
Settling In

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain and TheDonFluffles

The Guild of Gamers: The Warlock

Chapter 03: Settling In

— Margarita Laux-Antille —

She had to admit, Albion was a wonderful home, but some things weren't quite adding up to her.

Lucas claimed he gained Albion very recently, which she believed since he seemed as lost as they were while they explored the extravagant castle.

The architecture reminded her of the ancient Elven style, beautiful buildings that were almost works of art themselves, and the location…

Lucas had brought them to another world, and he'd done it so easily. She could only think of one person who could do something like this and with far less ease.

Cirilla was the only one she could think of that could travel between realms so easily, and Ciri could barely control her own power.

Was Lucas a child of the elder blood? Ciri was believed to be the last but the Lodge had long known that there was the possibility of some undocumented bastard line.

All it would take was one of the Elder Blood carriers having an affair, resulting in a secret child, and suddenly Ciri wasn't the last anymore.

His power was clearly somewhat different, but the Elder Blood could manifest itself in different ways, and Lucas' realm travel was far more controlled and stable than Ciri's.

He didn't jump himself, instead opening portals that seemed to pass through an otherworldly forest, allowing anyone he wanted to travel around.

Ithlinne's Prophecy came to mind, which claimed a child of the Elder Blood would save the elves from annihilation. That, plus the Elven architecture of his home made her mind race, trying to work out what was going on.

She'd asked him some more and he claimed he could only go to places he'd seen before and Albion at the moment, that he'd only gained these powers recently.

He was a rather honest and open man, admitting that he only gained any magic at all recently, that he had no real schooling in the magical arts and that it came to him instinctually.

She'd offered to teach him while she was in Albion, which he'd accepted. She could feel the magic inside him and he had the potential to be a true powerhouse.

She knew her sisters in the Lodge would want to utilise him, but for now all she cared about was keeping her students safe, and Lucas had offered them sanctuary in Albion for as long as they wished.

She could immediately see the potential, a magical sanctuary where no hunter could hope to reach, far more secure than Aretuza could have hoped to be.

Her students already loved the beautiful surroundings and comfortable rooms here, but she knew the real reason they liked it so much. The ambient magic in this place was amazing, she could almost taste it in the air, feel it tingling across her body.

Her students weren't as adept at sensing magic as she was, but they could still subconsciously feel it around them, which would partly explain their enthusiastic behaviour.

Of course a large part of it was that they had escaped from the hunters, avoiding certain torture and death. Some of them hadn't been lucky enough to escape entirely unscathed, she'd noticed a few of them flinching at any touch, their torn clothes telling her exactly what they had been put through.

She'd have to take them aside and do what she could to help them.

Spotting Lucas leaning against one of the balcony railings, staring out over at the beautiful scenery, she approached him.

He didn't look towards her, but the way he briefly stiffened told her that he knew she was approaching, spotting his imp in its bird form flying in the air.

It had probably spotted her and told its master, and that was another mystery. He claimed it was a lesser demon he had summoned and bound into his service.

Demons had crossed into their world during the conjunction of the spheres, but Lucas had summoned one from its world into this one.

Was this another sign of his elder blood manifesting in his magic? An untrained novice in the magical arts shouldn't be able to so easily breach the planes.

Even his flames were apparently summoned from the same plane, he wasn't just making fire, he was calling upon demonic flames from another plane and bending it to his will.

Even she couldn't do that.

And his mist was more of the same, called upon from a different plane, which he called the Feywilds.

The more she learnt, the more she was convinced that he had the Elder Blood, which manifested itself rather differently than Ciri's.

She'd have to send a letter to Yennefer, as she had already considered that they could try to use Lucas' powers to track down the missing Ciri.

"Something on your mind?" Margarita asked, making Lucas finally look towards her with a smile.

"Our food situation to begin with, Albion has a full larder but while it would have lasted many months for me, adding over thirty hungry teenage girls is going to deplete it quickly," Lucas said with a deadpan tone, making her chuckle in agreement.

As the rectoress of Aretuza, she was well aware of how much her students could eat.

"Indeed, I'm sorry for the inconvenience we are causing," Margarita said honestly, making him wave her off.

"It's fine, it's a minor problem in the grand scheme of things. The storage should last a month or two at least, even without rationing so we have time to work out a longer term solution, that is if you're planning on staying long term," Lucas corrected.

"I believe we will be, with your permission of course. This is probably the safest place for us now, away from Radovid's madness and Emhyr's ambition," Margarita said seriously. The world was not a safe place at the moment, and her students' safety was her main priority.

