
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime und Comics
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240 Chs

Chapter 16: Artoria Pendragon

"So... Can you tell us what happened here, Justice?"

Ingvild says while hugging the crying Bell on her arms as she gently caressed the back of her head to comfort her.

"Hmm... Oh! Maybe he practiced the skill I thought him in the past" (Justice)

"A skill?" (Ingvild)

"Yeah, well... It's more of a technique in close combat that manipulates the force generated from hitting a target to focus on it's vital organs... It was a technique that I developed in the past and I didn't know that the requirements for using it was that strict" (Justice)

"... What requirements are we talking about exactly?" (Ingvild)

"Hmm... I guess maybe because I developed it one of the requirements is being a woman" (Justice)

"What?" (Ingvild)

"Let me explain it like this... No matter what being they contain a energy, which I didn't bother naming, that is unique only to their sex. The energy inside a man focus more on power and raw strength while the energy in a woman focuses more on complexity, flexibility and speed. Due to this it's possible for any being to break the limits on their body and use 100% of their potential without breaking their body, and as it further cultivated, the more those features improve" (Justice)

"But the technique I developed is incredibly powerful and involves complete control over that energy since she needs to use to guide the force she generated towards the spot she wants to hit" (Justice)

"And because of the heavy requirement, I added a special feature to the technique" (Justice)

"A special feature?" (Ingvild)

"Yeah, by using or learning it, will create large amounts of woman's energy to help her progress" (Justice)

"... Don't tell me, he learned it and practiced everyday to the point that the energy generated overpowers his own" (Ingvild)

"I think that's about it, Bell's energy was pretty low for a man... Maybe that's the reason why his features were pretty feminine, but because it increased in amount, it slowly transformed his body to create a more proper container for the energy" (Justice)

"So it doesn't flow but carves the person practicing it?" (Ingvild)

"Yep, it also have other effects, in terms of the woman's energy it increases her fertility and body figure. For a man, it increases the hormones that he releases to attract the opposite sex" (Justice)

"... Wait, Lucias learned the same technique from you... Don't tell me..." (Ingvild)

"No, that's impossible because even before I met him, his body was already overflowing with this kind of energy... like he can break any limits of his body at ease without even trying... I concluded that maybe... It's because of his 'gamer' ability" (Justice)

"... So that means that..." (Ingvild)

"You guessed correctly, his ability to attract women without him even noticing comes from this 'limitless energy' that he releases, in the past it was chaotic, that's the reason why the girls in the castle felt incredible lust towards him, but when he learned my technique, it was more tamed unlike before. Also, I don't think it's normal for a human like Asia and Lucias to break through the limit of human strength. In perspective, the maximum status points on every criteria that humans can attain is 100." (Justice)

"Why didn't you tell us something as important as this?!" (Ingvild)

"You didn't ask" (Justice)

She shrugged her shoulders as she sat on an empty desk nearby.

"..." (Ingvild)

"Fueeeee I-I want to learn too" (Haruhime)

"... *Hic* Kami-sama..." (Bell)

"Hmm? What's going on in here?"

Hestia who just came in from the entrance with a bright smile on her face asked in curiosity while looking at the 3 of them blocking her view.

"Is this our new member?"

Hestia says while walking towards Haruhime who was nervously fidgeting her fingers while observing the Loli goddess walking to her location.

"N-Nice to meet you, K-Kami-sama"

"Oh, you don't have to be nervous, you're now one of us"

Hestia generously smiled before patting her head, causing her fox ears to twitch while waging her tail from the comfortable sensation brought by her patting.


"So... Who is this?"

Hestia asked while pointing at the tearful white haired girl in Ingvild's embrace.

"Uh... Hestia..." (Ingvild)

"Hmm? You don't know her? Even though she's the first member of your familia" (Justice)

"Huh?" (Hestia)

"J-Justice w-wai-" (Ingvild)

"It's Bell" (Justice)

She says with a large smirk on her face while Hestia looked at her with a weird expression on her face.

