
The Heart of Stone in The Meadow Grasses

When the Supreme Beings begin a showdown over jealousy, what can ordinary people do who are caught up in this incomprehensible maelstrom of events that threatens to destroy the entire world?? Introduce to you a tangled tale of a faraway world where you can touch the flow of energy with your fingers, measure your strength and find your love.

LuckyCornflower · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Chapter 9. The Borderlands

On the other side, a storm seemed to be brewing. The Elders were arguing furiously about something, and the fragments of words that came out of their mouths were angry.

After checking Twinkle's wounds and making sure none of them were dangerous, Cornflower looked at the blood dripping from her feathered hand, which was beginning to turn her long sleeves scarlet. 

"Oh, you're badly hurt," Tinkle exclaimed, "Let me bandage it for you, shall I?"

"Don't worry, it's just a scratch, how are you? "

"Hah, the Quercus disciple was making me sweat, of course, but not to say it was close to impossible." - She smiled softly. 

"I couldn't let my mentor down. "

There was a commotion on the side where the Elders sat, and Elder Acer announced in an excited voice that her apprentice Twinkle and the young man Cornflower had won the trial. 

All the other mentors then hurriedly left the place in different moods, and Elder Acer flew smoothly into the air towards the remaining pair.

"Please follow me." She continued her flight away from the forest near Arbor and the Testing Gorge, taking the disciples with her.

Fluttering her wings like a butterfly in the wind, Twinkle flew after her mentor.

 Looking at her from the side, it was as if she had never been tested before. 

Cornflower followed them on the ground, his light shoes rustling softly on the green grass, two quills tucked into his breast pocket.

The further they got from the Sacred Tree, the more uneasy the young man felt. 

He had imagined leaving these lands so many times, but now that he was finally to return to the outside world and begin to piece together the puzzle of his past and find himself in it, something prevented him from breathing fully. 

He also discovered a mind-clouding poison within himself that he hadn't noticed before under the influence of adrenaline. On the move, cleansing his body of it with an internal flow of energy, he fell a little behind his clansmen.

Even though he had been locked up for two years, he didn't think their actions were wrong. 

He had been frightened at first, but after what he had seen of the outside world, he felt more like a flower in a botanical garden, tended by a merciful gardener. 

After a while, they were outside the boundary of the Umbra Forest, and a vast field stretched out before them, with an ancient oak tree in its centre. 

As they flew towards it, Elder Acer landed softly on a thick branch. 

The girl stood respectfully before the oak, leaning on one knee, the young man following suit.

The bird-woman spoke with a warm tone in her voice:

"Congratulations, you have passed the tests and can continue your journey without a mentor. I ask you, even when you are far from home, to honour the traditions of our people, and wherever fate takes you, to remember the duty of students and disciples," she winked to Cornflower, "of the Sacred Arbor. Cornflower, come closer to the tree."

He blinked in surprise, got to his feet and took three steps forward. At that moment, fine threads, like veins of light flowing from the bark of the oak, rose from the surface of the tree and reached for the young man. 

Cornflower felt the aura and smiled involuntarily. 


He felt a gentle touch on his forehead and heard a child's voice, so pleasant to his ear:

"Teacher was worried about this pupil. Especially since you didn't want to use your full potential for some reason. I'm upset. "

"Forgive me, Teacher! This... This student will miss his teacher very much!"Cornflower froze inwardly as he mentally said such ridiculous words, he knew that such a thing could make his master very angry, Zhiva didn't like to show his feelings.

"Stupid disciple."

Suddenly Cornflower saw the image of the teacher before him, who seemed to emerge from the tree trunk along the stretching threads, approaching the student and embracing him. Cornflower felt the master's embrace and was stunned. 

"I will keep an eye on this pupil as long as my eyes are clear. But unfortunately I will not be able to guide him on his way. "

The way Cornflower's teacher looked at that moment, it was hard to tell that this spirit was several thousand years old.

Twinkle, watching this scene, widened her eyes. Only the Eldest could communicate with the heart spirit of the Sacred Arbor. 