"There's plenty of land that could be used for livestock down in the valley, but I've never worked a farm in my life. Perhaps some of the peasants trying to flee the war could be recruited, or we'll have to make a contract with someone to trade for the food, but that's a problem for another day" Lucas said with a sigh, making her smile as she confirmed one of her suspicions.

Lucas was no peasant. He didn't wish to talk about his past but many little things told her that he was very well educated, a merchant or noble scion would be her guess.

She didn't recognise his last name, Hall, but his tanned skin told her that he likely wasn't native to Temeria or the northern realms, but he didn't speak with a Nilfgaardian accent either. In fact she couldn't place his accent at all.

She had some suspicions that someone had worked hard to keep him hidden, probably an elf, whether Lucas knew it or not. The Lodge had worked hard to track down every possible Elder Blood child, finding only Ciri. If Lucas had been stashed away in someplace like Zerrikania it would have been all too easy for them to miss him.

Hearing some giggling, they both turned to see some of her students watching him, or watching Lucas to be exact, rushing away as he turned his attention to them.

Ah yes, that.

It was safe to say that Morgana and Lucas had become heroes to her students, and given that Aretuza forbade relationships it wasn't really surprising that so many of her otherwise repressed students had grown affectionate towards Lucas, their handsome older saviour.

Morgana was hard-pressed to find any alone time herself, having developed a gathering of followers, much to her surprise.

Lucas, however, seemed almost uncomfortable to have so many admirers, he was a perfect gentleman towards them (which only increased his popularity), and seemed out of place when dealing with the more aggressive girls.

Felicia Cori couldn't have been more obvious about her attraction to him if she'd stripped naked and jumped him, but she'd always been one of her most adventurous students.

It was amusing that Morgana seemed just as disturbed about Felicia's advances as Lucas himself. Not that Felicia noticed Morgana's glaring either, or if she did she simply didn't care as she found every excuse to push her body against Lucas.

It was good to see her girls acting like normal girls again, after weeks of worry and stress.

Technically Aretuza banned relationships, but Aretuza was also probably a burning ruin at the moment and the girls deserved some time to let loose and have fun, she certainly wasn't going to stop them.

"Not enjoying your popularity?" Margarita asked, making Lucas chuckle dryly.

"I might enjoy it more if they weren't all near a decade younger than me, give it a week and I'm sure they'll lose interest once they calm down," Lucas said bluntly, it was true that she'd put him in his late twenties and Felica was the oldest of her novices at twenty one, but if he thought they'd lose interest?

Well, she wouldn't ruin his delusions.

"What about you, I'm not the only one with a lot on my mind," Lucas pointed out, making her give him a soft smile.

"You're right, I was thinking about Novigrad," Margarita admitted, her mind on the so-called free city. "If even the 'free city' is filled with witch hunters, nowhere in Redania is safe. We might have gotten away but last I heard a close friend of mine, Triss Merigold, was in Novigrad helping arrange the surviving mages. If Novigrad has fallen to them…"

"You're worried they've already found her?" Lucas asked, making her shake her head.

"No, they wouldn't keep quiet if they captured Triss, they certainly didn't keep quiet about capturing Sheala," Margarita said, frowning.

The hunters had been all too happy to taunt her with the knowledge that Sheala was in Deireadh prison, her fellow lodge sister undergoing horrendous torture at their hands.

"But I'm worried she will be, Triss is talented, smart… but she was leading the mages who came to Novigrad in hopes of safety, I have no doubt she's risking discovery constantly to help more of them, she won't be able to stand by and let mages die, that's just not who she is," Margarita said with a fond smile.

"I see, then it's simple. If Triss is leading the surviving mages, I just need to find her so we can bring them all to Albion," Lucas said, making her blink at the confidence in his tone.

"You'd do that?" Margarita asked, making him nod.

"I might be new to magic, but somehow I feel like this is what I'm supposed to do, call it destiny if you want, I won't stand idly by either. It's not who I am," Lucas said, making her smile.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted some of the students eavesdropping on them, making her roll her eyes.

And Lucas thought the girls would lose interest in him? While acting like this? The poor naive boy.

Of course, if he kept acting like this he might have more to worry about than her students, because his declaration sent a shiver through her body.

"Who is Shaele? You mentioned she'd been captured," Lucas asked, making her sigh.

