
The Hero's Chronicle

My father, he took the life of everyone I cared for, leaving me alone, lost in solitude… The day I lost the only thing dear to me, I decided to end my life, but a flicker of hope brought me out of that darkness. Now… Only my future holds answers, leading me on a journey that would be remembered by all. The tale before I became a vigilante. The chronicle of an fallen hero…

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39 Chs

Where Dreams Die Part 2

July Fifth, Twenty Thirty-Seven; Yellowstone Docks:

"Hey... Zel... When you look out to the clouds above this sea, do you ever wish that it could rain..."

Myune stands far across Zel side, ghost like and out of touch on the dock, nearest to the edge.

"What? Rain?" Zel questions with a laugh, thinking that it was a random joke, looking up at Myune hanging a leg over the dock.

"Yeah... Rain... I wish that whenever I'm here alone, that it would rain. It brings a peace of mind to me, though it's considered depressing to others. " Myune was lost somewhere else, taking both me and Juna's focus away from playing, to his words.

"Dad... Hates the rain." Juna then perks out, dipping her hand in the surface of the water, hanging onto my shirt.

"He doesn't hate it Juna," Myune redirects his sisters thought on their father, continuing to stare off far. "He fears it. He fears driving in it, think he'll crash into another car on a wet slope."

"So," Zel locks eyes after those fatal words from Myune mouth. "You want it to rain for your dad to die?" He simply put Myune's thoughts out there, staying calm and collective about it all.

I'm remined that the constant sounds of waves fell flat during that moment as well. Wind rustling through our hair, as time stood still, anticipating Myune's answer.

"No... That thought... That thought would be, unheroic..." He lets out, clenching his hands in guilt. "I only want to treasure my time spent here, a little bit longer..."

Myune takes a seat next to Zel, admiring the sun set over the ocean side by side. Zel then eyes Myune.

"You sound like you're planning to quit the team. Or even worse... Dying..."

Myune, shoots a small chuckle, no longer facing forward, but lifting his head back to the clouds above.

"Nah, I'm not dying anytime soon." He speaks. "I'm just..." He looks over to Juna. "Wondering if I'm doing the right thing, for her."

Zel glances over at Juna as well, leaving us out of whatever conversation they were having. Though I believe that Zel didn't know what he spoke about as well, thinking about how he could relate to the subject.

"I can't say I know the feeling." Zel gives him his true thoughts about Myune mysterious situation. "But I can say that you're doing the best you can to protect her from everything in your family. Hell, not only that, but you became such an amazing hero, that your father fear to even try to harm a single hair on Juna." Zel slaps Myune's back to wake him from his slump mood. "You did more of enough. I'm sure of it."

I watch Myune grin from ear to ear, Zel's arm hanging over his shoulders. "Maybe, you're right..."

His blue eyes reflect the dimming colors of the sun set, pull from the echoing thoughts of being a failure. My brother, Zel, made everyone feel like that. Hopeful of what the future may bring. Always clearing the darkness in our eyes.

I only wish... That I could be more like his past self... Hopeful.

November Eighth, Twenty Forty-Six; Ruby District's Metro Station:

Nako, after the eventful yesterday, carried on being drowsy, back to the train's seats, resting her head on my shoulder. We currently rode on a metro train, heading to the Yellowstone Docks.

She was the one who chewed me off to wake her up at early dawn, saying she didn't need much sleep, yet here we are, gaining odd stares from the others on bored, as she remain sound asleep.

My notice might be a bit too late, but Nako really can be random at times. And I only learned this from the short time we spent together. Though, I can't forget that this girl is my detonator... I shouldn't mention that thought to her at all. -

During what I thought, the train hits a bump, causing Nako to lean further on my arm, pulling it to her chest, hand wrap over and under. She held to me tightly, not letting go, even though I tried moving.

"Great..." I thought out loud, letting out a heavy sigh alongside my annoyance, deciding to rest my elbow on the window, instead of sweating over the situation.

The view of rushing images was really a treat to take in. Sitting like this, feeling gazing eyes on my neck, I could finally acknowledge something I couldn't at Uncle Keysei's shop. I'm a fugitive to my own home...

I even knew that the moment we get off this train, we would have to bolt into one of my portals again... If it wasn't for Nako not getting enough sleep, boarding the train wouldn't even come across my mind. She's starting to be a real inconvenience already. Should've just left her back at Uncle's shop.

Uncle Keysei... That's another thing I can think over as well. His fear got the best of him over a small attack at his little shop. Imagine his reaction if I told him about what happened at Yellowstone. Right, if I consider the facts, being kick out was going to be unavoidable. I didn't plan on staying long in the first place... So, it's a good thing that all of this did happen. I could've been wondering on the streets of ruby to nowhere, lost without ever being able to find a lead on Juna.

After the mental catch up, I began to doze off myself, leaning my head on the back of the window. -

The entire train rattles to the side, troughing me from my search for shut eye, and Nako from her nap to the cart's walkway.

"Dam it..." Nako puts her hand on the floor and the other on her injury. "What the hell happen?" She couldn't even bring her head up to face me.

I grab onto a pole beside me, using that as an anchor, getting myself up from off the floor, taking Nako hand to pull her up as well. "Hell... Who knows... Maybe a Villian attack. We should get going before Hero's and the forces arrive."