To see Zhiva in the flesh was considered an unreal fortune for the Elders, let alone ordinary female disciples. 

When the spirit emerged from the trunk, blinding the onlookers for a moment, the girl was startled, then, guessing what had happened, she channelled her inner energy into her eyes, and when her eyes cleared and she saw the appearance of the spirit, she was so stunned that she was afraid to even breathe.

Meanwhile Zhiva continued:

"I have been able to obtain some useful information for you. There is a rumour in the lands near the Sandy Wastelands that a sword belonging to the Ancients has recently been stolen by one of the nomadic tribes of the desert people, who intend to present it to the Crown Prince of the bordering country, Virdis, to give them protection and shelter. There is war in the desert, but this sword can help ease your ailments and unlock your abilities. Until you find it, it's best to hide your true aura from everyone."

"I understand, Teacher."

Cornflower nodded cautiously, Zhiva had already warned him about the possibility of his condition worsening once he left the barrier. It was impossible to predict how his body would behave, but he was willing to take the risk.


"Goodbye now, perhaps if this world can be cleansed of its filth, you and I will see each other again."

"Teacher, I'll do my best to ensure that we meet again! Thank you for your guidance! "

At these words Cornflower fell to his knees and bowed.

Without saying a word, the teacher vanished into thin air, just like the threads on the wind too.

"Now you can go to the Borderlands, Twinkle, please stay a little longer, I have more to tell you. Cornflower, I'm very glad to have had the pleasure of your company. "

Bowing respectfully to the Elder Acer Cornflower said:

"I am grateful to fate for bringing me into contact with your clan. I will never forget the time I spent here. If I can ever repay you, I will."


Standing, he left them alone and hurried over to where the sky and grass were slightly distorted. Touching that uneven smoothness, he ruffled the currents of the surrounding barrier, and watching those ripples, he waited silently for Twinkle. 

As soon as he felt her presence, he spoke: 

"Shall we go?"

-"Do you still ask? I want to see how the outside world has changed in the meantime!"

And childishly holding hands, they stepped behind the enclosing screen of the Sacred Tree.


If it was eternal summer inside the Sacred Tree's barrier, it was already autumn outside. The field was full of withered grass, and the nearby forest was blazing with orange and red.

The cold wind ruffled the feathers on the girl's wings, and she was tempted to rise up and look at the autumn colours from the air, so forgotten and no less vibrant than the summer colours.

But then she sensed something was wrong; Cornflower, who had let go of her hand as soon as they had crossed the barrier, made no sound. 

When she looked back at him, she gasped in horror - the young man's mouth, nose, ears and eyes were bleeding. And he himself, clutching his heart, seemed to be suffocating.

Cornflower knew something like this could happen, but the inescapable feeling that came over him as soon as he crossed the barrier prevented him from taking a breath to somehow channel his internal energy through the damaged organs. 

It was as if the heavens themselves had fallen on his shoulders. When he saw Twinkle looking at him in horror, he wanted to comfort her somehow, but he couldn't at the moment. 

All he could do was sink to the ground and gasp for breath in silence.

Just then he felt a kick between his shoulder blades and a life-giving energy coursed through his body. 

It gave him the second to release his own, and with a deep breath he suddenly coughed up a clot of blood.

"Mentor!" Twinkle's cry was full of joy and adoration.

"I couldn't just leave you, especially since I have to return to the Borderlands. And after what the Spirit of the Sacred Tree Heart told me, I rushed to follow you. Even though it's not allowed to accompany those who have passed the test, I couldn't refuse."

After sitting for a while, he felt better:

"Thank you, I didn't expect it to be so hard. I feel better now. "

 He tried to get to his feet, but only with Twinkle's help, whom he thanked immediately:

"Thank you, you can let go, it's my burden now, I can't ask you to carry me all the way, I have to learn to live with it."

"Are you sure?"


Only then did the girl let go of his elbow.

"In that case, I'll have to leave the students and return to the Borderlands as soon as possible. With these words, the Elder Acer took off with her wings elegantly spread and flew towards the mountain range overlooking the forest."

