
The Heart Thief (Heart Series #1)

Ella Hindley, A high schooler, whose enjoying high school life with her friends. Her goal this school year is to avoid any drama at all cost. Things were going smoothly until she accidentally bumped into a boy named Zayn Hayes who could probably be the maker of her dreams and who knows, would turn her life upside down. But will Zayn give in? or will he avoid Ella to reach his goal. What is his goal? And will Ella give in to her temptations? Or will she stick to her goal as she knows getting involved with him would cost her a price. »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» "The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?" I said as I stared at the sunset painting the skies. "Yea, it is" He whispered as he stared at her through his camera and snapped a picture. "Beautiful."

Estetiknatao · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
6 Chs


Ella's POV

August 10, 2020


10:15 AM


I'm currently struggling in my chemistry class. I wasn't even listening to Mrs. Johnson when she was talking about our lesson.

I was lightly tapping my pencil against my desk. Trying to understand a thing she is saying to the class.

If you can't tell, my least favorite subject is chemistry, there's just something about it that infuriates me. Therefore I have to ask Yugo again for his assistance and meet me in the library during our free time.

Perks of having a genius friend.

I gradually stopped tapping my pencil on the desk because I was starting to get drowsy. I have to push myself to be awake just to get through this lesson which I always horribly fail.

Mrs. Johnson suddenly stopped to clap her hands, grabbing every student's attention, including me who was about to fall asleep.

As she saw everyone's eyes on her, she smiled and grabbed the papers on her desk.

She cleared her throat before saying, "Alright, I'm going to use my remaining time to let you all answer this paper-"

"What is that for, Mrs. Johnson?" Everyone looked at the student who raised his hand to ask the question. He was as tall as the nameless guy whom I met multiple times. With ginger hair and green piercing eyes that'll leave you mesmerized

I heard Mrs. Johnson sigh, "Will you allow me to finish first, Rowan?" The student, Rowan, lowered his hand and apologized. Mrs. Johnson smiled and proceeded with her instructions.

"This paper is for your club. You have to fill up the necessary things and pick at least 3 clubs that you are interested in joining. The first choice will be your top choice and the rest are back-ups, in case the club you chose isn't available anymore." She said as she adjusted her glasses, counting the papers, checking if there was enough for all of us.

She then tapped the papers on the table before looking at us.

"Any more questions?" Mrs. Johnson asked.

The class was silent, meaning there were no more questions to ask. She starts distributing the papers to the first column.


After a couple of minutes, I finally received mine and I looked at the paper. I could see a number of different clubs, but the Photography Club stood out to me the most.

I had to fill out my name, year, and age before I could select the club I wanted. After I finished, I decided that Photography would be my first option, Arts would be second and Badminton would be my third option.

I then passed my paper and sighed as I realized I had a long day ahead of me.


We were now hanging out in the corridor since it was lunchtime, but we would soon transfer to the cafeteria. When I said we, I meant me, Viv, and Yugo. We're over here discussing which club we had chosen to kill time.

"So what club did you guys choose? I joined the volleyball club" Viv asked as she munched on her food, clearly hungry.

"I joined Photography, how about you Yugo?" I turned towards him and realized he was zoning out.

"Yugo? Oi." Viv called out to him and he finally came back to his senses.

"Yeah? Oh, I joined Journaling. Sorry, my mind was somewhere else." Yugo said with a dreamy look on his face.



It was now 2:30 PM and I'm here sitting in Art Class. Our professor told us to paint something in the meantime and I decided to paint a sunset with two people laying on the grass admiring it.

I've always wanted to see the sun, set. I've often wondered what it would be like seeing it with a special someone. Just sit down and converse with someone about life. However, I never had the chance to because I don't want to bother people, and plus it sounds cliche.


Maybe someday.

Before I could submit my work, I added the finishing touch—shadows. To finalize the shadows, I added a bit of dark green and purple to the people and the grass.

Now that it's finished I wrote my name on the canvas to let people know that it was my work.

I cleaned my table and shifted in my seat. My mind drifted back to him.

I must have gone mad because his face is all I see these days.

This is absurd.

After I spent half of the class's time daydreaming, I thought it would be a good idea to make it my goal of the week to talk to him.

