
The hero and his girl

This steamy romance will see Bella a young 21 year old student meeting 21 year old Tyler who is also a student and the football teams quarterback, but realisation hits and they realise they already met six years ago in a horrifying incident. They repeatedly bump into each other, is it fate trying to get them together? With Tyler's flirtatious ways will Bella be able to resist the popular footballer and if so will it be a happy ever after or will to many obstacles get in their way including the unveiling of two people that were involved that fateful night.

Stella_Marie7988 · Urban
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6 Chs



The bar is packed and I've not stopped, I'm now regretting my decision to wear my stilettos. Kate messaged to say she was on her way but I've not seen her yet, the rowdy group of college students in the middle of the bar are getting ready to leave so I'll be able to clear that area for Rach, talking of Rach she disappeared almost twenty minutes ago.

Ben the other worker has gone on his break leaving me by myself and I know I need to find Rach, her husband is coming in at ten to cover me till closing. I scan the bar and see Rach sitting with a table of students, oh wait! Kate and James are there, just then Kate catches my eye and smirks before running over to me.

"Bella, Shit! I can't believe it." she laughs.

"Can't believe what?"

"You don't know yet, do you?" famn what the hell is with the riddles? I shake my head.

"Your boss is Tyler's mom." I quickly place the glass that is in my hand down before I drop it.

"Real funny Kate." just then I look over to see everyone at that table looking over including Tyler. Oh my gosh, I didn't think it was possible that he could look anymore gorgeous but he has a lip stud in which instantly sends fire to my core.

It is at this point everyone seems to want a drink, I look over and signal for Rach to come over but much to the amusement of myself, Kate and the team Tyler stands at the same time as his mom she quickly puts a hand on his shoulder before coming over.

"Sorry hon, I told Ben to come see me before he goes on his break." she apologises but we quickly work together to get everyone served quickly.

Soon enough the line of waiting customers has ended and whilst cleaning the bar Rach taps me on the shoulder and nods for me to follow.

In the office Rach indicates for me to take a seat and she follows propping her arms on the desk and resting her chin on them.

"Bella, I want you to know that whatever happens between you and Tyler you will always have a job here, I only wanted to tell the lads to keep away from you but then I found out about you and Tyler going a date today from your friend Kate." My stomach churns and nausea hits.

"It wasn't a date, but I appreciate you saying that, also now I've found Tyler again no matter what happens between us I'll never think badly of him." her brows furrow in confusion, crap I don't think she knows.

"Ok, let me start again, I'm Laura Mitchell." her jaw drops and her eyes fill with unshed tears, she stands quickly pulling me into her arms.

"It was you." she croaks out.


I had been talking to the lads about our upcoming game when my gaze swung to the bar when I noticed mom and Bella were missing, rushing through the back of the bar I push the door to the open the sight before me confuses the hell out of me but also makes me smile, Bella can barely breathe my mom is hugging her so tight.

I watch for a second thats when I take in what Bella is wearing, she has on a black floral crop top and short black skirt that reaches her mid thighs and it hugs her ass and thighs perfectly. The white strapped wedges add at least five inches to her height.

Giving a cough to alert them of my presence my mom retreats and glares at me, oh fuck what have I done now.

Mom points her finger at me

"You! you better treat her right or I'll kick your ass, but I'm so happy you guys met again." mom beams in my direction and Bella blushes, I'm guessing she told mom who she is which honestly is a relief, it saves me having to watch mom and dad get all emotion on me.

"Bella, I've got you covered if you want to go have a drink with the guys." Mom smirks at Bella.

"Thanks Rach, I'll be in for my shift at five tomorrow." She gives my mom a hug and I step towards Bella taking her hand that's when my pulse spikes and I'm sure she felt it to.

As we enter the bar Bella grabs her purse and hugs Ben, now normally I would mega jealous but Ben is gay. We head over to the booth where Kate jumps up from James's knee and wraps Bella in a hug but Bella keeps her hand in mine which makes me happy. I slide into the booth and pull Bella in close keeping my arm around her waist, mom appears with some more beers.

"Hey ma, thought you said we weren't aloud near Bella?" Aaron laughs but stops when my mom glares at him.

"I'll correct myself then, none of you animals are aloud near her except Tyler." she smirks.

The next hour goes by quickly with constant chatter and laughter, Bella hasn't moved from my side. The lads want to move onto a new club but I really can't be bothered to go.

"You want to go with them?" I ask Bella who looks like she is ready to fall asleep

"Not really but you can go with them if you like, I'm going to head home." not a hope in hell.

"I don't want to go, I'll get us a cab if you like." she nods stifling a yawn.