
The Harem Teacher at Elreis Sorceress Academy, 1

~ Can He Build a Harem in the School without Getting Caught?~ Theophil Krause is a young court wizard and undoubtedly one of the most elite in the country. He is loyal to his duties, but there is one thing he is even more passionate about – it's his ambition to corrupt highborn women of his choice and builds a harem for himself. For that, the Elreis Magical Girls Academy is a suitable hunting ground. It is a garden of prideful women, but only the ladies of famous high-class families were able to attend there, and of course, where all boys were forbidden from entering. It is to the extent that even the most bottom personnel are thoroughly selected and sieved for their abilities so that there won’t be a need for a single male in the school, but after corrupting the headmaster, Julia, into something that can’t live on without his member, he succeeded in infiltrating the school as their first male magic teacher. As he is also a court wizard with a good reputation, he was well received by the noble ladies in the class. But even with all that adoration, he only plans to aim at the best of the best. He entices several women in the academy; the students, the student council president, the school’s teachers, and even the school nurse, achieving the ultimate pleasure by corrupting the innocence that these haughty women protect the most. However, it is not without risks, as the more his women grew, the more attention he gains from the powerful chancellor, which is also the founder of the school. Will Theophil succeed in making his dream harem? Or will he fail and lose everything before he makes it to the top? Making use of his body manipulation magic and mind-reading techniques, plus his wits as an excellent court wizard, Theophil’s plan to get the best girls for his harem as he outwits the chancellor has already begun! [Has lots of heavy s*x scenes]

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12 Chs

Fucking Annica - 2

"All of this love juice... hah, haaah... I can't stand it anymore!"

Annica exclaimed as her secret place dripped with love juices, even though she hadn't touched them yet.

The sticky fluids created silvery strings as they fall from between her legs to the ground. And the area where she was sitting had already changed color, as if she had peed herself in place.

"Now then, let me see that ass of yours."

In a position resembling that of a dog, Annica lifted her ass upwards. Not only she has explosive size of breasts, but her body proportions are also good.

Of course, that includes her ass as well.

Those pair of assets below is exactly what you expect of a young woman.

Combined with her pale skin, it was a very intriguing sight.

This beautiful girl tugged up her miniskirt as she showed me her rear. She's looking at me with eyes filled with desires that seemed to tell me to get in there as soon as possible.

"Teacher... here..."

I grabbed her hips and placed my still-erect meat rod against her vertical slit.

Lots of love juices began to leak out, showing Annica's inability to hold back.

"Open your legs so that it will be easier to get inside and lift your hips higher."

"Yes, sir~."

(Wh-what is this pose!? S-so shameless!)

Her butt cheeks are being groped as she sticks her ass out. It was a very vulgar position, indeed.

Since I'm making this noble lady do some crazy stuff, I might as well have fun with it.

"Annica, do you want me to get this in you quickly?"

"Yes! I want you to put it in! If you don't put it in, I'm going to comfort myself later on..."

Looks like she has gotten pretty horny. I could tell that as Annica kept on swinging her butt as if inviting me to join her.

Let us try to do something nasty.

"Can't you endure it a little more?"

"Y-yes. Of course!"

"Then, you will be willing to listen to whatever I

say, right?"


(Hi, hiiii! Why did you do that, me? You're not supposed to agree to that! Now this man is going to say terrible things from here onwards!)

Pretty smart. I guess that's what you expect from a student of a top-level school. Or as to be expected of a slut? That's not surprising.

"Annica is at your service, sir. Please give me your commands."

"Well, then. First, urinate from your position."

Deep down, Annika was caught surprised.

(U-u-u-urinate? You're asking me to pee outside!? I can't do that!)

"You can't?"

(I can't!)

"Of course, I can!"


It's funny how different and ironic her emotions are placed right now.

The one on the surface, which is now the true one, agrees, while the one deep inside, which is now the fake one, insists.

Well, in the end, it's the emotions on the surface that takes control... so let's see what will happen.

"Teacher...it might fly too high, so please stand back for a bit."


Annica closed her eyes, her efforts all focused on her lower body.


While standing, she spread her legs vulgarly, and little by little, a clear line of liquid flowed out.

"H-here it comes...aaah...!"


Annica's urine flowed almost directly downward.

The momentum was low initially, but it slowly became a tremendous rush as pressure starts to gather up.

A noble lady of a prestigious family is peeing while standing in front of a man.

