
A Sister's Bond

Camille Silverstone


18 years ago

Waking up in dread and fear. I feel tired and restless all at the same time, but terror plagues me from falling back to sleep. Stumbling my way out of the room then wobble towards my parents' bedroom two doors down the hall. I stumble forwards once I get there, but before I could fall face first, I'm caught by my dad's muscular arms.

"CAMMY! Baby girl! Are you okay?" my mom inquired worriedly, yet sleepy.

"Mom? I don't feel so good," I state.

Just as she's about to answer, we hear a scream so unbearable, it sends cold shivers up my spine. With a sudden burst of stability, my parents run downstairs with me right behind them. Anguish and fear yanks at my heartstrings as I neared the bottom of the stairs, for that sounds a lot like Edith's voice. I immediately thought about Maureen which made me run even faster in determination, following behind my parents.

Arriving on the scene, Bridgette DeLuca alongside her best friend Leona Hunter can be seen smirking. Both power-hungry women watched in delight as the house I've known ever since I was a child, being burnt to the ground.

I spring forward in horror.

"Maureen! Maureen! No! Let Me Go! Let Me Go! My Sister’s Inside!" I scream at the top of my lungs and cry in my dad's arms as he holds me back.

My father hugs me tightly trying to calm me down, but it only makes me more frustrated as sorrow seeps through my veins. Breaking free from his stronghold using my air elemental powers to get the fire out. My mom quickly jumps in and with her powers combined, we had it out in a few seconds.

But it was too late. We were too late. We see nothing but the burnt remains of Edith and Maureen. Instantly, I become numb to my surroundings, even to my own body. I feel dead inside, as my world comes crashing down on me. Just then, Dante appears, running inside the ruined house as my anger spikes. At this moment, I didn't care who the fuck he is. Alpha or not, it's his fault.

"Camille Silverstone, the future heir to the Silverstone Coven, is breaking this alliance bond and is choosing a different family to pledge my allegiance," I announce.

Just like that, our magical ties are completely no more as the tingling pain I welcomed surged throughout my body. The advantage of being a high born witch is, we can break alliances, but we'll have to ally ourselves with another pack by law. My mother looked at me in horror but said nothing and I've never been more grateful.

"What have you done!" Bridgette screams and I smirk evilly.

"I would rather die happy right now than serve murderers." I declared. Turning to Dante, I snap at him too. "I warned Maureen about you, but she said your love was enough. You killed my sister! And for that, I hope you burn in hell!" I said before walking away.



I'm startled awake by the continuous ringing of my mobile phone. Fumbling a bit to reach the device, forcing my eyes to focus on the caller ID. Alpha Greyson flashes on the screen, and that's enough to sober me up from my drunken sleepy state.

"Alpha, is everything alright?" I question worryingly.

"Cammy, sorry for the late call; it's urgent. Something has been brought to my attention which requires your expertise. Please meet me at 9 am sharp," he says, a bit too vague for my liking since he's the type of man that's always been clear on his intent.

"Yes Alpha, I'll be there," I replied as he bids me goodnight before hanging up.

"Baby?" John mumbled, concern lacing his voice.

"Go back to bed love, everything's okay," I reassure my husband.

Getting a call from Tyler Senior at this hour in the middle of the night can't be anything good. Especially since he's saying that we need to meet up early the next day, but for what? I have no idea, from the tone of his voice however, I don't question it.

Cuddling up back to John, trying to go back to sleep, it didn't work as I remained wide awake an hour later after the phone call.

Tyler Greyson SNR, one of the most honorable men I've ever had the pleasure to meet. After cutting ties with that bastard, I went to his mother Janet Greyson, the Luna at the time since his father had died. And pledged my allegiance with them. It's been blissful years working with the Greyson's. It's been beneficial for my husband and me too. It also makes it easier to provide for our children.

It's not like we lacked the funds. My family's one of the few covenants that still holds some power in Rosewood, but the backing of an alpha is a plus as well. Another hour has passed before my eyelids become heavy, I've been blinking furiously for a minute now. Giving up, I finally close them, welcoming the darkness.


Soft, light, kisses are my wakeup call. "Good morning, my love." John's raspy morning voice whispers in my ear, as a moan escapes my lips causing him to chuckle.

"Not right now baby, I've gotta go out early this morning for an important business meeting," John says once I used my powers to flip us with me straddling him. "But tonight, I promise, you'll be doing more than moaning." His deep, lustful voice, declared as a burst of desire hits me.

"Okay," I replied a little breathless. He chuckles before laying me flat on my back then making his way to the bathroom. It only takes a few minutes for me to hear the shower come alive, and I'm betting it's a cold one.

My mind thinks of Maureen for some odd reason as I layed in the bed alone. Our children could've been like siblings, just like we were. Groaning, I get up to do my morning business before attending to my motherly morning routines.


"Mom, I've been meaning to tell you something." Jenny, my first-born out of our three kids mumbles. She's so beautiful, as she stared at her breakfast with her icy blue eyes that she got from me; along with my height of 5'6, her father's creamy skin tone, and midnight black hair.

"What's it about?" I question, passing the stack of pancakes to her father.

"There's this new girl in school, and she's caused some drastic changes since her first day, mainly for Luca. And shy, reserved guys like him, he's not bullied anymore by Watkins," Jenny replied as her long eyelashes that complimented her eyes so well, fluttered as those thin lips I wish I had grinned in glee at the pancake syrup.

"How so?" I asked Jenny now that my curiosity has been piqued, knowing Luca got bullied a lot because he's different and not really social like his older brother.

"She defended Luca, and not to mention, she knocked out that Bianca bitch out cold." She recalled, causing the table to burst into a fit of laughter.

"How does anyone get the better of that demon child," John mutters causing our two boys to snicker.

Carson, the eldest of the two, just turned fifteen. He's got his father's beautiful light brown eyes, his athletic muscular body, he towers over us at 6'1, he's got my strawberry blond hair and his killer dimples. My baby Brian, who's just six years old. Favors his sister so much, it's freaky.

"She's weird, but a good kinda weird. She gives off this vibe that, if you got her, she's got you. Either way, she's extremely beautiful and reminds me of someone." Jenny finished.

I only hum in response. That's interesting, I wonder who she is.


(At Greyson Mansion an Hour Later)


"Camille, come in. Have a seat," Tyler greets me once I entered the alpha's home. It's different from the packhouse, for one, he's extremely private.

"I thought it was just us," I reply, referring to the Parker's who are already seated. "Hawthorne," is all he has to say to have my complete attention.

"So, she was alive all that time," I mumbled. But why's that a problem? I thought to myself after Tyler's explanation. Then I laugh. "I knew it," I sputtered out loud.

"Knew what?" Adrian asked frowning.

"That night of the fire, after the shock, I realized something—I wasn't sad. Some part of me refused to believe she died until five years ago when I felt our magical ties severed and started to cry out of the blue one day. Only then did I truly accepted her death. Now, you're confirming that she was indeed alive. Not only that, but she has a daughter." I say, tearing up.

"We have to protect her you know, it's the least we can do. But first, we have to meet and talk with her." I suggested, and they all nod their heads in agreement.

"I can get her here," Luca chimed in out of nowhere, startling me in the process. This kid's like a shadow, to how he moves so quietly. At times I forget he's an alpha's son, his baby features sure fools the mind.

Pulling out his phone, he taps away, dialing her number. It only takes two rings before we all hear a loud voice yelling in the background, you didn't need werewolf hearing for it.

"Demon! Get the hell off the table, you little shit!" The voice snaps. "Oh, hey, Luca. What's up?"

Luca quickly gives her minor details about the get-together and she happily agrees, not fully knowing we'll be there. When he hangs up the phone, we look at him amusingly.

"I can't believe that's Maureen's child and who is Demon?" I asked, chuckling to which he snickered.

"Yea, she's something else, and Demon is her dog," Luca replied.

"I'll go get us some refreshments in the meantime," Adrian announced.

I'm grateful he thought of that because I'm utterly parched and nervous.


"Hey, Destiny! Hi Demon." We hear Luca greet her at the door.

We're all anxious to meet her, especially me because I've been jittery for two hours now. I can't sense her powers but I do sense something.

He walks in, followed by a huge, light-brown German Shepherd dog. Behind the dog walks in the replica of Maureen, and it took everything in my willpower to fight off the nosologic feeling brewing inside of me.

"This feels like getting called into the principal's office again," she mumbles.

Looking her up and down. You can definitely see the resemblance. She's got raven-black hair like her mother, standing at about 5'4, slender, has a light sun-kissed skin tone, that's the only difference since Maureen had pale skin. She's very beautiful.

Unable to contain myself any longer. Running up to Destiny, I hug her tightly. But I'm surprised she wasted no time returning the hug. Having her in my embrace felt like holding anyone of my children.

Chuckling. "Sorry, but you are?" Destiny asks curiously once the hug is broken.

Gathering myself, I took a deep breath and exhaled. "I'm sorry. My name's Camille-" I get cut off before I can make a proper introduction.

"Silverstone," Destiny finished for me with hope in her eyes and uncertainty lacing her voice. I happily nod like a child in confirmation. What happens next. I did not expect it.

Unexpectedly, Destiny flings herself towards me, almost knocking the both of us off balance, hugging me for dare life. "My mom would always talk about you," she whispers, her hot breath fanning my neck.

"You look exactly like her," I praised and she chuckled.

"Yeah. We got that a lot," she says sniffling.

I really want to know, so I ask. "Is she alive?"

Destiny lets out a shaky breath and Demon comes into the room looking at the puffy-eyed girl in concern. Rubbing up against her leg, Destiny smiles. "No. She died five years ago from heart failure," she explains rather quickly.

I nod, sensing not to push.

When Demon senses that his best friend is okay, he jumps on the couch and makes himself at home. "Really Demon? Get the hell off," Destiny says, followed by an eye roll as Demon huffs and begrudgingly gets down.

We looked at her wide-eyed causing her to give us a 'what' look and so Tyler is the one to respond. "It's just that, the Maureen we knew didn't share your boldness and colorful persona." He says with a nervous chuckle.

Sighing, Destiny replies. "I don't know who or how my mom was when she was here, but the woman who gave birth to me taught me the two most important lessons."

We stare at Destiny to continue as her whole aura changes to deadly in mere seconds. With a military stance, she looks us dead in the eyes.

"Never be weak, and never be a victim."

To say we're shocked is an understatement. But I smirk at Destiny's declaration. After all, by right. She does come from a powerful lineage.

Spending a few more hours with Destiny, I feel that sisterly bond growing even stronger than all those years. But this time, it's intense. It's almost as if the ancestors are giving a warning, but what for and why now?


Later in the Night

Sitting in front of my dresser, I smile a content one while rubbing at my half of tattoo, that's on my left shoulder. A sister quote that Maureen and I decided to do when we were only fourteen. It's the only one we ever had since we didn't fancy going under the needle that much. I remember the day we got it done together. Our moms threw a fit about us being idiots, but it was our way to seal the bond we had since we were six years old. My sister's legacy will live on through Destiny, my coven will ensure of that. Last time we were too late, but this time I can tell it'll be different.

Don't worry Maureen. No matter how far we are, alive or dead, the sister bond stays forever. All because I have that little replication of you.

Panting and trying desperately to catch my breath. "I love this side of you honey," I muttered, still a bit breathless.

Kissing me ever so sweetly. "Thank goodness for soundproofing walls, your screaming would've scar the kids." John retorts smugly.

Slapping his shoulders lightly. "Shut up you jerk," I grumbled with my face red as a tomato.

He snickers and I roll my eyes.

Creating circular patterns on my exposed hip, I sensed something bothering my husband. "Penny for your thoughts?" I enquired using our spiritual spouse link.

"To be honest, I don't know," John muttered. "Something's happening, it's like nature is sending warnings," he adds.

"You feel it too huh?"

If John can sense the changes, that means my own instincts weren't wrong after all. And he's an eagle shifter, he's more adept with the earth than I am.

"It's nothing to worry about right now though," he groans, nuzzling my neck.

Cuddling up to him, he kisses me softly. Saying goodnight, I grin a little, feeling blessed he's in my life. Maureen, you would've loved John.
