
The Heir - The Great Circle [Moved into a new link]

Jake Müller is the alpha of the Fullmoon, his son Logan was raised by his mother among humans and now returns home to prepare himself to be who he was born to be: The alpha and heir to the Elder Wolf, a prophecy heralds his arrival. Jake, has trained Anamali, daughter of his best friend and beta of the pack to know all about leading, to be his successor. Logan and Anamali will need to work together, all she knows is about being a wolf, he doesn't know his wolf and nothing about the pack or his family. Anamali is tasked with training the future alpha and being the guardian of the heir. Dangers and mysteries surround the reserve. Would a love be able to emerge and grow in the midst of chaos? A choice must be made, Logan must choose between the two worlds before him, who he was born to be? Someone normal or the heir responsible for every wolf, lion, panthers, bear on that reserve? The prophecy tells the story of two wolves, destined to be together, their love story brings with it war, chaos and destruction. Logan is the heir of the elder wolves, and an easy target for anyone. Anamali, trained all her life to protect and lead but never trained to love and deal with her feelings.

AnaCLimaPeres · Fantasie
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Chapter 1

The Heir The Great Circle

Chapter 1

Far away from human civilization, there is a huge forest almost untouched, where we can be ourselves, we have an agreement with our brothers and sisters of other races, the agreement consists of wolves, panthers, bears and lions will live forest without invading each other's space, of course it was before the Great War, where many were killed for their ideals and along with the war rose a legend. The Heir would arise to restore peace to the Great Circle and bring order to the chaos. For years, we tried to rebuild our packs, fearing a new war. Amongst equals, wolves against the Great Circle. My son is returning, he grew up with humans without knowing his origin, on his 23rd birthday he returns to his true home where we will see the ritual happen. Our pack is one of the most prosperous, I have managed to be respected by all the alphas, they don't fear me, and respect me, which is totally different since I don't need to be some kind of dictator for them, after all we are a family. Strays live around the pack, most of the time without giving us any trouble, not all of them are wolves. For some months now, dead humans have been turning up, animal bites and claws are the report of the coroners who are willing to come to the place, and of course when this happens we have to make them stay as far away from the pack as possible. But if humans are dying in the vicinity, someone is breaking the treaty of the elders that was created thousands of years ago. I can't say with total certainty that it wasn't any wolf, because many omegas roam the meadow, so... Who has been violating the law of the elders? I am out of our forest, looking for my son who I have not seen since he was just a baby, Lunaris ran away with him in her lap when our pack was invaded 22 years ago, I don't know how I should act because I know there are many things to assimilate. I see people getting off the bus and traveling, an isolated and hidden place where members of all the packs come and go in the human world to deal with matters concerning our reserve, people from the government have been watching it for years, thinking of a way to make even more money out of it, app environmental police are always around watching and this is not good, they have to choose a successor to occupy a position in the government at some point or another. We need our representatives there in the human world to know what we are dealing with.

My beta is dealing with the preparation of the circle for the ritual of Logan, my son and future alpha.

I get in the car with Logan, he is so grown up, tattoos on his arm and hands, I have spent years imagining our reunion, and now I have nothing to say or any way to bring up the subject, my son and I are complete strangers that is the truth. The war took away my wife and son, they had to flee because of a prophecy that my son is an heir.

Every year heirs emerge amongst the races, for high-ranking positions in the human world. But my son possesses the ancient blood. I can't even think about it. We arrive at the entrance of the pack and everyone is in their forms and wolf. They were gathered in the middle of the woods all in their wolf forms, while in the middle there was a kind of fountain where the transformation rituals were taking place and I know they are expecting a wolf as the future alpha.

Anamali, daughter of Farkas, Jake's beta born and raised here in our village, is there waiting for me along with her father.

"This is my son Logan the heir and future alpha." After those words I see everyone around let out disgruntled grunts. Anamali and Farkas stand in front of us, I transform and growl at them to transform again.

"All the elders and I will have meeting, call Blackverus, show pack to him Anamali." I say and turn around entering the meeting room.

I enter the meeting room, waiting for the other elders to enter and take their seats. Blackverus is the last to arrive and closes the door his face seemed to be that of one who already knew the subject.

