
The Hero Inside the Armor

Magic exist in another world, with different classes, I obtain a Hero Class upon summon,but seperated from my sister in the process, setting aside of the hero class responsibility i will search for my lost sister,with my overpowered armor and set through about this world

Kuro_Chi · Fantasie
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16 Chs

The Contract was Made

It's been 3 days since i was summon,i'm still inside the lion's den, i sometimes talk to mr.lion but still no reply, more like i'm talking to nothing, it's good that he's listening though but i'm starting to seek to see what's outside, speaking of that king and castle, seems like a rumour spread that i died, swallowed by the lion and every once a day the maid name maria always visiting me bringing food, of course i always share it to mr.lion, well it seems like he's taking a like of human food, maria always tell me many things as she visited like,

this Empire is called LeGranda Empire of west as i can say the worst kingdom of all who has a dumb king,where in this country slavery is legal, she also said the other main kingdoms

Kingdom of Eupharia in South that was not in a good relationship with this empire like i care in political matter! ms.maria also said that the country of elves is in the south which means the country of elves and eupharia is in good relationship, the most citizen of south was, elves,dwarves,and human

Demon Realm ChloFord in East that was rather surprising because according to maria it was a peaceful country where mostly good demons and demi-humas live and few humans live, it was somewhat has a history of wars that resulted for the realm to became peaceful, the demon realm must have a excellect king or i can also called demon king right?

Kingdom of Freo in north, where mostly iceland sided by Human Hunter, few adventurers and it also said that most of magical beast can be found north, for short it seems to be Hunting ground for monsters

while drawing four stars in ground that represent the kingdoms i just thought if i we're to choose which kingdom to most likely i want to live, i would to choose kingdom of eupharia or demon realm wouldn't be a bad choice right? i wonder which country mr.lion from?

"which kingdom are you from mr. lion?"

he move his paws pressing the north star which means he's from the north country right? that's to be expected north was magical beast habitat

All four country try the ritual summoning, but it turns out the chance that you can summon a hero is 50-50, means i am summon with misa she probably end up to other country, first of all i have get out here, though i don't still have methods to do so, i still don't wanna became old age prisoner here

While having thoughts i notice that mr lion is been sleeping a lot, maybe he's not feeling well? or just wanna laze around

"mr.lion you've been sleeping a lot are you not feeling well?"

Still the silence reply nothing, of course...

that time a idea suddenly pop in, recently i been calling him mr.lion...Mr? come to think i call him mr assuming that he is a male, now come to think of it, is he really a male? he doesn't even have a properly name, all i call is lion, of course because he is a lion, i started to draw again in the ground, i draw arrow upward and the other is downward

"Mr.lion, the upper arrow was for male and the downward arrow is for female, can you point it out? are you a female or a male?"

his paw was pointed to downward, which means i been calling her , mr though she a female

"then Ms, right? Ms lion...oh, right i will give you a name.hmmm..."

i have no naming sense at all, i should give her something suitable and cool name...

"Lion..Lion..Lion..Lion..Li..Li..Li..hmmmm..LEO! that's it LEO that will be your new name..from now on your LEO!"

As I name her, a sudden sparkle of light flash inside the den and just sudden dissappear


Yes it's impossible...Eh?!

"It Talks!!! Leo did you just talk?!"

"So what if i talk?"

"Well.. normally animals don't talk"

"That's different to us magical beast.."

"I-Is that ever possible"

"We convert our thought to voice using our magic"

"Then..How come you didn't respond whenever i talk, i look like crazy here.."

"I don't have enough mana to convert my voice.."

well that makes sense, wait..then

"then how come your speaking right now?"

"Because it was a sudden contract.."

another magic complicated stuff again..

"You.. you really know nothing huh?"

"It-It's not my fault that i know nothing about this magic stuff"

She sigh

"It's magic contract, for a human and magical beast, which the human will be the master and magical beast will be familliar inexchange the master will provide his/her familliar a supply of magic but normally magic contract is...something that you will draw magic circle while saying the incantation words, that happened earlier is completely abnormal..or maybe because your a real hero.."

"I see"

She sigh again, can she stop that? it only show how much depressing our situation, i mostly get our situation, suddenly she transform into--

"Your a Human?! i thought your magical beast?"

"I'm a magical beast, you idiot..this is just magic, just to say this anything is possible as long as magic exist remember that!"

"Ehhhh.... My common sense is crumbling.."

This is just so depressing, so much stress, like solving a hard math problem, that said so i hate math but not much hate when in come to magic she say with magic anything is possible right? it looks like game and it look fun and pretty interesting

"I'm guessing you don't know how to open your status info.."

"Well. Yes pretty much"

and once again she sigh

"You see, a box like in the right corner of your sight,"


"slide it to the left, and it will show your status"

i did what she say but..

"W-What is this?"

At first i never thought giving a name to lion, though i find it inconvenient, her having no name, instead i use contract magic aspect for gabriel to be able to give her name,

And adding a characteristics to gabriel for being clueless about magic

I Name the Lion LEO, came from zodiacs, Leo the Lion

Kuro_Chicreators' thoughts