That fact alone made me increase my arousal.

(N-noo...! Don't look! Please don't look!)

With a look of ecstasy on her face, the 'outer' Annica began to let out enticing breaths.

She probably has this look on her face when she enters the toilet cubicle. Being able to see an expression that should never be known, Annica, in her deep psyche, turned even more disoriented.

(N-no, stop...please...! I don't want people to see me pee...!)

After letting everything out, she started puffing and squeezing out the residue.

"Phew...that felt good~."

"Feel better now?"

"Well, there is that, too, but being watched by teacher is what made it feel the best!"

(No, it's not! Definitely nooooot!)

Are you sure that's the case?

I grabbed Annica's ass.

"Hyaaan! Having just peed made me a little sensitive...I think Sir Krause is going to wake me up to a new fetish."

Despite crying out loud, Annica's body writhes more as she gets felt.

Now then, looks like it's time for me to join in.

"It looks wet enough. Even if you're a virgin, you'll be fine with this."

Grabbing Annica's ass, I inserted my meat pole inside. Scraping her virgin walls by my tip, I started invading her depths inch by inch.


Looks like even the outer Annica can feel pain, despite how lewd she is. It will feel good right away, so you just wait.

I made my grip even firmer and pulled her hips towards myself.

After hearing the series of flesh colliding with flesh, eventually, I was able to put it all the way in.


I returned my gaze back to her, only to find

Annica's head already facing the sky.

"It's finally in. So, this is Sir Krause's ..."

"How do you feel?"

"It's... a bit... painful at first. But now, I feel great... but, I think I'm going to... die if I move just a bit."

"Is that so? Let's get going then."

"Aaahhn, hnn, aaaah, aaaah! Amazing! I'm already coming!"

Even though she has relieved herself several times in masturbation alone, that is still far lesser than the real sex.

"So this is... what it feels like... to have sex! I never thought... it would feel this good!"

As usual, the outer Annica gave me her honest impressions.

What about the inner one?

(Kuuh! Wh-what is this...it feels so good! I feel like an idiot for doing it myself!)

Apparently, she seems to be enduring pretty well.

Now, let's make Annica fall and make her mine.

From there, I started to wiggle my hips.

"Haaaann, hnnn, aaah! Aaaaaah! It's hitting all the way to the back! Teacher, you're so hard!"

It was hard to put it in at first, but once I got it loose, it gradually started to feel good.

"Ahhhnn, really, it feels good, ahha..."

"You... you played around with some toys when you masturbate, do you?"

(Uwaa...Don't even ask that part!)

If you say that, it will only make it want to hear it more.

"Answer me, Annica."

"Y-yesh. When I masturbate, I was also putting in and out those sticks that resemble the man's shape over and over again!"

"You're a pervert, do you know that?"

"Ahhnn...I-I'm not a pervert...Hnnn!"

This girl, she's even tightening when being called one. If that's not how you call one a pervert, then I don't know what is.

"How is it, your first time having sex?"

"Amazing... it's amazing! Teacher, I'm finally having sex!"

I could feel her pussy trembling, trying to press my dick by itself as if it was acting on instinct.

The way it trembled in small increments, however, showed me that she's about to come

"Teacher...I-I can't...! I-I'm already...coming!"

"Then come. Do whatever you want."

"Nooo! I want it, to-together with you, teacher! Stop moving your hiiipss!"

I am tasting the flesh of a young lady. There is no way I can stop here.

I swung my hips relentlessly as if I was trying to break Annica's body.

Her fleshy ass rippled in waves.

"Aaaaaaahhh! I'm comiiinnnggg! I'm gonna come agaaaaaainn!"

"Then come. Come as you get fucked by the man you're making fun of inside."

Nuuuuuunnhooooo! I'm commmiiiiinnnnggg!!"

Annica climaxed like a shrimp arching backward.

Her spine got so warped that it was as if her head is trying to reach her back.

"I, I, jusht...came....ahii..."

Soon as her climax was over, Annica finally broke free.

This time, her body began to curl up as if she's about to collapse at any time.

"Haaa, haaa...! I can't do this anymore... it feels so good."

(Aah, my head feels so hot! So this is sex...! This is nothing compared to masturbation...)

You seem satisfied, but we're still far from over. I haven't ejaculated, you see.

"Annica, let's keep going."


I took Annika's arms and positioned ourselves once again.

Then I started to swing my hips.

This time, let's please your 'inner' thoughts as well!