
The Guild of Gamers: The Tinker

Why would you think a shut-in would change his ways, just because he got superpowers? I’m happy right here in my room.

DarkWolfShiro · Bücher und Literatur
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Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Malcolm Tent, Marethyu, Priapus, Mike God of Lore, Beans, Old man of the mountain

The Guild of Gamers: The Tinker

Chapter 08: Kyushu

– Narwhal –

Kei was going to put them all out of business, a thought that caused a rare amused smile to flit across her face.

It was odd to look at someone making you obsolete with such fondness. She could see why Dragon liked her fellow tinker so much. It was genuinely absurd how much had changed since the almighty Tinker Jesus showed his face at the Behemoth attack in Hawaii.

Watching from the deck of the Pride, she joined everyone else in awed gasps as the force field surrounding Kyushu fell to reveal what Kei had been so hard at work with. She'd seen the plans, and as the leader of the Guild, she probably knew more about what Zero was up to than anyone since he'd joined up, but seeing it in action was entirely different.

The Prime Minister of Japan had tears in his eyes as they looked over the restored island, the crystal clear waters surrounding it cleansed of the rot that had been spreading through the oceans and affecting all of eastern Asia. The Emperor of Japan himself seemed to be praying, and his daughter gasped as she moved to the railing for a better look, her security going after her.

Director Costa-Brown was more composed, though clearly impressed, as the Pride flew towards the city Zero had built on the island's coast, the only sign of civilization on the massive island.

But the person who seemed the most unaffected, borderline bored of the proceedings?

Kei, or the android he was remotely piloting, barely batted an eye at the sight of his hard work. Typing away at a holographic keyboard, he even seemed mildly annoyed when someone gave him a pat on the back as part of the celebrations, jostling him.

He wasn't bothering with a mask, wearing a very nice suit instead. She knew full well that Lisa picked it for him; he would have probably shown up in his pyjamas if he had been given a chance. Lisa herself was dressed very smartly in her position as Kei's 'assistant', sitting in the back as she engaged in a little people-watching with a small smirk.

She liked it when people were shocked by her man.

"What did you name this city?" The Prime Minister asked, making Kei finally look up.

"I didn't. It's built geographically in the same place as Fukuoka, but it felt wrong to name it after Fukuoka, so I just left it unnamed," Kei admitted, his fingers still typing even as he looked towards the city.

Even from here, she could see how advanced the buildings looked. Countless white buildings, mixing the designs she'd seen in a lot of Kei's 'solarpunk' technology with more traditional Japanese architecture. There was also a considerable amount of greenery, nature blending with the city itself.

"My focus was on making it self-sufficient, which I more than succeeded in. It has five solar plants, any one of which could power the entire city with energy to spare. Between all five, they can power the entirety of Japan with ease," Kei explained. "See the domes over there?" Kei asked, gesturing to the large glass domes in the distance. "They're incredibly advanced hydroponic farms, producing enough fruit and vegetables for the entire city. There are several larger ones deeper in the island that are producing enough for the entirety of Japan. It's all automated and maintained by drones, from the power plants and farms to the greenery."

Kei had the Prime Minister and the other members of the Japanese government hanging off his every word, and she hadn't missed that Lisa was assisting him. Kei wasn't a people person, but Lisa had a mental connection to him since they were both piloting his incredibly advanced androids; she could silently help him navigate the conversations with such high-profile people.

"And it's ready for people to move in immediately too?" Michiko, the daughter of the Emperor, asked, making him nod calmly.

"It is; the residential areas are all prepared and pre-furnished," Kei replied. He wasn't quite following protocol for dealing with the Japanese royal family, but she didn't seem to mind. "I think the first group of former Kyushu residents are due to move in next week. It turns out offering a free home to anyone who lost their's due to the destruction of Kyushu got a lot of attention," Kei said with a slight smile. "It's why the city has ended up so much larger than originally planned."

The conversations continued, and while Kei was obviously not thrilled about being the centre of attention of so many high-profile figures, he handled it easily enough. The representative from the American government was obviously interested in getting this technology for the good old US of A, but while America and Japan might be allies, the Japanese officials practically formed a wall around Kei, keeping him away.

– Lisa Wilbourne –

God, Kei was sexy when he had the entire world by the balls.

