

"You all misunderstood, there is no law that pertains that you gods shouldn't interfere with the humans, this was done by me after i received my inheritance gift and memory from Chaos. The memory had no knowledge about the effect of their worships only that situation with humans and gods doesn't always end up good especially after the humans have grown"

"It was only later that I learnt from other planet consciousness about the birth of look alike after human worship, but that is already done. My one rule about not interfering with the humans was to prevent war from my children and the beings that live in my body but now this rule has to be overlooked for the current situation" Nana responded heavily with a sigh.

The gods all nodded to show their understanding before Mahu said "Then I can send my son over to help the humans on his continent with battling with the demons" She waved her hand to show the northern continent filled with ice and on the sunny part.