"Another of my friends, and a fellow member of the Lodge of Sorceresses, the hunters claim she's imprisoned in Deireadh. If they're telling the truth… I don't want to think about what she's going through, what I'd be going through if you hadn't saved me. Radovid's hatred of magic is only trumped by his hatred of the Lodge," Margarita explained, hoping he wouldn't ask why.

Lucas clearly didn't know who the Lodge were, but it would come up eventually that their ambitions had led to this entire witch hunt.

Radovid would have come for mages eventually, they just gave him the casus belli he needed to declare war on all magic.

"Deireadh, that name has come up a lot. It's the prison they're taking the mages to, right?" Lucas asked, making her nod.

"It is, nobody has ever escaped from Deireadh, I've heard horror stories about what goes on inside those walls," Margarita agreed, watching Lucas carefully. "We won't be able to free her or the others trapped in it, the entire place is covered in dimeritium and crawling with hunters and a new order of knights specially trained to fight against magic."

Radovid's templars, an order of well-trained, well-equipped knights who used a substance called lyrium to both make themselves incredibly resistant to magic and allow them to nullify magic. It was how they'd gotten caught, a small squad of templars had been sent with the hunters, but thankfully they left to pursue a lead on Philippa instead of escorting the convoy to Deireadh.

"Hm, I don't plan to rush in if that's what you're worried about, but I'm not willing to completely rule out the idea of trying to bust them out," Lucas finally said, seemingly focusing on something else for a moment. "At the very least, I plan to have Impy scout it out."

The lesser demon flew down and landed on the balcony railing at that, squawking angrily.

"I told you before, if you don't like Impy, tell me your real name," Lucas said bluntly, making it squawk more, a strange hissing undertone beneath the squawks. "You don't see Bella complaining about her name."

Apparently it didn't like that either, falling into an argument that quickly switched to another language, made up of harsh, alien and rather foul sounding words.

"Tch, demons. Fine, Vlad it is. Get it, because he's the Impaler?" Lucas finally said, making the bird hop side to side for a minute, looking thoughtful for a moment before it squawked again, sounding happier.

"Vlad?" Margarita asked, making Lucas jump and blush slightly, having apparently forgotten she was there, which made her giggle.

"Ah, it's from an old story I read. It's about a noble who… did a whole lot of fucked up stuff, including sticking all the invading armies onto pikes to warn off future invasions," Lucas explained, making her blink slightly.

Ah, the 'impaler' was quite literal.

"And you thought he was a good choice for a name for your familiar?" Margarita asked, mildly amused.

"Well, Vlad is an imp, a demon. Plus he's kind of an asshole, and a sadist so I figured it fits," Lucas added, the bird nodding along with him.

Lucas usually acted rather maturely, but he could have moments where he acted much more playfully. Making his familiar's name a pun based on an old story was rather amusing, she almost wanted to ask where he got the name Bella from.

"Just be careful, if anything happens to you, we're stuck in Albion, and as nice as it is, I'd rather not starve here," Margarita pointed out, making him nod.

"I know, and I will. Back to Triss, you think she's laying low in Novigrad?" Lucas asked, making her nod.

"Mages from all over Redania will be heading to Novigrad, hoping that the free city is still a safe place for our kind. Even if Triss could leave, I'm not sure she would. I do think you're right, trying to get in contact with her is a good idea," Margarita agreed.

"But you're too high profile to go yourself," Lucas said, making her nod. "Good thing I'm an unknown. If she's coordinating the surviving mages then even if she stays in Novigrad, we can arrange for the mages she gathers to come here."

"I'll write a letter for you, as I doubt she'll be particularly trusting at this point, given how long she's had to keep her head down. I'm not sure how you'll find her, if things are as bad in Novigrad as I suspect, she'll be laying very low indeed," Margarita admitted.

"I'll think of something, and I'll be careful, what does she look like?" Lucas asked, making her mutter an incantation as she cast a simple illusion.

It wouldn't fool anyone, but it didn't need to as she made an illusionary copy of Triss, Lucas looking over it carefully.

"Question, are all sorceresses so attractive?" Lucas asked with a deadpan tone as he looked between the illusion and her, making her laugh.

"Of course, when you have access to magic and potions why would we ever settle for looking average?" Margarita replied easily, making Lucas snort.

"Ah, excellent point," Lucas said simply.

Plus, back when sorceresses were respected in the noble courts, they had to look good. Their looks could be just as powerful a weapon as their magic at times.

"I'm going to go into Novigrad tomorrow, see what the situation there is. Thankfully, the hunters were carrying a fair amount of money on them," Lucas said, making her nod.