For all the acts Zero had to his name, raising Kyushu and turning it into a high-tech utopia was the one that had truly gotten every country's attention. He already had the cape world watching his every move, but now he had every politician practically drooling for a chance to have Zero pay their countries a visit.

Cleansing all the damage caused by Behemoth and Leviathan was a good start, but showing how easily he could rebuild an entire island was the biggest flex the world had ever seen.

Costa-Brown herself was practically drooling at the potential, and soon, this city would be the shining jewel of the world, and everyone would know that her man was the one responsible. Kei didn't particularly care for wealth, but that didn't stop him from rapidly becoming one of the richest men around.

The fact that he was so uninterested in leading made him all the more alluring to the various governments; he didn't want to be declared King of Kyushu; he just wanted to fix the island and then move on to his next project.

As long as people weren't abusing his technology, he was perfectly happy leaving everything to everyone else. Even now, the Prime Minister and Emperor were discussing the governing of the region with Kei making it clear he had no interest in becoming a government official himself.

It would limit him too much; he wanted to do so much more and didn't want to get caught up with something that boring.

He did have a house in the new city, or to be precise, they had a house in the city, which she'd designed in VR, and his drones had made exactly to her specifications. It was nice to be able to go outside again, even if she didn't think she'd ever leave in her real body again. These androids were just better.

Still, goddamn, was Kei sexy when he was flexing his metaphorical muscles. Her man had the entirety of Japan fondling his balls. He could whip out his cock, and there would be a line waiting to blow him, with Costa-Brown and the princess fighting to be the first to worship his shaft.

– Rebecca Costa-Brown (Alexandria) –

She had suspected that Zero would be important from his first appearance in Hawaii; his tech was a game-changer, and it made her wonder if this was what would have happened if Hero had survived.

Japan was going to go from a third-world country dependent on the generosity of others to a thriving first-world country in a matter of months. Number-Man predicted that they'd be an economic powerhouse on par with any of the other first-world countries by the end of the year.

But what interested her was the ability to rebuild. They didn't know when Scion was going to snap, but even in the best case, they were looking at immense devastation. Devastation that Kei was clearly able to reverse.

His refusal to come out of hiding was a blessing; she'd noticed that his body was robotic, even if it was a very good body double, because it meant he was more likely to survive the final battle against the enemy.

The ability to fix even a completely devastated island would be a godsend when the time came. Mass energy and food production, and the ability to build an entire city in such a short amount of time, everything Kei could do would be invaluable in the future.

She had to wonder, though, Kei did realise that the CUI was almost certainly going to try and take the island, right? Even if Leviathan didn't come back for round two, Kyushu wouldn't be as peaceful as it looked.

"He knows; I almost can't wait for them to try," Kei's assistant said, making her almost jump at the smug look on the blonde's face. Tattletale, formerly Coil's pet thinker, now Kei's girlfriend. Quite the promotion.

"Which one?" Rebecca asked, hiding her annoyance at Lisa managing to read her.

"Oh, either. Kyushu has some surprises ready for them," Lisa said in a singsong voice before moving past her towards her boyfriend, rescuing him from the clutches of the very single princess whose intentions she didn't need to be a Thinker to read.

Tattletale was a fitting name; walking over to the railing, she looked down over the beautiful city as the Pride settled down at the dock on one of the larger spires.

Maybe she'd need to try and get answers out of Narwhal, who was standing a few feet from her newest recruit, looking entirely too smug at how much the Guild had benefited from Dragon recruiting Zero into their ranks.

But, just for today, she put the scheming aside and enjoyed one decisive victory over the Endbringers. Kei had done good work, undoing years of damage in the short time he'd been active.

– Kei (Zero) – Weeks Later –

The repopulation of Kyushu is going incredibly smoothly, with people flocking back to their lost island. I think my parents would be proud of what I've achieved here if they could believe the whole 'got kidnapped after doing a CYOA' thing.

It'll take time to settle in, but I've made this city a paradise that makes current Brockton Bay seem like… well, the Brockton Bay of a year ago. Energy bills? Nonexistent, even now, we're working on sharing the massive amounts of energy produced by Kyushu with the rest of Japan.

