
The Harem Teacher at Elreis Sorceress Academy, 1

~ Can He Build a Harem in the School without Getting Caught?~ Theophil Krause is a young court wizard and undoubtedly one of the most elite in the country. He is loyal to his duties, but there is one thing he is even more passionate about – it's his ambition to corrupt highborn women of his choice and builds a harem for himself. For that, the Elreis Magical Girls Academy is a suitable hunting ground. It is a garden of prideful women, but only the ladies of famous high-class families were able to attend there, and of course, where all boys were forbidden from entering. It is to the extent that even the most bottom personnel are thoroughly selected and sieved for their abilities so that there won’t be a need for a single male in the school, but after corrupting the headmaster, Julia, into something that can’t live on without his member, he succeeded in infiltrating the school as their first male magic teacher. As he is also a court wizard with a good reputation, he was well received by the noble ladies in the class. But even with all that adoration, he only plans to aim at the best of the best. He entices several women in the academy; the students, the student council president, the school’s teachers, and even the school nurse, achieving the ultimate pleasure by corrupting the innocence that these haughty women protect the most. However, it is not without risks, as the more his women grew, the more attention he gains from the powerful chancellor, which is also the founder of the school. Will Theophil succeed in making his dream harem? Or will he fail and lose everything before he makes it to the top? Making use of his body manipulation magic and mind-reading techniques, plus his wits as an excellent court wizard, Theophil’s plan to get the best girls for his harem as he outwits the chancellor has already begun! [Has lots of heavy s*x scenes]

BooksSharedForPoor · Fantasie
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12 Chs

As a Teacher in the Academy

"Sir Krause, please tutor us as well!"

A few days after, with the smooth assistance of the headmaster Julia, I entered Elreis Sorceress Academy as a teacher.

When I walked through the gate for the first time, I thought the academy would be filled with insidious air only a rich high-class school could have, but contrary to my expectations, there was never a trace of it at all.

Instead, the insides in itself are quite neat and tidy, and even though many young ladies were gathering around, most of them looked honest and innocent.

Overall, the school gave an atmosphere that sets you at ease.

What I didn't expect the most was on my first assignment, the students didn't seem bewildered at all, having a male teacher in class.

They only stared at me in curiosity, as if they had found a cute animal in the wild.

Of course, there was still a minority that raised their brows upon meeting me, but after a few classes, they also began to open up to me.

My despicable plans aside, I am still an excellent court wizard, and because I have a lot of experience dealing with high nobility, I was able to create a façade of a good-natured teacher with ease.

The students don't even have an idea that they are being targeted.

"As for here, supplying mana to your spell is not that simple. You have to understand it correctly on how it works, how much is needed for it work, and so on, or else you won't be able to apply mana to your spell properly."

"Also, spells are not created through instincts. No matter how fast one can be, he or she has to learn first and train his or her body in order to get used to it. the only difference there is how long it is for your body to adapt."

"I see. So, it works like that. Thank you, teacher."

"That's good. Keep up the good work."

I spoke with a smile at them. Students are weak to this kind of smile.

Fortunately, my face isn't a bad one. Combined with my title as a court wizard, the students were captivated by my persona in just a couple of days.

Now that the students' questions have been taken care of let's go to Julia's place.

I head to the headmaster's office.

"Ah, teacher."

Along the way, a girl with pink twin-tailed hair appeared in front of me.

As I recall, her name is... Annica Arendt. She is the young lady of the prestigious Arendt family and is a student at this school. She's short and generally slender, but she has bombshell tits that were as big as her face.

She's only in the second grade, but I've already learned all about her because of her well-developed breasts.

With that, she became my first target.

After reading the minds of most of the students, I could say very well that I have a good reputation to them. Almost all the students I have met seemed to be interested in me because of my good looks and my excellent background.

However, as they were still noble ladies to the core, most of them thought that it is uncouth if they were to approach fist, so in the end, I barely had anyone coming to me.

To be honest, it's easy for any of them to fall for me if I actively seduce them.

But that would bring me a big risk, though. I haven't had any foundation here yet, so I still didn't try even though it's alluring.

As I am capturing the entire castle, I have to fill in the outer moat first.

"What's the matter, Miss Arendt?"

"I have several questions that need answering, sir."

I'm going to Julia's right now. I don't have the time to talk for too long.

For now, let's read Annica's thoughts.

(Waah, Sir Krause is even cooler when you see him up close. If I can make this man mine, I'll guarantee to stand out in the school. All men have a weakness for big tits, if I can seduce him...)

