
The Hero's Chronicle

My father, he took the life of everyone I cared for, leaving me alone, lost in solitude… The day I lost the only thing dear to me, I decided to end my life, but a flicker of hope brought me out of that darkness. Now… Only my future holds answers, leading me on a journey that would be remembered by all. The tale before I became a vigilante. The chronicle of an fallen hero…

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39 Chs

Turning Point

"Let's go... To your new home."

Nako follows every breath that I took, gazing at me with those stone-cold eyes of hers, lending out a hand in this darken tunnel that is my life. She offers me a form of freedom. -

In a quick sound of chains cutting pass my admiration I had for the gift Nako present, they strike Nako's left arm, taking it clean off. Those very same chains loop to wrap around her leg, locking and plopping her to the dirt. Heels clacking near me, chains take me as well, when I tried to face the one who trap Nako.

"Damn..." The person who apprehended us was no other than Hatarei's voice creeping out, going to Myune's side in an easy pace. She bends to his side too, touching the bullet hole in his head. "Where's that kid when you need him..."

It was hard to believe that Hatarei was the same girl who nearly tore down the underground base from a promise for drugs. She was way levelheaded than before, searching around the entire surface for something, calmly and collective.

"Ah! There you are, Abrie." Hatarei eyes the baby doll eyed child, who seem to appear near the actual Zel, kneeing by him, beside the crumbled down building far behind me. "What are you doing over there? Come heal Iota. Quickly now."

That small child comes to her beckon, following along in what she wanted, falling to Iota's corpse in silence. I then watch the boy's hands illuminate bright green light.

What is he doing? - The chain connected to me was tug back on my thought to get closer.

"Hey! What's that dumb look for?" Hatarei forcing me to watch both bullet wounds heal by his touch. "He's just cleaning up the mess you two troublemakers made. Hell,~. I just want to get this all over with and go home. I have this major hangover right now."

I ignore Hatarei's rambling, recalling the events that took place before all of this. When we first emerge on the surface, Myune held this boy's hand. Could it be possible, that instead of some, body switching power, this kid's ability is-

Taking me from what I was constructing in my head, that very person wakes from death, popping up from the ground coughing twice in his hand. He did so, until he was able to catch his breath.

".... Abrie." Myune then puts his hand on the kid's hair, rewarding him with a head rub like you would a pet dog. "I knew I could count on you." Then, standing from his coffin, he glances over to Nako who laid defeated, then next, me. "Twice..." He speaks in a melatonin voice, directing his gaze up to the darken clouds above. "Twice, I tried to get across to you... I had no crude attentions. Still... I was shot dead numbers of times. -

Bleeding out the huge gouges in her left leg and stomach, Ella suppress Myune's movement by latching her arms under his, sending out a huge electrical discharge through his body in a matter of seconds, paralyzing him in the process.

Myune jaw drops, and eyes roll back, doing more than just locking his movement. Ella rendered him unconscious. - Ella neck was caught by one of Hatarei's chains, being yank away from Myune, suppressing her powers and allowing Abrie to grab hold of Myune's hand, healing him another time.

Once again, Myune rises, eyes shooting open, snatching his hand from Abrie in a hasten pace, ripping a plank off the dock, swatting it to Ella head.

"Hatarei!" He slants his eyes over to her in a freezing gaze, menacing and annoyed. "Make sure no one else can interfere."

"K, K! Got it boss!" Hatarei sends out two more chains, spreading her hands out on opposing sides, taking Viles body from the ocean's shore, and Zel's near the broken-down building.

Kicking Ella in her stomach wound, tipping her to the side, Myune notes everyone's presents. "We're missing one. Where's that Meniko girl?"

"Good question." Hatarei, puts a finger over her mask, looking to the clouds that grew dimmer. "Hmm... I think Chi probably took that girl back to main base." Slowly coming back to her hyper self, Hatarei fingers go on the side of her cheeks in a blush. "Heck, she's powerless right now so it wouldn't matter-

A sound of an empty gun clack was made close on Hatarei's head. I eye the perpetrator at hand, at the same time as the rest.

"Ah... I-" Meniko drops the gun out of the palm of her hands, letting it smack the dirt, as trembles and a terrified look drowns her face, backing away eyes engulf in heartache.

She couldn't have known that there were no bullets left in the barrel...

"Heh?!" A grin widens on Hatarei's startle face, shooting numbers of chains at Meniko. "Terrible... You tots could've killed me." Hatarei yanks her forward, jacking the chain down, making her fall to her with it.

Following Hatarei's action, Myune kicks the gun far from anyone's reach, irritated at the sight of it. "That is truly unfortunate..." He then looks over at Nako once more. "Just think; If you didn't shoot that gun constantly, you all would have been free... I hate to say this, but it's check mate, Zenith." Myune elevates his hand to in front of me, shutting his eyes in the process. Then, listening to the draft make a finale pass through, he shapes his hand into a gun. "After all the countless calculations I made, your death remains the result... How ironic."

His hand goes back, birds' flap in the distant- Chains tangle in the air, clamping over that very same hand. Hatarei save me from peril.

Myune only glances at her. "What are you doing?"

Hatarei, has a dead eye expression as well. "We both know... I can't let you kill him, Iota."

