
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime und Comics
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240 Chs

Chapter 81: War against the invaders (2)

"Don't get too cocky boy"

A [Pawn] holding an extremely long Katana that was longer than his own body said before taking his stance with the tip of his sword pointed at Lucias who created an normal katana in his hand.

"Show me what you get then"

Lucias said causing the demon to charge at him in incredible speed before slashing his long blade at Lucias who quickly positioned his sword in a vertical block, causing the large Katana to slide off his blade.

Lucias then swiftly sliced off one of his arm in one movement before aiming at the demon's forehead but was stopped as several bullets were precisely aimed at his direction, causing him to immediately to change his stance to deflect all of the bullets aimed at him with his sword.

Another demon clad in bright red flames then appeared in behind him. The demon twisted his body in their air before launching a powerful kick at Lucias with flames devouring his legs, causing Lucias to raise his right hand to block the attack above him while deflecting the sword of the demon on front of him.


The demon clad in flames shouted in shock as Lucias simultaneously blocked their attacks with ease.

Lucias then pulled the demon's foot towards his direction before jumping in the air anf twisting his body to land on top of the flaming demon's body, causing it to crash on the ground at full force.

The [Queen] who watching a while ago immediately appeared to his side with the blade of her scythe at close proximity to Lucias' body as ominous black mana were being ejected from the blade.

"Death Magic?"

Lucias muttered as he twisted his body towards the ground, bringing the body of the flaming demon with him as a shield which caused the blade of the scythe to cleanly slice his body in half.


The flaming demon screamed in pain as the ominous mana quickly spread throughout his body, blocking his ability to regenerate his wounds as Lucias immediately jumped in the air, dodging several spikes that suddenly erected from the ground with ease.

"Coming to me all at once won't help you... It will only make everything worse for you all"

Lucias muttered as he jumped in the air on top of the swordsman's head before trying to slice his head vertically in half but was stopped as hundreds of bullets were aimed at his direction, causing him to frown before deflecting all of the bullet that was aimed at his direction in mid air.

"... One down... 6 to go"

Lucias muttered as he landed behind them with a casual smile on his face, before receiving thousands of crystallized feathers from one of the demons who flew in the sky.


Lucias remained calm before taking a defensive position as he manually deflected all of the feathers with his barehands, causing it to scatter around him.

[Skill: Poisonous Enhancement has been identified]

The notification rang as extremely lethal poison entered his body, but was quickly detoxified by his skills, causing the demon to click his tongue from seeing how his attacks was quickly blocked by Lucias.

"I'm glad you weren't Ishtar's opponent back then"

Lucias muttered before shifting his body to the side to dodge the large katana aimed at his head with ease.

Lucias then repositioned his grip on his blade and sliced through the demon's neck with one swift motion as he directly recieved another attack from an extremely buffed [Pawn] who had two large brass knuckles on his hand.


The demon smirked but froze as Lucias quickly redirected the force of his punch towards his own fist, striking him in the face with a powerful uppercut on his chin.

"Nice punch"

Lucias said with a large grin on his face before quickly retracting his arm, before pressing his thumb on his shoulder, completely dislocating his bone.

"[Death Scythe]"

The apostle casted as she appeared behind him with her scythe aimed at his neck.


Lucias casted causing all forms of mana to dissapear from his spot.

[Silence (lvl maxed) - Erases all traces of mana within a 20 kilometer radius, and limits the ability of the opponent to use any skills or abilities within 5 minutes. (Consumption: 50,000/use)]


She tried to scream in shock but was cut off by Lucias who gave her a powerful hook at her stomach, causing her to spat out blood before geying kicked in the face.


She grunted in pain as her body was launched several kilometers away from Lucias.

"[Hellfire Incineration]"

Diodora Astaroth shouted as powerful black flames was launched at Lucias direction, causing Lucias to smile as he directly caught his attack with his barehands and redirected it towards the buff demon close to his location, burning the demon's body to crisp.


Diodora shouted in shock as he recieved a glare from the demon by his side who held two rune guns in both of her hands.

"This idiot can't even control his own spells"

Lucias muttered as he pulled the burned demon's head towards him using [Psychokinesis] before piercing his skull with his bare hands, through the 3rd eye hidden beneath his mask.

"Two down"

Lucias said before recieving several spears of crystallized feathers, causing him to take a defensive stance, quickly deflecting all of the spears with his Katana.


The demon cursed as he quickly dissected all of the feathers back to their individual pieces, launching multiple poisonous attacks from Lucias' back.


