
Chapter 21

Chapter 21


Alicent's life had changed a lot over the last couple of weeks. She had done things she never could have imagined. She had left her home and her family, had ridden a dragon over the vast ocean, and was set to marry a Prince.

She thought of all that as she sat in the library of Aenys's manse flipping through one of the books. And that was another thing. Alicent was truly beginning to understand the vastness of Aenys's repute and wealth as she landed in Bravos. His manse was perhaps one of the biggest in the City, and the way the people looked at him as he walked through the streets indicated his power.

They had been invited by the Sealord, who seemed rather well acquainted with him.

And the reason for all this wealth and influence sat right in front of her. Or around her, to be more specific. While Aenys's whole manse had been impressive, boasting a rather unique design, and adorned with silver and gold trinkets, Myrish carpets, and other marvels of craftsmanship from Qohor and Yi-Ti.

Yet the biggest display of wealth was this place. The library. The racks were made of Ironwood from the North and went up to the ceiling. There were staircases and ladders to make taking out a book from the elevated racks easier. And they were all stacked with books.

Alicent had only ever seen more books in the Citadel; even then, there were works here that she had never seen. And the one in front of her was one such book.

"The Canon of Medicine" the name was written in High Valyrian, much like the book. And this was his life's work. Though he had not told her, she could tell that he had written this book, for it was ahead of the other texts on the human body and medicine by decades, if not centuries.

They were the foundations of his abilities. She had a very good idea about the source of this text as she looked at the detailed picture of the inside of a heart. And just seeing it made her in awe at all the labeled parts and intricacies.

"I never thought you would be interested in this stuff," came the voice of Aenys, breaking her out of her trance. She looked up to find him standing right behind her, glancing at the book.

"Oh, I was just looking. It's all very detailed and advanced," she gulped and hurriedly replied.

"When did you come back?" she questioned him. Aenys had been busy with one of his projects, a medicine of sorts that cured diseases caused by miasma, though he had explained that it wasn't really miasma but other very small living organisms that caused the disease.

"Just now, everything was in order. And I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things," he began as he sat down. Alicent closed the book and turned her chair to look at her.

"So, how are you settling in? Is everything all right?" he questioned, a bit of nervousness in his voice, and she smiled as she shook her head.

"It's going fine. It's a big change, but I am managing," she reassured him, and the truth was that it was going well. Life here in Bravos had been different for her, for back in Kinglanding, every day would be filled with a flurry of activities, yet here life moved much more slowly.

"Good, that's good. Well, then, I believe I have two important news to discuss with you," began Aenys slowly, and she had an idea about what they were. It had been quite some time since those people from the Company of Rose had shown up. And Alicent wasn't truly blind to Aeny's doing over the last few weeks.

"What is it?" she questioned him. Aenys nodded and took out a scroll from his pocket.

"I believe you are aware of my meeting with the captain of the Company of Rose," and her heart shook as she nodded.

"I know. You plan to hire them to bring down Drahar," she guessed, and he nodded.

"Yes, and preparations are nearly complete in that regard. We plan to leave in a couple of weeks," Aenys informed her, and her heart shook as she began to chip away the skin of her thumb. She looked down as she thought of what to say. She wanted to stop him and beg him not to risk his life like that. But what right did she have to tell him what to do?

Suddenly she felt someone else reach for her hands, stopping her, and she looked up to find Aenys shaking her head.

"Don't do this to yourself," he said as he stopped her. And she nodded when he suddenly took out a scroll from his pocket and handed it to her.

"This is the scroll that concerns my inheritance. All my wealth and other associations are mentioned there. If anything were to happen to me, they would all pass to you," and her body stilled as soon as she heard those words. And she opened the scroll with shaky hands and saw that it was a valid will, with the signature of the Sealord at the bottom.

"There are a couple of people who manage most of these assets. They will be arriving in a week so you can meet them. Otherwise, Greg also knows a lot. He would be able to help you with…." But she closed the scroll and stood up making him stop.

