
The Heavenly Prince

Arthur, first prince of Clove Empire…..who was born poisoned before birth , born crippled. But destiny had some other plans ….Arthur who from crippled went to became a Heavenly Dragon. This is the take of The Heavenly Prince. This novel contains Overpowered MC Sweet diabetes inducing love story MC originally has only one lover and should with 1 only but it might change to 2 but 2 will the most …. (NO Harem) Novel has slice of life not just fights and killing. It’s my first time writing and I m writing because I was not able to find my ideal story ….. So give it a read if u want …maybe u will like it . If u want a detailed synopsis just read chapter 1 u will understand what the whole novel is about . :)

ChaosMaster · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Mythical Tressure

In Clove Empire royal palace , inside the Emperor's room.

Elder Leo : " Miss Maria , let me check his majesty's condition for safety as Dragon God's heart takes time to stabilise."

Maria nodded and placed Arthur on a massive pillow covering all sides of Arthur so that he doesn't fall.

Elder Leo went over and started to use his dragon eyes to check Arthur's condition.

Just when he placed his eyes on Arthur , he almost had a heart attack….When Arthur's mythical meridians devoured the Dragon God's heart , it evolved his mythical meridians to Divine level meridians and even unlocked and evolved both of his parents bloodline which was ice affinity from Maria which got evolved into Extreme Ice and the Fire affinity from his father which got evolved into Hellfire.Seeing all this Elder Leo unconsciously for frightened and stepped back as if he was starring on a monster. Seeing this unusual reaction from Elder Leo they spoke-

Alex "Elder Leo are there any issues with Arthur?"

Elder Leo came to his sense " Ah…Ah…"

"No there are no issues but his majesty has just crossed all the boundaries of common sense"

"Hahahaha…Demon God just you wait…if you even try attack again on our world his majesty will spank your ass into the oblivion….hahahaha….."

Seeing this scene , Alex and Maria had the same thought 'Elder Leo has lost it'

Seeing Alex and Maria's reaction he calmed himself down and started to explain when he ended with telling that Arthur inherited both ice and fire and they even got evolved into extreme ice and hellfire , Alex jumped and said-

"Hahahahah…. my son is best…hahaha let those demons come we will slap them into dust…whahaha"

Elder Leo also joined him in discussing the end of demons and both started to laugh loudly.

Seeing both these men screaming and laughing, Maria sighed and said "Both of them have lost it."

Then she turned towards her son Arthur-

"My little boy, your mother is proud of you but you don't need to listen to these two madman and do what your heart says , your mother will always be with even if I have to leave your father and guardian elder….so just do what u want."

Arthur seeing her mother smiled and raised his little hands towards Maria as if saying 'Yes Mother'

Alex coughed and said " yes yes , Arthur your father will always be with you" Arthur turned towards Alex he started at Alex for 5 sec then he turned back to Maria and continued receiving her love"

Alex almost coughed blood seeing his own son abandoning him.

Elder Leo also came and said "Your majesty, your servant will always serve you with best of my abilities."

Arthur again turned towards Elder Leo he starred at him for 3 sec then turned back to Maria and spelled "Ma..Ma…"

Maria hearing this felt her heart melt she hugged Arthur and said" Yes my darling…I am here…all you need is me…come here my heart."

While at this time there were two men standing few feet away from mother and son pair being totally ignored and abandoned.

Listening and seeing this both men stopped from their continuous laughs and almost chocked , they understood one thing if in future they piss off Maria… they won't have a good end as Maria had the worlds most powerful force and that was the baby Arthur.

Alex came to the Elder Leo and said "Elder Leo it's because Arthur is small , when he grows up he will value us more" Alex said while crying inside like waterfall.

Elder Leo nodded while having the same experience.Then he said-

"We need to hide his majesty monstrous talent as it would only bring hate and envy"

Alex and Maria nodded while Elder Leo continued "I will need some material to make a treasure for his majesty which will make his majesty look like a normal mortal from outside to anyone below Martial Saint level"

Alex at moment spoke "Elder we have some disguising treasure of heavenly grade which can be used"

Elder Leo shake his head and said "That would have helped but it won't help if the wearer has talent above mythical and his majesty's meridians are now Divine level and his both affinities are mythical level. So what we need is a God level treasure."

Hearing God level treasure both Alex and Maria skipped a heartbeat but they understood this was all for Arthur. Maria asked"Elder what all materials do u need ?"

Elder sighed and said " I need a piece of world tree , extreme ice and dragon fire…I have the dragon fire but I need to arrange the other two material"Elder was in deep thinking when Maria excitedly said"Elder I have a piece of world tree"

Elder Leo heard this and nodded then his face changed "What?!!!"

