

 Two young soldiers were watching the scenery pass by the windows of the carriage. One of them was looking at the trees in the distance without showing a hint of emotion. He had brown hair and green eyes, and his name was Zaos. The other one was Drannor, and even though he grew a lot physically and mentally in the last three years, he still was fidgeting while he saw the capital of the kingdom approaching in the distance.

"We are almost there, Zaos," Drannor said.

"Thanks for reminding me of it," Zaos said. "It has been so long since the last time you said that, after all. Exactly five minutes."

"I thought you would be much more excited to return home after all those years," Drannor frowned. "After all, we were the only group of recruits that didn't have the chance to return to their homes a single time in three years."