
The half-breed

They had her surrender and snarled at her with their sharp, long teeth. She knew she was doomed. She has finally met her end. Even if everybody forgives her and lets her go, Delta Logan won’t support them. He is dangerous. She examined her surroundings, her eyes wondering for a way out. However, it was a dead end. They were in the middle of a jungle. The only thing she could hope for was an unexpected miracle. Delta Logan strides forward, followed by Rebecca, and her witch friend, Rachael, while the rest of the lycans pack moves behind her. Instantly, an idea crept into her head. Rachael is a witch. That means she was not fast like those lycans. “You can do this,” she assured herself. As Delta Logan dived at her, at the last minute, she stepped aside and the Delta collided with a tree instead. Before any one of them could react, she dived at Rachael, her elbow aiming straight for her teeth. Before Rachael could blink, Joy’s elbow collided with her mouth and the force removed the front teeth in the process. She pushed her out of the way and then grabbed a tree branch she had seen earlier and used the force to propel her body on top of the tree. Joy was sure of one thing, she couldn't outrun Delta Logan and the pack on dry ground. But she could do it on top of trees. Dan had taught her that. He had been training her for a day like this. She swung her body on top of another tree, and then swivelled her body midair, did bar hop skills, and grabbed another branch. She could hear the rustling of leaves behind her which suggested that they were now chasing her. Yet, she did not panic. She has been in this wood many times without number, and she knew her way better than them. After jumping for what seemed like forever, she could see the exit of the woods. It was a few metres ahead of her, and that made her double her effort. She was sure that Dan would be waiting for her at the exit of the woods.

Alegria del Autor · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
72 Chs

Chapter 4

apter _ four

Theme: The Bully, Part 4

Joy stood in front of the reflector inside her room, and her gaze was evaluating her own naked body.

Even though she just turned eighteen a few weeks ago, she looks like a twenty-two-year-old girl. She is a young, beautiful girl with ebony skin. She is an average-height girl with long black hair. She had green eyes and a round shape. Her boobs were still standing firmly in her chest, and her buttocks weren't big or small. It is rational.

"Joy, you are running out of time," she heard her mom shrieking from downstairs. Not wasting any more seconds, she quickly applied her skin lotion and packed her hair with a hairband.

Dashing into her wardrobe, she bought long black jeans and a blue blouse. She closed the wardrobe and opened a drawer that was placed at the foot of the cabinet.

She brought out pink pants and pink lingerie. Before the blink of her eyes, she was done dressing. She shakes her hips towards the shoe rag and brings out a black scandal. Finally, she was set to go.

"Be careful, and don't run into trouble again," her mom warned as she stepped her feet outside their one-story building. "And your breakfast," her mom said again.

"Let the warmer have it," she replied. Not wasting any seconds, Joy dashed to the lone road that led to her school, and Dan followed her.

"How did you get into trouble with Delta Logan and your headmistress's daughter?" Dan inquired from her.

"They are just too proud," says Joy, with a scoff. She couldn't believe that those bastards had made her lose the chance to watch the concert with Joel. "Ptcheew," she hissed.

"Anything bothering you?" Dan asked with concern.

"Nothing much," she replied. "Just that I am getting late. I have history by 09:00." She elaborated.

"Maybe I can help," Dan offered. Before she could comprehend what he meant, she felt Dan's muscular arm yank her off the ground.

Before she could flicker, they were already in front of the school gate. "I hope you don't lose a bone today," Dan said with a sly smile, as he let her down.

"Thank you," she thanked him. With immediate effect, she stands on her toes and kisses him on the lips. Well, this is not the first time she has done this. So, it is not a new thing for them.

"Gonna see you tonight," Dan said.

"Yeah," she replied and made her way to the school gate. Finally, she was here again. She was back at this prison supernatural school.

Joy allowed herself to inundate with her thoughts as she made her way to her classroom. However, she was careful not to collide with anybody, so they wouldn't break her bones.

To be honest, the Mega Mercy model is the best school in the middle land. It is not only the best school but the only school that is left in all the seven territories of the middle land.

According to what she heard from her mom, Lord Darius had been ruling for over a thousand years. He begins by killing his father, the first Lord Darius. Why? Darius Rucker thought that his father was shaky and too susceptible to people.

Darius Rucker seized power by force and conquered all seven territories in the middle land, stationing his army in each of the seven Regions.

There is nothing that goes on in every territory that Lord Darius doesn't know about. Not only was he powerful, but he also had different wizards, witches, vampires, Lycans, wolves, and different powerful beings that were serving him. They are ready to kill in his name and die for him.

From what Joy had heard from his mother, she told her that there was a prophecy that stated that only a half-breed with unstable power could defeat Lord Darius.

The first half-breed was killed on her quest. After that, there hadn't been one until a thousand years ago. It was also said that the half-breed failed his mission because he fell in love.