"I'll write the letter tonight, I saw some ink, parchment and quills in the library while we were exploring," Margarita promised, making him nod.

They had the start of a plan, and while Lucas was looking for Triss she could try and work out who they could possibly trade with for food, and what they could trade for that matter.

They got lucky, because the hunters decided to take their belongings back to Deireahd instead of just burning them right there, so they had some essentials, but they'd need more soon, so she also needed to take note of what they had and what they'd need.

Was she planning to make Albion the new Aretuza? Maybe, as where better to teach magic than in a secret world where nobody could reach them? Of course, she'd need to talk to Lucas and the other mages first.

— Morgana —

She was happy her classmates were safe, of course.

Even if she found her new following rather strange, many of these girls didn't particularly like her when they were in Aretuza, jealous of the special attention she got as she was being trained by Margarita to join the Lodge.

She'd never wish harm on any of her fellow mages, even Felicia.

Felicia, with her large breasts and far better attitude, who was practically throwing herself at Lucas. No she would never wish misfortune on the older mage, why would she?

"Lucas! Come sit with us," Felicia said, drawing her attention as Lucas walked through the room, pausing. Felicia stood up and moved closer, far too close, her breasts practically pressed against Lucas' chest.

"Ah, I'll have to pass, I'm afraid. I'm still exploring, and I have some stuff to take care of before I go to bed," Lucas said kindly, giving Felicia a small smile, making her pout.

"Oh, would you like some company? I'd love to see more of Albion myself," Felicia said immediately, unperturbed by his refusal.

"Not this time, perhaps another day when I'm less busy," Lucas said, too kind to just shut the tramp down.

Felicia pouted harder, moving to make sure Lucas got a good view of her cleavage, his eyes briefly flickering downwards to look at the barely covered flesh on display.

"Okay! Just keep me in mind if you ever want some company~" Felicia said, her tone turning sultry as she turned and walked away, her hips swaying as she moved, Lucas' eyes watching her ass as she left.

No, she wouldn't wish misfortune on her fellow mages, even if the glare she was giving Felicia might suggest otherwise.

Felicia spotted her glare, but she just giggled slightly and ignored her.

— Lucas —

I've learnt that relationships and sex are forbidden at Aretuza, so that means I'm now in a pocket dimension with a few dozen repressed horny teenage girls who see me as their hero, their knight in shining armour.

Am I happy about that?

Yes, what man wouldn't be?

But a part of me is still apprehensive, these girls have been through a lot recently and I'd rather not be the cause of any regret because I took up one of their impulsive advances.

Plus, in my world many of them wouldn't exactly be legal, Morgana is seventeen and I'm twenty eight. I've seen the way she looks at me.

I've always followed the sacred rule of 'half your age plus seven' being the minimum age you can date, and by that standard she's four years too young.

That said, this world has a more lax standard on things like the age of consent, and in the back of my mind, a part of me is whispering 'when in rome…'

Morgana is undeniably one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, and I can only imagine she'll get better with age.

Felicia is more in my strike range, I'm fairly certain she's in her twenties so I'd feel less guilty about accepting her advances.

Honestly if Felicia comes onto me again, I'm taking her up on that offer for company, because frankly I'm horny and horny people make stupid decisions because they're thinking with their lower head.

It doesn't help that I can feel the lust coming from them. It just feeds my own lust. I can also feel Morgana's growing jealousy, which is probably going to be a bit of a problem.

I was having trouble keeping eye contact with Margarita, because she wears some very low cut dresses and I swear I saw a hint of nipple, I have no doubt she noticed my wandering gaze but didn't say anything.

She also didn't warn me off messing around with her students, who I know she cares for, does that mean she doesn't think there's anything wrong with me accepting their advances?

Or she doesn't want to push her luck because she's at my mercy considering there's no way to leave Albion without me? Maybe I'll have to see about getting a permanent portal later, but where would I even put it? A thought for later, when I understand the political climate of this world better.

Another thing of note, the Lodge of Sorceresses.

I know Margarita is a member, I know Morgana was being trained to join in the future, but I don't know who they are.

What I do know is that the mention of them causes an immense amount of guilt and self-loathing in Margarita. What did they do to cause such a reaction?

I've not asked her directly because I doubt either of us would enjoy that conversation and I want to know more about the subject before I approach it.

Basically, if she lies I want to have enough information to be able to notice and call her out on it.

In other news, Albion is exactly as confusing as you'd expect a fey castle to be, it's full of twists and turns, with secret passageways that defy physics.

