

Devon's thoughts spun as he ran home.

He was having second thoughts about intervening. It probably wasn't one of the best ideas, given that he'd been trying to keep his powers a secret.

Devon just hoped his mother wouldn't find out.

When he arrived at his house, there was a black SUV in the driveway.

He ran up to the door and rang the bell.

A few seconds later, his little brother, William opened the door and beamed up at him.

"Will, what's going on?" Devon hissed. "Who's here? Is mum alright?"

Will laughed. "Of course she is! We have some people who'd like to talk to you!"

Before Devon could protest, Will grabbed Devon's wrist and dragged him inside, closing the door behind him.

Will pulled him into the living room where two superheroes sat on the couch with Trevor sitting between them.

Devon tried his best not to stare too much. But Patrick and Victor White-the world's most adored supers-were in his house.

His mother was sitting on the opposite couch with a strained smile on her face.

"Hey, pizza boy!"

Patrick glared at his son. "Trevor, be nice. Hello Devon. It's nice to finally meet you." he held out his hand.

Devon shook it. "But what are you doing here?"

"We heard about your fight at the jewelry store. Are you interested in joining Legend?" Trevor leaned forward. "If you are I'd be happy to add you to my team."

Devon glanced at his mom. "Will it help my family?"

"Of course, son." Victor pulled a few sheets of paper from a bag at his side. "Your family will get many benefits including free housing. Everything on the house is paid off, so you won't have to worry about any bills. Your mother will need to fill out these forms and you're good to go."

Devon's mom covered her mouth. "You really don't have to!" she exclaimed.

"There's no need to be so flustered ma'am! You're making me blush!" Trevor held his hands over his heart.

Will giggled.

"So you guys are like a non-profit organization?" Devon plopped down next to his mom.

Patrick sighed. "Well, no, not exactly. We have a clean-up crew you can join. But it doesn't pay as much as your pizza job. Ten dollars an hour."

"Ooh! Can I join?" Will jumped around the room. "Can I? Can I? Can I?"

Patrick and Victor share a look.

"Alright." Victor sighs. "But only if your mother's alright with it."

Their mom nodded, and WIll whooped.

"Do you have any powers, Will?" Trevor asked.

Will's body was engulfed in flames, and he started juggling fireballs.

"Will!" Devon's mom doused him with the water from the pitcher.

Trevor grinned. "That's cool. I think my bud Elijah's going to like you."

"Devon, if I may ask. How did you get your powers?" Victor squinted his eyes. "I'll know if you lie."

Devon's mom blinked at him.

"I...I...uh had an accident with an outlet."

"And your power is speed and.." Victor trailed off, eyes still squinted.

Devon sighed and curved his hands in a circle leaving space between them. A small glowing ball appeared and started to get bigger, sending sparks into the air.

It made a soft humming sound and was gone.

"Woah!" Will sat next to him. "That was so cool! Do it again!"

Patrick cocked his head. "That's all you've been able to do with the electricity?"

Devon nodded.

"Hm. I'm sure with the proper training, you could do more." Victor shrugged and got to his feet. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Virginia. You can mail those papers to my address, and we'll get you set up."

Their mother nodded and led them to the door.

Trevor was staring at Devon with his arms folded.



Will looks between them and smirks at Devon. He turned his back on Trevor and drew a heart shape in the air.

"Go grab a snack, Will." Devon gritted through his teeth.

Will's dripping clothes left a trail as he skipped into the kitchen.

"Your brother is adorable." Trevor got to his feet. "You're lucky."

"Yeah, right. More like annoying."

Trevor chuckled. "Well, it was nice meeting you again."

When he left, Will came back into the room with a cookie in one hand and a glass of milk in the other.

Devon got to his feet and glared at him. "Why the heart symbol?"

"You really don't know?" Will says through a mouthful. "It'd be obvious to a blind man!"

Devon folds his arms.

"Oh come on, bro! He likes you!" he sips from his glass. "Wanna know how I know? He kept looking at you when you weren't paying attention. It looked like he was trying to impress you." Will licked his fingers.

"It sounds like you're jumping to conclusions." Devon snapped, marching into the kitchen.

Will followed and swallowed the rest of his drink. "And if I'm right, you owe me ten bucks." he place his glass in the sink and left.

"Ho-ly shit," India muttered. "You met Patrick and Victor White and didn't bother to get an autograph?!"

Devon pulled his backpack off his shoulder and pointed to the straps. "I didn't ask, they gave. I bet Will gave them my bag to sign!"

India was staring at him. "How come you never told me about your powers?" she punched him in the arm. "I'm your best friend!"

"Don't be mad India." Devon closed his locker. "Besides, I didn't even tell you the best part."

"What's that?"

Devon grinned and nodded behind her.

He knew she was a huge fan of Trevor White, so he got with him to set up a surprise.

India turned and gasped. "Is that..?"

Trevor was standing behind her wearing a grey jacket, jeans, and sunglasses. In his hand was a bouquet of flowers.

He pulled the shades off slightly to ink at her. "Hey, gorgeous."

Devon thought India was going to faint.

She took the roses and stumbled toward the girls' restroom. A moment later they heard an excited squeal.

"That went well." Trevor grinned. "So are you still deciding? My offer still stands."

"I told you, I'll have my answer later today."

"Alright, Pizza boy. Later."

Devon watched him walk away. He tucked his textbook under his arm and walked to his next class.

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SPPrincesscreators' thoughts