Who wouldn't want to fall in love with their heart's desire? Joy thought.

Seeing that the people might raise another half-breed again, Lord Darius sent his army out with the order that every supernatural school they came across in the seven territories should be destroyed.

This goes on for three months, with the D'arcy soldiers killing everything in their path. Though she was not alive then, the myth has it that the owner of the Mega Mercy model signed a peace treaty with Lord Darius.

Not only will half of the school income be going into his wallet, but he will kill any half-breed he discovers on sight. That is how the school became the only one left standing. It also consists of different creatures from all over the seven territories, not excluding human beings.

"Hey bitch, watch where you are going." A female voice jolted Joy out of her thoughts. Standing in front of her are Rebecca and her seven crew members. "You were lucky last night, and I will make sure you get paid in full today." She said, and Joy could see the dangerous look on her face.

Rachel chirps in, "You will also pay for hitting me with your elbow." Her lips slightly curved into a sly smile, which gives Joy permission to see the gap between her front teeth. That means her blow has removed some of her teeth. Perhaps two from the front row.

"I don't have time for puppeteers," Joy said. She dipped her hand into her black trouser pocket and bought out all her launch fees. She threw it at them before walking away, not bothering to spare them another glance.

Now she is going to starve again, all thanks to those bitches. That is not her main problem for now. She wanted to see Joel badly and apologise for yesterday.

Perhaps she should explain what happened to him. Who knows whether he might help?

Hell No! Joy doubts that. No one has stood against those bitches before. She was the only one who could show them hell and frustrate them. But she always ends up paying the price. That is losing bones and going hungry throughout the whole day. Or worse, serving detention.

"You are late again, Miss Joy." The history teacher said. Her voice is so cold and mean.

Must they be mean to every student? Joy thought. At least they should have asked her what happened.

"Are you even listening to me?" The teacher asked again.

"I'm sorry, Miss Donna." She apologised. Her history teacher is Miss Donna, a short woman with dark skin. She was fat and had short, curly hair. "I woke up late." She said, and Joy regrets ever saying it. The class erupts into laughter. However, she didn't care. None of those bitches were in class, and she was grateful for that.

After a while, the teacher finally said, "Go and take your seat."

Taking a deep breath, Joy dragged her feet to her seat. She got out of her school bed and bought her history book, her eyes wandering around for Joel at the same time.

"Are you looking for something?" She heard his voice whispering behind him. Her heart skipped a beat at the scent of his sweet fragrance. "Let's meet at the cafeteria at lunchtime." He said, followed by a small chuckle.

After what seems like forever, the morning class finally comes to an end. Joy dragged in a deep breath, and she could hear her stomach making growling sounds.

Not wasting any seconds, she picks up her journal and heads straight to the cafeteria. She could feel herself getting excited and nervous at the same time. Not only that, she didn't forget to activate her mad ninja skills either.

All eyes turned to Joy as the café glass slid open. "Thanks, goddess," she mumbled under her breath as her gaze met with that of Joel. She was sure that she couldn't stay long with different pairs of eyes that were meeting her body.

"It seems like the powerless being is here again." She hears Delta Logan's voice, and her feet suddenly go frigid. Even though her head was bent as she made her way toward Joel, who was busy smiling at her, she could still feel the eyes of Delta Logan and his crew staring at her. As she walked past their seats, she could hear their chuckling and discussion.

"Thanks, goddess, you are okay," Joel said. Nodding her head like an agama lizard, she sat on the empty chair in front of him. "I was damn worried when your boyfriend told me that you were beaten by some gangster," Joel said again, as he gently placed his palm on Joy's forehead.

"So, a powerless bitch has a boyfriend." Joy heard a mocking voice behind her. She let her gaze wander towards the direction, and her heartbeat increased as she saw Rebecca and her crew seated next to them.

"Are you okay?" Joel asked as he noticed her sudden change in mood.

"I'm fine." She replied, trying her best to keep her heartbeat at bay.

"Why are you staring at them?" Joel asked again, his tone and voice showing that he didn't believe her. "Or, they are the gangsters that your boyfriend is talking about." He suggested

"No," she declined instantly. "Moreover, Dan is not my boyfriend; he is my childhood friend," she clarified, and she could see Joel taking a deep breath.

"Oh, I see," he said.

"It saddens me to miss the concert," she said with a melancholy tone.

"Oh, that," Joel said, and let out a chuckle. "Don't worry, my sister is throwing a birthday party tonight. It is taking place in the same hall."

"Are you trying to invite me?" Joy said, her voice barely able to hold her excitement. When she thought that there was no other chance of going out with Joel, he had just invited her to a birthday party.

"Of course, what does it look like?" Joel said. "My sister just turned eighteen. So, our father decided to throw a big party. Perhaps my sister might be lucky to find her mate."