"I don't remember any girl with the same name as Bell in this town" (Hestia)

"Of course there's none, there's only one person with the name Bell in this town" (Justice)

"... Come on, stop joking around Justice, how's that even possible?" (Hestia)

"I'm not joking, though" (Justice)


Hestia muttered before staring at the white haired maiden crying in Ingvild's embrace.


Bell called out weakly while looking at her with teary eyes.


Hestia kept silent before fainting on the spot with foams coming out of her mouth while falling down on the ground.

"What a mess..." (Ingvild)

-with Lucias-

"Are you my master?" 

The woman asked while staring straight at his bewildered eyes.

"Master, are you still angry?"

A familiar voice suddenly called out on the other side of the door, breaking the weird silence surrounding the wooden room.

"Master? You have another servant?"

"Well... I wouldn't call her a servant"

Lucias says before opening the wooden door, revealing Jibril who has a guilty expression on her face.

"Maste-... Who is this?"

Jibril asked with a cautious expression on her face before walking in front of Lucias as if to protect her from the woman.

"How did you enter this place without any of us noticing?"

"An angel? but why is her wings located on her hips?"

The woman muttered in bewilderment while observing her.

"Jibril, calm down she's an ally"

Lucias said while placing her hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"An ally? This is the first time I heard of having an ally like her" 

Lucifer who came inside the hut said while releasing her aura to pressure her.

"... Lucias, I want an explanation" (Lucifer)

"Ok, just calm down, alright?" 

"So how did this woman enter this place without alerting any of us?" (Lucifer)

"She is uh..." (Lucias)

"Servant" (???)

"... summoned with the help of my 'gamer' ability, I don't know her origins but she is summoned through the use of a magic circle created by it... maybe that's why none of you was able to detect her arrival" (Lucias)

"Oh you mean that summon chance that you obtained from a quest?" 

Azazel says while coming into the room, holding her notepad as she read through the catalogue of quests that Lucias completed and currently have.

"Summon Chance?" (Lucifer)

"I don't know the details as well because none of us really took attention to it since Lucias never brought up the topic about this new section" (Azazel)

"Summon? Gamer? What are you 3 talking about?" 

Jibril asked with a confused expression on her face from the foreign words being used by both Lucias and Azazel.

"You haven't explained it to her yet, Lucias?"

"I forgot since a lot of things was on my mind"

Lucias says with an awkward smile on his face as he started explaining everything concerning his abilities from the different sections, status points, skills, etc. to Jibril and the blond woman who was listening attentively.

"T-this is!? A new concept and ability that I neveronceencounteredbefore... Haa... Haa... Haa..." 

Jibril says in quick succession while panting heavily, holding his hand as her drool dripped down on the ground.

"Jibril, Stop!"

Lucias hurriedly shouted before smacking the top of her head to wake her up from her state.

"I never heard of a power like that before..." (???)

The blond haired woman muttered under her breath while holding her chin, contemplating about what her master revealed to her.

While she was thinking Lucias immediately used his Appraisal on her to get a better grasp at of strength and information.

Artoria Pendragon

Race: Human

Noble Phantasm: Excalibur, Avalon, Invisible Air.

Title: King of Knights

Class: Saber

Level: 1600

Hp: 107,700,000/107,700,000

Mp: 91,500,000/91,500,000

Strength: 10,600

Intelligence: 9,150

Endurance: 10,770

Agility: 10,230

Luck: 100

Charm: 800


Charisma (lvl 60/100)

Peak of Swordsmanship (lvl 70/100)

Supreme Senses (lvl maxed)

Supreme Reflexes (lvl maxed)

Mana Burst (lvl maxed) - Upon activation momentarily increase all status by 200%.(Consumption: Drains 1,000 Mp/sec)

Factor of the Dragon (lvl maxed) - Increase Sp to Mp ratio to 10,000:1. 

Magic Nullification (lvl 90/100) - Ignores % (+1% per lvl) of magic damage.

