
The Guardian gods

Join the story of five new gods and their creation, as they try and navigate and understand their universe while making sure their own world is safe from any outside danger. Disclaimer: If you expect things should just work out for the main characters, this isn't the novel for you. My antagonist are people with thought and their own plans, they are capable of adjusting if things don't work out their way. Have a fun time reading.

Emmanuel_Onyechesi · Fantasie
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311 Chs


It took a while for Erik to calm down, sitting on the floor of his office, holding his tattered hair. Silas's last words revealed how much Erik had missed when laying the foundation of his kingdom.

"For humanity, absurd," Erik thought to himself with a sad smile.

"I wonder what the humans would think if they knew that the core principle of their kingdom was an idea planted by a demon to control them easily," Erik thought, a mocking smile on his face.

His question to Silas about puppets in the rival kingdom and Silas's response showed that the rival kingdom, because of their strong belief in the origin gods, especially Crepuscular, had a protection or immunity that his kingdom would never have due to their firm belief in human power.