
The half-breed

They had her surrender and snarled at her with their sharp, long teeth. She knew she was doomed. She has finally met her end. Even if everybody forgives her and lets her go, Delta Logan won’t support them. He is dangerous. She examined her surroundings, her eyes wondering for a way out. However, it was a dead end. They were in the middle of a jungle. The only thing she could hope for was an unexpected miracle. Delta Logan strides forward, followed by Rebecca, and her witch friend, Rachael, while the rest of the lycans pack moves behind her. Instantly, an idea crept into her head. Rachael is a witch. That means she was not fast like those lycans. “You can do this,” she assured herself. As Delta Logan dived at her, at the last minute, she stepped aside and the Delta collided with a tree instead. Before any one of them could react, she dived at Rachael, her elbow aiming straight for her teeth. Before Rachael could blink, Joy’s elbow collided with her mouth and the force removed the front teeth in the process. She pushed her out of the way and then grabbed a tree branch she had seen earlier and used the force to propel her body on top of the tree. Joy was sure of one thing, she couldn't outrun Delta Logan and the pack on dry ground. But she could do it on top of trees. Dan had taught her that. He had been training her for a day like this. She swung her body on top of another tree, and then swivelled her body midair, did bar hop skills, and grabbed another branch. She could hear the rustling of leaves behind her which suggested that they were now chasing her. Yet, she did not panic. She has been in this wood many times without number, and she knew her way better than them. After jumping for what seemed like forever, she could see the exit of the woods. It was a few metres ahead of her, and that made her double her effort. She was sure that Dan would be waiting for her at the exit of the woods.

Alegria del Autor · Fantasie
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72 Chs

Chapter 25

Theme: Confusion

Sitting on the golden long chair is Favour. She was dressed in a white royal gown and high-heeled shoe. Besides her is General Zod, who was busy smiling sheepishly at Favour. In front of them is a circle-shaped table that contains different wines. Not only that, both couples have their hands cuffed together as that is the traditional rule of the middle land.

The newlywed couple must be cuffed together till dawn. Looking closely at Favour's eyes, one can see that she seems uncomfortable. She was acting sluggish and was shifting her body away from General Zod. However, the latter kept clinging to her. Seeing that Favour was becoming irritating, he let out a devious smirk, which uncovered his brown teeth, before rubbing his hand on her lap again.

"Now, let the newly married couples come to the altar." So says Mrs Claire. She was wearing a black robe, and a staff was seen in her hand. "Let them come forward and give out their pledges before they go home."

Without hesitation, General Zod dragged Favour up with the help of the cuff he was holding, and he led her towards the front row. 

"You guys won't know how happy I'm to have her as my wife," General Zod says. 

He examined the whole hall, and his gaze met with that of King Aaron. Even from afar, General Zod could see the dead glare the man was sending him. He could see the urge to kill in General Drax's and Rick's eyes. That also boosts his morale to piss them off more.

"Don't worry, I have already prepared a special inn for both of us," says General Zod. "That means I won't be accepting King Aaron's offer to give us a place on the lower Isle." He said, and everyone gasped in shock.

In the presence of everybody, General Zod had not only declined King Aaron's offer, but he had also disgraced Favour. Instead of taking her to the house that King Aaron had already prepared or any other well-built house in the middle land, she is taking her to an inn. 

"How dare you disrespect the King of the Lower Isles and our people?" General Drax shot, enraged. 

He stood up from his chair and unsheathed his sword. Seeing this, the D'arcy soldiers that were present let out their full claws before snarling at General Drax. 

Knowing full well that this might lead to catastrophe, King Aaron holds General Drax back while Mrs Claire signals for General Zod to continue. The D'arcy soldiers also returned to their seats, but they were watching keenly for any unexpected attack.

"What are you guys trying to do?" With a chuckle, General Zod asked. "You want to kill me, or what are you thinking?" He said, but no one replied. "You can give it a trial. I won't waste time slicing her throat and using her blood to send messages to Lord Darius through the memo book. You know what that means, didn't you?" General Zod threatened and he walked towards Mrs Claire. 

"I will be requesting an army right away. Not only that, I promise that no stone will be left untouched in your region. All of your men, women, boys and even the pregnant woman will be mercilessly slaughtered. After that, I will rape her every day until she dies, and I'm sure that my men will want to do the same thing with other beautiful girls in your region." General Zod concluded, and that earned him a thunderous slap from Favour.

"Who the hell are you?" says Favour with a hard tone while everyone gasps in shock. "Listen up, everybody. I don't know what's happening. But I'm not the girl that was supposed to marry this monster."

Hearing this, General Zod reached for Favour's hair, held it firmly in his hand, and twisted it. Favour yelled in pain, which only lasted for a few seconds. She raised her knee and kicked General Zod in the manhood. The man screamed in pain, and Favour used the opportunity to break the cuff that was holding her hand with General Zod.