This is just stupid. I thought boys were supposed to be the ones who would chase girls, not the other way around. They only exist in books anyway.

Time was up and I gathered all my belongings and prepared myself as I remembered that I was going to meet up with Yugo and Vivian in the library for their help in Chemistry.


The class was canceled for the afternoon because the teachers have to attend an important meeting.

Vivian can't join us today because she has some important business to attend to.

Yugo offered to educate me in chemistry, so I headed with him to the library. He still nags me about how I'm so awful in Chemistry even though it's the simplest subject one can learn.

I reminded him that not all living atoms possess a golden brain like his. He simply shrugged his shoulders. completely ignoring my comment, and opened the library door for me to enter.

What a true gentleman.

We greeted the librarian and settled down at the only vacant table that was just around the corner. We took our seats and settled ourselves comfortably on our chairs. Beside me, Yugo prepared his notes for our tutor session. I also grabbed my notebook and some scratch papers to take some notes and for me to review.

He gave me a surprised look as he saw how well-prepared I was for our meeting.

"I see you were looking forward to our session. Did you miss my company that much?" Yugo teased and I gave him a disgusted look. "Uh no, I was looking forward to using your brain to my advantage."

He grinned amusedly and began his lesson.

Even though there was a lot of bickering while tutoring, I was still able to pick up new information from him that Mrs. Johnson didn't even mention. He then provided me with some questions to answer, and I tried my best to understand the questions he gave, but they were too difficult for me to comprehend.

Nevertheless, I am not giving up, no matter how many times I had to reread them.

I was too preoccupied with what I was doing when I see two guys approaching our table.

"Hey there." I heard and slowly turned to face the sound.

Rowan, who I recognized from my chemistry class, was there, and standing next to him was the nameless guy who occupies most of my nighttime thoughts.

He still looked the same with his black messy hair, his drawing-dark eyes, and his cute dimples. Although, he is now wearing glasses. He looks adorable wearing it.

"Are these seats available? My friend and I would like to study and these are the only seats that are empty." Rowan asked sweetly.

Yugo usually does the talking, so I was waiting for him to say anything, but nothing came out. When I turned to look at Yugo, he was fixed on Rowan. Oh boy, I recognized that look.

Rowan looked at us looking confused, "Uh hello?"

Yugo was still looking at him like an idiot so I decided to do the talking. I quickly turned to face them.

"Of course, you can take those seats. It's only the two of us anyways." I said with a smile and Rowan returned the favor by nodding and smiling back.

Yugo continued to stare at him as they both took their seats and got to work in studying. I gently pinched him underneath the table to snap him away from his thoughts and he finally returned back to reality.

He gave me a "what" expression as I glared at him. I rolled my eyes and kept working while attempting to ignore the fact that my heart was about to leap out of my chest.

Just act naturally, Ella.

While all the stress is keeping me busy, Yugo is still daydreaming and I decided to let him be as long as he is still answering my questions.

I quickly glanced at the individuals across from us, and it appears that they are equally preoccupied with what they are doing. I looked at the guy with glasses reading a book. I then realized that I never knew his name despite how many times we have encountered.

"Hey Zayn, I'm going to check for some books. I'll be right back." Rowan said and stood up to grab some books.

Zayn. That's his name.

My eyes quickly returned to the notebook that I was fixated on earlier.

I kept thinking about the question Yugo had asked me earlier, but I eventually gave up.

I turned to Yugo while holding my paper, pointing at the question, "Hey Yu, I don't understand why-" Before I could finish Yugo interrupted me.

"Hey El, I'm going to look for some chemistry books for you okay?" He said pointing the books at the back.

I tilt my head to show a sign of confusion because he clearly wasn't pointing at the right section. He was pointing at the fictional section where Rowan just went in to look around.

"But, I don-" Yugo's index finger is now on my lips, his eyes telling me to shut up before he kills me with a book.

I gave him a nod and he flashed me a smile.

"Alright, see you in a bit." He stood up and rushed in the direction that Rowan was in. This boy really knows how to act fast.

I decided that there was no point in studying anymore because my supposed teacher abandoned me to chase the guy of his dreams.

