
The Heavenly Celestial Stair Path:The Hidden Legendary Dragon God Core

The Age of Gods has long since ended, their voices no longer heard on the continent of Mother Seriou Star Continent. Humanity, standing on the shoulders of legends from its history, advanced soul technology to inconceivable heights. The humans of Mother Seriou Continent invented weapons of mass destruction, mechanized armor, and living metals. Mankind and demonic spirit have been war against each other over 500,000 years after the Blood War Battle that almost destroyed the demon race within a second but after that none have ever been kind to one another. The weak or destroyed but the demonic spirit beast aren't willing to back down. Deep within the Fairy Lake Forest a long since forgotten God has awaken but this time this god is after to destroy mankind just like how it has destroyed it's people this god won't stop at anything since the gods and goddess love humans so much we might as well kill them all as what they have done to his kind. As darkness encroaches from the abyss, hope is found in a young boy who holds a power beyond divinity within himself- Akash Beaufort a young boy who was born in the Great House of Beaufort Family Dynasty. A child that holds hope for mankind, and the demon race, he is the bride between the two races.He finds his way into the fabled halls of Heavenly Grail College, where he learns to wield his prodigious powers, makes friends, finds allies, but also make enemies who try there best to kill him, but even that eventually rising to become a towering leader. As he learns to harness his strength, danger lurks within the shadows as the various factions of humanity maneuver and plot to usurp Heavenly Grail College. Akash discovers the threat to the only world he knows as he sinks deeper into the intrigue. Meanwhile, camouflaged by the chaos and unbeknownst to the humans, the demonic spirit beasts' plot continues to steadily advance. With different races up against each other no one truly knows who is the enemy or who you can trust along the way.

Gloria_Drinka_0209 · Fantasie
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58 Chs

Chapter 17 Akash {Breakthrough To 10th Rank}

Countless of blue colors surrounded Akash his mind was clear as a lake he took a deep breath while he kept on sinking deeper into his cultivation.

Faint golden lines lit up on his forehead with the same pattern as before, extending outwards. After extending all over his skin, the golden lines gradually withdrew.

His body shone as he sat there in meditation. One moment it was a faint blue color and in the next the light shining from his body had traces of gold.

Early morning.

"Ash! Ash! Ash!" Sara shouted worried about him while she found her son who opened her eyes and Sara notice her son aura was so pure yet so different.

"Ma, I made a breakthrough to 10th rank! Not only that my cultivation has also made a breakthrough!"

"That's awesome son! I am so proud of you!"

"Since you think you've made a breakthrough, we'll go to the academy today and test you. If you really have made a breakthrough, then I'll take you to buy a spirit soul tomorrow."

"Long live dad!" Akash cheered.

"Aye, what's the matter? Aren't you happy for big brother?" Akash was in high spirits, but he discovered that unexpectedly, Ayan was a bit different today. Usually he would gorge herself on breakfast first thing in the morning, but she just sat there with a blank stare today. None of his excitement had rubbed off on him.

"Ah? Nothing's the matter! Congratulations big brother!" Ayan gave him a sweet smile before digging into his breakfast. 

After arriving at the academy, he told Teacher Mrs. Black about his feeling and was then taken to undergo the soul power test. The apparatus displayed that his soul power had indeed reached rank 10.

Every ten soul power ranks, Spirit Soul Masters would require a soul ring in order to break through to the next rank. They could kill a soul beast to obtain a heavenly jewel ring, but demonic spirit beasts were something people had to be careful to catch one wrong move you can die in there hands. It was much more common for people to choose the second method, of obtaining a demonic spirit soul manufactured by the Spirit Hidden Mist Phoenix Pagoda Palace Sect.

Akash was the seventh student in his class to break through. After stepping through the threshold of the 10th rank, he had become a true Soul Master and had taken his first step on this road.

"Akash, have your family quickly take you to the Spirit Pagoda to buy a spirit soul. Once you've fused with a spirit soul, you'll be a Soul Master. Official Soul Masters are able to receive a stipend of 1000 Federal Coins every month. That should be enough for your tuition fees at an intermediate academy." Mrs. Black urged him.

"I will buy one tomorrow don't worry teacher."

Mrs. Black pushed her glasses up and she gently smiled.

"That's good I am super proud of you then."

After becoming a Spirit Soul Master, he would receive a monthly stipend. Although intermediate academy was compulsory, his monthly stipend of a thousand coins would just barely be enough to pay for his everyday expenses. He would have to leave Sky Quin City to attend an intermediate academy. With his monthly stipend, he would no longer need to use his parent's money. If he was able to cultivate to become a Soul Auze Master, his monthly stipend would increase even more!

Akash was elated, step by step he was moving closer to his dream.

If it was any other child, they might not have been able to control their emotions, but Akash's heart had grown exceedingly steadily after three years of forging. That night, he went to Alan's workshop and completed his forging assignments. Only after finishing did he go home.

When he was home he saw Ayan who was sitting at the swing he was pushing himself while his mind seems to be thinking about something. His rosy lips made a frown while his eyes narrowed an he clenched his jaw tightly he tightly held on the swing.

"Aye, why are you out here by yourself, what are you thinking about?" Akash asked while he hugged Ayan who looked up and he slightly smiled his eyes were more sparking.

"Don't worry. Even though you don't have a martial soul, big brother will protect you instead. I'll protect you for your whole life. All right?" Akash said as he rubbed her head.

Na'er raised her head and looked at him, revealing clear purple eyes which now displayed a fantastic splendor. "Big brother, can you take me to play on the beach after we eat?"

Akash turned to look at Maverick who was reading a newspaper.

"Go ahead. Just don't come back too late." Maverick smiled.

The two kids walked along the beach. Ayan took off his shoes while he felt the wet send and he held on Akash hand both of them stood there and Ayan pulled his hand away the sunset was sitting and he turn around his eyes were full of water.

"There sure are a lot of stars tonight, big brother!"

Akash laughed.

"Yes! Maybe they've all come out tonight to congratulate me on becoming a Spirit Soul Master. Aye, are you sad that you're unable to become a Spirit Soul Master?"

Ayan shook her head.

"That's not it." After a moment of silence, he turned around and looked into Akash's eyes.

"Would you miss me if I left one day, big brother? Without trace?"