"As you might imagine I have gathered you here to talk about my son Logan, Lunaris told me about years ago having put Logan's wolf to sleep, that was the only way to keep him safe." I say, and they seemed to agree, we were in seven with Bkackverus who clears his throat and lets out a long sigh indicating he was going to say something, coming from him any subject would become a long historical and epic discussion.

"Do the circle elders know? Would they have left us in the dark for two decades if they knew? You should have stopped your Luna from doing such nonsense! The ritual to awaken the wolf elder is painful, time-consuming and difficult, not to mention that no one has ever done it before, in the past it was a punishment for disobedience was seen as a solution for those who no longer wanted to be a wolf. " I was very angry, it was visible, and I was right.

"It was a thoughtless thing to do but also if Logan didn't have the wolf asleep he could have had his first transformation in a human school, like a show or a festival and everyone would see it, what would it have been like to go to the doctor and end up in a lab in a study?" Joey, trainer of the wolves and teacher of the younger ones.

" You are right, I am open to opinions" I say, observing them.

"Transformation tends to be painful and at fifteen years old you don't know how to control your emotions, especially anger and jealousy. For teenagers, everything is eight or eighty years old. It would have been difficult. Like my Joseph, when we first met, he almost killed his training partner over a conversation between me and the poor boy. He turned for the first time right there, without any control." Mrs. Sanders comments. She lost her husband 12 years ago and has since taken her place in the group of elders who represent the pack, she is responsible for the readaptation of wolves who lose control over themselves.

" We need to know how to wake up the heir wolf, train him because once everyone knows, they will come in droves and once they know about the sleeping wolf, we will be vulnerable." Jacqueline Severo, leader of the hunters protecting the outskirts of the pack, the scouting party, took her place after her parents and grandparents passed away in the last war "Anamali should train Logan, a young face of the same age makes things easier, I heard Jordan and Logan got into an ugly fight when he found out his best friend was there to watch over him."

"Regardless, we need to wake up Logan's wolf." I say impatiently, I would have to communicate to all the wolf packs and also the villages of the wonterpapan, lions and bears and a letter to the elders. "Hiding will only bring worries in the future."

"We will communicate to the leaders about this, and it will probably provoke a meeting with the elders of the Great Circle, we have to be prepared," Frank argues, we know he wants an escort, because the last time the leaders left the packs they were attacked and tried to kill the leaders.

We retreat, we all know what must be done, I see Anamali training and Logan watching.

"Mali? Come here in a minute?" I call out to her, if there is anyone who knows exactly how an alpha should act, it is Anamali. For years, I thought my son was dead, and so was Lunaris. So I trained Anamali in case something happened. She was my immediate replacement, Logan can feel comfortable with people his own age. Jordan is due to arrive in a few days with Lunaris and many warriors Logan's age are on a mission. Immediately she approaches, I call my son as well. "Great training," I say.

"Thanks uncle, your face looks serious, what happened?

" My son, your wolf is sleeping, and I need you to train him and show him everything he needs to learn to be an alpha and a warrior. They may attack us if they know about it, we have received reports of wolves leaving their packs because of a pack and rebels who want to overthrow the Great Circle, plus the deaths of wolves around the packs. "I say, Anamali knows everything and is sometimes responsible for finding out the cause of the deaths.

"Yes uncle, I will train Logan. But about the deaths... We have to bury the bodies, it is disrespectful to leave them there in the open or call the coroner and the human police, Doctor Bianca's report is that they are human." Says

"That changes everything, we should call the governor and our representative". I say and everyone nods "But first, come here Logan, let me see if you know how to fight."

For the first time I saw a smile on his lips. Just like himself, his son loved a challenge. His fists prepared, the trees moved with the wind, the sky was overcast and people gathered in the open training area. Logan distributed punches recklessly, missing them all, drawing laughter from the veterans, but that didn't stop him from laughing for a second.

"He abandoned me and my mother" His voice came out vicious as he tried to land punches. I threw a counterattack and dodged.

"I didn't abandon them, your mother ran away" I say panting as I start my attacks. There seemed to be just the two of us, with no one around. The first drops of rain begin to fall and the smell of damp earth invades the place and my wolf instincts call me to flee. Logan stopped the fight, we were panting and sweating.

"I... Dad, I need to talk to you and find out what happened and why I'm not like you guys and wasn't even raised here? If everyone is a warrior and a wolf, I don't need to go to the human world." Logan comments and I call him for a walk to the house in the Village Center, the alpha's house was the first to be created with a large hall for special occasions. We walk in silence as I think about how to explain everything that happened twenty years ago.