Those food issues? Solved. Between my big ass dome farms (yes, that's what I actually named them, Lisa made me call them 'Solarfarms' officially) and my devices encouraging the fish population to bloom, Japan's food crisis is basically over.

I even made Amazon, since nobody got around to it yet. Same-day delivery is much easier to promise with teleporting drones involved, and while it's only available in Japan and Brockton Bay at the moment, I have plans to spread it out to the rest of the world soon enough.

They're still trying to work out how to reward me because there isn't exactly a precedent for 'brought back an entire island, solved like seven crises in one go, then made life better for everyone in the country'. Damn, I'm good.

Of course, I'm fully expecting things to go south sooner rather than later. The next Endbringer attack is now late, with the Simurgh flying even higher than she normally is and Behemoth and Leviathan both being no-shows for entirely too long.

Or so they think; I don't think those two realise we know where they are. I built a new scanner that can track them. Behemoth is deep under the Sahara desert at the moment, being very still, and Leviathan is lurking in the Indian Ocean, west of Australia.

But they're going to make their move, sooner or later. Simurgh should have attacked Canberra but she doesn't seem in a rush to do anything.

Speaking off the big feathery bitch, the PRT has started to clear her Quarantine zones with my Anti-Master tech, it's a slow process, but it's nice to have those guys actually do something instead of just standing around watching me do all the work. Dragon is overseeing them, of course, and so is Observer. My AI will tell me if I need to get involved, but for now, we're dismantling her legacy, and she doesn't seem to be doing anything to stop us.

That makes me paranoid.

Still, I am almost sure that Kyushu is going to get attacked soon. I don't know whether it will be an Endbringer or the CUI but either way, I'm ready for them. As ready as I can ever be, at least.

When I went to deal with Behemoth, I said I'd be satisfied with a mere quarter of the fighters dying. That was a much less experienced Kei, and this time a quarter of the heroes becoming casualties would be unacceptable. This time, I'll be satisfied with just one thing dying.

But for now, I'm stuck playing the waiting game.

Eh, there's always more to do, and as a gamer, I do love time off. The biggest issue with the speed at which my AIs can produce games is that I can't keep up. It's a completionist's heaven and hell, all those massive open worlds with so much to do. Plus, the whole girlfriend thing means I can't just no-life them and ignore the world.

Not that I'm complaining, if I have to stop playing games for anything it might as well be my very hot girlfriend. Yeah, I'm winning at life.

Which is why a certain golden bastard needs to go, I can't have all my hard work undone because a depressed widower decides to throw a temper tantrum. I know how to deal with him; I just need the points.

…can Simmy or Leviathan hurry up and attack me already? What's the point in a trap if the bastards won't trigger it? Surely Eidolon is seething enough at me massively eclipsing him that they'll come for me sooner or later.

Ah, well, back to catching them all.

Fucking Lisa got a shiny Totodile as her starter, and I refuse to be beaten, so I'm now trying to catch a shiny everything. Yes, I'm that petty. I swear the Architect gives Lisa some super-luck buff when she plays, but it swears it doesn't, and I couldn't find anything in the programming.

Maybe later, I'll spend some time ticking a couple more things off my to-do list as well while I wait.

— Emily Piggot —

Looking over the reports for this past week, she took a sip of her coffee and sighed.


There had not been a single cape battle in the past month, and barely any street crime, for that matter. What crime they did have was small-scale due to the complete lack of any serious gang.

Sure, some dumb kids tried to form a new Empire simply called 'the Pure', but they'd been taken down in less than a week. Brockton Bay had no tolerance for their kind anymore now that Kaiser had taken half his gang and fled to Dallas to fight against the immigrants coming from the south.

It brought her no small amount of joy that Victor had gotten shot within a week of arriving in Texas, and the Empire had a lot of trouble dealing with the gangs from down south since their European allies had left them out to dry in fear that Zero might turn his attention their way if they helped the Empire anymore.

Half of Kaiser's gang had left him, scattering to the winds. Rune got picked up after getting into a fight in New York and was going to be joining the Wards; Krieg had gone back to his Gesellschaft masters and taken Night and Fog with him; Cricket fled after Hookwolf died to the Brotherhood. Kaiser was left with a fraction of his former power and simply didn't have the manpower anymore to be a major gang.

