
The Half-Demon Prince's Favorite

As she was going back home, Aria was kidnapped and witnessed things that should only exist in folklore. Having been saved by Trey a half-demon half-human hybrid. She enters a world of mystery and an adventure otherworldy

Ryajin · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1:The Devil and the Young Girl

In an early morning, in a certain room, a young girl woke up. After her shower, she wore her school uniform and went to the dining room. "Good morning young miss." Said one of the servants. "Yes. Good morning." Said the young girl as she then entered the dining room. "Oh. Good morning Aria." Said Brayden Whitmore, the Chief Executing Officer of Whitmore Corporation, a big company operating in England. "Good morning father, mother." Said Aria Whitmore, the daughter. "Yes. Good morning to you too." Said Ava Whitmore, the Owner of the Lily Fashion Company, one of the most prominent companies in the fashion with over 100 stores worldwide.

"Just like always, this house is suffocating." She thought as she sat down on the chair. As they enjoyed their breakfast, "I hope school is going well." Asked the father, "Yes. Everything is fine." She answered, "Good. Keep up the good work." Added the father. After some chatter here and there, "If you would please excuse me. It is time for me to go to school." Said Aria as she finished her breakfast. "Have a good day." Said the mother, "Thank you. See you in the evening." She said as she then exited the room.

As she left the house, she entered the car, and the driver then dropped her at school. During that time, on the roof of a certain building, a boy was sitting there, wearing a cape hat, headphones and was playing on his game console. As wind blew and he sniffed the smell from it, he said "Seems like there is a visitor in town. I wonder, what kind is it?". Back in the Everly girl's school Aria was attending, it was revealed that she was quite famous and was considered as Everly's Ice Princess.

As school ended, Aria waited for her driver to come pick her up but he never showed up. Since it was getting late, she decided to go back home by herself. As she continued to walk, the sun was already setting. Some time later she decided to walk past a small street to make a shortcut towards her house. As she was walking someone sneaked up on her, restrained her, used a cloth with a sleeping drug and then kidnapped her. As she woke up, she found herself in what seemed to be an old, abandoned storehouse. "Well don't you have the prettiest face." Said a man who was sitting on debris with a knife in his hands.

"Wh-who are you?" she asked her voice trembling. "Who we are huh? Just a couple of nobodies. But who you are is more important, Aria Whitmore. I'm sure your father would pay quite the hefty sum for you. Same goes for your mother. Your parents have many enemies after all. So it's not that surprising that they would want to make them fall." He said. "I see she's awake." Said his partner, "Yeah but wouldn't it be a waste not to have a taste of her. After all the ultimatum has already been sent and once the ransom is sent we will go so why not enjoy ourselves.", "Suit yourself, but don't damage the goods too much.", "Yeah sir. Well time to dig in." Conversed the both of them while one of them approached Aria.

"D-don't come any closer!" she said with a fearful face, "Don't worry I'll be extra gentle" said the kidnapper as he licked his lips and then jumped on her. "N-NO LEAVE ME ALONE!" she screamed as she was trying to fight back, "Hahahaa! Stop struggling. You'll enjoy it soon enough." He said as he ripped off her shirt. "Well, would you look at that. You've got quite the jiggles under there. I'll be sure to enjoy myself and take extra care of them. Now spread your legs wide." He said as he unzipped his pants and spread out her legs. "Noooo!" resounded the screams of the young girl.

"What utter trash." Said the other man behind as he sighed and turned his face on the side. "Huh? What the..?" he said as he thought that he had seen some kind of dog close to door. But as he blinked his eyes, there was nothing. "Maybe I'm little tired." He said as he rubbed his eyes. And just as he turned away, behind him was a beast. "AAARGH!" he screamed as blood splattered on the floor. "Huh? What was that?" said the kidnapper as he faced behind. "What happe…?" he said as Aria, who opened her eyes saw something unimaginable. In an instant, the upper body of the kidnapper disappeared as blood splattered on Aria.

"Haah. I was wondering what caused the ruckus but it was just lumps of meat ready to be eaten. HAHAHA! And you're next girly." Said the wolf-like monster as he rushed towards the girl, his mouth widening and his fangs baring. As the girl's expression was shrouded in despair and fear, her eyes locked onto what was to be an inevitable ending, a sudden figure came crushing down at an incredible speed. The shockwave produced as it landed blew away the beast while the girl remained unharmed. As the dust cleared, "Ouch. I really should learn to have a better grip on my own strength." Said the young boy who appeared in front of them after the settling of the dust.

"Hey you. Who are you? And how do you dare get in between my prey and me?" said the beast. "Who I am? Well to answer your question, I guess you could say I'm a wanderer. Wolf Demon." Answered the young boy. "A wanderer you say. No way am I gonna believe tha…huh?...Th-th-that pendant around your neck. The symbol on it. I-i-it's the insignia of the B…" said the Wolf Demon as his expression went from rage to fear and was then kicked without any warning. "Sorry but I really would like that you keep it to yourself." Said the young boy as he harbored a cold gaze.

"Y-you-YOU BASTAAAARD!" said the wolf demon who was filled with rage and try to attack the young boy. "Take this. You should cover yourself up. And if you're scared close your eyes." He said as he handed his long coat to Aria and faced her with a gentle smile as he put on his headphones whereafter she closed her eyes. "You should try listening to music sometimes. It really calms your mind. Not only that but sound is faster than your paws stupid wolf." Said the mysterious young boy as he took one step forward and snapped his fingers. "Where is he? Where did he go?" said the wolf demon as the young boy had disappeared in front of his very eyes.

"I'm right here." Said the young boy as he raised his arm and put his hand on the wolf demon's abdomen. "When did he get there? How is he so fast? Guess that's a B…" he thought as the other side of his abdomen burst open as it then collapsed and died. As the young boy removed his headphones, he slowly approached Aria. "It's okay now. It's over." He said as Aria opened her eyes. In front of her was the young boy who had saved her life. As relief spread out, she fainted due to the exhaustion whereafter the young boy grabbed her. "Guess it was a hectic night for her. But now what am I supposed to do." said the young boy. The next morning, Aria woke up in a hospital room. Her parents who were by her side were relieved to see her doing well. As they embraced her, she thought if what she saw was all real or was it just a horrible nightmare."

Hiyah there, Ryajin in the room.

Hope you enjoy this newest story

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