
The Hero Inside the Armor

Magic exist in another world, with different classes, I obtain a Hero Class upon summon,but seperated from my sister in the process, setting aside of the hero class responsibility i will search for my lost sister,with my overpowered armor and set through about this world

Kuro_Chi · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Misa's Perspective: In the Demon Realm

In midst of illusion, she held my hand and yet she dissappear

When i woke up i was in a certain luxurious room decorated with expensive but beautiful stuffs as i look around i remember 'where is she?' i muttered to myself 'where is big sis?' i get up in the bed notice that my clothes was different and my uniform and my stuff was in the table beside the bed, i walk to go in the window to look outside, as i look outside it is completely different from our place we use to live in, while i was looking in the window a maid looking enter the room and i wonder 'She has a cat ears and tail?' is this was they call fantasy world, but i doubt and thought "there's no way, right?" she was surprise when she saw me, I was the one who should be surprise you have a tail and cat ears that looks real.

"Your finally awake! Ms.Hero"

She called me Hero, was i some kind of celebrity? She rushed back outside i have no idea, on what's going on, but i just want to see big sis she must be in the different room, while staring at the window having a thought a girl around the same height of big sis enter the room, she has a cherry blossom colored hair tied with twintails her eyes were scary and yet beautiful, her chest is--- around D-cup size, it's not that i'm jealous in her chest, mine was C-cu--- No!! That was lady's secret. Big sis has A-Cup size maybe because she always practice swordmanship and karate for self-defence, it's not like she's pitiful, i just found it really suitable in her body shape that i found attractive, many students in my school admire big sis, because of her beauty, and strengths but she's sometimes idiot when it comes to common sense and when talking about relationship

"Looks like your doing well"

If this is some kind of fantasy in the different world she must be a royalty she wears a clothes that royalty would


"Oh, Nice meeting you for the first time, here, from the demon realm, my name is Sophie Von Chloford"

I was petrified when i hear something different she says 'from the demon realm' right? Maybe my sense of hearing is deceiving me, or so i thought because i ask and she answered

"You did not hear it wrong, this is demon realm"

Am i going to be sentence to death? If so please spare me! I still wanna see my Big Sister, If i am wrong demons are creatures that violents and eat human, I'm doomed though i will stay calm for a moment, but why would a human royalty doing in here?

"Your Probably hungry so let's eat"

Ms.Sophie said and i became stiff and became unable to think well, yeah it's decide my life ends here, I was going to be eaten

"You seems scared, is it your first time seeing a demon?"


"You don't have to be scared, demons in here is well mannered and not violent, we are just like normal human"

She doesn't seem to lying

We arrive in the big room with the long table with lots of normal and seems delicious looking food, their are eight people or not... Eight demons in the table who seems to be waiting, they are 1 female and 7 males demons once they saw, they all stand and bow, hey... that's basically what students did when the teacher entered the classroom, Is she perhaps has a higher status? Or some kind of supreme ruler, and yes, so i thought was true and just being verified

"My Lord, My Demon King, I was glad that your doing well"

WHAT?! She was demon king?!!! She seems just like big sis in age but she became a really big deal, i stared at them. The eight of them seems to be wearing military uniforms, if i were wrong they are demon generals

"Is she the hero?"

"Yes, treat here politely"

And they all answered 'Yes' with respect, she seems kind of supreme ruler but it looks like she was a great leader in her age, we walk and sat in the chairs, and the demon king says a few things in her generals then after we started to eat, but in the middle of eating food, i remember where is big sis? , and the demon king saw me fidgeting a little while looking around

"What's the matter?"

"I Don't see Big Sister.. Where is she?"

The demon king tilted her head, that looks.... she doesn't know anything?

"What do you mean? Your Big Sister? You were summoned all alone when you arrive here.."

"W-What?! She just held my hand as second ago when we are caught in the illusion"

"Watch your tongue, Human!"