Lung was retired in Hawaii; they'd found him basically immediately, but the general decision was 'leave him the fuck alone'. He'd actually busted Oni Lee out of prison and booked his former lieutenant into therapy, but the PRT didn't want to risk him rampaging when all he was doing anymore was sipping tropical drinks and getting a tan. Plus, he hadn't put on a mask once except to break out Oni Lee.

If he tried to return to crime, they'd be ready. For now, it seemed the rage dragon was well and truly retired.

With the crushing defeat of the Teeth before they could even finish planning to return to Brockton, the other major gangs had washed their hands of the Bay. Nobody wanted to be the reason Zero returned to America, which meant she had so very little to do.

The PRT hadn't even taken that many of their heroes, as she had originally feared. Brockton Bay was now a symbol, a city that had gone from the highest crime rates in America to completely peaceful and the PRT wanted to keep it that way because it looked damn good for them, even if they all knew who did most of the work.

Battery was retiring from the hero business, thanks to Assault being as careless in bed as he was in every other aspect of his life. Dauntless and Triumph had no desire to move when they were hometown boys, and Miss Militia was taking over Armsmaster's position as the head of the Protectorate branch.

Armsmaster himself was moving; he couldn't stand staying in a city where there was so very little to do. Personally, she thought he just hated living in Zero's shadow, but good luck to him finding anywhere that wasn't in the same shadow. Where he was going was undecided, but she wished him the best and was just happy to not have to deal with him begging for another tinker budget increase every month. Velocity was moving as well, primed to move to Chicago.

At the end of the day, her roster had taken a small hit, but in exchange, crime rates dropped by over 90%. A more than worthy trade as far as she was concerned. Of course, with things being so much calmer, something had to give.

With Elastigirl in charge of the Wards now, Shadow Stalker's actions had come to light, and now Shadow Stalker was very much retired. Officially, to focus on her education. Somehow, Emily didn't think Sophia would be studying that much in juvie.

Naturally, the lunatic had decided to go down fighting, but Kid Win just shot her in the back with a tazer inspired by the ones used by the Brotherhood. She'd been dragged out, practically frothing at the mouth as she swore vengeance on everyone.

Getting a message, she opened it and read through it before freezing. Going over it again, with much more attention, she let out a disbelieving laugh even as she double-checked something.

Yup, Zero was still in Japan. Not that it was enough to stop him and his Brotherhood from arresting Nilbog and purging Ellisburg of his abominations. Nilbog was imprisoned in the same top-security facility that the Butcher and Coil had ended up in, and Ellisburg was wiped off the map to make sure no trace was left.

Apparently, Dragon had led the operation, which had lasted all of an hour.

Leaning back in her chair, she laughed in disbelief before she made her decision.

She was very reluctant to agree with Lung about anything, but on this, she could admit he had the right idea. Sending off her declaration that she was retiring to the chief director, she snorted to herself and raised her mug to Zero.

Well played.

– Rebecca Costa-Brown (Alexandria) – Two Weeks Later –

"Zero, what defences does the island have?" Alexandria asked, looking at Zero as he lazily leaned against the deck of his Pride. "How long until Leviathan makes contact?"

It was inevitable really, Kyushu was a monument of their ability to recover from Endbringer attacks. It was practically guaranteed that the next attack would be here, but even as Leviathan swam towards the island at incredible speeds, Zero didn't seem worried.

"It'll reach the city in… three minutes," Zero said, still very calm as the Sentai Elite prepared themselves. "Or he would. Honestly, it's rude that he kept me waiting this long."

She blinked at his words, watching Zero lazily press a few buttons as the forcefield reformed over the entire island, Leviathan pausing in its rush to the island. The forcefield was transparent this time, letting them see the beast as it started to attack the barrier, the Pride within the barrier.

"That won't hold him," Eidolon spat, making Zero snort.

"It doesn't need to; it's just to prevent the city from getting affected by this," Zero said easily, pressing another button as their view of Leviathan was blocked by the sudden pillar of light engulfing the Endbringer, a loud hum audible even from here. "Taste the sun, asshole."

As the light faded, she stared in shock at the sight of Leviathan, now standing on dry land as the oceans had been evaporated by whatever Zero had just deployed, another strange barrier forming around the Endbringer as the first barrier fell.