The image of me and Lunaris catches Logan's eye, he was on my lap on his one-year birthday.

"Mister alpha? Sorry to bother you" We turned around, it was Bruno, the watchman of the Tower "The governor is here in person visiting with his father, leader of the lions of the East."

"Thank you, call the elders and the doctor. Ask Gustavo to prepare something for us to serve the governor. "The boy bows and leaves.

"The governor? Is he one of you ?" Logan asks, looking at the portraits of the alphas that came before me.

"Not one of us, a lion Logan, and he came to see you." I say and he looks scared. "You are special, that's why your mother hid you. I need you to go to your room, get changed and only show up when I call."

I watch him go upstairs, and he doesn't seem to have heard half of what I said.

I sigh tiredly, this day is very complicated.

"Alpha Jake, three more humans killed in the same place." This time we found out they are hybrids, one is in our hospital in serious condition.

I sit down on the sofa, as do the others. The governor came personally with his father, leader of the lions, there is more to all this he always sends his assistant and brother.

"Good afternoon" We turned around and saw them at the door.

"Speaking of him" Blackverus comments.

"I apologize for the unannounced visit, but I came to advance the matter while my brother arrives. The lions were attacked by the mist warriors two days ago and the scout who carried the message was killed near Milleboor forest. We have reports of the deaths and this matter needs the governor's intervention. " He reports as he shows us the papers and probably includes a professional investigation.

Bowing and silent, the governor entered without much ceremony, he joked with me when we were kids.

"Jake! How time passes" he says to me smiling


Tension seeing the photos of the attacks on the table followed by a sigh.

"We have several crime scenes. A serial killer, kills here on the reservation, Maybe you expected wolves, bears and felines to feed on the corpses? We never had a survivor. " He tells me to sit down.

"Excuse me, Mr. Governor, but our hospital got a survivor from that last attack, he is in a coma and in a serious condition." The doctor shows the chart. "Female, Caucasian, her appearance borders on 30 years old, claw marks, cuts and signs of abuse. "

" No! I will hunt them down personally!" The Governor roars, looking like he would turn into a Lion at any moment "The surviving woman in those pictures, is my fiancée!" He roars transforming and rushes out the door.

"Not that one, if we don't stop him he could kill and do a lot of damage to the humans." His father says and Jake looks up the stairs and sees his son standing there scared. We hear screams and run in time to see Alysha and Lionel about to fight, Anamali in wolf form as well. I turn when I hear the sounds of gunshots. I start running towards it and just smell blood, screams seem distant as I run. We all stopped at the sight of the scene.

Anamali didn't know what had happened, Jake asked her to go back and not to let his son, Logan, see the crime scene. Too late, he was standing next to her.

"You can't stop me, I stopped being a child years ago. " He says and feels Anamali hold his wrist but doesn't turn around, Alysha pulls them behind the tree.

Jake and the others witness the murder, several bodies in an open grave the culprit stares at them, he seemed not to believe his eyes saw several wild animals. He steps slowly backwards and tries to look smaller until he takes distance and runs away. Border patrolman find him and blurt out the killer, snap photos and address attached in an envelope.

"There's going to be media, coroners, police, the forensics team, and all sorts of curious people for months to come." Alysha arrives speaking after seeing them leave with the passed out killer" How am I going to hunt around here?" He finishes.

"Alysha, we can't leave the bodies here. " Farkas Anamali's father and Jake's beta turns to the girl. "Every person here has family."

"We must keep our distance from the site and leave humans away from our packs" Jake says.

"I want to see the victim that is in your hospital" The Governor says as his security guards put a cloak over him covering his nudity.

This didn't stop Alysha from taking a good look at the man in front of her, muscular body, red hair, unshaven beard and piercing green eyes. Anamali beside her was doing the same.

"Watch out!" Logan says attracting the attention of the two "You're dripping drool" He laughs following his father

"Aly" Anamali whispers to her panther friend" I... felt it when I held Logan's hand" Confides her panther friend.

" What, how handsome he is with that dark tattooed body, the medium black hair?" Aly laughs

"He's my mate!" Says startled, and the two look ahead where Logan was waving and waiting for the two.

"Wow! He didn't feel ... not even a different reaction?" Alysha questions her as they walked slowly,

"I don't know, I looked away" She says, making a sign of silence after they approached the others.