Lucias smiled without looking back as he quickly dissapeared from his position, appearing behind the feathered demon who flew in a panick as soon as he noticed his presence, but froze as a thick string of mana was wrapped around his arm.

"Where do you think you're going"

Lucias muttered as he pulled his body towards his direction, giving him a powerful punch at his abdomen that sent him up in the air, but Lucias immediately pulled his body again using the mana string.

Lucias then sent several punches on his body one after another, causing the demon's body to propell up in the air, only to be repeatedly pulled by Lucias who sent several punches at his vital spots.

"How entertaining"

Lucias said as he delivered one last punch towards his head, concentrating the force of his attack in one spot close to the demon's brain, causing it to splatter inside his skull along with the eye hidden beneath his ruined mask.

"Three down"

Lucias said two bullets with a curved trajectory was shot at his direction, aimed at both of his temples.


Lucias hummed as he quickly sliced both the bullets in half with his Katana before jumping in the air to dodge a wave of jet-black mana that was aimed at his back.

The ranged demon who didn't expect the attack stared at the wave of mana in shock before getting sliced into two pieces from her crotch up to her head, killing her in an instant.

"Lucias Frey!!!"

The Apostles shouted with an expression filled with insanity as she together with the swordsmans charged at his direction.

"3 to go..."

Lucias muttered with a casual smile on his face before dodging their attack with ease by propelling himself up in the air and landing on top of the swordsman head.

"[Evil Eye: Fear]"

Lucias casted causing the sclera of his eyes to turn black while his pupils transformed into a blood red color, before pulling the demon's head to force him to directly look at him in the eyes.

The demon froze as his body started quivering in unexplained fear, giving Lucias the opening that he needed as he quickly grabbed his face with his barehands.

"I always wanted to try this"

He said before crushing his skull at full force with his barehands, causing the demon's blood to splatter on his face and body.

"... That oddly didn't felt as satisfying as I imagined it to be"

Lucias muttered with a frown as he dodge the Apostle's attack by crouching down to the ground.

"Calm down, Woman"

Lucias said with a large grin on his face as she snapped his finger, causing the time around him to stop in its track.

"All better"

Lucias said with a playful smile on his face as he gazed on the Apostle's frozen body, but didn't last long as the Apostle was able to quickly break free from his grasp.



Lucias casted causing the mana around her scythe to dissapear before recieving a powerful kick on top of her head, burying her face on the ground while Astaroth watched in shock, not expecting that Lucias will be able to quickly deal with his entire peerage with ease.

"You're kind of weak despite being able to take this guys to your peerage"

Lucias commented as he stomped his foot on top of the Apostle's head without mercy.

"Let me guess... You received a temporary boost but... you couldn't control the power given to you"

Lucias said as he decapitated the Apostle beneath his feat with his sword clad in divine aura, to overload the Apostle's body and poison her with her own power from the inside.

"I had high expectations on you guys... but it looks like I just wasted my sealing rings since I rarely even used my magic a while ago"

Lucias said as he kicked the decapitated head of the Apostle like a soccer ball up in the air with minimal force before grabbing it by his barehands.

"Diodora Astaroth... you're the first person to piss me off like this, congratulations"

Lucias said as he watched Diodora Astaroth fall on his butt with a pale complexion on his face while staring at Lucias who was playing with his prided [Queen]'s head like ball.

"Don't even think I'll let you off easily, Diodora Astaroth. Killing you is just like granting you mercy for what I'm about to do to you"

Lucias said causing Astaroth to yelp in fear as a wet patch suddenly appeared on his pants, causing Lucias to laugh before stepping on his crotch at full force, crushing his genetalias without hesitation.


Diodora screamed in pain as he quickly held his bleeding crotch with his barehands.

"We're just getting started, Diodora Astaroth"

Lucias said as he grabbed his hands, taking out ten thick needles in his inventory as divine chains held Astaroth down to the ground, giving him no chance of escape.

"[Pain Amplification]... Let's start with the first one"

Lucias said as he mercilessly impaled the gab between Astaroth's fingers and nails with the thick needle, causing his nails to bleed as Lucias grabbed the fingernail with his index finger and thumb before pulling it off his finger without mercy.


"You're noisy, Diodora Astaroth"

Lucias said with a gentle smile on his face as grabbed another finger with his hand.

"We still have 9 more to go, Astaroth-san"

"I-I'm sorry p-please ARGHHH!!!"

He tried to beg for mercy but was cut off as Lucias repeated his action from before causing tears to flow down Astaroth's cheek while his body trembled in fear.