Alex then said"Few years back when I and Maria married , Dorian Empire attacked in order take Maria away as the Emperor of Dorian wanted to have Maria as his wife but he failed hehehe…(Maria pinched him when he started to laugh weirdly) cough yeah….so Elf Empire at that time proposed an offer that they would help us fend of the Dorian Empire but we will have to form a relationship to deepen our relations between both the Empire. So , at that time it was decided that the first princess of the Elf Empire will be betrothed to the first born of me and Maria will be married at the age of 16, the first princess was born 3 months ago and at that time a piece of world tree was sent by the Elf Empire as an gift of confirming the engagement."

Elder Leo was left open mouth after hearing this and just said "His majesty has heavenly luck"

"That's good then all I need is extreme ice"

Maria then spoke "We have extreme ice too, we had gotten it from north for my advancement but now that Arthur himself has Extreme ice affinity I don't need it anymore , Arthur can provide it after some years when he has gained control over his extreme ice."

Elder Leo had just one thought in mind 'Godly Luck' he sighed and said "yes in 3-4 years his majesty will be able to produce extreme ice after his affinities and dragon bloodline has stabilised in his God level meridians….it can be even faster as no one has seen the capability of a Divine level meridians for a thousand years"

Alex went and brought both piece of world tree and a small box containing extreme ice and placed it near Elder Leo who was right now condensing dragon's fire.

Alex after delivering the materials stepped 10 steps back while Maria was holding Arthur close to her chest as both of them were watching the birth of a God level treasure.

Suddenly all the heaven and earth energy started to gather around Elder Leo, seeing this Alex expanded his fire domain to prevent any leakage of energy and to also keep outsiders sense to reach this place but then Elder Leo used his Dragon domain which strengthened the protection even more and then he started to refine all the materials.

The dragon's fire and extreme ice formed an harmony , this was a very dangerous step as one mistake and a whole city could be erased of the map but because Elder Leo was a Martial Saint he had all the experience to prevent such mistake….both dragon fire and extreme ice formed harmony and started to merge with the piece of world tree and Elder Leo shaped the world tree in form of bracelet and with a final addition of drop of Arthur's blood which he had taken before refining he added it to the bracelet and the bracelet absorbed the blood and excluded a pressure which making even Elder Leo legs tremble then it's subsided…this was the effect of Arthur's blood or the Heavenly dragon's blood.

All three adults trembling from the after shock of the bloodline domination in the room saw the effect of a drop of Arthur's blood and then glanced at little baby in Maria's arm who was smiling like nothing happened..they all left a chuckle and tried to imagine the people who would try to fight Arthur….all three of them had one feeling for the Arthur's future opponent and it was 'Pity'.

Elder Leo came to Maria where Arthur was , he knelt down and presented the bracelet "Your majesty , your servant has brought this bracelet for you."

Maria was about take the bracelet from Elder Leo when suddenly Arthur hands reached out and they became shocked because Arthur's eyes right now...had changed to that of his heavenly dragon bloodline.Arthur reached out and touched the bracelet and bracelet started to glow as if it has found its owner , it glowed then shrink into size which could have worn by Arthur and then it disappeared and in next instant it was on Arthur's right hand. Now Arthur seemed like a normal new born mortal with no energy even the his meridians now seemed like mortal meridians.It was the most beautiful bracelet they had ever seen and all of them said same words"God level treasure"

Alex then came back to sense and they saw Elder Leo and then almost chocked "Elder Leo! You….!"

Elder Leo understood Alex astonished face and said "Yea I have dropped from Martial Saint to Martial Monarch , this is the price to make a God Level Treasure , everything comes with a price ."

Both Alex and Maria understood and their respect grew even more after this.

Elder Leo said " No need to fret it's just Cultivation Rank, I reached it once I can reach it again" Elder Leo said with enthusiasm….he had reached an end with Martial Saint without any improvement…so he left cultivation's now he had completed his mission and could again cultivate maybe even reach a higher realm breaking his limit , he was extreme exited.

He then said this treasure won't be able to hide his majesty forever….it will work only for 10 year because when Arthur is 8 years old the seal placed on Arthur's Heavenly dragon bloodline which is causing it effects to be reduced by 90% will break at that time this backer will have to suppress the 100% of the Heavenly Dragon bloodline and it only assumed to work for 2 more years maybe even earlier.That means Arthur will have to learn to control his bloodline and his powers before the age of 8 . Although this was a lot asking from a small kid but they believed this kid will do wonders in future and this small task won't stop him.

Alex sighed and said "Maria you should now rest and also feed Arthur and then enjoy your mother son bond" Arthur said with a bit of dejected face.

He then turned to Elder Leo "Elder please come I will show you your residence , it's already prepared"