
The Heart’s Awakening

Takashi and Kenji have been best friends for as long as they can remember. Now in their second year of high school, the boys grapple with new realizations about themselves and their relationship. Takashi comes from a traditional family and has always done what is expected of him. But he finds himself drawn to his rebellious best friend Kenji in a way that is more than just friendship. Takashi struggles with these confusing feelings he fears others won't understand or accept. Kenji is an outgoing and carefree spirit who plays by his own rules. But even he is not immune to the strange awkwardness that has sprung up between him and Takashi recently. Kenji starts seeing his best friend in a new light that scares yet intrigues him. Their friends and teammates notice the boys growing distant as they avoid addressing the unspoken truth. After tensions and misunderstandings threaten to break them apart for good, Takashi and Kenji are forced to confront how they really feel about each other. They must find the courage to follow their hearts, even if it means going against the norms of society. Following Takashi and Kenji's journey of self-discovery, heartbreak and love, this light novel aims to tell a moving coming-of-age story about friendship, courage and embracing your identity against all odds. At its core, it is a tale of the transformative power of love. [THIS IS A BL]

IAmAnOof · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Bonds to Weather Any Storm

Takashi was lost in thought as he walked to school with Kenji, who was chatting animatedly about the upcoming culture festival. His mind kept returning to Arata and the concern he had expressed recently over Daiki's strange behavior.

Kenji waved a hand in front of Takashi's face, brow furrowed. "You seem distracted lately. Is everything okay?"

Takashi smiled apologetically. "Sorry, just have something on my mind." He debated confiding in Kenji about Arata's situation but it wasn't his secret to tell. "I'm fine, don't worry."

Kenji studied him for a moment before shrugging. "Well, if you want to talk about it, I'm here to listen." He launched back into planning their class' culture festival booth.

Takashi nodded along, gazing over at Arata and Daiki. Though the anger seemed to have faded, a troubled air still lingered as they walked together but apart. At least they were talking again.

"Why don't we all work at the booth together?" Kenji suggested. "It might help take their minds off of whatever's bothering them."

Takashi smiled at Kenji's perceptiveness. "That's a great idea. I'll ask if they want to team up."

Kenji grinned. "With the four of us, we'll have the best booth!"

Takashi laughed, heart swelling with affection. "Yeah, we will."

They invited Arata and Daiki to help plan the booth. Though hesitant, they agreed - and for a while worries were forgotten amid laughter and hard work.

Takashi watched as Kenji teased Arata, who swatted at him in mock annoyance. The intimacy between them sparked longing in Takashi's chest, a vision of what could be - if they found courage to grasp it.

The day of the festival arrived. Takashi grinned, surveying their booth. Decorated brightly with activities for students, it had turned out better than expected.

"Amazing!" Kenji exclaimed, throwing an arm around Takashi. "We'll definitely have the most popular booth."

"If we don't destroy it first," Arata said wryly, eliciting laughter. But his fond gaze lingered on Daiki, lighter and carefree again.

Giggling first-years arrived. Daiki smiled charmingly, gesturing to the games. "Welcome! What would you like to try?"

The girls crowded Daiki as he boasted of each game's difficulty. Takashi and Kenji shared an amused look; Arata rolled his eyes at Daiki's antics though his cheeks were pink.

A girl batted her lashes. "You must be good at these. Why don't you show me?"

"My pleasure!" Daiki winked. Halfway through the game, a bottle spilled water all over the flirting girl.

She gasped. Daiki stammered apologies, grabbing napkins to help dry her off. The girl stomped away with her friends; Daiki rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

Takashi and Kenji erupted into laughter at Daiki's expression. Even Arata struggled to hide a smile. "Way to make an impression!" Kenji teased, clapping Daiki's back.

Daiki groaned. "Why always me?" But he joined in their laughter.

The day passed in activity and bonding. As students packed up, the four stood amid remnants of their labor - snacks, materials, memories to keep.

"This was fun," Takashi said wistfully. He didn't want it to end.

"We should team up again next year," Kenji suggested. They enthusiastically agreed.

"It's a promise, then." Arata smiled warmly at each of them.

A few days later, Arata overheard yelling from a classroom. Peering in, he found Daiki arguing with a teacher, face flushed in anger and distress.

"I need more time!" Daiki said, hands clenched. "My parents are fighting and home's a mess."

The teacher softened. "I understand, but I can't make more exceptions. You're already behind." He sighed. "I want you to succeed. Meet me halfway; let me support you."

Daiki shook his head numbly. After the teacher left, he hid his face as sobs racked his body.

Arata hurried over. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here."

Daiki looked up, eyes rimmed red. "Arata. Did you hear all that?" He wiped his face.

Arata nodded, expression sympathetic. "Why didn't you tell me things were this difficult?"

Daiki shrugged. "I didn't want you to worry." He laughed hollowly. "Lot of good that did."

"You don't have to go through this alone." Arata hesitated, then embraced Daiki tight. "I care about you. Let me in."

Daiki clung to him, front crumbling. In Arata's arms he found solace to stand again. Home.

Daiki's breath steadied. Arata drew back, studying him in concern. "I'm always here if you want to talk, you know."

Daiki managed a tired smile. "I know. Thank you, Arata."

Arata returned his smile. "Now come on, you still haven't shown me that game!"

Daiki's smile widened. Together they left the room. Comfort was here to be given, if Daiki could take it - each step forward letting light through walls crumbling down. And Arata would be here, guiding him home.