Myune pauses at her words, unsure if he heard them correctly, raising his eyebrow in a baffle manner.

"What?" -

Not giving up the chance she had, Hatarei, sends forth a number of chains towards Myune. Securing his wrist, ankles, furthermore his neck, putting him to the landscape.

During that betrayal of hers, Chi- Nakuro, the one who constantly been missing in action appears, stepping on the back of Myune, as he lumps someone over his shoulder. A girl... One with long brown hair... - Juna?!

Eyeing every last one of us in disgust, quite by the wind, his eerie voice creeps out, "At first we thought you was loyal to his cause... Pretending to be their ally to get what you wanted. Being strategic." Chi then steps off of Myune's back, making his way over to Hatarei, showing Myune that he held his sister hostage. "But to kill the target, the vessel of father, what are your true attentions in this group, Iota?"

Myune makes every effort to haul himself off the dirt, raising his chin up, "You must be stupid... Thinking that I didn't plan for your betrayal. -

Chi places a pill container from his coat pocket in his sister's. "I did think on it... And came to a conclusion just a few minutes ago." Chi throws Juna's body to Myune cripple position. "We will do as we were told; Retrieve the Vessel and Capsule. And after? We will take you back home Iota. Refine your ideas."

Hatarei gobbles down the pills given to her. eyes rolling back as they had done before.

"God... I just fucking love these." Then, removing the skull designed cloth from away from over her face, you could see a huge ugly smile across her face, burnt red in pleasure. "Hey! Hey! Have another batch, bro, bro?" -

Taking her head by the hair, Nakuro cocks it back directing her to his direction.

"I shouldn't have given you any in the first place. Going mayhem on the only base we had, don't think I forgot. If you fuck this one up Hatarei, just know... I'll have to kill you. " He lets go of her, throwing Hatarei to catch herself on the dirt. "Now do your job. -

Chi catches Abrie in the act of touching the chains, as Myune gaze directly at the two twins in bicker. The chains around him, including us all, slowly vanishes, spooking as well as catching Hatarei's attention.

"Eh-Wha- No!" Hatarei throws her arm out, but all in veil. Nothing came from her. Hatarei's powers were gone.

Then reaching out his arm, Abrie fire his own barrage of chains, locking Hatarei down, trapping us again as well, before we could move a muscle, going off of Myune's earlier request. Though, Chi was able to avoid even those, chains stamping the ground, flying through his transparent body.

"Heh, Oh?" Dust clearing, Chi chuckles at the attempt to capture him, shifting back to a solid form. "I see, I certainly didn't plan for the kid to act... You sure do have some balls for a kid-

Myune cuts the side of Chi's face with a small speeding blade, sharp and curving on both ends. It was some sort of weapon, built only for his powers use.

"I'm going to make you regret," Myune spreads out his arms to his side, revealing he held numbers of them. "Betraying me!"

Sending the blades forward, they fell to hit their target, Chi simply turning back to that ghost like form.

"Out of all people... How can you be so stupid Iota? Everything passes through me in this form-

Stopping behind him, the shuriken that Myune sent out, began to brightly shine, blasting a grenade of light, turning him back human. And in the moment his guard looks down, Abrie whips a chain in blinding speed- However, Chi catches sight of it, and despite his position, he lets it only whip his left ear, dodging it by a hair.

Chi cups that very damage ear, glaring at Myune in a trans. "So..." He starts to laugh. "This is, heh... This is pain... It really has...- He quickly turns back ghost like, avoiding Abrie's quick follow up.

It was insane to watch. Myune would reveal him, and Abrie would attack. They were in sync, dashing around him in circles, as Chi would simply dodge, sacrificing parts of his human body with ease. All to not be capture. A butterfly trying it's best to leave the circle of flames... Flawlessly dancing until he reaches the kid, grabbing him by the neck.

"Freeze...: He grins at Iota, holding Abrie hostage, having the upper hand.

Iota continues to spin the shuriken beside him, stasis from attacking.

"Pfft, no way." Chi holds his stomach laugh to himself, about a joke only he could get. "You hesitate to kill this kid you only knew for a day. But you almost killed your childhood friend? - He quickly sights Abrie's fading consciousness, pulling the kid up near him and slapping them twice. "Hey kid?" He says while doing it. "Hey kid? Don't go to sleep on me yet, I still need you to hold the rest, hostage."

Opening his eyes in tears, Abrie tries to reach for Chi''s face-

"Whoa now!"- Chi slams him to the terrain, causing Myune to budge back, and Abrie arms to go down. "Don't think I don't know your little trick. The whole skin to skin contact, mojo. It's not going to work on me."

While he held the kid to the ground, and Myune stare blankly at him, the chains around me begins to fade, feeling my powers seep out only a little. Abrie conscious is starting to slip. It wasn't really surprising seeing that Chi slammed him head to the ground in a panic.

Nako wounds began to heal. Viles eyes were slowly creeping open, becoming aware of the situation. Ella still held on to her stomach, pulling herself up by her knees. And Zel, planks his hands on the ground, slowly stepping up. Though, Meniko remain wash over in fear, I felt a chance to tip the scales, approaching. It all depends on this boy passing out before us.