Joy's good mood suddenly collapses at the mention of a mate. How could it feel if she had found her mate? When she discovered that she was not a lycan, she had thought that her power would surface when she turned eighteen. However, her hope was scattered when Joy discovered that she was just a normal human. Even though she is still finding it hard to believe, she has no choice now.

"Don't worry, I will come and get you by myself." Joel offered, and Joy was grateful for that. At least she won't get to be alone. "Wait here. Let me go and get us something to eat." He said and quickly stood up to place their order.

Not long after Joel had gone to the counter, Joy suddenly felt something hot wetting her uniform from behind.

That is when reality dawned on her: Rebecca and her crew had just poured a hot beverage on her body, staining her clothes in the process.

Anger surged through her body at the thought of that, and it increased as the liquid ran down to her trousers. She had tolerated enough of this bullshit.

Not waiting for them to make any move, Joy stood up from her chair, grabbed it in the same motion, and swung it towards them. She didn't care whose it hit. She might not be able to beat them, but a sudden attack will give her an upper hand.

Self-confidence works just like a muscle; it grows in response to the level of performance required of it. Either you use it or you lose it. She remembered one of Dan's words.

She watches as the chair flies in the air and hits Rebecca straight in the face, followed by a loud gasp from her crew.

She could see that they had now become the centre of attention as all the people inside the cafeteria had focused on them. Joy could see the looks of surprise on their faces, and she could guess the reason for that.

No one has ever stood against Rebecca, talkless of raising a hand against her. However, she had just done unimaginable things. She did not only stand against her, she hit her back.

"Grab her," Rebecca snarled in anger. Before any of them could reach her, Joel appeared between them. Even Delta Logan himself couldn't do anything to help the situation. They feared him.

That made another question arise in Joy's heart: who is this Joel? And why did they fear him?

"Leave her, and don't force me to go against the authorities' rules," Joel warned them. Nonetheless, one could still hear the threat in his voice.

Hissing loudly, Delta Logan stands up from his position and stands in front of him. "What would the young wizard do if I decided to stay?" He said.

"You might end up crawling out of the school today," Joel replied, giving in to his threat. "Go and clean yourself in the bathroom; they won't dare follow you," Joel said, his gaze now resting on Joy.

Without hesitation, she walked out of the cafeteria, and she could feel thousands of eyes staring at her.



"Ding dong," Joy heard the bell of the school ring, which signifies the end of today's class. After what happened in the café today, she had tried her best to avoid both Rebecca, Delta Logan, and their crew. It's all thanks to Joel again. He was the one that saved her. If not, perhaps they would have killed her now. She did not only humiliate them today; she made them feel useless in front of everyone.

She hurriedly put on her backpack and walked out of the school. Her eyes were examining the whole compound carefully, so she wouldn't get caught by them again.

Her mind is also on the birthday party that is going to take place at the city hall tonight. She hadn't been to one before, and she was wondering how it would be.

After Joel had cleaned up her mess, he told her that she should get dressed before 19:00. Joy took in a deep breath as her feet touched the sandy floor that led back to her house. Thanks to the goddess, none of her adversaries were in her path today.

Walking as quickly as her feet could carry her, Joy headed straight for her home and prayed at the same time that they shouldn't cross her path.

Unfortunately, her prayer was rejected when she caught a glimpse of Delta Logan from afar. "Going somewhere without us?" She heard Rachael's voice behind her.

Joy stopped in her tracks. Her feet went chilly, and she could feel her blood draining out of her body. Just when she thinks everything is perfect, then it gets worse.

"It seems like today's hero is running away." She heard another voice, and she was sure that it belonged to Rebecca. She heard another male scoffing behind her, and Joy could hear her intelligence running away. Without being told, she knew Delta Logan was now standing behind her.

Now she was stuck with the devil's gang. Worst of all, Joy didn't have any weapons she could use in self-defence. Thankfully, she was not in the woods this time around. They were in the middle of a road. At least there might be someone who could help her.

Who can even help her? She thought. Joel isn't anywhere around, and Dan is probably on the training ground now.

"You are going to display your heroic act again," says Rebecca.

Joy closed her eyes, her mind wondering if there were any things she could use as self-defence. Even though she was sure that they would beat her until they were tired, she didn't want to go down without a fight.

After what seemed like forever, a thought struck her mind. She dipped her hand into her pocket and brought out a golden necklace that consisted of a long silver cross at its end.

She had heard from Dan that werewolves, vampires, and lycans always get hurt by silver and garlic. Lycans can only be immune to silver if they go berserk.

At least she stands a chance now. Even though her mom had warned her several times that she must not remove the necklace from her neck no matter what she was going through.

Does she have a chance now? If she doesn't remove it, Rebecca, Delta Logan, and all their crew will break all the bones in her body, and that would cost her mom another energy. But with this cross and her skills, she stands a chance against them.

"Get her," Delta Logan ordered his crew. Without hesitation, they charge at her, and Joy braces herself for the fight.

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