"Mali and Alysha, take Logan to show how we hunt and the divisions of territories while we handle the governor's business." Jake asks and everyone settles in except Logan.

"Typically, they will dump me with anyone in that group to avoid the conversation and questions I have." High Answers going forward

Jake shakes his head and walks off.

"Anyone?" Anamali was turning furiously and when the alpha's son looks back he gets scared and starts running, and it was surprisingly fast, soon they are in the meadow running to the cliff near a river, then the two stop breathing and sit there enjoying the wind from the north, the moon was already high in the sky and none of the young men there knew how long they had been running, but that view was totally worth it. They glimpse in the distance wild animals hunting, all in harmony.

"That, is better than I could have imagined" whispers Logan

"It must be confusing to find out you are a wolf and the future alpha". Mali comments

"It's different, I was always the fastest, strongest in the class at every school, and somehow I felt like an outsider there. On fathers days or showing off dad's profession I was never able to participate, and now I know why." Says Logan." As my mother would say, my father is an alpha, and I am a wolf. I have read many times about scientists and their research, and we would be the greatest discovery."

"I was told that the human world is the same here, I mean about the way of living.

"Most of them are busy running after money and goods, the children and teenagers are the same. The gigantic buildings..."

"I always wanted this Logan," says the dreamy Mali, "I wanted to live there and see this human world."

" You've never been? You live isolated here?" Logan laughs in disbelief

"Me, all I know is being a wolf and this here is all I know," she says pointing around "I've been to the little town, I studied there with humans, but I had to stop. There were people chasing me on the way back. I finished my studies here with a teacher who lives in the human world but lives here.

The two hear howling and Anamali immediately gets up. The alpha shouted and Logan kept walking, everyone looked worried.

"Where were you, I was afraid for you two. The party of Alpha Vilkas was attacked by the guardians of the mist. I thought you were there, and you were one of the dead!" shouts Jake angrily.

"You don't need that, Dad! We are adults, and you sent her to show me around. I was on the cliff watching the animals and the boundaries of the packs." Logan says seriously.

" We need to talk about some things you don't understand Logan, Anamali I'm releasing you from tonight's shift. I require you to call Alysha into the group, it is safer for her that she is alone and away from the group of panthers. " Says Jake and she nodded, walking over.

She was interrupted by a familiar voice, she dared not turn around and look who it was. "Anamali, I require help.

" Didn't you need it when you tricked me by saying we were just going to watch a human party, and it turned out to be... a secret meeting, where were you when I was captured?" She shouts, attracting the attention of a few passing people turning back to the pack.

"What? By whom?

" Don't play dumb Marcus, not even the alpha or my father know. That meeting and the people they worked for were scientists, that's where Alysha and I escaped to. " You say and finish" I saw you there and that you took me to their experiments. "

" I... yes, you're right, that's why I made them trust me, and then I was able to free the members of my pack. Is that what you want to hear?

" I didn't take you to be captured, I took a Wonterpanam" Marcus says and is attacked by Alysha.

"For all I care, I would kill you right here and now". Shouts Aly in rage.

"What's going on here?" Farkas growls causing Marcus and the others to back away "Blackverus told us you are hanging around the group again. If I see you near my daughter, something of yours will never work again" He threatens through clenched teeth and his previously blue eyes change color to orange.

"Excuse me Mr. Demnser," Marcus says and walks away

"Daughter? I want to know why I didn't tell you before that you were captured by scientists". Farkas says and signals for the two to enter the pack and go home.

"Wait, I have come to warn you that the guardians of the mist are looking for the guardian of the older wolf and the heir." Marcus counters and turns into a wolf running into the forest.

"Damn, that complicates the situation. Both of you go into the house and don't come out for anything." Farkas commands and turns to the warriors.

"Stay alert, news has been brought that the guardians of the mist are searching for the guardian of the elder wolf, the heir is in danger, anything you see, report it immediately, this is not a training." Farkas warns, there were members of the elders there talking to Blackverus.

"The signs are clear, and we need to wake up the heir wolf. "Blackverus says "This is a matter for the elders of the circle.