There's a passageway on the fifth floor, where the royal bedroom is located that leads up to the sex dungeon.

And yes, we have a sex dungeon which was a little awkward to explain when some of the girls found it.

They know I… inherited this little pocket dimension from another mage, but Margarita has definitely noticed how much I don't want to talk about Raven and Grayson.

Thankfully, she isn't pushing for answers yet but I'll need to think of an explanation for my secret sponsors.

But for now, I need some sleep. Tomorrow I'm going deep into enemy territory, the two cities nearby are Oxenfurt and Novigrad and they're both apparently under the control of the Redanian army, which means they're full of Hunters.

Hunters who will be on guard because they're looking for Margarita, thankfully they don't know who I am or what I look like since we didn't leave any survivors.

That said, I'm a foreigner in a medieval country that's at war, thankfully I don't look or sound particularly Nilfgaardian but I still imagine that I'm going to stand out and get some unwanted attention.

I could shapeshift to look more local, but apparently these Templars can sense the use of magic and I don't know if shapeshifting will count.

It's going to be an interesting but dangerous time, because while the hunters and Templars are a threat it's also my first time exploring a piece of civilisation in my new world.

I'm not expecting much, to be honest, given what I've heard about Redania from the mages, but it'll still be interesting to see.

So, bed it is.

— Morgana —

"What are you doing here?" Morgana asked in a harsh whisper, glaring at the other girl as Felicia raised an eyebrow.

"I could ask you the same thing," Felicia said simply, crossing her arms under her chest, pushing her barely covered breasts together, the fancy black bra clearly a size too small.

Standing outside Lucas' room, she scowled at her new rival, wearing a flimsy white nightie.

She'd borrowed it from one of her new followers, having not owned anything so revealing before, but Felicia had one upped her again.

Dressed in nothing but an incredibly revealing pair of black underwear, Felicia gave her a challenging look. The bra could barely contain her breasts, a size or two larger than Morgana's own, and the panties weren't much better.

"You know why I'm here," Morgana said bluntly, glaring at the older girl.

She wasn't going to let Felicia get ahead of her, she knew what she wanted and she was going to get it.

"For the same reason I am, I suppose. To reward our saviour," Felicia said simply, making her blush.

Lucas deserved a reward, saving them and giving them sanctuary within his home.

"Go away, I was here first," Morgana said, making Felicia giggle.

"Barely, and I'm not going anywhere," Felicia said confidently, turning to knock on Lucas' door.

Moving to grab her arm, Morgana couldn't help but notice that Felicia's panties did absolutely nothing to cover her ass, the thin string practically swallowed by her firm buttocks.

"Look, it's cute that you want him all to yourself, but have you even had your first kiss yet?" Felicia asked, making Morgana hesitate. "I thought not, do you really think Lucas is going to want some inexperienced virgin in his bed?"

"And you think he's going to want some tramp who spreads her legs for just anyone?" Morgana bit back, making Felicia scoff.

"I've only slept with one person, but at least I know how to please a man, and Lucas is a man, maybe you should stick with boys?" Felicia said back, not backing down.

As they argued, they forgot one simple thing. They were right outside Lucas' bedroom late at night, and their argument was getting louder and louder until the door suddenly opened, making them both squeak in surprise as they turned to the open doorway.

Her cheeks turned red as she spotted Lucas, shirtless and wearing nothing but a pair of black silky pants. Most sorcerers weren't in particularly good shape, relying on magic for almost everything, and while the soft look definitely worked with sorceresses, it just made the sorcerers look lazy compared to the more physically active men.

Lucas was definitely not one of them, and while he didn't have the bulging muscles of a lifelong warrior, his body was still well-defined with impressive abs and a chiselled chest. He took care of himself, and it showed.

Yawning slightly, he looked between them both slowly, his gaze lingering on their exposed bodies as he noticed what they were wearing, or how little they were wearing to be more precise.

She was bolstered by the fact that he seemed to spend an equal amount of time looking at both of them, even if her nightie covered more than Felicia's underwear.

"Girls, as much as I appreciate the late night show, is there a reason you're arguing outside my door?" Lucas asked bluntly, his voice deeper than usual. They'd definitely woken him up.

"Lucas! We were just, I was- Erm…" Morgana started, stuttering as her plans went out the window at the sight of Lucas, half naked. She could swear she could see a bulge in his pants.

Felicia once again showed her more bold attitude, stepping forwards as she pushed her barely covered breasts against his chest, smirking up at him.