Cornflower said:

"I'm afraid I can't go with you at that speed, but I know how much you want to take off."

He smiled to Twinkle " Please don't wait for me, go. I'll catch up with you later."

"No, let's go together! " and without waiting for his answer, without a trace of embarrassment, she scooped up the young man, opened her wings and soared with him into the cold pre-sunset sky.

The air that rushed into his lungs made his hold breath and enjoy the beautiful view.

Once the lush autumn forest was behind them, they glided smoothly through the oncoming air currents along the mountain range that began to rise towards the borderlands' capital, Silva Saxei.

During their long flight, Cornflower had been so cold that his body, already exhausted by the unfamiliar atmosphere, was shivering, but the sight of the approaching beautiful city in the gorge was so overwhelming that they seemed to be transported to another world.

As if carved into the rock, the city with its countless tower-houses, bastions and narrow fortresses, perched on the highest points of the gorge, greeted them with the lights of its watchtowers. The pre-sunset sun was casting a pleasant light on the peaks of the mountain range.

Their arrival from the direction of the Sacred Arbor attracted several guards, who immediately rushed up to meet them.

"Are you the apprentices of Elder Acer?" they said, and without waiting for an answer continued, "Please follow us."

As Cornflower glided past the towers and turrets, houses and shops, he admired the neat streets and sparse marketplaces scattered here and there, connected by winding staircases and bridges. And among all these man-made structures, there was a place for greenery, which, though withered by the coming autumn, had not lost its charm. 

As they flew past crowded places, Cornflower occasionally caught the astonished glances of the bird-women, who could not understand what the young man had forgotten in the hands of a bird-girl who stood out by her appearance too.

As they flew towards one of the central towers, the guards let them pass. Twinkle flew deftly into the open doorway of the keep.

She set Cornflower down carefully, as if he were a porcelain doll, and stood by his side. In front of them stood one of the elders, Tilia.

"Congratulations on passing the test and arriving in the capital of the Borderlands Silva Saxea. I am happy to welcome you here. My name is Tilia, and I am the Viceroy of this city. Twinkle and I have already met." 

The bird woman nodded in her direction, Twinkle bowed her head respectfully.

"I have heard of the young man and his story. Cornflower, right?"

"Yes, Elder Tilia, you are correct" Cornflower bowed respectfully.

"Well, welcome to a new phase of your life. Twinkle, your year of service to the Borderlands begins now. Cornflower, your service to our clan will not be bound to this place."

Tilia looked at the two who had just entered.

"I must warn you both, these are not quiet times, our scouts are hearing rumours of bad omens all over the world. It seems that some higher power is once again pushing the Epimetheus races towards destabilisation. Our borders are not officially under siege, but the number of captured spies has increased greatly recently, and the unrest that has begun in the desert... I fear this is only the beginning of something big. Don't get too excited yet, but don't relax either." 

Tilia turned to Twinkle:

"I know you've been to Silva Saxei before, I hope you'll show your classmate around. And don't forget that there are traders from other clans here as well as our own. Please show them respect to avoid political incidents."

"Don't worry, we're not looking for trouble." Twinkle replied.

"Then you may go."

After saying their goodbyes, they left the main room of the tower, where they were met in the lobby by an unfamiliar bird-woman, who introduced herself as Tilia's assistant, and led them down narrow staircases and over bridges to the barracks near the central tower, where all the new arrivals were housed. 

After giving them their room numbers, the bird-woman left them not far from the entrance to the barracks. 

It was already dark, and the moon was peeking out from behind the clouds, making the frost glisten on the petals of the late-blooming flowers. 

Cornflower was cold, but he did not hurry inside, enjoying the noise of the night market on the lower level at the foot of the barracks and the night sky above. 

The street lamps flickered pleasantly, the wind rustled the stale grass in the back alleys. 

 It was late, and there was not a soul outside the barracks except them.

Twinkle was the first to break the silence:

"What are your plans for the future? I suppose you won't be waiting for me for another year?"

Cornflower froze and looked at the girl with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I can't, I have a mission from Zhi... Teacher. I'm afraid I can't spend time with you here, so I'll leave tomorrow."