Blackverus was an elder that no one knew why he was there, and was sure that he had called The Great Circle of Elders to a meeting, this hasn't happened in decades. The ritual would need to be completed urgently, the chaos had already started and only the heir with the wolf elder could stop it and save all the brothers and sisters of the reserve, wolves, panthers, lions and bears. Everyone hoped that Logan would help, because this problem was not unique to Fullmoon, but from all sides, there are invasions and deaths. Half of the country was turned into a reserve. This in itself scared and angered many humans with a thirst for power, using a beautiful and conscious slogan to hide the rottenness of their projects, hypocrisy on all sides and everyone wanting the destruction of a reserve that is home to millions of wild animals and all living without any human intervention. They want to make money out of it, appear in the media as the responsible ones, but without the responsibilities. For this reason, every four years a member of a pack is elected in the human world, in various areas to protect and keep this world secret. Even so, many scientists live trying to get in and find out what they are hiding, and this includes humans with government conspiracy theories. Many hybrids in the human world are in danger, there is a plot and traitors bringing information to the government aiming to annihilate the races, only the ancient heir has the power to fight it all. The love story of the century, "The Heiress and the Guardian''.

Lunaris has delayed her return to the pack by investigating and gathering information about hybrids and pursuits. Many have been disappearing and the Institute for research and conservation of inhuman hybrid subjects called her, they are in a critical situation and want the governor's intervention for a place in the reserve designated for hybrids. She promised she would take the matter to Jake, alpha and representative of the reserve.

She was anxious, years away from her mate and so many times she imagined the reunion with her beloved Jake, running through the meadow together, in a hilltop cabin alone, the hunts together with her brothers and sisters.

Lunaris stops the car with Jordan's family at a roadside diner, which is usually a great place to find out what's been going on for the past few hours.

They all grab a table and sit down watching the TV on there on a typical Sunday talk show, however the program is interrupted. "Urgent news" followed by the typical music of when bad news will appear. We interrupt our programming to inform you of an urgent news, the serial killer responsible for the death of dozens of people was found at the door of the police station investigation the detail is that the suspect was bound, gagged and was unconscious along with him was an envelope bound for the police station with several photos and a possible location of the crime scene. We are live with reporter Kim"

"Good evening Kim, how are the repercussions at the police station?

"Good evening Bruno, as you can see many popular people are uttering swear words, the suspect is giving a statement at this time, we have been informed that the location would be on the Governor Lionel reservation that could arrive any moment now"

"Thank you, Kim, for more details go to our website, we will be back any moment with more information."

" Do you think...." Jordan tries but keeps quiet not knowing how the situation would be back the pack""Surely they must have intervened and sent the assassin to the humans." Lunaris commented shaking his head in denial

" I don't think that was a good idea" Nilce, Jordan's mother states "The humans will be on the reservation for a long time and may end up discovering the pack buildings and will ask questions.

"The situation is getting complicated, Aunt Luna, I don't know if Logan will be able to handle it." Jordan doubts that his hard-headed friend would change his mind about the one who ran away from classes in high school with him and avoided any too serious subject.

Hours pass and dawn breaks without the conversation between father and son. Logan was out running down the path he walked yesterday with Anamali, with his headset on as the sun was rising and sitting there on a rock and watching the day clear up. Returning after a few hours and spotting near a river, Anamali hid while watching a deer and this time she had a bow in her hand like those warriors in the movies she watched or in the games. Her golden hair was tied back and her green eyes were fixed on the animal, the bow was shot, and the arrow hit the animal, wounding it, it ran hurt and began to chase until she saw it fall to the ground.

"Good hunting" he comments watching her put a dagger in him.

"Hi, there you are, I need to end his suffering, and thank you for the hunt, and we need to show respect to the animal that will serve us as food.

After the two head to the pack with the animal, finding everyone gathered watching a car arrive, Logan recognizes it immediately.

Jake pales "nothing has changed about her" thought her black hair and eyes, Her lips red from lipstick and that perfume. Long dormant instincts awaken something wild in him. "Mine," her wolf was telling her.

" Jake...my love" She hugs him tight, she could feel tears coming down, it was painful for two soulmates to spend so much time apart

" My love, together at last." He smiles squeezing his beloved against himself. "My Luna, we all miss you."

As they walk away from each other she greets her acquaintances and in the distance sees Logan with a girl full of blood and an animal.

Logan approaches her angrily. " You? You are from here too, and you never told me ?"