He looked up, and she willed herself to say the words.

"Aenys, please don't go. I know that you are angry and want revenge for Lady Maegella, and though I never knew her, she wouldn't want you to put your life in danger because of her," and she saw his eyes glint unnaturally. And a small part of dread that she had overstepped. Aenys chewed his lips as he stood up.

"I cannot let this go, Alicent. I have to avenge her. I will not rest easy until Drahar and his ilk are dead," Aenys declared, and she could see him struggling to control his rage. And Alicent knew that she had to be careful.

"I know that, but you don't have to risk your own life like this. You told me that Lady Maegella loved you like a son. Imagine how she would feel if you were to get hurt trying to avenge her," she pleaded slowly as she cupped his face. Aenys chewed his lips.

"I am not asking you to forget about revenge, you can send a faceless man after him or any other killer for hire. Just please don't put yourself at risk li…." And before she could say any further there was a loud knock on the library's door interrupting them.

Aenys frowned and gave her a nod.

"I will think about it," he said to her as he wiped away her tears. Before he turned towards the door.

"Who is there?" he questioned loudly.

"My lord, it is Anya. There are some guests outside to see you. They wish to seek an audience with you," came the reply from the elder blonde maid.

"I don't remember inviting anyone," murmured Aenys as he began to walk out of the library. Alicent joined him as he opened the door and found the head maid standing there.

"Did they mention anything about who they were?" he questioned her and the maid thought about It for a moment before she replied.

"They were a bit nervous and mentioned that they were from the Triarchy," and she saw Aenys stiffen at those words as he balled up his fists.

"Why are those bastards outside my door!"



The private dining Hall was brimming with light from the chandeliers as the servants brought all the dishes. Aemma sat there with Viserys as they waited for the rest of the family to arrive. The shadow of the incident at Dragonstone still hung over them, and Viserys had thought of gathering all the family to clear up the air.

She herself was skeptical of it, yet Viserys had been adamant about arranging this dinner. She wasn't blind to his intentions or the reason behind such a dinner. There was rampant gossip about how Viserys and Daemon had abandoned their brother to Vhagar, and she could sense the unease in the court. Viserys, as always, had chosen to favor Daemon, brought him back to Kingslanding, and reinstalled him onto the Council. The retinue from Vale was still in the capital and had been clamoring for Viserys to decide, yet the King had remained hesitant about the matter of the marriage of his brother.

Rhaeneyra walked into the room, followed by the rest of the attendees, including Daemon, who had his usual smug smile on his face, followed by both Corlys and Rhaenys.

"Ahh, good, everyone is here now. Let us begin," said her husband, joining her at the table. Everyone began to sit down as the servants finished setting the table. Corlys sat to the side of Daemon, and Rhaenys sat to her side.

"It is good to see you, Rhaenys. How is Laena?" questioned her husband, and Lady Velaryon stiffened for a bit before she finally replied.

"The gods have been kind. The Maesters are hopeful that she will wake any day now," replied Rhaenys, and Aemma joined in and gave the usual pleasantries to her as well. Finally, as everyone sat down, her husband struck his glass with a spoon, and the room became quiet.

Then Viserys stood up, and Aemma noticed the hints of nervousness in his posture as he looked around the table at them all.

"Our family has seen tumultuous times over the last months," began Viserys slowly as he addressed them all.

"The Gods decided to take my child, and I nearly lost the love of my life," and her heart lurched at the mention of her dear Baelon.

"Then we lost our beloved Aunt to those wretched pirates," he added slowly as he sipped some of the Dornish red.

"And Lady Laena found herself at death's door, and my brother left us all once again due to a massive understanding," he finished slowly, and she saw Lord Corlys turn his eyes at that. She could only look down in shame at his words, for everyone at the table knew that those words said little of what had transpired.

"But we cannot wallow in the pasts. We must move past all this and come together as the realm enters into these perilous times," Viserys began once more, his voice sharper and louder.