Mana Manipulation (lvl maxed)

Mount (lvl 71/100)

Detection (lvl maxed)

'What the... her status board is... different... What the hell is this class and noble phantasm in her status?'

Lucias thought before using Appraisal on the unfamiliar parts of her status.

[Noble Phantasm - Powerful armaments made using human imagination as their core and the embodiment of the ultimate mysteries of a hero as symbols of their existence through historical fact and anecdotes]

'That's... quite similar to how the 'creator' described her gift to me... But unlike my gift, which is a product of desire. Noble Phantasm are a product of humanity's imagination'


Grade: Mythical

A majestic holy sword created from the crystallization of the ideals and heroism of King Arthur.

+500% Increase in all attributes except Intelligence upon use.

Grants the skill [Mana Waves]

Skill: Mana waves - Condensed the mana injected into the sword and concerts it into energy in the shape of a large wave, dealing 50,000 (+100% per 1,000 Mp injected) to a large area of attack.

Durability: None]


Grade: Mythical

The hallowed scabbard of Excalibur, the embodiment of the utopia King Arthur seeks.

Increases regeneration by 1000%

Increases effectiveness of all regeneration related skill by 400%

Durability: None]

[Invisible Air

Grade: Mythical

A bounded field made from layers of compressed winds of high pressure and massive amounts of mana that hides the holy sword Excalibur.

Blocks all perception type skills in seeing the true form of Excalibur.

Grants the skill [Wind Manipulation]

Durability: None]

'Quite overpowered...' (Lucias)

[Class - A classification given to Heroic Spirits that corresponds to their ability and skills]

'That's vague... so it's just a classification, nothing more, nothing less?'

Lucias thought in confusion while reading the description.

[Class: Saber - A class given to Heroic Spirits to made legends as a knight of the sword]

'A legend, huh? So this woman made a name for herself in history... but I never heard of her name in any historical books that I read in the past but her surname is similar to Arthur Pendragon... Is she his sister?'

Lucias while observing her noble like aura and mannerisms, solidifying the proof that she came from a line of nobility, specifically the Pendragons.


He tried to call her name but was cut off when he felt something placed on his neck, but when he tried to see what it is, he found nothing but thin air, confusing him until he remembered one of her noble phantasms.

"An ally, huh?"

Lucifer muttered while both her and Azazel surrounded her with spears made from the concentration of their mana.

"What's the meaning of this, Artoria-san?" (Lucias)

Lucias asked with a heavy tone while staring straight at her emerald colored eyes.

[Would you like to grant Artoria Pendragon the player's memories?]

"How did you know my True Name?" (Artoria)

She asked while pointing the invisible blade in his neck.


"Huh-" (Artoria)

Artoria muttered in confusion from his answer but was cut off when she felt her conciousness slowly fading away as she quickly fell on the wooden floor, unmoving.

[Memory Transfer Progress: 0.1%]

[Memory Transfer Progress: 0.5%]

[Memory Transfer Progress: 1.2%]

"Don't worry, she was just confused so she attacked me"

Lucias says while picking her up in a princess carry and placing her on the wooden bed inside the small hut.

"She attacked you, Lucias!? How can you still trust her!?" (Lucifer)

"As I said, she was just confused. Maybe her true name is a sensitive topic for her so she reacted like that. Don't worry by the time she wakes up, she will understand our current situation"

"How?" (Azazel)

"My memories are slowly being copied and transferred to her, so it saves us the time of explaining everything to her"

"... Master, are you sure we should leave her alone?"

Jibril asked while pointing at the unconscious woman on his bed.

"Trust me, Jibril. I know what I'm doing"

Lucias assured her while giving her a confident smile on his face before sitting down on the bed beside Artoria.

"I think it's better if you 3 stay inside this hut..."

Lucias says while opening his status board and clicking on the summon section.

[Random Summon : 1x (Cost: 500 Summon Points)]

"... while I summon our other 2 allies, and after that we will begin the operation of our plan"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MissRiascreators' thoughts