
Ch1. Oblivion 

"This is it." 

I yawned as I stretched out on my little house. The sky was crimson red, and destruction was everywhere. The only mildly safe area was my house. 

Even then it would be destroyed too. I'm not even sure what happened, bombs went off and now I'm chillin watching the world go boom. 

I had never drunk liquor before, so I just had some flavored water sitting next me, I was going to die soon anyway. Our species did what no other species on earth achieved. Total annihilation. Quite the achievement. 

My phone buzzed and I looked down to see it was my dad calling. I answered. 

"Enjoying the fireworks?" 

I laughed; my old man was never the serious type. 

"They sure are pretty. Where you at?" 

"Stuck in California traffic. Just my luck I'm going to die in this God forsaken hell hole. What about you? Home I'm guessing?" 

"You damn right I am. Where else would I be?" I grinned. 

"Lucky bastard. Never could figure out who your dad was…" My old man said sarcastically. 

"I'm not sure either. But if you find him tell him he owes you a lot of child support." I said happily playing along. 

Eventually the tone of the conversation changed. 

"Looks like we'll have to cancel the trip… it's a damn shame too I was looking forward to it." 

"Didn't think the world would end this fast." 

"Told you it would. Didn't think it would be today though." 

"Are we lucky or what?" 

"So lucky, in fact I'm so lucky I'll die in a hell hole to just go to another hell hole." 

I laughed. 

I laughed for so long my dad started chuckling. 

"Love you dad." 

"Love you too, bud." 

I meant it, from every fiber of my bring. This man brought joy and humor into my life. I just wish I had more time to spend with him. 

"Anyway, I'm surprised that- "the phone buzzed. No connection. 

"No surprise there." 

I was surprised that I even got a call from my dad, I was thankful I had the chance to say I loved him. 

I had no calls from mom, wish I could have told her too. That opportunity got shot in the face. All that waited for me now was oblivion. 

The end of life, what was it like? Do I just cease to exist? Is there a soul? Reincarnation? Anything? 

Or nothing at all? 

Worrying about it wasn't going to help me find the answers, so I leaned back and stared into the destruction heading to my little house I bought I while back. 

I looked at my phone and saw the time was 5:37 pm. Damn the world was taking its sweet ass time getting destroyed. Maybe I should see if I can play a game? 

I'd rather die in my house playing a game anyway. I went through the window and went to my pc, I hit the button, and it lit up. 

"Still going strong." 

The pc hummed for a while booting up, then the power went off. 


I then flopped on my bed and thought about what else I could do. 

"Maybe I can jerk off one last time?" 

I mean it is the end, who cares? 

That was my final thought before I died. 


Such a pro writer I know.

Forgott3n_H3rocreators' thoughts