his nose, came into view.

"Bloody-Hell, they did a number on him!" Ron exclaimed

When Ally saw who it was and gasped.

"It's Sam!" She said

(Samuel Lestrange Pov)

Samuel stood in the dark, clutching his bleeding nose. He knew his nose was broken, but for some reason, there was no pain. All he could see for miles was endless darkness. He reached out, trying to grasp at anything, anything at all. He couldn't tell which way was up and which way was down, he knew he was standing, but the ground he was on felt like it was moving under him. All he felt in the darkness was a sense of complete loneliness and dread. Suddenly a pale light appeared in the distance casting just enough light for him to see a few feet in front of him. He blinked, and standing before him was his mother. As beautiful as every picture he had ever seen of her. Her dark curly hair, glowing pale skin, and cold smirk could be seen under the pale light. Sam looked down, and saw he was completely naked, bright red blood poured out of his nose covering his face and running down his chest. For the first time he noticed how the blood felt, instead of it being warm it was ice cold as it dripped from his nose onto the strange black floor under him. He looked back up at his mother and let out a warm smile through the blood coating his face. He watched as a concerned but loving look flashed across his mother's face.

"Oh baby what happened." She said in a pure voice that reverberated within his mind. For a second he lost himself in the voice that he longed to hear for so long.

He opened his mouth to reply, as tears began falling from the young boy's face, however no words were able to escape.

He felt something grab his ankles holding him in place, he felt anxiety wash over him as he struggled to move his feet. As he struggled the beautiful figure of his mother began walking closer to him. Each step she took, she began to wither. Her skin wrinkled and peeled exposing the muscles under her beautiful white skin. She continued forward, maggots began crawling out of her eyes and mouth as black blood began leaking from her nose. She let out a twisted smile and hideous smile. Sam felt dread being forced to watch this, he tried to shut his eyes, but felt a very strong hand pry his eyelids open. He watched as she continued to wither and decay into a hideous abomination.

"Baby what are you doing, come to mommy." She said as she burst into the same insane laughter he heard when he visited her in azkaban.

Soon she was before him, a noxious stench emanated from her body, the cent of rot and pieces of her flesh and face fell from her body.

Sam wanted to cry, wanted to scream. He struggled against the force holding him down, but there was nothing he could do. He felt hopeless, his heart was beating out of his chest. He couldn't breathe, any moment now he felt like he would drop dead from the feeling.


His heart was beating so fast, he was hyperventilating, the taste of rot filled his mouth. The skin on his mothers cheeks melted off and he saw two rows of teeth staring back at him.

"Come be with mommy, it's what you've always wanted isn't it?" She said in a hideous voice, as she slowly reached out and slid her decaying and withered hands around his neck. She clamped down, and Sam struggled to breathe.

Bellatrix began laughing that insane laugh as her left eye melted into a pool of black blood that dripped down her face.

Then everything went black.


Sam groaned as light filled his eyes, revealing to him the roof of a wooden hut. Sam shot up and came face to face with the most massive man he had ever seen. He had to be at least eleven feet tall, a large fuzzy black beard covered his face and touched his chest. He had long dark hair and a concerned look on his face.

"Yeh Alright der boy!" Hagrid said

When he spoke Sam remembered the man leading the first years when they all got off the train.

"Dang son, looks to meh like ya took a right good beatin out ter. Ruddy kids, awful luck that is." Hagrid said

Sam tasted copper in his mouth, the dried blood covering his face was sticky. His jaw was sore, he couldn't think clearly. Everything thought moving sluggishly, as if it were covered in a fog. Sam looked down and noticed a girls hand covering his own.

"She's warm." he thought as he looked into her bright green eyes.

A wave of extreme nausea came over him, as he quickly flicked the girls hand off his wrist. Vomit filled his mouth as he shot up from his seated position, and quickly tried to run out of the hut. As soon as he stuck his head out of the door, he puked into the grass. A mixture of bright red blood and brown vomit flew from his mouth. He emptied his stomach, and began dry heaving painfully outside. He felt a large hand that took up most of his back gently pat him.

"Tis all right, get er all out son." Said the half-giant, his gentleness a stark contrast to the massive amount of power he had hidden within.

Sam, too tired to argue with the half breed or shove him away, merely nodded his head in a begrudging acceptance. He was at the mercy of half-breeds and blood traitors at the moment. His head was pounding, like he had just been thrashed by Greyback.

"Ugh, I hope I don't have to go back to the hospital wing." Sam said in a defeated manner

"Aye tis probably best we get ya back ter madam Pomfrey, what happened wit those ruddy snakes anyways?" Hagrid asked

Sam looked back at Hagrid, but then noticed Alyssum standing behind him with a worried expression on her face.

"Yeah Sam what happened?" She asked in a worried tone

Sam wasn't able to look away from her. He needed to get out of here, but he decided for once to maybe just tell the truth.

Perhaps I should just be honest.

Sam sighed and scratched the back of his pounding head, "W-well, because I ended up in Gryffindor, my friends… Well at least I thought they were, jumped me and accused me of being a blood-traitor."

Sam's eyes hit the floor, "I suppose I should have expected this from Crabbe and Goyle, but I never saw it happening with Draco. I thought we were brothers, I guess we weren't as close as I originally thought" Sam said, his eyes a little wet.

Ally placed her hand on his shoulder, looked him deep in the eyes, and said "I'm sorry you are having to go through all this Samuel. It isn't fair."

Harry and Ron looked at each other strangely as they watched Alyssum interact with Sam.

Sam gently reached up and pushed Alyssum's arm off him, and began to ignore her. "Hagrid, could you please help me to the hospital wing."

"Aye, Let me run and grab yer bag." Hagrid said as he disappeared into the hutt and came out with Sam's leather school bag.

"Alrigh, lets get goin, son." Hagrid said as he began walking away from the hutt.

Harry and Ron watched with a begrudging acceptance, as Sam hobbled behind the large man, covered in blood, unable to walk in a straight line as he climbed the hill.

The room of hidden things, I need to find it!