" Sorry, I was supposed to take care of you and not allow anything to happen to the heir" Jordan says

" You were my best friend! It was your duty to tell me" Logan says angry

" Logan, he protected you and that is why your mother took you to the human world. And that is why you have more guards around the pack." Anamali says

" I know" He sighs angrily" Let's get the deer ready, skin it..." Logan says and walks off, Mali turns to the alpha and Luna who nods.

"Anamali? Katherina's daughter? She is the guardian of Logan's wolf!" Lunaris counters in surprise" Maybe... leave it alone only time will tell, Jake, we need to talk about the hybrids." Lunaris finishes and smiles

" Before ... we have a private meeting, you know Luna?" Jake says and the two smile walking hand in hand to the alpha's house.

Lunaris and Jake met as children, he as the son of the current alpha Johan Muller went to introduce himself to the newcomers, their pack had caught fire, a mysterious fire. The two became friends instantly. They did everything together and discovered everything together, best friends, the two of them and Farkas and Katherina, did everything together and were even in squadron 1. They went out on missions together until the alpha became ill and Jake was trained by his mother Bianca, the Luna to be an alpha. At sixteen, he discovered Lunaris as his mate, they already nurtured love for each other and then married, so Jake would take over his father's position. No one trusted that a teenager would do a good job, the two had to fight hard to achieve respect and not be fooled by any cheaters and interested parties, over the years they were elected the reserve representatives and Fullmoon became the main wolf pack, they worked hard for this, for respect and to show that they could be young and responsible. War came with the news of the pregnancy, he was 27 and his mate was 26, Logan came in good health, however the burden on the small family was too much, the elder wolf on such a small baby with such a great destiny and an even greater burden. The heir came from an ancient prophecy that said about two companions, the guardian and the heiress, the unconsummated love that crossed the barriers of time, he needed to find out who the guardian was, he thought about the newborn Jordan but soon discarded because there was no mark on him. Two years passed and every day the idea that his friends would be the guardian's parents grew. Until her birth, the elders delivered the baby personally, just like Logan's two years before. Rituals performed with examinations and scar checks and surprise. Anamali was born with the tiny scar in the shape of a wolf, Blackverus pledged to take close care of the guardian, going to live in the pack Jake, Lunaris, Farkas and Katherina promised never to mention the real reason for his coming to the pack.

The war, the invasion and the fight where Lunaris and Katherina put Logan's wolves to sleep and Luna ran away with her baby still crying, it was cold, so she wrapped him in her own sweater as she ran, she could smell blood in the air and her best friend screaming as she faced several enemies who wanted the heir. Luna knew that the ice cream on her face was sweat and tears. She got a ride with a couple of farmworkers on their way home, spent the night, and in the morning with warm dry clothes they were able to continue their journey. Her heart was broken for years, her beloved was so far away that she could not feel him. He saw his baby growing up fast, he participated in various races at school and knew it was because of a great advantage in his genes, but the surprise came with music, dancing and singing.

Jake could only look at his companion in his arms while they looked at the moon, ate some fruit and drank wine. The silence at no time was awkward, there are moments when conversation is not necessary, Lunaris notices her companion's gaze and a familiar sensation runs through her body, the touch on her exposed skin brings goosebumps, kisses on her shoulders going up to her neck makes her close her eyes totally surrender. The couple's lips touch and seek each other as if at any moment the other would disappear. Her beloved was there, and she couldn't and didn't want to think of anything else but their bodies united, his lips on hers and his firm hands walking through her body without any prohibition.

Hours pass with the two of them there loving each other under the moonlight and the stars, but they knew that soon they would be back and thousands of questions should be answered and all of them involved Logan, the heir. Who in turn was angry because he was training with Jordan, he hadn't forgiven him but needed to vent all the anger within him, Anamali was missing, the twins whose names he couldn't remember were there and screamed at each hit.

"You're the best Logan!" Shouts one of them, while the heir was totally focused, he felt the sweat dripping, but he couldn't stop.

"I know you're an upset man, the friendship I offered you was always real." Jordan says dodging a punch and countering.

"I know, but I'm still mad! Everyone, every person around me lied to me, starting with my mother" He says stopping and sitting down under the tree.

"This conversation can no longer be avoided, you know that" Jordan comments sitting down as they watch the more experienced fight.

" Anamali also commented something about it, but my father avoids the subject and no one tells me anything but her."