Trapped within this new barrier, Leviathan thrashed against the force field with seemingly no effect, and she immediately realised something.

There was no water in the barrier with it, a large swath of scorched seabed trapped within the massive bubble Zero had trapped Leviathan in, but the oceans were gone.

"Won't he control the water outside the barrier?" one of the Sentai asked, making Zero snort.

"Sure, if his range is interdimensional. It's complicated, but it's nowhere near as close to us as he looks. Let's just say I creatively interpreted dimensions to make this work and leave it at that. Sherrel, you're up," Zero said, making them blink in confusion. Looking around, they wondered who he was talking to as nobody responded.

So who was Sherre-

The sound of something massive landing made them all turn back to the bubble, her eyes widening at the sight of the ungodly large mech that was now at the far side of the arena. She'd wondered why he'd made the space so large; now she had her answer as the obscenely large mech started to move.

"So, everyone who doesn't want to go play with Leviathan, raise your hands. I'm teleporting the Pride into the barrier; I'll teleport anyone who isn't coming down to the city," Zero said, looking around even as the giant robot blasted Leviathan with its fucking massive chest death-laser and started to melt the shocked Endbringer's flesh, even as it dodged out of the way. "Everyone else, make sure you've got your wristbands on. You'll be teleported out to the medical tents if you take serious damage."

– Kei –

How do you beat a hydrokinetic? You say "Fuck you" and take away their water. As the Pride reappears inside the bubble, I smile at the already less-than-great condition the bastard is in as Sherrel manages to predict his movements and stomps on him.

My solar bomb left him injured before the fight even began, and then Sherrel hit him dead-on with a weapon made to disintegrate. This Gipsy is far more advanced than the original, and Sherrel's shard must be having a blast as she goes one-to-one with a fucking Endbringer, several VIs assisting her.

Teleporting all the capes to the ground level, I can already tell that Leviathan isn't having the best time. I don't know if Endbringers can cry, but I intend to find out. It's the closest thing this fucker is going to get to water if I have my way.

Every wristband is connected to my combat AI; it will teleport people away if they are about to be hit with a lethal blow, and its reaction time puts Dragon to shame. I don't intend to let this overgrown newt get a single kill unless it reveals some bullshit levels of hydrokinesis and starts ripping people apart with their own bodily fluids.

If it does, I'm immediately teleporting everyone out and leaving this for the mechs.

I've essentially trapped Leviathan in a dimensional bubble, a little slice of another earth brought into this dimension. It was expensive, but that's why I was saving up anyway. I've made a lot of points with my actions, both in dealing with various villains and my more civilian-focused deeds.

And it was all to deal with the Endbringers, so I could use the points from them to deal with Scion himself.

As Sherrel kicks Leviathan hard enough to send him flying, smashing into the barrier, the blasters don't waste this opportunity to blow the everloving shit out of him while he's momentarily immobile, and I can see he's starting to speed up.

Its speed is rapidly reaching levels we've never seen him display before, as the Endbringer's body takes more damage (mostly from Sherrel landing several direct hits on him with her big-fuck off guns). The Pride is doing some damage as well, pinpoint accurate shots predicting Leviathan's movements and repeatedly hitting it in the limbs to slow him down, but the fucker is regenerating.

Well, my turn. I sat out the last fight, controlling the Pride, but this time I'm going into the fray myself. Well, not technically, since I'm still home in my pocket dimension.

– Rebecca Costa-Brown (Alexandria) –

They'd never had an Endbringer on the backfoot like this before. Removed from any source of water, Leviathan was far more vulnerable than ever before, even as it displayed worrying levels of speed.

The bastard had been holding back before, even on dry land, she was having trouble tracking it with the sheer speeds it was moving at, but the mech that 'Sherrel' was controlling didn't share that issue as she deployed another weapon.

Clearly, there was either a parahuman ability or predictive technology at work here, because one of her arms snapped to the side and sent forth a different weapon, the giant net catching Leviathan as it tried to charge at some of the blasters keeping their distance.

Wrapping around Leviathan, the net immediately shrunk as the razor-sharp netting cut into the Endbringer's flesh. The netting glowed purple as it sliced through Leviathan's skin, holding it in place for just a few seconds as the Endbringer shredded the netting, taking a lot of damage to its hands to do so.

