
The Beginning is Actually the End


The young boy looks in the direction of the sound. He slowly begins walking as not to trip due to the pouring rain. He breathes softly as to not arouse the suspicions of anyone who may be out at night. The boy hears a voice calling out to him.

"What time is it," asks the monstrous voice," you know kids are supposed to be in bed at this time hihihihi!"

The laugh startled the young boy. He fell to the ground. SPLASH! The boys legs began to shake. His arms, legs, and face began to turn to a shade of white that would even make the clouds look dark in comparison.


The boy felt as if his heart were going to stop due to the fierceness of it's beating. He clutched his chest as if to quiet the deafening sound coming from within. With each heart beat his would sweat more and more. With each breath he felt as if his lungs were too empty to help him breath much longer.

The voice calls out again," Oh my still here are you? The night is my world. I am the ruler of night, death and nightmares I am..."

I flew awake body covered in sweat. I forced myself out of bed to get dressed. "Max," I said to myself,"when will your nightmares end?" I finish getting dressed. Although I am a fourth grader, I am tall for my age. I have hair that is as dark shadows, and eyes a deep as the ocean. My name is Max Charner. And my nightmare has just begun.