"Don't act oblivious, you know why we're here. Admittedly, I didn't expect Morgana to get the same idea," Felicia said with a sultry smile. "I'm here to reward you for saving me and the others, the best way a girl can."

"You realise that you don't need to reward me, right?" Lucas asked, making Felicia smile.

"I don't need to, sure but I want to," Felicia said easily, reaching back and unclasping her bra, stepping back and letting it fall, exposing her large breasts as she grabbed Lucas' hand and brought it up to her chest. "I want you, and that bulge tells me you want me as well. I'm not asking you to marry me, call it stress relief if you want, for both of us."

"I-I want you too," Morgana said, moving forwards and glaring at Felicia as she pushed the straps of her nightie off her shoulders, letting to fall to the ground as she stepped out of it, wearing just a pair of white underwear that admittedly covered more than Felicia's.

Her breasts were smaller, but her skin was smoother, a pale milky white as she grabbed Lucas' other hand and moved it to her breast, going bright red at his touch.

"Morgana-" Lucas started, before Felicia interrupted.

"You don't have to pick, I don't mind a threeway," Felicia offered, making Morgana freeze before she paused.

"N-nor do I," Morgana said, far less confidently.

Lucas paused, looking between the two mostly naked girls offering themselves to him, before he sighed.

"Morgana, are you sure about this?" Lucas said, obviously sensing her nerves as she nodded.

"I am," Morgana said, entirely truthfully. She wanted him, she wasn't going to pretend she didn't.

In the back of her mind, a voice that sounded an awful lot like Philippa Eilhart told her not to rush into something without thinking, that her virtue was important, but she smothered it.

She knew Philippa and the Lodge had plans for her, but that didn't matter and she didn't even know if they were alive so their opinion barely mattered to her right now.

"…fuck it," Lucas said, making her blink at the rare vulgarity from him before he wrapped his arms around both their waists and pulled them into the room.

— Lucas —

A man can only have so much self-control, and having two very attractive young women showing up outside my room in practically nothing is a step too far.

Morgana is definitely a virgin, and it feels bad that her first time will be a threesome but damn it she offered and I've been perpetually hard since that damn dream with Raven.

Guiding them to the bed, Felicia gives me a sexy smirk as she moves forward onto the bed, looking between me and Morgana.

"Do you want to go first, Morgana? Or would you rather see an example first?" Felicia asks, making Morgana pause, indecision clear in her eyes. "I'm sure Lucas has enough energy for both of us~"

"Fine, you go first," Morgana finally agrees, moving to the bed herself as she knelt down next to Felicia.

"You heard the girl, Lucas~ so, how do you want me?" Felicia asks, giving me a hungry smile. "This is your reward, so you can have me anyway you want me, on top, underneath, be as gentle or rough as you want, I'm a big girl I can take it~"

Like I said, self control can only get you so far.

Undoing the silky pants Raven provided, I drop them and watch as Morgana gasps at her first sight of a naked man, the lust coming from both of them growing more intense.

Moving onto the bed myself, I move towards Felicia and grip her panties, pulling them down as she shifts to make it easier for me to strip the last piece of her clothing away.

She's cleanly-shaven, the tiny pink slit already dripping with arousal as I grip her and flip her onto her front, making her yelp before she giggles excitedly, arching her back to stick her ass out towards me, wiggling it back and forth as I move closer.

I'm rock-hard and she's already wet, so I don't waste any time as I slap my cock down on her firm buttocks, lining myself up and thrusting forwards unceremoniously.

Felicia probably isn't a virgin, from what I heard of their earlier argument, so I don't feel the need to make this particular special as I grab her hips and just start to pound her into the bed, and she certainly doesn't seem to mind as her moans almost drown out the sound of flesh clapping against flesh.

She said I could do what I want with her, and I'm too horny to hold back which is why I'm glad Felicia went first, speeding up as I thrust into her faster and faster, spanking her curvy ass and watching it jiggle as she clutches the sheets.

Morgana kneels next to me, yelling in surprise as I pull her against me and kiss her, taking her first kiss as she melts into me, my hand groping her backside as she does.

Despite it being her first kiss, she happily deepens it as our tongues dance, she tastes like… berries, I think. Raspberries maybe, it's a familiar but hard-to-place taste.

Felicia isn't an idle participant in this either, her hips moving back to meet my thrusts as she moans lewdly, tightening down on my invading shaft. She's definitely not a virgin.

Despite my pent up arousal, she cums first as she clenches down around my shaft, a muffled moan leaving her as she bites the quilt beneath her.

