
The Guardians of Terra: Balance Amidst Chaos

It was in this time of uncertainty that a young woman named found herself drawn into the heart of Terra's mysteries. Born under the shadow of the blue mana, she possessed a rare gift—an affinity for all elemental energies that pulsed through the land..............................................................................................................................................................From a young age, she had felt the call of the mana, its song echoing in the depths of her soul. Drawn by an insatiable curiosity, she embarked on a journey to uncover the truth behind Terra's secrets, guided by whispers of a destiny that awaited her. As she ventured deeper into the heart of Terra,the young woman discovered hidden realms and forgotten truths, her path illuminated by the flickering light of the stars. With each step, she felt the weight of their presence pressing down upon her, their power thrumming in the very air she breathed. And then, one fateful night, beneath the light of a thousand stars, her journey reached its climax. In a clearing bathed in the glow of the blue mana, she beheld a sight that would forever alter the course of her destiny...

dreamcrusader · Fantasie
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2 Chs

The radiant Sky Sovereign

In the ethereal realm of Terra, Where all once stood united and withered the storms of chaos, now stands apart divided with 4 so called gods at the helm. Each possessing a strong effinty for the essence that makes the world. What divided this magnificent world only time will tell.

High above the majestic landscapes, where the heavens met the earth in a dance of celestial beauty, Aurora, the Sky Sovereign, soared with grace and purpose. Her flowing silver hair shimmered like starlight, her eyes a mesmerizing hue of azure that mirrored the boundless skies she ruled over. She was the first of the self-proclaimed gods.



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As an orphaned fae, marked by the faint iridescence that set me apart from my kin, I wandered through the moonlit glades of the fae realm, haunted by the void left by the family I had never known. I was raised by the kind noble fae knights of Ishtar, I trained diligently in combat and diplomacy, honing my skills under their watchful gaze. Despite the warmth and camaraderie that surrounded me, a part of me remained tethered to the past, to the family I longed for.

Tales of my exploits as a warrior and a diplomat echoed through the halls of the fae kingdom, yet the ache in my heart never truly faded. Each battle I fought, each victory I claimed, bore the weight of my past, driving me to prove myself in the eyes of those who had taken me in.

It was but on a fateful night, beneath a canopy of stars, that my destiny as the Sky Sovereign began to unfold. In a clash with the dark fae forces, a tempest of wind swirled around me, carrying the essence of Zephyr, the Spirit King of Wind. In that moment, a surge of power unlike any other coursed through me. Zephyr had chosen me as his contracted, entrusting me with his power. From that day i proclaimed myself the Goddess of the skies, yet to all I was Aurora the Sky Sovereign with the sacred duty of protecting the skies of Terra.

With my wings carrying me higher into the boundless skies, I vowed to stand against the encroaching darkness, to uphold the legacy of the fae knights who had raised me. As Aurora, the orphaned fae knight turned Sky Sovereign, I embraced my role as the radiant beacon of hope in a world shadowed by uncertainty, embarking on a journey of self-discovery and resilience, but it was also at that time that I met her, a power so unyielding and voracious that wouldnt budge at the slightest dent. She moved the masses with her strong resolve and resilience in the face of oppression. Her name- Tetra the Terrainian Empress.




story starts at chapter 6 in present day.

what u are currently reading are past events the top part is current timeline.

I wanted to give more background info on the so called gods

dreamcrusadercreators' thoughts