I tear a new piece of paper and start to draw instead, one way to pass time while waiting for my fellow friend to finish his mission to snatch the guy away.

I drew various unrelated items, including some fruits, a vase, and books. Even though I love to sketch, I haven't done any in a very long time due to lack of inspiration.

It was just me and him at the table and the atmosphere was getting intense. I looked around to find the traitor who abandoned me and there he was, talking to Rowan.

You can't clearly see them due to the books but you can at least make out that they are silently snickering and standing close to one another.

Wow, Yugo really knows how to swoon people.

I rolled my eyes and made myself look the other way in an effort to find some inspiration to draw. I sighed internally and slumped back in my chair because I couldn't really find anything intriguing.

I then see Zayn, the guy across from me, still immersed in his book. How is it possible to be both attractive and nerdy at the same time?

I focused on his face, taking in the small details. The small birthmark on the side of his chin, his small dimples, and his thick eyebrows. I want to remember and memorize everything. This is the first time that I was this close since the first day of school, so I want to enjoy every minute of it.

I was so enthralled by him that I failed to realize I had begun to sketch him. I started with the position he was in, before I drew the book on his hand. I then moved to his face, I made sure that every detail will be seen in this sketch of mine.

I looked at the unfinished sketch that I just made and smiled. I must say that this is one of my best and favorite pieces I had ever done.

Before I could finish the shadows on my sketch, Yugo called out to me in a whisper before I could finish my drawing, telling me to come over.

I placed the book above my sketch to hold it in place as I stood up and went to Yugo.

I passed by Rowan and he gave me a smile before he went back to his friend.

"What is it, backstabber?" I whispered as I crossed my arms. Totally not staring daggers at Yugo for leaving me.

"Oh don't be dramatic, El." He gave me a hug and swung me side to side.

I groaned trying to escape from his embrace, "What has gotten into you?"

"I'll tell you once we fetch Vivian. I can't wait to tell you what happened."

He took a hold of me before going back to our table. As we got back, Rowan and Zayn had already left. We began putting our belongings in our bags as Yugo instructed.

I lift the book that was holding my sketch in place earlier, but my sketch was no longer there. Shit.

The missing sketch was nowhere to be found despite me searching under the table, in my bag, and by the side of the table. Where could it be?

"Come on, Ella. We need to go." Yugo said and I followed him towards the exit.

Where the heck did it go?


The day ended in a flash. My friends are too busy with their homework to hang out, so I made the decision to walk home, myself.

I can finally get some rest.

I instantly thought of my childhood's secret location as I was walking. I haven't got to visit due to school and my friends. I hope the place is still alright.

And plus, I have to take my mind off certain things.

After minutes of walking, I finally arrived.

I pushed away the branches and there it was.

It was a little disorganized here. Even though the tree is now covered in debris and a lot of fallen leaves, it still appears to be alive and well. I moved them gently and entered the place, being careful not to hurt myself because of the shattered bottles. I gaze at the cliff and take in the scenery. Even now, it is still breathtaking. And remains as stunning as ever. I grinned as I admired the scenery in front of me.

You can see the small town and the beach here. I still recall that every night time, the city will be showered with colorful lights. Despite not being like the metropolis, it is nonetheless incredible.

Can't believe I almost forgot about this place.

I took a deep breath, and suddenly all the memories came flooding in.

My mom used to take me here every time she had the time. She would tell me stories about how my dad brought her here for their first date. I always wondered what he looks like because I never got the chance to meet him. Do I look like him? What part of me that is similar to my father?

But I never really had the guts to ask my mom since I feel like It was selfish of me to ask about my dad when she was there my whole life acting both as a mom figure and a dad figure.

But I am really grateful for her. My mom is a strong person and I salute her for that.

I turned around and looked at the mess. I got to clean this up if I have time but for now, I just want to rest.

I lay on the grass and stared at the sky, even the sky itself is lovely and new. I suppose the sky makes me think of hope. Being able to see the light despite all of the darkness. The stars in the night sky serve the same purpose, giving you the impression that you are not alone despite all the darkness and that there will always be someone to give you hope.

I smiled as I took another deep breath. "I want to see you, Dad."


Word Count: 2,734 words
