
The heart of a Princess

After a war between two kingdoms that lasted thirteen years, princess Ayla is sent to the Kingdom of Nordmar to be a slave. She expects the worse, but when she arrives in Nordmar, home of King Rhobart, Ayla is never treated as a slave. In the beggining Ayla doesn't like the King very much, but as time passes and she gets to know him better she start to open her heat to him. When the Orcs, the enemies of the humans, are on the verge of starting a war against all the kingdoms, Ayla receives visions that will lead her to discover things she never knew about herself. Will the Orcs win the war, or will Ayla find a way to save the man she loves? And not only him but the entire world.

AmyT · Fantasie
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71 Chs

Chapter 67

Early in the morning, the kitchen from the Clan Hall was very busy, preparing a little feast for the departure of the King and his trusted Paladins.

Rhobart and Ayla woke up nearly at dawn to prepare everything they needed for the journey. Once everything was packed, the King led the princess to the dining hall. Milton and the Paladins were already seated at the table and talking to Chief Ulfr.

"King Rhobart! I am so sorry you have to leave so soon," Chief Ulfr said once Rhobart helped Ayla with the chair and sat next to her.

"I feel we have abused your hospitality too long, Chief Ulfr," Rhobart said. "Thank you for everything. Also, I want to tell you have read your report regarding the mine. I don't have time right now to visit it, but I would like you to tell the war prisoners that the borders with Myrthana are closed. Those that wanted to return home have to remain here, for the moment."

Chief Ulfr, who was cutting the stake he had on his plate, turned pale. He looked at the King with worried eyes and asked, "Is a new war going to start?"

The King drank from his goblet of wine, then looked at Chief Ulfr, "This is what I am trying to find out, but we lost contact with the spies from Myrthana. The other kingdoms also said they were missing their spies. Chief Ulfr, as the eldest of all the chief, I need you to prepare the Clans in case of another war. But for a war with Orcs. Send word to all the mines that we need magic ore—lots of it. Also, send word to the bladesmiths and the armorers to have them make swords, shields, arrowheads and bolts, armors, and everything else we need for a war with the Orcs. I sent word to Falcon earlier. He and the others will prepare the Old Fort for those that are too young or too old to fight. Provisions have to be sent up there." Rhobart stopped for a moment while he looked at the Paladins–they were listening to what the King had to say.

Rhobart looked back at Chief Ulfr, "I wrote some parchments for the other chiefs. I didn't have time to send those, but I was hoping you do that for me."

"Of course, King Rhobart," Chief Ulfr said. "And may Inoss protect us from a war with the Orcs."

As they continued eating, they kept talking about preparation for war. Ayla listened quietly while praying that her brother didn't sell Myrthana to the Orcs.

After breakfast, Chief Ulfr accompanied the King and the others to the stables.

Ayla was happy to see Spirit and to travel with him once more, but she was also sad to leave behind the Hammer Clan. She made many happy memories while in the Clan and shared many moments with Rhobart. But as she looked at Rhobart, she felt excited to see new places.

Rhobart looked at the Chief, "Tell Seff that I am sorry I couldn't talk to him. The last time I saw him, he was a young boy, and now he is married."

The Chief nodded, "I will let him know when he finally leaves his room."

Eude laughed, "They are still in there?"

"I heard that when two n'alxaes get their alxa-lotx, they can feel a lot of lust for their half until they get used to the bond," Droyn said.

Hudde looked at Eude, "Are you thinking about what I am thinking?"

Eude nodded, "I think so, brother."

"We need to find our n'alxa," the twins said at the same time.

Ayla wondered why the twins thought they would have the same soulmate. And she could not imagine a woman to love and to be loved by two men.

"If she is anything like you two, we are doomed," Tizgar said, and the eyes of the twins twinkled with mischief.

"We better get going," Rhobart said. "We have a long road ahead of us."

The King and the Paladins checked their provisions one more time before getting on their horses and leaving the stable.

"May Inoss protect you and keep you safe," Chief Ulfr said as Ayla and the others left.

As the group left the Clan behind, they were made small talk. Ayla loved listening to them talk. She was still trying to figure out how Gorn knew what Hewe was saying. She saw the Paladin move his hands and fingers in fluid movements. She thought that somehow he was talking with his hands and hoped that one day she would learn what he was saying when he used his hands.

The sky was cloudy, and snow started to feel. Ayla looked amused at Kerra, who was catching snowflakes with her mouth. The princess liked that the snowcat didn't always act like the predator she was.

The group walked together until they got to a crossroads. Rhobart stopped his horse, and the others did the same.

"Try to send a report once every three days," the King said to Gorn. "In case we lose contact, we will meet at the Drowned Mermaid in about a month."

"Alright," Gorn said.

Ayla looked at the Paladins that were going to Myrthana, "Be careful. Don't put yourselves at any unnecessary risk." While the men nodded their understanding, Godefray looked at the trees pretending he didn't hear what Ayla said.

"Why do you dislike me so much?" Ayla asked.

Godefray stiffened atop of his horse. Moments later, he looked at her and said, "I can't like someone that made my King, my brother-at-arms suffer so much."

Ayla wondered what Godefray meant but couldn't understand what he meant. She couldn't recall a time when she made Rhobart suffer, as Godefray said. She felt sadness that the Paladin disliked her because Ayla only felt respect and admiration for the Order of Paladins.

Not every knight could become a Paladin. Only those that had proven their worth in battle and did not flee Death even when Death looked them in the eyes were selected to become Paladins.

When a knight was promoted to Paladin, an ancient ceremony was performed in a Church of Fire, a ceremony where the knight pledged his life and magic ore sword in the service of Inoss, swearing that he would fight the Darkness with his last breath. If Inoss found the knight's heart noble, and he accepted the oath, a light would descend upon the knight and his sword, consecrating them.

So Ayla knew that Godefray had a noble heart and hoped that one they would become friends.

"Godefray!" Rhobart growled.

The Paladin looked at his King, "If she wants my respect, she will have to earn it! And for that, she will have to prove she is one of us!" And with that, Godefray turned his horse to the right and left.

"Don't mind him," Gorn said to Ayla. "He has always been a prick."

The twins laughed. "Nah. He is like this because his prick is small," Eude said, and the other roared with laughter.