"Mali? I remember her, the beta's daughter I have heard of her. It seems your father has personally trained her these past few years so if something happens before you show up she would take over as alpha. I saw you together. What's going on? "Jordan smiles, getting a punch in the arm from Logan.

"I don't know, I can tell you that we can be friends and that you are trustworthy. They were very beautiful, long red hair and green eyes, one with wavy hair and the other with straight. They were different from what he had seen before, but there was something about them.

But Anamali calls his attention in another way, and what intrigues him is her disappearance. He sees her entering the pack, looking to the sides all the time, picks up her cloak and leaves.

"Where is she going at this hour?" Jordan asks.

"Shall we follow her?" Selene asks

She walked ahead and met up with a group of wolves who were not alone but accompanied by an unknown man.

"You came" the voice sounded cold and his face serious." I need to know what you are willing to do to get my help." He comments in a cold voice.

"I will do what you say Leonardo" Answers "I will help you" Marcus says hugging her.

Anamali takes a paper with notes on what to do.

" Cell phones and technology can be traced, paper can't".

Anamali goes out and finds Alysha, the two transform and go out hunting, coming back at dawn, when Mali sees Leonardo and Blackverus talking, she feels a movement behind her and after turning she sees Logan, Selene, Jordan and Saline. The redhead, realizing Anamali's gaze, grabs Logan's arm.

"What are you doing here?" You question them

"I'm the one asking, hanging out with banished people, mystery men e...." Anamali covers Logan's mouth with her hands, and they all see Blackverus with Leonardo talking and showing papers to each other and Jake, Lunaris and Farkas appear talking about something but soon stop the conversation watching around making the young men hold even their breathtaking small steps backwards.

"I wonder what they were doing? It looks so suspicious ? " Logan asks Anamali who says nothing and just turns and leaves.

" Hey ? Logan asked you a question" Jordan comments

" And I suggest you find out on your own, I won't say anything in front of them" Mali answers with a serious face.

"Are you still sore? It's been a long time Ann" Selene says with a half smile

"Or is it ... jealousy ? "Finishes in a tone of provocation

" Are you jealous Mali?" Logan asks, approaching, but this makes her angry. "Of whom, of you? It's enough to babysit a spoiled future alpha who isn't even a wolf. Shouts Anamali attracting attention and the alpha and Luna appear along with Farkas and Blackverus.

"What, nanny? What have you done so far to help me? Hunting ? Like ripping out the innards of an animal? Or rather ..." Logan raised his tone of voice "Like being a worthless she-wolf, everyone doing something and explaining to me how the pack started and everything else but you who were in the forest alone." He finishes and sees the girl's eyes turn an almost grayish blue, making him go backwards in fear.

Anamali feels her blood boil, a strength takes over her, something surreal that she couldn't control.

The youths see Jake, Logan's father, transform at the same time as her and exert the power of the alpha stopping her from screwing up, when she returns to normal she notices something wrong. A guttural, wild scream is heard and Blackverus tells everyone to go and let him take care of her.

"Is it happening? " Farkas asks, totally afraid for his daughter.

They just glimpse transformed Anamali running through the meadow and Blackverus transforming and going after her, looking back Logan saw two wolves chasing her.

The girl was running, this transformation was the most painful of all, for she could not control herself.

Logan was worried and noticed her parents, the exchange of glances. " We need to talk, Logan..." Those words, he hated to hear his mother say that.

"Mom? I didn't do that!" he grumbled sitting down on the couch.

"We need to talk about you, the heir. I know it's a difficult and important task and will require sacrifices. But you wolf, your mother put him to sleep when he was 2 years old to prevent you from turning into the human world. " Jake begins sitting down in front of his son.

"I never knew you, my mother never talked about you" Logan raises his tone of voice "Instead he was treating Anamali as his daughter"

"Logan, if you want people to treat you like an adult, be one first and don't behave like a child" Lunaris scolds his son

" No, he is right that she took that place, Farkas would settle matters around the reservation, and she would play at being the beta in her father's place. I have always been close to Farkas, and it is common to be close to his daughter." Jake said it all calmly

"What made me the one chosen to be an heir?" he asks

" I have told you the legend, thousands of times. " Lunaris comments "The heiress and the guardian, soul mates prevented from being together, the first soul mates in history, they say she committed suicide after her companion died in battle, neither could stand life without the other..." Luna tells smiling

" I've heard that nonsense a thousand times mom!" Logan interrupts her" My sleeping wolf as everyone says, how do I wake him?" He asks that everyone avoids

"We don't know, so we wait for the elders to send us answers." Jake says as Farkas enters with dinner.