It launched itself at the giant mech, but was rebuffed by a forcefield that sprang up around the mech and Leviathan bounced off it, though not without clearly weakening the barrier itself. Leviathan's head snapped around rapidly, seemingly trying to work out what to do next. She didn't know if an Endbringer could feel desperate, but she hoped it could at least feel fear.

Sensing danger, Leviathan leapt to the side just as the next surprise showed itself, barely avoiding the giant glowing red sword that stabbed into the ground. Rising to its full height, a red and gold mech stared down Leviathan.

It was designed to look like a samurai, though no samurai stood at almost thirty feet tall, matching Leviathan's full height as Zero sent a message through every armband.

"This sword should be able to kill Leviathan; focus on slowing him down so I can land a fatal blow," Zero ordered, pulling back his sword as he rushed forward to engage the Endbringer. His mech was fast, perhaps even faster than Leviathan itself, and his words proved to not be an idle boast as Leviathan once again tried to dodge, but not fast enough to avoid the slice, the blade leaving a red trail behind as Zero struck.

Leviathan was able to move most of his body out of the way, but they all froze and watched as the Endbringer's severed arm hit the ground, cleaved off in a single blow. Even the Endbringer seemed shocked at the dismemberment, and immediately Leviathan turned and ran.

Sherrel wasn't as caught up in staring as the rest of them, and sent another net in Leviathan's path, which it managed to dodge this time, slowing it down enough for Zero to catch up again and land another strike on Leviathan's back, leaving a large gash in the flesh.

A gash that wasn't healing, she quickly realised.

Sherrel teleported, because of course the hundred-foot-tall mech could teleport, getting in Leviathan's path and making another barrier, making the Endbringer run headfirst into the energy barrier, pelted by dozens of blasters the moment it stopped.

It didn't care, even diving towards her in the hopes of getting away from the blade that was thrusting towards it, uncaring of her uppercutting it immediately. Leviathan feared Zero's sword. In fact, it didn't even seem to care about attacking anymore as it tried to flee, making this a game of cat and mouse.

Reaching the 'bubble' again, Leviathan started to strike it with more force than they'd ever seen it use, desperate to break free as Zero kept up the pursuit, never far behind. She did her own part, constantly harassing Leviathan as it tried to flee, even if all she could do was stop it for a moment, Zero would immediately capitalise on her distraction.

It was on one of these that she first saw it, as Zero once again landed a devastating slash on Leviathan's chest, a hint of white under the dark green flesh, which now had a small cut in it. If Leviathan was worried before, it was straight-up panicking now, flailing wildly as it sent Zero's mech flying back (which lasted for just a moment before the thrusters stabilised him and Zero was flying right back towards the fleeing Endbringer).

She noticed several capes teleport away, the instant before they would have been crushed by the raging Leviathan, but as it crashed against the barrier once again, it stopped.

Turning to face them, Leviathan stopped its retreat completely, seeming to accept that it wasn't going to get through the barrier. Glaring at them, the badly injured Endbringer shot forwards at Zero's mech at speeds unseen, she barely saw it move before it slammed into Zero, one of its clawed hands slashing at the mech of Zero's helm, managing to tear the kabuto helmet shaped head off, spinning as Leviathan's thick tail smashed into Zero's mech and sent it flying.

She was briefly horrified, but Zero's mech calmly stood back up, twirling the blade casually before pointing at Leviathan. Of course, the head was just for show. She really needed to stop being surprised by Zero's tech.

– Kei (Zero) –

How am I keeping up with Leviathan? That's easy, I'm fucking cheating. My combat AI is doing 99% of the work as I engage again. My sword was made by studying Flechette (in secret), and other all-or-nothing capes, able to cut through basically anything.

Still, this is fucking tiring, and I'm already bored of this stupid lizard and it's bullshit. Sending a message to Sherrel, Eidolon actually manages to help me briefly as he takes control of the ground under Leviathan and has it bind up Leviathan's legs.

Leviathan breaks free almost instantly, but almost isn't enough as the delay costs the stupid fucker its tail, another limb down. Seriously, just give up and die already, I have stuff I need to do.

