
The Harem Teacher at Elreis Sorceress Academy, 1

~ Can He Build a Harem in the School without Getting Caught?~ Theophil Krause is a young court wizard and undoubtedly one of the most elite in the country. He is loyal to his duties, but there is one thing he is even more passionate about – it's his ambition to corrupt highborn women of his choice and builds a harem for himself. For that, the Elreis Magical Girls Academy is a suitable hunting ground. It is a garden of prideful women, but only the ladies of famous high-class families were able to attend there, and of course, where all boys were forbidden from entering. It is to the extent that even the most bottom personnel are thoroughly selected and sieved for their abilities so that there won’t be a need for a single male in the school, but after corrupting the headmaster, Julia, into something that can’t live on without his member, he succeeded in infiltrating the school as their first male magic teacher. As he is also a court wizard with a good reputation, he was well received by the noble ladies in the class. But even with all that adoration, he only plans to aim at the best of the best. He entices several women in the academy; the students, the student council president, the school’s teachers, and even the school nurse, achieving the ultimate pleasure by corrupting the innocence that these haughty women protect the most. However, it is not without risks, as the more his women grew, the more attention he gains from the powerful chancellor, which is also the founder of the school. Will Theophil succeed in making his dream harem? Or will he fail and lose everything before he makes it to the top? Making use of his body manipulation magic and mind-reading techniques, plus his wits as an excellent court wizard, Theophil’s plan to get the best girls for his harem as he outwits the chancellor has already begun! [Has lots of heavy s*x scenes]

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12 Chs

Fucking Julia - 3

"Please...screw me up...please break me already…"

Wow, to think Julia has fallen so low.

That was a quick match, to be honest.

Of course, I'm not childish enough to reject the nicely shaped ass pointed at me. In fact, my flesh rod quickly regained its hardness and warped majestically soon as I heard those words.

Julia as well. When she saw how my dick pointed to the heavens, she salivated in place.

"Gokun...If you want...don't hesitate... to use me to satisfy your sexual desires, Theophil."

"You mean you want to be my fuck toy?"

"With your skills and your cock, even I would be willing enough to be your fuck toy until I die."

"I see you've grown quite fond of my body."

All according to plan. All along, it was my goal to bring this woman down to do me my bidding.

This is the headmistress of the Elreis Sorceress Academy. If she was just with a mere affiliation, I was planning to reach up to her slowly from there, but as if luck is in my favor, I was able to meet the big shot right away.

From what I've heard, it seems that the real authority is concentrated in Julia.

Now that I brought this woman to submission, you could say that I have already seized the real power of the Elreis Sorceress Academy.

My goal is to create a harem in this garden of women where men are prohibited from entering.

According to Julia, some students possess 'humungous qualifications' that are to my liking.

Most importantly, they are all from the selection of young high-class sprouts that are very hard to come by, a greenhouse full of rare and beautiful flowers.

And these flowers, from now on, are now free to my picking at any time.

"Julia, you can put it in, but before that, can you listen to my request first?"

"What is it?"

"Hire me as a teacher at the Elreis Sorceress


"T-Teacher? But why?"

"I want to fuck those noble ladies that you've described at your school. Didn't you tell me that there a lot of 'qualified' girls over there?"

"Y-yes, as far as their appearances go, I don't think there's a problem. After all, Beauty is number one for us noblewomen. For that reason, a lot of our teachers are beautiful as well."

"I want to build my own harem in a place where no other man can interfere. If you're willing to help me with that, I'll agree to fuck you now."


Julia's eyebrows were knit together in a troubled manner as she bit her lower lip. To think she is still

having a hard time making a decision here, even though what I have told her is enough for me to be sent to the guillotine, it just shows how superb my cock is to her.

After all, they only allow women to be their personnel, from teachers up to their clerks, probably because they consider very hard the risk that men will bring.

But I'm loyal to my desires and would never lie when it comes to them.

"It's fine if you want to say no. With my skills, there are plenty of ways to do it, and you will still succumb to me in the end."

I reached for my fallen pants and aim for the door.


However, Julia puts a quick stop to it.

"So, what's your decision?"

"You won't put it in me unless I do what you say, won't you?"

"Of course. I will never lie from my desires."

"And you will still do it even if I rejected you here, am I right?"

"It will be a bit challenging, but I will still win in the end."

"On the other hand, if I listen to you, you'll be attending our school, and it will be easier for you..."

"That's right."

"I-I don't see a problem with hiring you as a teacher. After all, your track record will make it easier to convince the others."

"That's good to hear."

"But, I do have one request."

"Go on."

"Even if we are at school...don't forget to fuck me. Just thinking of you being nearby makes me want to masturbate a lot."

"Of course. That's an easy task."

"Then...put in. I've already agreed to do whatever you say at school."

Breathing hard as if she couldn't stand it anymore, Julia spread her most precious part in front of me.

Love juices began to flow out of it turgidly, like sweet honey that was recently poked from a hive on a tree.

To think she was a strong-willed woman just recently; now she's readily offering herself to a man she just met recently.