" Sorry, I came to bring dinner" The heir notices the blonde is missing and didn't know if he should ask

"And Anamali? Where is she?" He asks and hears the beta take a deep breath.

" I don't know, it has never happened before, and it is not common for a wolf to refuse to stop even under the interference of an alpha. I apologize on her behalf, alpha" The beta says, looking distressed

"We understand" Lunaris supports his friend

" She may have something to do with the elder wolf Farkas, and she knows it" Jake speaks, even though he knows his friend will deny it to the end.

"So for what reason did she lose control...will Blackverus know the answer?" Farkas says and the subject ends there. They didn't want to get into it too much because of Logan.

They had dinner in silence and after that they all collect themselves, tomorrow will be a long day, probably of many meetings and preparations for many things, including the human police investigating deaths, they feared for Anamali messing up out of control, they were thinking it's better to leave her in rehab and change Logan's trainer.

They agreed in their text message conversation, many heard howls and grunts, all feared the worst, direct interference by the elders of the great circle. Only on three occasions in history had this happened, when the heir Blairly died, when the guardian was captured by Russian researchers, and when the heir Antony and the guardian Bruno died in the great war.

Farkas didn't even sleep wondering where his little girl was, if she was okay, he had naps during the early hours of the morning, woke up at four in the morning after twenty minutes with the door of the room being opened, Anamali being carried by Marcus.

"Blackverus asked me to bring her here safely and said he would talk to you in the morning "He delivers her into the arms of her father who carries her to her room after locking the front door. His little girl, she reminded him a lot of his mother and that made him miss her, her death was painful and all that was left was the cape.

At dawn everyone expected to see Anamali training Logan, but this did not happen and instead Farkas was training him. The girls still sigh these days at Farkas' physical size, a light brunette with tribal tattoos across his chest, brown hair and brown eyes.

Anamali woke up at eleven o'clock in the morning, she had never slept so much and her headaches were strong, apart from the fact that she couldn't remember the night before after a fight with Logan. She lay in bed and stared at the ceiling, the more she thought about the night the less she remembered, she brushed her teeth after the coffee left by her father to take her medicine. She wasn't willing to go out and face people, she didn't know if she hurt anyone and couldn't remember anything. Mali sits by the window and observes the people outside, they were in the center of everything and facing the alpha's house. Her cell phone was there beside her receiving worried messages, Anamali picks it up to throw away when she receives a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" She asks after answering

"Anamali Demnser, we have invited you to a meeting at our rehab clinic, until then your activities at fullmoon are suspended for psychological evaluation." The robotic and impersonal voice sounds strange. In fact everything seemed out of place, he always knew how to control himself and never lost control.

Why didn't Uncle Jake or his father call with the news?

Anamali waits all day until nightfall, until then she stays locked in her room avoiding her father and even refused to come downstairs before Logan's visit. She goes downstairs through the window of her room, there were bars on the outside wall, she used them to get down supporting herself like a ladder, she put on her cloak and went to the address sent in the message from the clinic, they sent a different address and the she-wolf would find out what happened wrong with her, the clinic in the unknown territory, a side of the reservation that no one dared to go or visit. She would even call Aly if it didn't put her in danger of being recognized by someone.

It was dark, and her cell phone was threatening to run out of battery, she would have to take off her clothes and hide it next to her cell phone. She would make a hole and bury everything before turning into a she-wolf, neither way was safe. Could she lose control?

Anamali sees an empty and abandoned building. Her instincts suggest maximum alert, after entering she comes across other brothers and sisters on other sides of the reserve, in cages, and before she can think of anything she feels pain in her leg, a dart. His vision blurs and everything gradually becomes dark.

Farkas opens the door to his daughter's room with the spare key and notices the escape.

"Jake? Anamali ran away" he shouts to his friend who is worried after reaching the door

"It's dangerous enough what Blackverus told us. The clinic said about fake calls sending fake address to patients. Alysha the wonterpanam revealed that she smelled Anamali nearby and found her phone ringing in a shallow hole. '' Jake recounts.

Farkas would not allow losing his daughter, he already lost his wife years ago and this time he would fight with everything he has to prevent anything bad with his daughter. He would kill if he had to.