Like Lisa.

Grabbing Leviathan, I spin it around and toss it into the air, where Sherrel and Gipsy are waiting, the chest beam catching Leviathan dead on as it flails through the air helplessly, a giant fist coming down on Leviathan's airborne and scorched body sending it straight back down to earth.

To me.

With too much drama, I sheathe my blade and draw it at incredible speeds in the most cliche samurai move in history as I launch up to meet the bastard. Would I have missed completely if my combat AI didn't take control and forcibly correct my fucky aim? Yes.

Did we slice its stupid core in two? Also yes, and with an order I teleport everyone out of the pocket dimension in preparation for the blast. Of course, the petty assholes blow up when they're slain.

Teleporting my mech out of there, I open my eyes aboard the Pride just in time to watch the bubble get filled with the final fuck you of Leviathan, its core severed in two. The bubble 'pops' and nothing remains, the oceans soaring forwards to fill the empty space where we had been fighting.

There's a moment of complete silence, followed by far too many people being far too loud. I quietly adjust my androids audio-sensors, letting out a sigh. I'm not gonna get to play games today, am I?

What a pain.

– David (Eidolon) –

Zero had killed an Endbringer.

The entire world was probably celebrating that fact, Zero was now officially the biggest damn hero the world had ever seen. The Triumvirate? Were they some kind of band? Hero who? All that mattered was Zero.

As he sulked alone, far away from the celebrations, he knew Rebecca would scold him later for not being a more active part of the party. It didn't give off a good impression, and she did love her PR. Stewing in his thoughts, and far too reliant on his danger sense he often kept active, he didn't notice the sniper aiming for him or hear the nigh-silent shot until it hit him.

He was unconscious before he hit the ground and gone before anyone could notice what had happened, a woman in a stylish hat abducting him at the exact moment that nobody was looking his way.

– Bonus Scene — PHO –

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♦ Topic: Leviathan Slain!

In: Boards ► Endbringer Attacks

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Feb 10th 2011:

You read it right, folks.

Leviathan is dead, not driven back, not injured, Leviathan is dead and gone.

Leviathan attacked Kyushu (as so many predicted he would), and ran into a trap set by Zero, our very own Tinker Jesus. Trapped in a bubble of space with no water, Leviathan was put on the defensive from the beginning with Zero sending someone known as 'Sherrel' in the giant mech I've found out is named 'Gispy Danger'

Sherrel has been seen at the after party, and it is believed she might be the former merchant Squealer. A part of Squealer's power was being inhumanly good at driving anything, which may carry over to giant fucking mechs.

[GipsyDanger] [Sherrel]

With the help of the other heroes, Gipsy managed to deal noticeable damage to Leviathan, before Zero revealed his own giant samurai mech (though far smaller than Gipsy). At this point, Zero can pull out anything, and I'm not even going to be surprised anymore.

Zero actually provided the visual data from his mech, apparently named Zero Requiem, so we have the entire fight from there in glorious high-definition.

[ZeroRequiem] [ZeroPOV]

I'll give you the cliffnotes for those who don't want to watch it.

Leviathan got the shit kicked out of him, lost several limbs, then got cut in half. Finally, it blew itself up and got nobody because Zero just teleported everyone away. Our losses? Literally nobody, Zero's Endbringer Bands teleported people out the moment they would have taken fatal damage.

An ignoble defeat, Leviathan died without taking a single person with it.

There haven't been any official statements yet, because frankly everyone is either in disbelief or are still celebrating, but on behalf of the entire world, thank you Zero!

God, I've said that a lot. Here's to saying it a lot more.

(Showing page 1 of 745)

►Seiunsho (Verified Cape) (Sentai Elite)

Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

Leviathan died on the shores of Kyushu, trying to undo the good work Zero did in healing the damage it caused.

On behalf of the Sentai Elite and Japan, you have our utmost gratitude, Zero. If you ever get bored of the Guild, you'll always have a place with us.

►Narwhal (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

Oi, back off. He's our super-Tinker.

But also, good riddance to bad rubbish. This is proof that the Endbringers can be slain, they can be stopped. We just needed the most broken Tinker in history, sorry Hero but you've officially lost that title.

