
Prologue (1/2)

"And the red team earns the right to choose Ron Stoppable to join their team for the dodgeball match." Coach Johnson loudly reported, an announcement that was quickly followed by a mix of cheers and groans.

The two groups of teenagers, one side in red and the other in blue, separated to either side of a long basketball court inside of a large, exceptionally clean gymnasium. A lone straggler with an above average appearance and beats hanging around his neck made his way to the red side while putting on the jersey of his respective team.

Once a week, Viridian highschool would host a dodgeball match between its top athletes, only allowing the best of the best from each sport to participate. It was considered a ritual of sorts, and the winning team of the match would be granted various prizes that constantly changed each week.

However, the past two years had been completely different, and that was because Ron Stoppable had arrived.

In merely a month of joining the school, Ron became the first person to ever join the weekly dodgeball match without being in a club. He was chosen based purely on his physical abilities, a feat that caused him to be raised on a sort of pedastal.

After being recruited to the dodgeball match, it quickly became apparent that Ron was far beyond the level of any student, completely dominating the match within a couple minutes of it starting. Not only was this the case for the first dodgeball match that he played in, but also for every single one after.

It got to the point where people started calling him "The Headphone-Wearing Genius" and he became a legend. Coach Johnson, the leader of the weekly dodgeball matches then came up with a rule. If a team wanted to have Ron Stoppable then they would have to complete a series of challenges first. This week, the winner of the challenges happened to be the red team, basically sealing their own victory.

"Hey, Genius," A blue player by the name of Hosaky Portuco, a japanese student and Ron's best friend, called out. "Try to go easy on us today. It would mean a lot to us!!"

Ron laughed as he slid on his headphones, glancing over at Hosaky with a competitive look in his eyes. "I'm sorry bro, but you know that I can't do that." He pulled out his Mp3 player and waved it in the air. "At leasy not when I have this."

All eyes flashed to the Mp3 player rasied above Ron's head, some filled wity reverence while others held jealousy and bitterness. Everyone in school knew about it, it wasn't a secret as Ron never bothered to conceal the fact.

The only reason he could do the things he did was from the help of his music. Whenever he put them on, they knew shit would get serious. It wasn't as if he couldn't play without them though as many people had seen do amazing things without them, such as pick up one of the most popular girls in the school by mere words alone.

Tucking the Mp3 player back into pockets of his gym shorts, Ron began to get pumped up as the song 'Battle Scars' (by Guy Sebastian and Lupe Fiasco) began playing over his beats. Ron had a bit of everything listed in his Mp3 as he had no discrimination against music, he loved it all.

The blue team was already huddled up, apparently trying to make some sort of countermeasures against Ron, plans which had been thwarted countless times. No one in the school could match him, even a sneal attack would be doomed to fail as his music gave him heightened perceptions and awareness.

After a few minutes, the blue team broke the huddle and began to spread out along the boundary at the end of their side of the court while the red team did the same. The balls were placed directly in the middle of the court, soft balls that wouldn't knock your teeth out even if thrown by professional pitchers, but would still leave some nasty bruises.

This is where everything took a turn for the worst. Just before Coach Johnson could blow his whistle for the match to begin, a slight vibration ran through the ground of the gymnasium, one that everyone could feel.

It was only a slight one, but it was soon followed up by a loud rumble and a far stronger one, knocking almost everyone off their feet. The overhanging lights began to shake, the bleachers made rattling noises, and various sounds began echoing throughout the gym.

The rumbling got even stronger, and the gym itself began shaking, causing everyone except Ron to fall on their asses, each person struggling to rise to their feet. Screams of fear and shouts filled with terror mixed with the rumbles as many began to crawl towards the exit.

Ron however didn't move, but it wasn't for lack of trying. It seemed that something was holding him in place, preventing from budging a single inch. It was seriously disturbing him, but for some reason he wasnt that worried, at least not as worried as he should be.

Cracks in the floor began to appear, and the hanging lights came crashing down, but once again Ron wasnt bothered by it. However, this time it was because he felt a sort of tugging sensation, as if some sort of force was pulling his whole body forward.

The last thing Ron Stoppable saw was the gym crumbling, and then a flash of bright white light blinded him. The rumbling and screaming faded into the background, leaving him with just his music playing.

//Hi guys, its your boiii Carlos with an update!! This has been the Prologue for my new novel that I'll be working on long term. As its my own world, I have so many things that I wanna do, so many chapters I wanna cover. Make sure you add this to you library!!!

As for the 6 characters I've chosen they are as follows

Male #1- Issei Hyodou

Male #2- Godou Kusanagi

Female #1- General Esdeath

Female #2- Evangeline A.K McDowell

Female #3- Hinata Hyuga

Female #4- Orihime Inoue

I chose these based off my own oreferences because not a lot of people voted. Also I threw in two original Harem Kings simply because I want everyone withing the first hundred chapters to know who the REAL harem king is.

Speaking of chapters, I will be updating regularly, at least once a day, usually 2 chaoters a day

Make sure to drop some powerstones and comments as they keep me writing. Reviews also help as well because they draw in new readers.

Like I said, this is a long term prohect that I hope at least reaches the top 50's in the rankings.

Till next time 😁😁😁😁 By Guys