
The guide to being a side character

You a badass love counsellor who hates misunderstandings falls asleep whilst reading her favourite romance novel “the cruel prince” and wakes up in the body of a shy and dull side character, but sometimes changed and nothing that happened in the original story is occurring , it’s down to you to use you’re love matching skills to get the two polar opposite leads together… but will it go to plan

JH_Violeta1 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter one - introduction

I've never had it easy that's for sure ,

My parents were never really there for me so I don't speak to them anymore but you know what, I'm thankful for that in away because it's allowed me Delilah Jeffries aged 28 to become one of the most successful love councillors in America . Unlike some depressing story's you may hear I'm pretty popular with the guys . I never really was back in high school but once I said fuck it and gained some confidence I had them crawling at my feet.

I guess that's probably the reason I'm such a good councillor, you may be asking what my job actually is , I'd be asking the same thing too in fact when I first got this job I didn't really know myself . Well let me give you a little run through,

If someone's unlucky in love , needs relationship advice or even wants to just talk to their love interest well I'm your girl and hell I get paid a lot to do it ! . Most people would say it's selfish exploiting peoples love issues but I've actually corm to really enjoy it and I'm proud to say I haven't had one love problem that I haven't been able to solve or so I thought ! Hell was I wrong , it all started one night after work when I was drinking with my friends.

Quinn: Oh Annie I can't believe you're engaged!

A frizzy short haired Quinn said , she was a nice girl I didn't know her well as she was Annie's friend but I'm good at talking to people and BOY does she love to talk.

Annie: I know , even though we've been together since high school I still didn't expect it !

I've known Annie since high school we don't see each other as much now but I still class her as once of my best friend, she's marrying Oscar her high school sweetheart that I may or may not of told her to dump multiple times, Annie was too good and pretty for him not that it's all about looks but like Marilyn said "looks aren't everything but they sure do help" .

Annie : are you ok Dal , you've been spacing out for a while

She said in a whisper so her other friends couldn't hear . She's always been considerate like that

"Yeah don't worry I'm good just thinking back to the high school days"

Annie : don't get me started !, you've changed so much a right man eater now

She said giving me a nudge and a smirk

Annie : are you thinking of settling down anytime ,soon I want you to have kids as well so ours can be friends abs pouts

"Woahhhhhh getting ahead of yourself a bit there you know I'm not looking for love helping others is enough for me , and BABIES you're not even married yet

Annie : I know I know , that's not the point I just want to see you happy and find someone you can love instead of helping others do it , you need to be a bit for selfish

" I'm quite content as it is don't worry , As you said I'm a man eater I don't think any man could handle me honesty"

Annie: if you say so

She says sadly , I know her too well if anyones selfish it's me it's her happy day and she's sat here worried about my love life.

"Come on stop pouting and let's drinks ,


Everyone: CHEERS

~ later that night

"Geez I'm drunk" , I say out loud whist hardly being able to even turn my key in the door . It was about 1 In the morning , I took the day off because I knew I was going to be drinking so I may as well stay up a little longer , I stumble in through the doorway and as I do I see a notification on my laptop

"Cruel prince novel update"


Before I continue I have something to confess . I'm a complete novel and WEBTOON nerd , ever since high school I've been obsessed with story's about cold hunky male leads and there shy counter parts ( sometimes just to laugh at how timid the female lead is)

But this story was different even though the female lead is shy she has a funny personality which isn't common in these stories. However I could never really under why her and the male lead we're together they didn't match AT ALL. Being a love councillor all I wanted to do was help this Romeo and Juliet find love but there are SO MANY miss understanding which I hate so much

"Honestly if I was in this book I'd make it my duty to get them together"

I said out loud in my drunken state

"Well I'll just read a little bit before bed won't do no harm"

I said right before I drifted off into the deepest sleep of my life