►Legend (Protectorate: New York) (Triumvirate)

Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

Believe me, he wouldn't have minded.

►Oracle (Verified Cape) (Wonderland Productions) (Zero's Waifu)

Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

For those trying to get in contact with Zero, he won't be checking his messages for the next couple of days. He's taking a long weekend off.

Direct all urgent messages to me or @ChloeinWonderland

Edit: oh very funny, if you'll excuse me I'm going to go and spank my boyfriend, who thinks he's a lot funnier than he actually is


Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

Leviathan is dead, Kyushu has risen. As it should be.


Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

spank? so you're in charge in the bedroom lol

Zero gets pegged lolololol

►Zero (Verified Cape) (Verified Badass) (Tinker Jesus) (The Guild) (Wonderland Productions) (Endbringer Slayer)

Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

Void, I've just deleted your legendary skins in Capewatch.

Wanna keep going? I can hurt you more than the mods here ever could


Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

wait holdup, I earned those fair and square.

I'll be good, please give them back. I was just joking

►Zero (Verified Cape) (Verified Badass) (Tinker Jesus) (The Guild) (Wonderland Productions) (Endbringer Slayer)

Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

Good boy.

I've given them back, but don't forget the power I hold


Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

Ah yes, slays Leviathan and tames Void in a single day. Truly a day in the life of Tinker Jesus, all hail the messiah!

…I wish Zero would call me a good girl.

►Laotsunn (Kyushu Survivor)

Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

All hail!

This doesn't bring back the people Leviathan killed, but the fact that Leviathan is gone for good has made my entire life. Zero truly is the greatest hero of all.

Of course, I'm also typing this from my free house on a risen Kyushu, which makes my old apartment look like a decrepit ruin, so I might be a little biased.

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (The Almighty PanPan, Queen of Snark)

Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

As one of the people in the medical tents, I can say for the first time that there was nothing for me to do at an Endbringer attack. His bands were just that good, and most of the people who were injured were taken care of by his medical drones.

I've never been so happy to be not needed.

►Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member)

Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

So, I know Leviathan is a big deal but...

Holy fucking shit, look at Sherrel's curves! Did Zero pick that skintight outfit, because if so I'm converting to his cult immediately.

►MakeMeSqueal (Verified Cape) (Verified Badass) (Gipsy Danger Pilot)

Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

he did lol

and yet, he won't fuck me. talk about mixed messages lol

still, some boys get girls flowers, Zero got me a giant fucking mech, so he's officially won my heart (now I just need to find a way to get Oracle to share)


Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

If anyone deserves hot blonde threesomes, it's ma boi Zero. Good luck, Sherrel, you get that tinker D!

Maybe invite Glory Girl as well, can't have enough hot blondes

►Glory Girl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Feb 10th 2011:

Oi! Eh, who am I kidding? I'd go for that if I was single; Zero is seriously cute.

Leviathan dies, and PHO is more interested in Zero's sex life; some things never change.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 743, 744, 745

Author’s Note: I considered having the Endbringer fight to be much more serious, but this isn’t the fic for that. Kei ain’t here to play fair; he’s here to win and go home, fuck his girl into a pleasure coma and then play games until he passes out.

Leviathan was just something on his to-do list, and Kei is beyond broken at this point.

Also, I’m posting this chapter from a hotel in London. Tomorrow I’m going on vacation and won’t be back until next Thursday so I’ll be taking a short break from writing.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a Discord server with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. So much porn.

Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

If it says it’s expired, it is probably your account being unable to join NSFW servers, and you’ll need to fix that. If you fix that and it still says it’s expired, add me (ThePumpkinKing), and I’ll invite you myself.

I’ve finally put my Pat reon to use after months of procrastinating. My Pat reons now have the ability to vote for which fics they’d like to see updated more during the next chapter cycle. The winner of the normal tier poll gets one extra chapter per cycle, the second tier poll gets two extra chapters, and the highest tier pat reons can pick a fic that will get three extra chapters per cycle. The winning fics this cycle were Tamer (three extra chapters), Tinker (two extra chapters) and Supervillain (one extra chapter). I’m currently in the process of making the advanced chapters for Pat reon, which will slow down updates somewhat as I make the five advanced chapters.

Link: Pat reon .com/ TheDarkWolfShiro

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts