

Synopsis: Kidnapped at birth, Hadiza was thrust into a hard life of survival training. The ones who fail vanish. Will she survive and escape from the organisation that bound her? Will she regain her freedom?

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6 Chs

Chapter six

Sonia turned to sir Sam and she smiled at him. She wanted to take her revenge no matter what. And sir Sam was the person helping her to take care of them. "If he's not taking care of them, who will?" she questioned in her mind.

Sir Sam and Sonia had been together for a very long time even before she started this whole deal.

She used her hand to redress her hair from her face and put it behind her ear. She looked up into the sky and she closed her eyes when the reflecting rays of the sunlight penetrated into her eyes. She breathed out loudly.

As she was doing all these, sir Sam was watching all her movement, he relaxed his body on the chair, crossed his leg, and drank his wine in a go.

After a long moment of silence that seemed like forever, Sonia was the one who broke the silence. "Are you looking forward to these mission?" she asked, still turning her back to him.

He smirked, "More than any one in this island, I'm happy that after what seemed like forever, things are now actually getting to work. It's not been easy training those kids", he answered in a relaxed manner.

"That's great, the underground children can finally come out, and those fools will eat their words back" Sonia stated angrily. She walked back to where sir Sam was sitting but instead of taking a seat where she was sitting before going to the window side, she sat beside sir Sam.

"I hope those children are being trained ruthlessly?" she questioned as she poured a wine for herself.

"Yes, I personally trained them myself. They will be more effective than those one in the island" he assured her.

"That's a great news, both of us will be happy to see their outcome" she grinned childishly.

"There's only two of them that remains" he informed. He wanted her to know that out of the five children that were trained in the underground, it was only two that survived.

"It means nothing, even if there's only one of them left, I will still be very happy" Sonia said. "It takes forever for these trainings to be completed successfully" she acknowledged.

She brought the wine glass forward, and signaled to sir Sam to do the same. "I want to make a toast. Cheers to an unending happiness and joy. To the coming success of the mission" she and sir Sam clicked their bottles together and they took a sip from their wine.

"Miss Stephen has a request?" he said aloud as if he had been struggling to remember.

On hearing that name Sonia frowned. Trying to remember where she heard the name from, she questioned "And who is that?".

"The lady in charge of chemicals. The one who teaches the students how to make poisons with chemicals" he answered her, and he took another sip from his wine.

"Oohh, that lady with short hair. What does she want?" she questioned with a sharp change on her face.

"She just wanted us to shift the mission date forward because her students are not that good with chemicals" he answered.

"No" she exclaimed declining the request very sharply. "We have been planning this mission for the past fifteen years of our lives and we found the perfect date for it and you wanted us to shift it because her students are not good?! It's a big NO!!!" she shouted.

"Okay, I will tell her" he answered without trying to persuade her. After a few minutes of silence, sir Sam finally broke the silence. "Can I leave now?" he requested.

"Oohh, sure" Sonia said. She stood up to walk him to the door.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine", he declined her offer.

She smiled sheepishly, "Okay", she took her glass and took a last gulp of the wine in it.

Sir Sam took a couple of steps forward, he looked back at Sonia who was looking into the empty space in front of him. He then left the office.

As he stepped outside, he saw miss Stephen talking to one of her students with a serious expression.

"Tell all the student to gather at the laboratory for xi practical", she instructed the boy.

"Yes ma'am", the boy left the place immediately. She sighted sir Sam as he was passing by her side. "It's you I have been waiting for" she stated.

"Miss Stephen, how may I help you?" he asked. Feigning ignorance about the fact that he knows nothing about the reason she waited.

"I wanted to ask about the reply of her highness" she asked.

"About that?", he said directing all his body towards her. "She said, she won't give even a day more" he replied. Some students passed by and greeted them.

Miss Stephen looked down a bit disappointed when she heard the news. She knew in her mind that she shouldn't not expect much from Sonia but she couldn't help but feel sad.

"I hope it will not be too much of pressure on your students." Sir Sam asked with a pitiful face.

"Of course, it's not. We are working on something, and we haven't seen the result. If it comes out well it will benefits all of us" she replied unhappily. "But we have to cancel it and work on those we have now".

"Don't cancel it. You can still use it after this mission. There's plenty of mission that they will still carry out. Please keep it". He assured her.

"Miss Stephen, please don't take it to heart. You know how Sonia has been anticipating this mission. You of all people should understand" he remarked.

"I understand her very well more than any other person in the world, but we all know that the mission must be successful or else we are all doomed. It's the success of the mission that I am after" she explained.

"That's good. We all want the success of the day", he looked sideways with the corner of his eyes, he saw some students looking at their way waiting for their tutor which was Miss Stephen. "I see you are working extra time" he pointed towards where her students were waiting for them to show that he noticed them. Miss Stephen followed his finger and he saw her students.

"I think I should leave"she said. She did not wait for sir Sam's response before she started to walk towards her students who were six in number.

Sir Sam heaving a sign of relief left the place to check on the underground students.