
The Hacker Girl

After the death of her parents, Naomi returns to Japan, and gets to work as a hacker, together with her partner puts she is in big trouble with the three most dangerous mafias in the world, the only way and ask for help. But who will help her?

Williane_M_P · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 18

At the moment the car is parked. For an instant, Tatsuo looked at Satoru and noticed that he was staring at the entrance to the restaurant and that his eyes had a certain hostile look in them. Tatsuo knew that for Satoru to be there was a great challenge, since they shared the same feeling of revenge against Yin, for they had both lost precious people at the hands of the Zhao family.

It was then that Satoru sighed and said:

"We have arrived Mr. Tatsuo."

Tatsuo nodded, and both at the same time, opened the car doors and got out. In that part of the city at night, it was quite busy. Satoru nodded to his subordinates to move towards the strategic points, to be on guard in case there was a trap.

Hurrying up, Satoru lifted the curtain at the entrance of the establishment, and Tatsuo entered. The place was spacious and well air-conditioned and conveyed a pleasant and comfortable feeling. As Tatsuo looked around, a Satoru approached and whispered saying:

"The waiter said Yin reserved the back table."

"Let's go then. I want to put an end to this nonsense." replied Tatsuo, heading for the table at the end.

After almost ten years, Tatsuo finally came face to face with Yin. The two exchanged intense glances, for a brief moment, but enough to fill the atmosphere of the place with tension.

"What is that intense look and that Tatsuo? If you keep looking at me like that, I'll think you'll kill me right here and now," Yin said with a satisfying smile.

"That wouldn't be a bad idea." Answered Tatsuo with indifference.

"Ai! You've hurt." said Yin wryly. "You haven't changed at all, you still have that cruel personality."

"And you are still the same old trash!" retorted Tatsuo and continued saying. "Whew!" he sighed. "What do you want?"

"Why don't you sit down first? It's been a while since we've seen each other. And I see you even brought my parents' killer with you." Said Yin indicating a chair ahead while looking at Satoru who was standing next to Tatsuo. "It's been a while, hasn't it? Satoru?"

Satoru adjusted his glasses over his face and remained silent. Tatsuo pulled up a chair and sat down, and crossing his arms, without showing any reaction, said:

"Let's cut to the chase. What do you want?"

"So stiff. I wonder what Mina saw so special in you?" said Yin with a pretentious look.

Tatsuo knew that this was another one of Yin's emotional games to amuse himself. And not to fall for it, there was only one way to deal with it, and that was to remain calm and not show any reaction.

"Yin, if you called me here to waste my time, with this stupid little game of yours. I'll leave!" said Tatsuo indifferently.

"Hmm... I really can't play with you." Said Yin, annoyed. "Tsc! But since you insist, let's get to the point." He adjusted his chair and continued saying. "I want you to let me keep Naomi, and in return, I'll stop bothering you."

Tatsuo was astonished at Yin's request, couldn't believe the absurdity of what he was hearing, and asked:

"Do you know that you are proposing something absurd?"

"What was it? Didn't you like it? Well, I thought you'd be happy since Naomi is just a girl who came into your life by chance.

" Yes, that's true. You're asking me to condemn an innocent girl to stay with you, in exchange for something I know you won't do."

"Tatsuo, we both know you don't and it's only for this reason. Do you think I wouldn't notice?"

"What are you talking about?" said Tatsuo confusedly.

"If you're going to keep pretending to be silly, fine. But I noticed that Naomi bears a certain resemblance to Mina. Although their hair and eye color are different, their faces are identical. " Yin paused, smiled, and continued saying. "But Naomi's personality is what got me interested. That's why I want her."

"You're crazy."

"Are you going to tell me you didn't notice? I know that ..."

"YIN, THAT'S ENOUGH! " shouted Tatsuo, standing up. "Naomi is not an object that I can just hand over to you. And she would never be the same as Mina."

"So you're telling me you won't accept the deal?" asked Yin.

"No, I won't let you do whatever you want with her," said Tatsuo, staring at Yin. " Let's go to Satoru." as he turned his back to Yin.

" Hmmm... Going already? Stay a little longer. The food here is delicious," said Yin ironically.

"I would even stay." Said Tatsuo without looking at Yin. "If it wasn't cockroach-infested here."

As he walked away from the table, Tatsuo heard Yin shout:


Without saying anything, Tatsuo continued walking to the restaurant's exit. Just as he crossed the exit door, Satoru said:

"What a disgusting worm... What do you think he's going to do with the girl, sir?"

"Yes, he is..." said Tatsuo in agreement. "I believe he wouldn't hurt her for now. And how are you?"

"I'm fine... Satoru said with a tone of voice full of uncertainty. "But hearing my sister's name coming out of his mouth made me angry. What about you, sir? What will we do now?"

" Whew... Likewise. If it were up to me, I would go right now and snatch Naomi from the clutches of that crazy Yin. But it will take some time to find out where the captivity is. For now, send one of our trusted men to stay here and follow Yin's group," said Tatsuo as he opened the car door. "That way we'll be able to find something."

"Yes sir, I will do it immediately." Said Satoru bowing.

"Satoru!" said Tatsuo.

At the same instant, Satoru raised his head and looked at Tatsuo who continued saying:

"You are not a murderer. And my faithful friend. At that time there was no other person who could have done what you did. And there never will be."

Those words surprised Satoru, but he also felt the weight of trust that was placed on his shoulders. But Satoru smiled gratefully and said:

"I thank you for your words. I don't regret serving you."

And getting into the car, Tatsuo gives a signal for the driver to drive back to the mansion. Staying behind, together with a small group of subordinates, Satoru thought about who would be best for the job, and from among the group, he chose two men.

One of the men was Hayato, short in stature and had a scar over his right eye, the other was Hiroshi tall in stature and had platinum hair, both competent in their service. And after choosing Satoru said:

"Hayato, Hiroshi! The two of you keep an eye on Yin's group and as soon as they leave the restaurant follow him. And let me know if you find anything. Don't be noticed."

After giving the order, the men quickly proceeded to the lookout points. Satoru hurries and gets into the car to return to the mansion. The night would belong.
