

When Lisa woke up, her eyes had no trouble adjusting to the darkness all around her and her heart caught in her throat as she hurriedly sat up and searched around for the light switch.

She had come to dislike the dark after she had spent most of her time for the last few weeks blindfolded and tied to a chair.

It had been the worst and her tense body slowly relaxed once she had turned on the bedside lamp.

The small digital clock made her aware of the time and she hurriedly climbed out of bed. It was six in the evening. Lisa had never slept for so long but then again, she couldn't remember the last time that she had had some decent sleep. It seemed like ages ago.

She was alone inside the room and her body ached lightly as she made her way to the bathroom.

The mirror on the wall above the sink clearly showed her messy reflection.

Her usually neat chestnut coloured hair was randomly sticking out in whatever direction it wanted but she was glad that the faint dark circles beneath her eyes had faded significantly.

The good sleep had truly worked wonders and she felt much better.

After she had splashed water on her face and briefly fixed her hair, Lisa headed out to find Lian Que.

She paused and leaned against a wall once she found him because she did not want to make her presence known, at least not yet.

In a dimly lit kitchen, Lian Que was busy cooking and Lisa was surprised.

In the time that she had known him, Lisa was certain that he didn't not know how to cook but then again, he was and whatever he was preparing smelled so delicious.

"When did you learn to cook?" She asked as she made her way towards him and stood at the counter opposite from where he stood.

"About a couple of years back. I took cooking classes because I wanted to learn how to cook for my girlfriend." He replied nonchalantly, intentionally adding the last few words to see whether he could evoke a reaction from Lisa.

He briefly looked up at her and he was a little disappointed to see the unconcerned look on her face.

She did not even look jealous and it irked him to great lengths even though he kept a passive face.

Didn't she find him attractive anymore!?

"Girlfriend?" Lisa asked as she fiddled with a few strands of her long hair.

She had tried to refrain from prying into his personal life but she was curious.

"Yes, I dated quite a lot in the last few years." Lian replied as his eyes met hers.

Lisa felt a sting in her heart, one that was similar to jealousy and what irritated her the most was the fact that she could not tell whether he was telling the truth or lying.

She just found it hard to believe a word he said.

He had broken her trust afterall and Lisa knew that it was going to take a great deal of time to comeback from that.

"What is it that you are cooking?" She asked to change the topic that had started to evoke feelings within her because she didn't not want to give the man before her the satisfaction of making her jealous.

"Something delicious." He said and Lisa scrutinized him to see if he was just messing with her but he looked serious.

"The name of the dish, please." She insisted.

"It's a surprise." Lian replied making Lisa give him a long stare. She then turned and walked away from him with pouted lips.

Lian Que surely just wanted to get on her nerves and it was working. She was literally starving and she couldn't even know what she was having for dinner!

He surely knew how to make her dislike him more than she already did.

She sat in a sofa before a grand tv screen and relaxed before she turned on the news only for her blood run cold once she saw what was on the news headlines.

"Former heiress, Lisa Yang has been found dead."

A small choke escaped her lips before she raised her hands to her mouth and let out a muffled sob.

The entire freaking world probably believed that she was dead and yet she was still very much alive.

Lisa was certain that her bloody stepsister and stepmom had a hand in all the lies and as she stared blankly at the screen, she silently vowed that she was going to have her vengence.

She was going to rise back to power and get back at everyone that had wronged her and...she knew how to.

A strong flame of determination burned within her chest and it was also clearly reflected into her eyes as she looked at Lian Que who was dutifully setting up the dinning table for dinner.

She then stood up and made her way towards him.

Lisa knew that there were much better options to choose from but asking this man to help her was going to ensure that she got her revenge much faster.

He was one of the world's richest and most eligible bachelors at the time and the power that he held was a hundred times more than that of the Yang empire.

Lian Que was powerful and that was exactly what she needed at that moment.

Lisa hated him but her desire for vengence was much more than any other emotions that she had.

She had to make the people that had taken her dad away from her pay and Lian Que was going to help her do it.

She just had to draft up an irresistible deal. One that he couldn't refuse.

Lian was a little taken back when Lisa approached him with her eyes storming with an emotion that he couldn't quite recognize.

"Lisa?" He called out and he was frozen at his spot when she closed the distance between them and wrapped her slender arms around his neck.

"Marry me." She then said as her fingers fisted his thick black hair and pulled his face closer to hers.