"Now now Astaroth... This is the least painful method of torture that I'm about to perform on you... We will try all kinds of methods of torture devised by humanity and the supernatural world alike... So enjoy yourself, Diodora Astaroth... Our fun is just getting started"

-Meanwhile in the underworld-

"Valkyries, hold your grounds!!"

A silver haired valkyrie shouted as she sliced a gastrea in half with her blade, causing the other Valkeries to shout in response as they tried to defend their own positions from the thousands of enemies besieging them.

"[Lightning Strike]!!!"

Zeus shouted as a massive explosion occured in the middle of the army, killing hundreds of lowe tier Gastreas in am instant while the other mythological gods rained down attacks to the army in front of them.

"[Oscillating Palm]!!"

One of the cultivators from China shouted as a large palm of pure Qi pressed against hundreds of Gastreas below them, squashing them as the other cultivators rode on top of their swords, busy dealing with the flying Gastreas above them.

"Sirzechs when is reinforcements coming!?"

Governor shouted as his own army struggled with the flying Gastreas in the sky, watching his own soldiers get eaten piece by piece in front of his eyes.

"Hold on for 3 more hours!!"

Sirzechs shouted as he defended one area of the battlefield to avoid them from getting pass them to avoid involving the weak and innocent beings from every faction and mythologies that gathered in the underworld for the conference tomorrow.


One of the devil shouted before getting bitten in half by an extremely large Gastrea, causing Sirzechs to bite his lips from seeing their numbers quickly decrease due to their enemies' overwhelming numbers.

"Don't falter and hold your grounds!!! Don't fear death or else even your beloved family will die if you let them pass!! Soldiers!! Die fighting with honor!!"

One of the higher gods of celtic mythology shouted as Skaði rained down thousands of sharp ice from the sky.

"This fools... I can't activate my noble phantasm like this"

Skaði muttered as hundreds of flying Gastreas scattered across the sky, giving her no chance to start her chant as the other gods were busy dealing with their own areas.


Heracles shouted with several bloody scars on his body while mowing down several gastreas without rest together with Cù Chulainn who held an excited smile on his face.

"... It's a good thing they're on our side..."

One of the soldiers muttered as they watched the servants kill hundreds of Gastreas on their own without aid from the army of all mythologies.


Skaði shouted causing Abby to push the two giant keys on her hands inside the black rift in the space in front of her, summoning large tentacles in the battlefield that swiped off the Gastreas to ease the pressure placed on the soldiers below them.

"Ishtar!! Ereshkigal!! Why aren't you activating your noble phantasms!?"

Skaði asked to the twin goddesses who held a guilty expression on their faces.

"... Master isn't here so... we can't get mana from him to activate it"

Ereshkigal answered as she summoned a beast from her underworld, devouring dozens of Gastreas in one attack while Ishtar continued to assist the devils who were defending the most vulnerable area.

"... Were losing numbers at a fast rate... We won't last for 3 hours if this continues"

Merlin muttered as he sliced a nearby Gastrea with his sword.

"Just hold your grounds until Master arrived!!"


All of the servants shouted in unison as more and more Gastreas came out of the large portal at the corner of the Maou Territory.

"... This is bad"

Serafall muttered with a tired expression on her face before both her and Skaði summoned a giant block of ice above them, crashing it towards the army of Gastreas below them.

"I-I can't die here!!"

One of the soldiers shouted while gritting his teeth, causing the other soldiers to tighten the grip on their swords with a determined expression on their faces.

"... Mash"

A blond haired teenage girl called as her along with several other figures rode a giant Dragonia towards the battlefield.


Mash shouted in response as a blind original demon grabbed her by the arm and threw her towards the army in front of them.

"W-What is that!?"

One of the soldiers shouted as he noticed the figure of a woman holding a giant shield above in the air, causing the servants to look at Mash direction.


Mash called out as she raised her shield above her while she slowly approached the ground.

"[Lord Camelot]!!"

Mash shouted as she smashed the butt of her shield to the ground as soon as she landed, causing a powerful wave of mana to scatter across the battlefield.

Slowly giant walls came out of the ground resembling that of a castle with Mash standing in the gates of the castle like she was defending it from her enemies.

"Reinforcements arrived!!"

Sirzechs shouted towards their army causing all of them to scream in response as their morale suddenly increased.

"Let's go, Ophis!!"

"You don't have to yell at me, Baka-red"

Two humanoid dragons said as they landed in the middle of the army with varying expression on their faces.

"You fuckin insects are really a pain in the ass!"

She shouted before launching a powerful beam of concentrated crimson mana towards her left, killing all of the Gastreas beside her as a giant explosion of Dark-purple mana occured from Ophis' direction.

