
The hell?! I Got Reincarnated As A Boy In A Fantasy World

A normal high school girl, living her life peaceful with her family and her friends in her school, but suddenly out of nowhere, she wakes up in an another world..but not with a female body.

Nittaeme · Fantasie
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5 Chs

normal life..

As the alarm rang, I slowly stopped it. I couldn't open my eyes as i got up still having my blanket around me. ''is it already morning?'' I looked around and then yawned. I slowly walked to the bathroom

''Good Morning'' I said to myself looking at myself in the mirror with baggy eyes. Washed my face, brushed my teeth, took my school uniform on and looked at my myself again in the big mirror, making different poses with school uniform

''Yush!!'' As I said, feeling ready.

''Thank you for the food!'' I said while eating my breakfast as my mother has made

''You're sure feeling very living today!'' My mother said smiling at me

''I got a feeling that today is going to be a good day!'' I said while pointing my chopstick towards the ceiling.

''Well isn't every day a good day?'' My mom asked

''Of course, but i have a feeling that today is going to be the best day!'' I said while slamming my hands on the table

''Darling, let her live her youth life'' My dad said while grinning ''What do you mean by that?'' I said while looking curious at my dad but he just started laughing

''Is very good that you are feeling good today, Koemi'' My dad said while petting my head

''Why do i have feeling that you trying to mock me'' I said looking suspicious at my dad, they both laughed

''Where's brother?' I asked

''He left early, the boss from his work called him, that they needed him this morning'' My dad said

''Aw, he didn't even said hi to me'' I said looking sad

''Well is it because he didn't want to wake you'' My mother said.

''Aw!'' I said still looking sad

''Don't worry you'll see him when you come home from school'' My mother said to cheer me. '

'Yeah you right'' I said smiling.

''I going!'' My mother and father waved while I left the house and I waved back. I took my bicycle and left. My name is Koemi Wakaba and I am 17 years old! I am in my 3rd year and soon going to have my exam! I can't wait to see how my future will hold! as i began humming while driving on my bicycle on my way to school, feeling great. I parked my bicycle then suddenly someone touched me and i got surprised

''Yo Koe-Chan!'' i screamed and then i looked behind me, a blonde girl was behind me, i known her since kindergarten, her name was Yuna, she always liked to surprise me even though she knows that i hate it

''Yuna-chan someday you'll give me a heart attack'' I said while feeling my heartbeat.

''What do you mean? you survived since Kindergarten'' She tilted her head

''But someday it will happen!'' I said and she just laughed 

''Let's go'' She said while grabbing my hand and started to walk quickly towards the school

''h-hey wait a moment'' But she was too strong.

''Yo Koe-chan, Yu-chan'' A girl with short brown hair said while smiling, her name is Hanako, the first time we met in our 1st year, we quickly became close since.

''Good Morning, Hana-chan'' I said smiling to her

''I can feel that you're feeling great today'' Hana said to me

''Yush!'' I said

''I can feel that today is going to be great day!'' They both titled their heads

''What do mean by that, you're always saying that'' Yuna said and i looked disappointed by her answer

''What do mean by that? both my mom and dad had the same reaction!'' I said while looking away with my arm crossed.

''Maybe because you are always so cheerful'' Hana said

''Whaaa!'' I said as they both laughed.

I could feel the wind touching my hair, and my hair was everywhere, and i tried to put my hair back to my ear ''The weather sure are windy today'' I said while looking outside the window

''Weird, the weathercast didn't mention that the weather is going to be windy'' Hana said.

''Well we can't trust the weathercast anyway'' Yuna said.

I was a bit quiet ''Koe-chan?'' They both said, i jumped a bit and looked at them.

''Something wrong?'' They both said. I shook my head

''Nothing really i just thought i heard something'' I said grinning

''Are you sure that you're okay?'' Hana said worried and touched my forehead

''You don't have a fever don't you?'' I took her hand.

''Do not worry, Today is going to be a great day!'' I said smiling at them and they both smiled back.