I've always had some pretty good endurance in the bedroom, so I withstand the pleasure caused by her tightening down on my cock, pounding her into the bed as I bring her to another climax. At some point Morgana's panties are pulled off, tossed aside as she eagerly awaits her turn, alternating between watching me fuck Felicia and making out with me, her hands roaming my body.

I've always believed in staying in good shape, mostly because I'm actually somewhat vain and the idea of getting fat disgusts me.

Felicia speeds up her own movements, squeezing down on my cock as she moves her ass back to meet my increasingly primal thrusts, making me hold in a grunt.

I can feel my own climax approaching, which causes me to hesitate for a moment. She said to do what I want and I don't really want to pull out of her tight, hot cunt but I also do not want to become a father, and I doubt morning after pills exist in this world.

"I-inside, don't worry, I can't get pregnant," Felicia moans, sensing my indecision as she looks over her shoulder at me.

Well, if that's the case I don't see any reason to hold back as I sheath myself inside her, grunting into Morgana's mouth as I pump my seed into Felicia's waiting womb, sighing in relief.

I needed that.

Felicia pulls herself off my cock, watching the sticky seed leak out of her slit as she gives me a grin, her body sheen with sweat from the exertion.

"Nope you're ready for round two, Morgana might cry if you aren't," Felicia teases, making Morgana blush as she realises it's finally her turn.

"Are you ready, Morgana?" I ask, giving her one last chance to back out as she blushes and nods.

"I am," Morgana agrees, her blush deepening as I lay her down, her legs parting to reveal a very tight looking pink slit, dripping with arousal.

There's no way I wouldn't be ready for another round in a situation like this, especially as Felicia leans forwards and wraps her lips around my still hard cock for a moment, cleaning off the rest of the cum and arousal and lubricating it a little more before she pulls back.

Moving to kneel just above Morgana's head, she watches as I move forwards, lining myself up and pressing the lubricated tip up against her pristine pussy.

Rubbing it up and down against her lower lips, Morgana bites her lip in preparation, moaning quietly as she feels my rubbing the tip against her slit.

Morgana definitely is a virgin, and while I might want to just thrust forwards and bottom out inside her, I take my time and slowly push forwards, watching my cock start to sink into her waiting pussy.

There's some resistance, she's definitely tighter than Felicia and I think that was her hymen I just broke, glancing down and spotting a small amount of blood leaking out of her as I slowly push further into her.

Her legs lock around my waist, pulling me in faster as she smiles up at me with absolute adoration, even as she winces at the fullness she's feeling for the first, but certainly not last time.

They came here to reward me, huh? The hero does always get the girl in the story, or girls in this situation, sure she's a little young but she's old enough to make her own decisions.

As I finally bottom out inside her, I pause to let her get used to the fullness before I slowly pull back, letting a low moan out of her as her pussy clings to me, pulling me back in.

"D-do it, fuck me," Morgana says, her legs tightening around my waist as she smiles up at me with flushed cheeks.

Well, with a request like that how can I decline?

Speeding up, I lean down and kiss her again, one of my hands moving under her to play with her incredibly perky backside.

"She's so cute, isn't she?" Felicia asks, making me chuckle.

"She certainly is," I agree, looking down at Morgana who blushes before her eyes widen as Felicia moves forwards, kneeling with her legs at either side of her head.

"This is a threeway, and I'm feeling left out. Be a good girl and start licking," Felicia says, lowering her pussy onto Morgana's face, making the younger girl's eyes widen before I see her tongue start to hesitantly lap at Felicia's cream-filled cunt. Leaning forwards, Felicia kisses me, moaning into my mouth as Morgana pleasures her. "Are you really surprised? It's an all girls school where we are banned from dating, how do you think we take care of our needs?" Felicia giggles. "Though Morgana was always too serious for that, guess you've loosened her up."

Ah, that's a fair point. I've dated girls who grew up in all-girls catholic schools and frankly they are usually complete freaks. The more repressed a girl is, the more freaky they seem to end up.

Felicia was wrong about one thing in their argument, no man is ever going to complain about his partner being inexperienced. There's something that feels incredibly powerful about taking a girl's first time, especially one as beautiful as Morgana, hearing her moan into Felicia's snatch as she climaxes around a man's cock for the first time.

Felicia was great, and I do love her more developed body as her breasts bounce slightly as she rides Morgana's face, but Morgana is much tighter. That's not to say Felicia is loose, not by any means, Morgana is just that insanely tight.

