
A Miracle...?

The day after the fight, everything was in ruins. The bodies are either full of wounds or they are turned into ashes.

It was called, the "Midnight Massacre"

And the only remaining survivor of the Midnight Massacre, is Lesley. Lesley felt emotionless due to the trauma she had to face. She wants to leave her old home and find a place to stay. Thus, she left her old home and proceeded to travel. While she was traveling, she noticed something different, everything was gradually losing its speed; and then, she suddenly realized, Being X! "Being X, show thyself, you coward!" Lesley shouted in anger. "Why isn't it you again, Lesley, or should I call you Titania?" Being X teased Lesley just to frustrate her even more. "When I get my hands on you, I will kill you instantly! I'll use my gun as my weapon to end your worthless life, that's what you'll get as revenge!" Lesley answered back as she used her gun to shoot in the sky. "Revenge? Aren't you happy that you were able to gain immense power? Or when you lived to see another day during that night?" Being X reminded her as Lesley's surrounding begins to darken. As the everything becomes dark, the people that died during the Midnight Massacre can be heard screaming in pain and agony.

'Help us! Madame Lesley!' 'I-I-it BURNS H-HELP SOMEONE' 'Don't stop fighting until your very last breath men!'

And all of a sudden, Lesley heard something from her father, "Lesley, e-es-scape w-while you still c-can..." It was her fathers very last words before death took him away. "Father, n-n-no! Everyone..., why did this happen! Even my mother..." Lesley recalled the memories that happened in the mansion, blood, screams and tears can be seen and heard. "These were the screams that can be heard during that night, I know it must be painful for you, but I can help you" Being X told Lesley in a calm voice. "Shut up, you don't know that happened that night! You weren't there, you weren't able to physically and emotionally feel what we all felt there! I was able to survive all on my own there so why would I need your help?" Lesley talked back at the mysterious Being. The mysterious being began to laugh, "You survived all on your own? Who gave you that power? Who gave you miracles?" Being X boldly told Lesley as the wind is starting to blow stronger. "Power? Miracles? DON'T FEED ME WITH THOSE TRASH! I WAS ABLE TO SURVIVE ON MY OWN DUE TO MY ASSASSIN SKILLS I GAINED WHEN I WAS A CHILD! DON'T GO AND RIDE IN YOUR HIGH HORSE JUST YET, REMEMBER THIS, YOUR HELP WILL BE MEANINGLESS TO ME, BEGONE!" At this point, Lesley was full of anger and rage as she can't control it anymore. "Lesley, Lesley, Lesley... one day you'll understand and you'll believe me in the future" Being X told Lesley as the mysterious voice begins to fade. But, the dark surrounding is still there, the screams of the people can be heard by Lesley as they reach out their hands to her as the screams starts to get louder. "S-S-STOP! I'm S-s-sorry! I'm really sorry, I wasn't able to save everyone!" Lesley cried as she was petrified and stunned from their injuries.

As the swarm of people comes near her, she suddenly wakes up though she was breathing heavily. 'A dream, thank goodness it was just a dream!' She answered in her mind. And that's when she realized something, she is in a place she doesn't know a room where she is resting in a bed. As she tries to get off the bed and walk, her body feels weak as if she was paralyzed, she screamed. "GYAAH! O-ouch! My-my b-body!" Lesley screamed in pain, suddenly the door opened, it was a little boy. "A-are you a-a-alright miss?" The little boy asked Lesley "I'm a-a-alright o-ouch! My body damn it..." Lesley told the boy as her body is still hurt. "U-uhm, p-p-please don't worry! I'll ask my parents to heal you!" The boy told Lesley to calm her down and he suddenly disappears leaving his top hat on the room where Lesley is on the ground. And within an instant the top hat that was once on the ground, it turned into a boy! "Wah! Why are you here so suddenly! What did you do!" Lesley was shocked since the boy was once again back in the room, just in an instant. "Mwehehe! I used magic of course!" The little boy proudly told the protagonist. "M-m-magic?! W-wait, i-is t-t-this the Vance Household?!" Lesley was in awe, was shocked and unable to form the right words. "This, this isn't real! The best magicians and I'm INSIDE of their household?! Say, why am I here in the first place?" Lesley tried to get answers from the kid. "Uhm, when we were traveling back to our home, we saw you on the ground; but, you were lying unconscious there. So my parents brought you here in our mansion" as the kid replied innocently. "Oh! This might be too late, but may I ask what's your name, little guy?" Lesley replied with a smile on her face. "My name is Harley and I live in the Vance household which is my parents and I's place" Harley told Lesley. "I see, well then Harley can you bring me to your parents?" as the protagonist was asking this, Harley told her: "B-b-but you haven't told me your name yet!" as Harley tried to help Lesley walk, but it was no use, Harley is too short to help Lesley walk. "Oh, I'm sorry Harley! Well, let me introduce myself to you then! My name is Lesley! Glad to meet you!" Lesley gently told Harley her name. For some reason, Lesley feels somewhat comfortable whenever she's with Harley, she never feels frustrated and mad as she can control herself as well.

"Please stay here, Lesley! My parents will try to heal your wounds as soon as possible! I'll tell my servants to help you as well!" Harley told Lesley since he can notice that Lesley is having difficulties in moving. He used his dash skill to dash around the mansion and contact the servants, some time later, he came back to entertain Lesley. The servants of the Vance Household immediately helped Lesley go back to her bed to rest there while Harley is beside her to keep her company.

Some time passed and Harley's parents came to see Lesley. "Good day to you, Lesley" Harley's mother told her as they brought food and clothes for Lesley. "How do you know my name?" Lesley asked the two of them as her body is still somewhat paralyzed. "We knew you because of Harley, of course" Harley's father replied to Lesley as he used a spell to heal her. "I see, I'm glad tha-" as Lesley was about to say something the father replied once again: "And we heard about the sole survivor of the Midnight Massacre, we heard from the folks men that it was a maiden, and that's when we knew it was you. We traveled there to find you, but we weren't very fortunate to see you there. But as we were going back, we noticed a girl who is unconscious on the road, we checked if it was still alive; yes, she was, and that's when we saw you, Lesley" Harley's father answered Lesley's question as Lesley was in awe. "But due to the circumstances of your body as of now, I would say, you miraculously survived" Harley's mother added as this triggered something within Lesley. Lesley knew something is wrong and might be the works of Being X, her mind can't think of anything else besides those kind of things.

She is internally in rage and anger. "Damn you, Being X! This was all part of your plans wasn't it?!" Lesley murmured. "Hmm, what's that Lesley my dear?" Harley's mother asked Lesley as she seems to be troubled. "Oh! It was nothing! But..., I have a question. Was everything a miracle, when you saw me and took me in here?" Lesley answered. "Of course! It could be even God's miracle for you!" Harley's mother cheerfully replied.

Eh, I see...

A few hours later, the healing process is finished. Lesley has eaten well now, and now they need to change her appearance since her clothes are ragged and filthy looking. The parents and the servants helped Lesley choose some clothes that could possibly fit for her, as Harley was looking at the door planning to distract his parents. "Magic Attack! Taste my cards! Mwehehehe!" Harley instantly used cards to distract his parents, but it was no use, the Vance household servants were able to nullify his magic. "Harley! Why are you interrupting at this time?!" Harley's mother scolded Harley for being so troublesome. "He is always such a kid, no wonder he brings trouble anytime" A doubtful answer from Harley's father; but, to Lesley it was different. She thought that it was kind of... fun, it was something that felt different to her. As Harley was being reprimanded of his actions, he pointed out his finger to Lesley and said: "Next time, I'll target you!" As he feels motivated and determined to do so. Lesley chuckled, it was like almost the first time she was able to laugh and feel that way, the feeling of having fun, "Let's see if you can target me then!" Lesley declared as she feels comfortable with this type of feelings.

As everything slowly changes for Lesley, she thought 'Maybe this Miracle thing isn't so bad at all!'

(A/N: Please don't forget to show your support in the MLBB contest for this Novel! Thank you!)