"Vultures eye us all, ready to pounce as they all see us divided and at each other's throat. But to this, I say enough. I have called you all here so that we can sit down and put our differences behind us, so we can forge ahead as a family once more," and then he looked around the table, eyeing them all as he finished his words.

"For in unity lay our true strength," he finished. Daemon was the first one to begin clapping, and the rest of them joined in as well as Viserys sat down.

"Well said, brother!" complimented Daemon from the side, making her frown. Viserys and Daemon had been holed up together for the last couple of weeks, and she was pretty sure that he was the one who had convinced Viserys to go to war in the Stepstones.

"Your grace, as good as this whole gesture. The court still gossips about the incident at Dragonstone, and the absence of your brother gives credence to the talks of the rift in the family. Perhaps if you were to…" but Daemon cut off Lord Corlys before he could finish.

"This dinner is for us to put all the business regarding our dear brother behind us. Aenys chose to make a mountain out of a mole and chose his path. The Crown cannot always capitulate to his whims. He would be welcome in these Halls as long as he apologizes to Viser…" but her husband stopped Daemon.

"That is enough, Daemon," he said politely, making him stop before he himself turned to face Lord Corlys.

"Though a bit rash, Daemon is right. Aenys made a mountain out of a mole," and she saw Rhaenyra scoff at those words, but as Viserys narrowed his eyes at her, she was quick to focus elsewhere.

"But my brother made his decision. Yet I have still written to him to clear up any and all misunderstandings between us, but all my letters have gone unanswered. I am afraid there is little else I can do now." Finished Viserys as he sipped his wine.

"Perhaps, in the future, things would improve, and I would l would love to welcome him into my Halls. But until then, I want the rest of this family to stand united." Finished Viserys, his gaze sweeping across the room once more.

"Now let us get on with this meal," said her husband, and they dived into the feast. There were about thirty courses, and they ate slowly as the small talk was made. When suddenly, her good brother interrupted her suddenly.

"Talking of rumors, there are some rather disturbing whispers circulating about you, my Queen," and Aemma stilled at his words. She gulped as she looked up at Daemon, whose eyes were boring onto her dissecting her reaction.

"And what would those rumors be, brother," added Viserys from the side with a frown as he placed down his spoon.

Daemon didn't move his eyes away from her as he slowly continued.

"Ohh, I just heard some rather preposterous whispers that our dear Queen may have become barren," and Aemma felt the ground vanish from beneath her feet. She could barely stop showing any primary reaction as Daemon's eyes glinted, trying to dissect her reaction.

She saw Viserys frown at his words as the whole chamber became quiet as a gallow. Only the crackling of firewood remained, and she gulped, and just as she was about to speak up, her husband chuckled.

"Haha, preposterous indeed. Those rumors are nothing but lie," lied Viserys as he held her hands. And then he looked towards Daemon.

"After Baelon, we just decided to take some time before we tried again. If the Gods show mercy, the realm shall soon celebrate the birth of another prince," said Viserys as he smiled at her. And as she looked into his eyes, a shiver went down her spine because she did not know whether he was lying or not.

"Or princess," finished Daemon, and Lord Corlys agreed from the side as Viserys began to laugh. Throughout this ordeal, a sense of dread began to loom over her as she saw Rhaenyra looking at her with a worried gaze.


The infamous Crab Feeder snarled as he climbed up to the ship's deck stationed at the Stepstones' border. Its sails showed that it was the personal vessel of the Magister of Myr.

The last months had been hell for Drahar as the supply of men and gold dried up. Their hold over Stepstones had become turbulent as more and more of their backers backed off. And he cursed the incompetence of his men for attacking 'that ship.'

It had all begun after that. When they attacked that ship and killed that Targaryen woman, all of his backers backed off.

And just as Drahar stepped onto the ship's deck, he felt something heavy hit the back of his head, and his vision began darkening. And it all dawned on him in an instant.

He had been betrayed!


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