"Kill all gastreas and demons in sight"

Asia ordered causing the army of dragons behind her back to roar loudly in response before they quickly flew towards the thousand flying Gastreas in the sky.

"All of you get ready!!"

Rimuru shouted towards the army of 5,000 onis riding on top of the Dragonias while wearing his mask on his face.

"Hai, Rimuru-sama!"

All of them shouted in unison before they all jumped down the large dragonia, causing all of them to crash onto the ground on their feet, shocking the wounded army from different mythologies and factions.

"Good job everyone, we'll take everything from here"

Rimuru said toward the army before raising his hand up in the air.

"Soldier!! 1st Formation!"

He said causing the army of onis to form a triangular formation behind her, a formation best suited for infiltrating the formation of a standard rectangular formation of an army.

"Those in the front, ready your shields!!"

Rimuru ordered causing the onis at the front of the formation to take out their shield from their dimensional bag, a shield made from pure mithril to withstand most physical and magic attacks from their enemies.

He then pointed his arm towards the army in front of them as he brought out two large demonic wings from his back.



The 5,000 onis all shouted in unison as they all charged at the enemies without breaking their formation.

The Gastreas who saw the newly arrived army roared in response as they charged at them like a crazed animals, causing the frontline to inject their mana on their shields to expand it without increasing its weight and avoid getting overwhelmed by the enemy.

"Archers!! On your marks!!"

Rimuru ordered from the sky causing the archers behind the formation to point their arrowd above the sky, imbedded with fire attributed mana as they waited for Rimuru's signal.


Rimuru shouted causing all of the 1,000 archers to release their arrows towards the army while the frontline killed and blocked all Gastreas from breaking through their formation.

"Soldiers, 5th formation!!"

Rimuru ordered causing the frontline to open up a path as the mages fired a powerful beam of concentrated mana towards the army, killing hundreds in an instant.

"Back to 1st formation!!"

Rimuru shouted causing the army to oblige as they went back to their original formation, slowly marching through the armies of Gastreas while Ophis and Great Red killed the demons hiding in the back of the army.


The dragons in the sky roared loudly as they killed all of the flying Gastreas above them with [Dragon's Breath] before flying closer to the army on the ground.


Asia shouted causing the dragons to launch their respective [dragon's breath] on Gastreas at the corners of the army's formation.

"Azazel, Lucifer, Kuroka!!"

Asia shouted towards the 3 girls, causing all three of them to concentrate their mana around the large rift in the space where all of the Gastreas were coming from.

Slowly the gate started to close down as the Gastreas struggled to break free from the gate before completely closing, giving no escape for the remaining demons who were being dealt with by Great Red.

"2nd formation now!!!"

Rimuru quickly ordered as she noticed the massive decrease in their enemies numbers, causing all of the onis to switch their weapons to a shield before completely surrounding the remaining Gastreas.

"Mukuro now!"

Mukuro nodded her head in response as she jumped down from the Dragonia, down to the army of Gastreas.


She muttered as she summoned her Angel while the Gastreas who noticed her presence, charged at her direction.


Mukuro casted causing the surrounding Gastreas to dissolve into molecules as the molecular bonding between the atoms that made of their bodies started to decompose along with the mana around her.

"W-We won?"

One of the soldiers who was getting treated by the medics brought by Asia muttered as they watch the remaining Gastrea dissolve in front of their eyes.


Suddenly a large rift in space appeared in front of them, causing all of them to stiffen except for the soldiers of the forsaken faction who recognized the mana signature surrounding the rift.

"Finally, I'm back"

Lucias who came out of the rift said with a casual expression on his face, holding a dismembered head in his right hand, and holding Astaroth's unconscious body in the other.


His Gohg, Jack, and Abby shouted in relief as they charged at Lucias direction, causing him to unconsciously let go of the head and unconscious body in his hands to hug the three little girls in his embrace.


All of the forces from the forsaken faction all called out in unison as they all kneeled down on the ground.

"I-Is that kid's status in the Forsaken Faction that high?"

Zeus asked out in shock from seeing the formidable army respectfully kneel in front of Lucias.

"... Oh yeah we haven't introduced him yet to you"

Governor muttered as he brought his injured soldiers to the medic to treat their wounds.


Michael called out as he tried to stop Governor from revealing Lucias' identity.

"His cover is already blown already so it doesn't really matter if I reveal his identity now"

Governor said as both Sirzechs and Serafall arrived at their location.

"Let me properly introduce him... his the main focus of the conference tomorrow (?), Lucias Frey. The head of the Forsaken Faction"


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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