The bell rang ''Waarhh…'' I said while falling apart on the table

''The test sure was very hard today'' I said crying

''Well of course it has to be, soon we're going to have exams, you know?'' Hana said

''I know...But why does it has to be that hard!'' She petted my head

''I know you can do it'' She smiled at me

''Hana-chan!!'' I said feeling cheerful by her words and hugged her

''Aw i wanna be petted by Hana-chan too!'' Yuna said while she tries to hug her too but Hana blocked her

''Well you did well on your test'' Hana said

''But..but that's not fair!'' Hana and I laughed at her.

''Well it's lunch time, where should we eat at? the same place since yesterday or the cafeteria?'' Yuna said

''The usual place of course!'' I said. We walked upstairs and opened the door. We liked to eat our lunch at the top of the school.

''The weather sure is a bit windy but that's okay, it's not that bad'' Yuna said. We both nodded at her. We ate our lunch, and I took a deep breath. I'm sorry! I heard it again but this time it was clearly, I looked around

''Are you okay?'' They both said.

''You didn't hear that?'' I said, they both looked at each other

''No'' They both said worried

''Hmm, well maybe it was just my imagination'' I said while putting my hair back to my ear

''Koe-chan'' Yuna said worried but Hana interrupted

''Maybe you should go to the nurse room'' Hana said and i nodded

''Maybe you right'' I said and then got up

''I'll text to you guys if i going to leave!'' The both nodded.

''say ahh'' The school nurse said and i opened my mouth

''Well i don't see anything'' The nurse said

''And i do not feel any bad'' I said

''Hmm, maybe you should just get some rest, it might be because of the exam is coming soon'' The school nurse said.

''Yeah you might be right'' I said looking down

''Here'' The school nurse gave me a piece of paper for permission for leaving the school for sickness

''Thank you'' I said as I took it.

I walked out and then looked back at the school ''Maybe the great day wasn't that great anyway'' I said as the wind touched me. I decided to walk with my bicycle because I wanted to take it easy. I texted my friends that I was going home. and they wished me good recovery, I smiled

''smile'' I said to myself, because i do not want to have a bad day. I took the long road home, because I wanted to feel peace. I looked out at the sky and the wind began to be very harsh.

''it seems like the weather is going to be bad, i might have to hurry'' I said as i put my hair back to my ear I'm so sorry! I heard it again, I jumped a bit. Do not worry, I looked around, I will always be there with you, I definitely heard that, it wasn't an imagination, but where does it come from?

''ehm, Hello'' I said while looking back and forward

''What is going on?'' I said worried then the wind suddenly become harder, I tried to block it, then my bicycle fell down ''What the hell is going on!?'' I said while my eyes were closed.

''Do not worry, mom is here'' An unfamiliar voice was calling, i slowly opened my eyes, a beautiful white haired woman was looking at me

''I'm sorry that this day has to come, but you need to be much stronger'' She said crying, What the hell is going on?! I said to myself, the white haired woman took me down, it was wet, water?

''Soon we'll meet again'' The white haired woman turned away and her tears fell down. It seems like something bad has happened, I wanted to know, as I try to reach her, COME BACK! i said in my mind.

I slowly opened my eyes, I looked around, I was out of nowhere, the surroundings were unfamiliar, but it looked like I was inside a forest, I got up, the forest sure was unnaturally big.

''Where am i?'' i said, my voice was different, it was lighter but at same time deep than usually

''Hmm?'' i looked at my hands they were small

''Huhh?!'' I said and then touched my face, I quickly ran towards the canal and I looked at myself towards the water. My hair was shorter, then it wasn't black anymore but white and my eyes blue, then my body was small, I looked like a child

''huhh!!!?? im-impossible!'' I said while touching my whole face

''I am not a kid! i am a senior high school girl!'' I yelled, then I suddenly went a bit quiet, then I looked at my body, hands and legs, I took a deep breath and decided to open my pants to look down, then I realized..


I was not a female again.