I see. So, the questions are just a pretext, and I'm the goal?

Looks like I'm not the only one who got plans here.

"Sorry, Miss Arendt, I've got a meeting to attend to. Can we talk about this later?"

(Is it a conference? Hmm, well, okay.)

"O-okay, teacher. It's just that what I want to ask about is a slightly complicated problem. But if that's the case, can I ask when will you be vacant?"

"Hmmm. How about I meet you in the library in an hour?"

"Well, you see, it's somewhat performance related, that might need to make us cast some spells, so I think it's better to do it outside. If possible, sir, in a place where there are no people, so that I can concentrate on my study."

"R-really? Just what are you trying to do..."

I made my shoulders fidget for a bit.

(Fufu, I know what you're thinking. This is why men are simple. I just showed him a chance where the two of us can be alone, and here he is, desperately hiding his unease from me. This is going to be easy.)

"You see, it's related to wind-based magic. It would be a nuisance if we do it indoors or around people, wouldn't it?"

"I see, it's plausible."

"Okay, I'll meet you at the back of the school building in an hour, Teacher~."

"At the back of the school building, huh. Got it."

After bowing gracefully, Annica turned on her heel and moved away.

I see you're planning to seduce me and make me your own. I saw a little bit of her memory in our earlier conversation, and from there, I discovered that she uses that body to seduce men whenever she goes into town.

After seducing them, she's being treated to all sorts of treats. Though she's from a wealthy family, her parents are stringent, so she doesn't have much money to spend.

Well, the great thing about Annica is that she never takes off her clothes even though she had flirted with men a lot. She still has the body of a virgin who has never had her breasts touched, let at least kissed.

This girl is a good woman.

I'm starting to look forward to seeing how Annica will seduce me later on.

While thinking about that, I headed to Julia's place.

"It's just a few days of your new career, and

you're already this popular! As expected of Mr. Krause!"

Julia laughed teasingly as I told her about Annica.

"I'm used to getting bathed in the eyes of the noblewomen, but as expected, even though they're greenhouse sprouts, they're still haughty to the core. I'm already starting to get fed up, to be honest."

"So, did you find your perfect girl?"

"Unfortunately, I haven't investigated them all yet. If my students realize I'm interested in them, they might become more dominating or, worse, lose interest in me, for how simple I am. For now, I still have plenty of time to take a long hard look as I plan ahead."

"That's the youngest court wizard for you."

"Your praises will get me nowhere. On the other hand, you should help investigate as well, being my accomplice. You know what I like, right?"

"Cute face and has big tits. I guess I'll give it a try. But really, is that it? Men really are simple."

"I'll leave it to you."

After that, I started to spend my time drinking tea in the headmistress's office.

As this is only the place where I could tear off my mask of an excellent teacher, this is the only place where I could relax.

From time to time, I drank tea with Julia, exchange information, and have sex, whichever is needed first, depending on the horniness of the both of us.

"I think you already know, but be careful out there, okay?"

"I know."

"Though it is sure that the students are fine with it, but the chancellor ...."

"The chancellor?"

"Yes. Even though she's my mother, her position is just too high up compared to mine. Also, she single-handedly founded this school amidst all the crisis she had been through those years. Sometimes, I even forget that I am her own kin. She's just that great of a person."

"But you can still work it out, can you?"

"I'll do my best, but there are still the limits of what I can do. What I know is, being fired is the least that they can do to you, no matter how genius you are. Even I am not an exception to this."

"Kukuku, what a scary woman."

I laughed deliberately, and Julia just sighed in disgust, as if she had already given up. She knows very well that even with this warning, this won't stop me.

"Well, I think you'll be fine for the time being. Go play to your heart's content."

"I'll do just that. Ah, thank you for the warning."

"I'd rather you be expressing it with body rather than with words, though."

With that, Julia crosses her legs, inviting me to join her.

I got a glimpse of her black panties, making me horny for a moment, but I'm a patient man.

"I'm gonna go with Annica after this. It wouldn't be good if I had another woman's scent on me, wouldn't it?"

"Are you going to fuck her already?"

"It depends on how this will come out. If she showed a berating attitude towards me, I'll show that

lass her proper place."

"Fufufu, how cruel."

"Your own student's chastity is in danger here, you know? Who do you think here is crueler?"

"I like Theo's body better."

Good grief, what a slut. Well, I appreciate the fact that you like my body.

"Well, I guess I'd better get going."

"Be back in an hour. Classes will start from there."

"I know."

With that, I exited the door of the headmaster's office and went to the back of the school building where Annica is waiting for me.