"Heh, right," Nako laugh to herself, taking her hand from mines, balancing on her own, even though it was obvious she hit her head pretty hard from the fall. "Forgot you're a fugitive here. -

Freezing at the sight of a familiar ghastly looking figure, Nako and I held disbelief when recovering. It was the same person from yesterday's attack, creeping a wide smile across their pale face, pink hair and shallow violet eyes. They approach us with no good attentions, hands in their leather coat pockets, earrings jingling.

"Nako..." They speak. "You nearly killed me yesterday. What was that about? Aren't we childhood friends?"

Nako shapeshifts into Ella on instinct, swinging a fist indulge in electricity to the creature's chest. It goes through them, but they banish in the air at the hit. Defeated quicker than last time.

"We need to leave, now!" Nako yells, taking hold of my wrist, pulling ahead of me, fear drowning her sight. "That's only going to stop him for a few hours. Quick! Make a portal!"

Though my brain spin at it all, I do as I was told, knowing something ominous was at play. I plunge a swirling black portal on the train's floor, letting Nako jump in before me.

Before falling behind Nako, I look around the cart, spotting number of people getting up, and holding their heads, mothers clinging to their unconscious child. It was chaotic, hearing screams for help, and other's desiring a way out of here themselves.

Despite all I said about not wanting to be a hero to others, I couldn't leave these people to suffer. I use a bit of my powers to pry a hole in the middle of the cart, allowing the frighting to escape. Then, I dive into the portal.

Yellowstone Downtown, sky scrapper:

Stepping out on the other end, I spot Nako, cuddling her body, shifting from the image of Ella back to that black hair girl, with longer sleeves. Though she still trembles.

"Wh-Where... The- The hell, are we?" She whines, chattering her teeth.

I look around myself, familiar to the cold breeze and blinking lights below us. "We're... At one of Yellowstone's skyscrapers. Specifically, the one me and Juna would venture off to..."

"Fuck..." Nako daggers her eyes at me, warmed by her raging anger. "Why are we here? You were supposed to take us straight to the docks!" She pokes her finger on my chest, vividly freezing.

Nako was clearly upset. And I couldn't blame her. We wind up further from the docks. My powers must still be on a fritz...

"My portal ability is a mess for some reason." I give it to her straight. "When I used it two weeks ago, the time I battle Mu and Gamma, I tried going to the ocean to drown myself when I was falling unconscious, but I ended up on trash bags near my uncle's shop."

The wind blows across both our faces, Nako taking my words in silence. She then takes her hands, scrabbling her hair out of the blue.

"Ugh!" She lets out. "Fine, whatever- She slams her hand on my chest next, turning into me. Then creates her own portal. "This should get us to the right place. We have to work quick, now that Chi is haunting us." -

Clamping my hand near the portal, I cause it to banish, learning the technique from Mu constant counters.

"What are you-

"We can't leave yet..." I tell Nako, watching the irritation fill up in her eyes. "I need to know... What is your relationship to Chi? Are you... Are you at all in cahoots with the Sigma Flames? Is this all a trap?"

I'm not usually the one for doubts, however, the more they speak to each other, Chi and Nako, I could sense this ominous feeling of being lied to.

"Cahoots with the Sigma Flames? Are you kidding? After all we talk about-

"Don't give me that!" I clench my teeth, yelling at someone for the first time in a while, gaining a shot of fear mix with hatred. "I barley know you!" I continued. "You can't expect me to just follow along with everything you tell-

The bracelet around my neck reveals itself, starting to beep, red light flashing in a quicker cycle. Beside the beeping and flashing, I eye Nako, who held a black rectangle device, pushing the red button on top, in her hand. It has to be the detonator to my collar.

"Can't expect you to what, exactly?" Nako come up closer to me, detonator to my face, gripping on my shirt. "If anything, you don't have the choice to argue here. If I say, there's nothing you should be worried about then-

I grab for her wrist, the hand that held the detonator, not to take it, but to hold her to my eye level. "Go ahead, do it then! It's as easy as pushing this button, right? So, do it already. We'll both go down. The girl I love, and your sister, will never see a day of light, all because you couldn't tell me your relationship to Chi."

I turned the bomb into our barging chip, planning to kill us both for answers. She might not care if I live, but if I could be sure that she can die as well, then Nako would definitely give up and tell me everything.

Nako, shapeshifts into Juna again, slapping her balled up hands on my chest, shutting off the detonator at the same time, holding her tears with that face.

"I'm... Sorry..." She randomly cries out on my chest, pulling me down to grovel on the ground with her. "I'm sorry." She cries out again, clamping to my shirt harder than before, in sniffles. "I can't... I don't want to think of it... That place... We were only kids! I don't want to remember! Let's just go!"-

Even though her eyes were bright emerald, completely different from Juna's, her voice, the light touch of her deliquiate hands, including the smell, it all felt like the real Juna. It felt like she currently cried on me at this very moment. As if I was reunited with her again. Though, it's easy to see that these tears Nako cried, and the fact she changed into Juna, was all to manipulate me...

I pry her away from my chest. "Don't you think that's enough?" Holding both sides of her arms with a loosen grip.

Nako, tears stopping, lifting her eyes to mines, grin in a wicked way, turning to an image I thought I would never have dream of seeing again. The one that look more like Meniko, but with a burnt flesh wound on the side of Nako's face, and more mature looking.

"Fine... I'll tell you about it... The place where dreams die." She whispers, lips to my ears, pressing her hand on my shoulder in a devilish way.