So tight that my climax catches me almost by surprise, and with her legs locked around my waist there's no chance of me pulling out in time, and given the way her legs tighten around my waist, she wouldn't want me to either.

Eh, that's a problem for future me.

"Ooh, my turn again!" Felicia says, not giving me time to rest as she pulls Morgana off my cock and takes her place, on her hands and knees which seems to be her preferred position.

Morgana pauses, looking down at where cum and a bit of blood is leaking out of her, before she narrows her eyes.

Positioning herself in front of Felicia, she grips the older girl's hair and pulls Felicia's head between her legs, wrapping one leg around her head to stop her from escaping with a smug smile.

All in all, it's pretty fun to be the hero.

— Next Morning —

Waking up between the two naked sleeping girls, I smile and stretch, feeling lighter after last night, the girls snuggling against me. Guess they're not early risers, I consider going back to sleep myself before I pause, feeling something odd down below, lifting the covers and staring down.

"Bella, I appreciate the effort but it's literally bigger than you. I don't think it's going to fit," I say simply, watching the naked fairy rub herself against my still semi-hard cock, pouting as she sits atop it. "No, it would literally kill you."

"Yes I get that fairies are flexible, but that might be pushing it a step too far," I say, feeling her in the back of my mind. Bella doesn't talk with words, but I get the meaning all the same.

Bella reluctantly flies away from my manhood, pouting as I sense a feeling of determination from her.

Well, good luck to her I guess?

I had some very good dreams last night, and I'm not sure whether it was me or Raven that came up with them, since I was dreaming of being rewarded by all the students and Margarita, resulting in all the girls in Albion being free use for me (which is a secret fetish of mine), able to bend them over no matter what they're doing at the time.

But as much as I want to go back to sleep and try to go back to that dream, I have work to do so I reluctantly try and extract myself from the grasp of the girls, before Morgana clings to me tightly, pressing her naked body against mine.

…a little more sleep won't hurt.

— Bonus Scene — Yennefer of Vengerberg

Sitting in the royal palace in Vizima, Yennefer frowned as she went over the notes the emperor's spies had gathered on Ciri's movements.

Unsurprisingly, they hadn't found much beyond being able to confirm that she was in their world again, and that the wild hunt was pursuing her.

She didn't blame them for their mostly useless information, how could they possibly track someone with powers like Ciri's? It was still highly frustrating however, and she already knew she wouldn't be able to track her adoptive daughter alone.

She needed the best tracker she knew, someone who would be just as motivated as her to find Ciri, though she didn't know where Geralt was either, given that he disappeared after the clusterfuck at Loc Muinne.

It was not particularly enjoyable to get her memories back and discover that her Lodge sisters had decided to commit mass regicide.

It was definitely Philippa's plan, she always did have ambitions greater than her skills could achieve. Instead she and the Lodge got played for fools by Letho, and used by Emhyr to make his invasion go much smoother.

She had suspicions on how Emhyr found out about their plans, given that Fringilla Vigo was not dead or imprisoned.

Emhyr hated the Lodge and their ambitions, ironic considering his own ambitions, but it made sense that he'd accept no rivals in his desire to control everything. She had been spared because Emhyr wanted Ciri back more than he wanted her dead, so the fact that Fringilla had managed to keep her head after Loc Muinne spoke volumes.

Not that the Lodge was likely to still exist, given how scattered they were, reading a report on Radovid sieging Aretuza, she frowned.

Margarita was truly one of the 'good' ones, with no ambitions beyond teaching her students, so if anyone didn't deserve to be captured by the mad king it was her. She herself wasn't even particularly close to Margarita, but everyone in the Lodge liked her.

Francesca was no doubt in an awkward position, given that the Lodge's plans were revealed and she was one of Emhyr's vassals. Who knew where Phillipa, Sheala and Keira had ended up, and Triss…

Well, Triss was probably busy riding Geralt's cock, given what she'd heard about that little… situation. She'd be having words with her dear friend about her decision to fuck her amnesiac lover.

Geralt she could almost forgive, his memories faded from his time with the Wild Hunt (plus he wasn't exactly the most monogamous at the best of times), but Triss deciding to take the opportunity to replace her while Geralt didn't remember her was another situation entirely.

Geralt didn't remember her, or their relationship, but Triss certainly hadn't lost her memories.

Author’s Note: Felicia deserved better than the pyre, so now she’s getting a different kind of impalement.

She’s my favourite merchant/gambler/hairdresser/sorceress.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: Pat reon . com/TheDarkWolfShiro

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts