
The Heavenly Celestial Stair Path:The Hidden Legendary Dragon God Core

The Age of Gods has long since ended, their voices no longer heard on the continent of Mother Seriou Star Continent. Humanity, standing on the shoulders of legends from its history, advanced soul technology to inconceivable heights. The humans of Mother Seriou Continent invented weapons of mass destruction, mechanized armor, and living metals. Mankind and demonic spirit have been war against each other over 500,000 years after the Blood War Battle that almost destroyed the demon race within a second but after that none have ever been kind to one another. The weak or destroyed but the demonic spirit beast aren't willing to back down. Deep within the Fairy Lake Forest a long since forgotten God has awaken but this time this god is after to destroy mankind just like how it has destroyed it's people this god won't stop at anything since the gods and goddess love humans so much we might as well kill them all as what they have done to his kind. As darkness encroaches from the abyss, hope is found in a young boy who holds a power beyond divinity within himself- Akash Beaufort a young boy who was born in the Great House of Beaufort Family Dynasty. A child that holds hope for mankind, and the demon race, he is the bride between the two races.He finds his way into the fabled halls of Heavenly Grail College, where he learns to wield his prodigious powers, makes friends, finds allies, but also make enemies who try there best to kill him, but even that eventually rising to become a towering leader. As he learns to harness his strength, danger lurks within the shadows as the various factions of humanity maneuver and plot to usurp Heavenly Grail College. Akash discovers the threat to the only world he knows as he sinks deeper into the intrigue. Meanwhile, camouflaged by the chaos and unbeknownst to the humans, the demonic spirit beasts' plot continues to steadily advance. With different races up against each other no one truly knows who is the enemy or who you can trust along the way.

Gloria_Drinka_0209 · Fantasie
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58 Chs

Chapter 40 Akash {Food Gluttony}

Akash discovered an issue. It seemed that he ate more while standing up than when seated.

There was already quite a crowd surrounding him.

"This guy's stomach isn't that big, yet how can he eat so much? He's about to break the record. I remember our intermediate academy's steamed bun record is 43. How many has this guy eaten already?"

"He's already broken the record by eating 45. How formidable! What's more, he doesn't even look like a big eater. The steamed buns are palm-sized too! The academy's steamed buns have always been this large."

Noah had long since started to foolishly stare at Akash. He had always thought he could eat a lot. In fact, he had even managed to eat 20 steamed buns before becoming too full.

This was simply ground meat along with vegetable soup.

Akash not only ate the steamed buns, but he also drank the soup. Every five buns he would drink a large mouthful of soup. He looked as if he was truly enjoying himself.

The palm-sized steamed buns were really delicious. They were stuffed with a big meatball on the inside. As soon as one bit into the bun, fatty juices would flow out. It truly was too delicious.

What was most important, it still wasn't enough!

"I'll have to trouble everyone." Akash finished the fiftieth bun, then walked up to the third meal window.

Back at home feeding Akash was the biggest headache both parents had his stomach kept on eating all kinds of food no matter what.

Akash who wasn't even full yet when to grab more food. After that in the dinning hall he got the nickname Food Gluttony. 

Akash already has a planned for the rest of his day so he waved bye to Elijah and Noah who was so upset the next six month he has to clean their bathroom that's just... He didn't know what else he could defeat Akash with!

After returning to the dormitory, Noah was cleaning the room, but avoided Akash's laundry as Akash hadn't permitted it. Akash wished to wash it himself. Elijah assisted Noah with cleaning the room. In the end, the room's atmosphere had become much more harmonious.

Right as they were finishing up with cleaning the room, Sebastian came in with a face wrapped in a towel. The swelling on his face had clearly been reduced by a lot, but it was still as unsightly as before.

"For you!" He threw a paper bag towards Akash.

Akash opened it and saw a pile of federal bills. In the face of all this money, Akash couldn't help but seem a bit dazed.

When he had tried to earn 30,000 federal coins in Sky Quin City, it had taken him a full three years! For these wealthy people however, it was simply pocket money.

"We start class tomorrow. So tomorrow night, after school, you'll come with me," Sebastian coldly said.

"Alright!" Akash agreed without the slightest hesitation.

"Sebastian, just let it be. We'll be staying in the same dormitory for the next six years."

Sebastian coldly looked at him, then unceremoniously laid down on his bottom bunk.

"Piss off it's between me and Akash."

"There won't be any problems if I go out this afternoon, right?"

"We haven't officially started classes yet, so naturally there won't be any issues! You just need to be back before the lights go out. Otherwise, you'll be faced with disciplinary action," Elijah said while he picked up his book to read.

When he heard the words 'disciplinary action', Akash's heart tightened up for a moment. He didn't actually fear disciplinary action, instead he feared the potential fines.

"I'll be back by then."

The Blacksmith's Association was easily recognizable with its grey colored building and height of thirty floors along with, at the very top, a design of a hammer. With this design, there wasn't even a need to engrave the association's name onto a plate.

Akash walked through the big glass doors on the first floor and was immediately faced with a ten-meter tall wall with an eight-meter tall golden hammer sculpture on it.

Although the Blacksmith's Association wasn't as rich as the Reu Mecha Craftsmen's Association, it was still a necessary existence. A first-rate blacksmith's status in society was exceedingly high. In fact, their status was comparable to that of mecha craftsmen and grand masters. In order to make a first-rate reu mecha, first-rate materials were naturally needed. As such, first-rate blacksmiths were needed to process first-rate materials!

The lounge on the first floor was very spacious and empty. There were only two young ladies dressed in grey at the reception desk.

"Little brother, who are you looking for?" When they saw Akash walk towards them, one of the two ladies who had a sweet looking appearance took the initiative to stand up and greet him.

"I'm here for the blacksmith ranking," Akash said gently.