"You sound like a hero of legend. Are you going to save the world?"

Cornflower looked into his friend's eyes, which were both warm and fearful. He couldn't resist taking her hands.

" I am not a hero. I'm just a man who wants to regain his memories and find his place."

"But your place is here with us! "

She wrenched her arms from his and hugged him tightly, not letting him say a word.

Stunned, the young man hugged her back and for a brief moment, as their eyes met, he gave in to the impulse and kissed her gently on the lips.


At that moment, it was Twinkle's turn to be taken aback. 

Blushing, she was only able to pull herself away after a few moments and flew off into the clouds without saying a word.

Cornflower saw her off with a dazed look and involuntarily touched his lips, so hot after that light kiss. 

He wanted to fly up too, to meet the moon and the refreshing air. 

He couldn't move as the girl's silhouette faded into the night.

He stood like that until the cold of the night came back to him with a gust of wind. 

He turned and went to his room. The room was modestly furnished with a minimum of furniture, but to his surprise he found on the bed a bundle of belongings and a short note: "From Teacher."

The bundle contained a travelling cloak, warm clothes, a small but heavy purse containing money, and a medallion symbolising his membership of the Falcon Clan. 

He thanked his teacher for his consideration mentally, washed up and went to bed. 

Although the city was built into the rock, the rooms were quite warm. 

Cornflower had once read that this city was located on a spot of high magma activity, so all surfaces were well heated. And under the impressions of the past day, he fell asleep immediately in the warmth and comfort of the bed.

He had a dream. In the dream he saw again a young man who looked like his father. 

It seemed to be the day of his coronation. 

A solemn procession entered a beautiful palace with light buttresses. 

To the sound of solemn hymns, a crown was placed on the young man's forehead. 

But at that moment, his gaze was vacant, as if he were somewhere else and nothing that was happening concerned him. 

As a spectator, Cornflower wandered around the hall, marvelling at the splendour and diversity of those present at the celebration. 

Feeling the lightness inherent in all sleeping people, he wandered around the hall and approached the main object of the celebration. At that moment, in front of the throne where the crowned prince was sitting, a theatrical performance was taking place. 

As he watched, Cornflower suddenly felt a firm grip on his wrist from behind. Startled, he turned to see that it was the very young man whose honour and bravery had been praised by everyone at the celebration.

"Sister?!..." The eyes that had looked at everyone in the room so coldly and aloofly before suddenly radiated surprise.

At that moment Cornflower woke up in a cold sweat, as if a bucket of water had been poured over him.

Even after reassuring himself that it was just a dream, Cornflower was unable to fall back asleep. 

Concentrating on stabilising his consciousness, he meditated a little, as his mentor had taught him, to calm the surging energy and take some of the weight off his body, which was not yet fully accustomed to the outside world.

When he was done, he quickly wrote a letter to Twinkle, who, as expected, did not answer his knock at the door. 

In it, he assured her that he would be back here in a year's time, and that he would walk the streets of Silva Saxei with her and show her the rest of the world. 

He placed it under her door and went back to his room, taking the bundle with his belongings and his travelling cloak and setting off for the border. 

With his partially restored skills from yesterday, he was able to quickly leave the city limits and head straight for the border, leaving the mountainous terrain behind.

Once on the open plains, he had to show the medallion several times to the patrols that came his way. 

If it weren't for the markings of his aura on the medallion, many of the bird-women would have thought he had stolen it. 

But thanks to Elder Acer, who had foreseen the situation, he had no problems and left the land of the bird women that evening.

Conscious of the reactions to his appearance from the people he met, Cornflower wrapped himself in his cloak, hiding his hair with a hood and covering the lower part of his face with a handkerchief as he travelled deep into the forest. 

Having expended a great deal of energy to leave the lands of his clan as quickly as possible, he used the remaining energy to create body tissue that destroyed by the atmosphere and parallel conceal his presence. 

He realised that he was now on his own. 

Heavy-hearted he set out to find the sword and headed south.

I feel Cornflower's heartache every time... Ah <3

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