
[89 - Chasing Shadows]

The sun had already set when Elijah finally woke up from his deep slumber. His body felt heavy with the remnants of sleep as he rubbed his eyes and stretched his limbs, letting out a yawn. The warmth that the bed provided him, the snuggly comforter and the subtle fragrance emitting made him want to continue sleeping.

But his stomach had other plans. He was hungry, and he really needed something to fill up the emptiness in his stomach. Though the soft and comforting bed tried to tempt him back but as Elijah, slowly become more aware of his surroundings, something really felt off.

Not in a bad way though. But not in a good way either.

He craned his neck, blinking twice to, and then noticed her. Seraphina was lying beside him, her breathing calm and steady while she held onto his hand. Their fingers entwined tightly.