Seeing this, the D'arcy soldiers swung into action. They released their full claws and dashed at Favour with super speed. With a few inches for them to reach her, General Zod stepped forward, which made them stop in their tracks. 

"Wait, let me deal with her. Let me use her as a scapegoat before I use her blood to send a message to Lord Darius." With a smirk, General Zod says. "Besides, can't you see that she breaks the iron cuff with super-human strength"

Favour let out an evil smile and packed her hair very well. "I accepted your challenges!" She said it fearlessly.

"No, let us fight with him," General Drax and Rick said at the same time.

"No," Favour insisted. "I'm supposed to be protecting you because I'm the true half-breed." Favour revealed and she closed her eyes. A second later, she opened them, and they turned red. 

"Impossible!” Mrs Claire said in disbelief.

"The Cad'Hor mode." Everybody said it at the same time.


Joy twirled the blood sword, swung it, and used it to bring down two D'arcy soldiers at once. She slid underneath a lycan as it lunged at her, then she sliced the lycan into two. She spun the sword and brought down another Lycan's head. Even though the sword was heavy in her hand, it was unlike any sword she had ever wielded. Well, she isn't surprised. It's the blood sword. Moreover, she knew the reason very well.

Besides her stood Dan. Even in his Alpha mode, he was faster, tougher, and more skilful in his combat. For a while, everything about him made Joy lose focus. She wonders how much power he will wield if his full lycan form manifests. He grabbed a lycan by the neck and removed his head. Blood gushed out, split into his face, and Dan used the Lycan's body to hit another nearby enemy.

"Quickly, both of you should go inside the tent, and see what you can find." Mrs Sandra says seeing that the duo are not ready to leave, "I will change the vision of their soul. Now be quick before the scent cloaking spell wears out." She said it again.

Joy and Dan nodded their heads in understanding, and they entered the old clay building through the backyard. At first, everything was dark, but Joy stretched her hand up while a light illuminated the whole room. Not wasting any seconds, they started ransacking the whole cabin. It was the same place where General Clark, Micah, and Sarah were sitting earlier.

After a few minutes of searching, Dan saw a box that was placed under the chair. He bent down quickly, dragged out the box, and opened it. Inside the box is a scroll that contains strange writing and a map. He quickly dusted the scroll before showing it to Joy.

"What type of letter is this? Which language is this?" Joy asked in confusion, which made Dan stare at her in disbelief.

"What did you mean?" He asked. "It's the same language as the one you read in the Book of the Undead. How the hell did you forget it so easily?"

"I'm not sure whether I can read it again. Perhaps Mrs Sandra could help," with a dismissive tone, says Joy

"You are wrong," says Dan, and his expression becomes hard. "There is no way a true half-breed could ever forget the ancient greek language and what she learned. You even mentioned that the blood sword was heavy in your hand, which is impossible. Not only that, the real Joy I know will never leave the blood sword with Favour, nor will she tense whenever I hold her. Now tell me, who are you?"

"I swear with your life, I'm the true half-breed and Joy." She argued.

"Remove your clothes," Dan ordered, but Joy remained still. "Are you shy about removing your clothes now? Don't forget that you promised to show me your nakedness, no matter the circumstances. Even if we are on the death line and I request copulation. You said it shall be given unto me." 

"No Dan, that was then." She said with her head bowed in shame. "What happened between us then was a mistake. I didn't mean it."

"You are a liar," Dan screamed at her. Before she could blink, Dan appeared in front of her, grabbed her neck, and squeezed it tightly. "Now tell me, who are you and where did you hide Joy?"

"Dan, you are choking me," She complained while trying to breath. "Don't forget that we are in the D'arcy territory, and Mrs Sandra is waiting for us."

"You are a bloody liar," says Dan, while tightening his grip on Joy's neck. "Joy has never been tense whenever our skin touched, nor had I been aroused around her. Even though we always see each other naked because she is like a sister to me, we have never had intercourse before. Who the hell are you?" He shot at her.

"Wow, wait, a great drama." A voice said from behind, and that made Dan release his grip on Joy's neck. He turned back, and he was welcomed with a punch from Micah. "We met again, the half-breed, and the Alpha hybrid."

"Now, it's time for revenge," Sarah said with a smirk. "Eventually, we met again.

"I swear, I'm not a half-breed." Joy said, with a shaken voice. "This is magic at work."

"If it's magic, how can you wield the blood sword? How can you cloak your scent?" Micah asked while taking a dangerous step toward Joy. "You can fool everyone, but not me." 

He said and brought out his double-edged blade while Sarah filled her hand with a huge Hado Hans ball. Before anybody could blink, she threw the ball at Joy.

A few inches away from the Hado Hans ball colliding with Joy, Dan pushed her away, and he narrowly escaped the ball as well. 

"General Clark, you and your men should kill that lycan. I and Sarah will take care of the half-breed." Micah Tyler said while the General and the D'arcy soldiers swung into action.