One of the demon generals stand up mad because on how i talk to her, why you be angry, i should be the one to be angry! After all base on what demon king says she's at fault, but the demon king signals to stay silent and the demon generals do what she says

"My deepest apology, I'll explain it to you, You are being summon here, for a certain role to be the hero, if you were saying that you are with your sister when being caught in the summoning she must be in the different country by now, so.. " the demon king stand

" I Apologize i know this must be inconvenience but we need you" and she bow "Don't worry once the hero is being summon they are being treated good"

"Then, just forget i was summon and i'll forget what you did, you seperate me from big sis the one i whom called my only family, I will never forgive all you for that" I was crying having a desire on seeing her

"I'm sure she is not being treated good like you did to me, after all Big sis is a big idiot, she's probably being exiled or being caught and brought to prison or sentence to death by now...so... please forget everything, and i will just go to search for her" sobbing and crying it must be embarrassing being seen like this, i don't wanna big sis to see me like this, if so she probably gonna say ' it's fine to cry, after all everyone cries, not just you' and patted my head with her soft hands

"I'm sorry but i can't do that, your being summoned here and your the hero but if you want to search for your big sister then i will gladly help you with that in exchange you'll stay with us and fullfil your role as a hero, i'll tell my plans on how we should search in your sister if you agree"

She's a type of person who seems not like to be lying, i wipe my tears away and agree, as i agree she sitted down and spoke

"Well then, in about a month from now in the neighbourhood kingdom, in the kingdom of eurpharia, a battle about swordmanship, magic and strength will be held there,and as for the hidden motive of competition, only top four contestant will be chosen to be with the hero's party and that was you, if you were sure that she might be exiled then she probably has a certain goal and that was to search for you, then the best place to go is the kingdom of eurpharia, where humans, elves and other are unite a perfect place, she probably thought that your being summoned in eurpharia, and thought that eurpharia is the perfect place,if you were wondering why... She must be being taught about every countries condition but have no knowledge in this world,Just thought about it, In human's perspective, demon realm would be half bad choice because they thought that we are demons are violent, while the kingdom in north is basically an iceland she will having a hard time searching for you there, and in the empire is the place where slavery is legal so that was also a bad choice, and so the eurpharia is the best choice, as for the competition there's a big chance that your sister is will be participating, after all the winners have a good priviledge if she became one of the winner she might ask the royalty of that kingdom for help in exchange for her service, as for theory of your big sister being summoned it will probably in the north or in that empire, eurpharia and demon realm are in good relationship so we exchange information, of course the fact that the hero is being summon in demon realm is being delivered info as a result we decided that we will held a big competition for the search for strong and great fighter and defenders as your ally but as for north and empire we have no information about what's happening in those kingdom and if she were imprison, i'm sure that you have confidence that your big sister will sure be able to escape right? "

" Yes! "

" and besides hero's power is almost high like my power or might surpasses mine and as for death... "

I gulp, just hearing death makes me so uneasy

" If she's sentence to death, i'm sure that country's leader is probably wants to suicide or just a big idiot, reminds me of that empire's king, a hero's is capable of destroying a whole country... "

She paused for a second and i notice that the demon generals was staring at her coldly, what? What's happening?

"Ahhh~~ That was rather long...well maybe because she was the demon king" demon general number one said

"Hey! What do you mean?!!" the demon king turns red probably because of embarrassment

"oh, Come on my lord, sometimes i can't keep up on how you think, that was beyond my level you know~~" the only female demon general said while the demon king turn brighter red and slam the table the one who fell asleep just got the shock from the slam and suddenly wake up

" Ahhh!! I fell asleep?! Can we continue eating now? " the demon general two said

"Did anyone just listen to me?!" the demon king shout in embarrassment

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" and how strange i find myself laughing i thought demons are some fearsome creatures but in this world they are opposite, as i laugh every demon generals stared at me because of curiosity

"How strange, to think that demon's is beyond my thought, but i think we can get along pretty well.." I smiled the brightest at that time and i find it comfortable being in the custody of demons

And and that time the seven male generals except the female one thought 'SHE'S AN ANGEL!' while the only female general smiled back at her same as the demon king

I extended my arm towards to demon king to shake hands with her

"I'll be in your care, Ms. Sophie"

And the demon king was stun for a minute and smile, she extend her hand and we shake hands


On how Misa and Gabriel think or so thought that they would be killed, they are really siblings

they think the same,

On the other hand Gabriel and the demon king has similarities and that how they think the king of empire is a total idiot

No Spoiler for the next chapter (^v^)

Kuro_Chicreators' thoughts