But because I love seeing these kinds of faces, I didn't reject that offer.

I put my penis, so tightly erect that as if its throbbing veins were about to pop out anytime, against Julia's pubic area. She was so ecstatic about it that she started gasping for breaths uncontrollably the moment it made contact with my cock.

"I'm going in."

I pried open the crack and pulled Julia's ass towards myself.

Her hips were squishy that I didn't even need to put any effort into my fingers to sink into them. And yet, they were tight enough to regain their beautiful shape after I let go. I could quickly tell that they were the best hips I'd ever had.

Her anus kept opening and closing every time I went deep, and from there, I could tell she's gradually losing her patience over it.

"Ahhh, that feels so good ... go deeper...! Yes, that's it, make a mess out of me there!"

Julia spoke words unbecoming of a proper head of an exemplary school and becoming more of a prostitute in a cheap bar.

It was the same for her movements as she wiggled her hips, becoming even lewder as time passed by. She even crumpled the sheets and held on to them tight so she wouldn't be blown away by the pleasure that I brought.

"My insides... there ... there ... there! Ahhhh, it's reaching even deeper!"


It was then followed by Julia's uncontrollable twitches of her body.

"Haaa, haaa... he just put it in ... haaa, haaa, and I'm already coming!"

"That just shows your body has been trained."

"Trained, huh... I...don't feel bad about those words...I never knew... being your woman... could be this exciting. Haaa, haaa."

"And it's gonna be better and better from now on."

I resumed swinging my hips. I still want to savor her fully, but I decided that it would be best to make her come right away.

I pulled Julie closer, and using my arms' strength, I thrust her hips towards me even more, piercing her all the way up to her womb with each of my pistons.

"Anh, ngh, oh, oh, hoo, hoo! Aaah! Shhhh, shoo fiershe ... ahhh!"

Yulia screams out in an incomprehensible voice as a reply.

If you ever hear this kind of voice, you'll think that the woman is making it on purpose, but in my case, it's always coming out naturally.

This is a voice that you'll speak when you felt something that is beyond your will; it is always vulgar, hoarse, and uncomfortable.

However, these voices, which women will only let out when they're about to go mad, is the most exhilarating of all.

"Theophil, so good! If you ram me so many times with such a thick, hard thing, I'll gonna go crazyyyyy!"

"Then go crazy, you sow."

"Ohhhhhhh, I'm coming! Even though I'm being insulted, I still can't resist! Aah, aaah, Aaaah, I'm going to cone, I'm going to come!"

"That's right, you pig. Come and show it to me. Show me your slutty cumming face!"

"Cumoming, I'm comiiiinnnggg! I'm going to come from being pierced deeeeep!"

Perhaps because she is climaxing continuously, the headmistress' already narrow vagina her become even narrower.

In fact, to the spot where the neck of my dick is, Julia's vaginal walls were scraping to my member is as if it's telling me it wants more.

"Trying to serve me while coming is not a bad thing, but do you really need my come that badly?"

Well, either way, it doesn't matter. If you want it that badly, I'll give you plenty of it.

"Aguuuu! S-so thick...!? Wait, it has gotten bigger again!?"

"I'm gonna let it out."

"Inside? Are you going to come inside?"

"What? Are you not prepared to get knocked up?"

"I am always good anytime! I used to think it was a bad idea to get comed inside, but I have changed my mind! I'll take all the blame for it, so please, impregnate me however you want!"

If you're willing to go that far, I might as well cancel my contraception magic and come inside you for real.

Well, I wouldn't do it because it would definitely be a pain in the ass later on. More so that I haven't even taken a step toward my goal yet.

"Come, come! I want lots and lots of your seed to be pumped inside my womb! Ohhhh!"

"Here I go."

I pulled her hips up, and as she had wished, I came into her womb.


Like a shrimp that was basked in hot cooking oil, Julia writhed and arched her back soon as a lot of love juices was released at once. She even stuck out her tongue and expanded her nose as if to show off her now-sloppy face.

"Ahiii! It's coming out! A lot of love juices are being pumped inside meeee!"

I don't know if she doesn't want to leak my love juices out, but Julia's pussy has shut itself tighter and tighter.

And because she did that, she had squeezed me up, even to what is left in my shaft.

''Kuh-oh! W-with this, I have squeezed you up to

the last drop..."

"Good girl, Julia."

I pulled my meat stick out, and Julia quickly plugged the now-opened gap with her hand. However, she still struggled to prevent my love juices from leaking all over the sheets.

"Haaa, haaaa... that felt so good.... I can't have sex with anyone anymore... unless it's you, Theophil."

As she said this, Julia got on all fours and approached my crotch. She then gently grasped and started sucking on the meat stick, which is now glazed with bodily fluids.

"Juuburu... Juuburu... here... all clean."

Of course, I didn't forget to reward her with praise and a pat on her head.

''You'll help me out generously at the Elreis Sorceress Academy, won't you?"

"Of course. Anything, as long as it's you!"

Now then, how should I start my harem? I can't help but look forward to it.