
The Greed of a Maiden

Arbit a young man with silver wakes up in the middle of a field with no memory. He soon realizes that he needs money to get food and shelter so he joins a party. Little does he know that he has now thrusted himself into the middle of an all out war that he will need to play a big part in.

Travis_Halvorson · Fantasie
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5 Chs

The Sin of Greed

Arbit who was unable to support the added weight dropped his sword. Amicus landed, and looked at Arbit in pure shock. It was over. After a second Amicus snapped out of his awe, and seemed to remember something. He looked around and saw Fide still lying on the ground. He rushed over to her. Arbit stood there in a sort of daze until he heard something behind him.

???: I am now able to rid this world of my wretched existence. Let this be my only contribution to the world.

Arbit turned to see the girl which he had previously forgotten in the heat of the battle. She was standing on the very edge of the cliff with tears streaming down her pained face. It was perhaps unfair to say that Arbit had forgotten about her. Her existence had already made an irreversible mark on his heart.

Arbit: Wait what did you say?

The girl looked over her shoulder.

Girl: Don't worry I am simply ridding the world of a great evil.

After she finished speaking she turned her face that was drowning in sorrow back to the cliff, and took a step.


Without thinking Arbit sprinted toward the cliff after her. She was already falling so he dived off the ledge after her. He caught her in his arms and held her tight, rotating his body to insure that he would hit the ground first. Hopefully breaking her fall. Suddenly a familiar golden glow came over both of them. Arbit then just held her and with his eyes closed waiting for the impact, but it never came. Eventually he opened his eyes, and the girl that had been in his arms was gone. He was back in an incomprehensible, yet familiar void.

???: Well then lets get started.

Arbit looked around to find the source of the voice. He searched the vast emptiness, and eventually a humanoid silhouette caught his eye. It somehow seemed to belong in this place. It isn't quite possible to explain with words, but if Arbit were to try he would say that there are two states of things in the world. They were either occupied or empty but this silhouette was something else. It seemed emptier than the vacuum around it but at the same time there was definitely something there.

???: Well are you just going to ignore me? Because if you are I have to say it is quite rude.

Arbit: What is this place, and why did you bring me here?

???: Well I can't quite answer that properly since I didn't bring you here. In fact It was actually you who brought me here.

Arbit: What, no I didn't.

???: Actually you did, but It is clear that you don't know what has happened to you so allow me to explain. But before that let me introduce my self. I am the sin of Greed, Nice to meet you.

After hearing this Arbit's eyes widened.


Sin of Greed: I think you must have me confused for someone else because I can guarantee that this is the first time that we have met. After all I have been dead for centuries.

As Arbit tried to figure out what he meant, he recalled the talk he had with Amicus on his way to the battle.

Arbit: Wait are you saying you are the original Sin of Greed?

Sin of Greed: That's the name don't wear it out.

Arbit: Ok so how on earth are we talking right now?

Sin of Greed: Well Before you so rudely started shouting. You seem to recall that you just recently killed someone. Well it just so happens that they were the Hero of Greed.

Arbit: Yes I know that.

Sin of Greed: Well do you know what made him the Hero of Greed?

Arbit: It is because he held the Sin of Greed, or um I guess he held you.

Sin of Greed: Yep. Where did you think I was gonna go when you went and killed my vessel?

Arbit thought for a moment

Arbit: Wait your not trying to say that I now hold the the sin of greed.

Sin of Greed: That is exactly what I am saying. Don't worry about not knowing what would happen when you killed a hero of sin. Sadly this fact has been lost to history since it has been centuries since a hero of sin was killed by force. But you see it is not that simple. All prior generations of heroes received several years of training to help them coup with the temptation, and you seem to lack any such training.

Arbit: Ok so what are you trying to get at?

Sin of Greed: What I am saying is I could make you lose control at any moment. So far I have completely held back all temptation so you should be a little more friendly, and a thank you would be nice.

Arbit: Ok yah but I am not naive enough to think that you are doing this out of the kindness of your heart. There is a catch so lets hear it.

Even though the Sin of Greed was only a silhouette Arbit knew that the Sin of Greed spoke his next words with a rye grin on his face.

Sin of Greed: Well it was worth a shot. I guess my politeness, and comedy aren't enough to put you at ease. If you are going to insist on being rude than I can drop my little charade.

The silhouette in front of Arbit had always given off an ominous aura, but after saying these words the Sin of Greed's aura went from slightly ominous to something downright terrifying. His voice had also gone from something that you could call cheerful, to a low billowing tone.

Sin of Greed: If you wanna know the catch so bad here you go. You will be my puppet, my tool, my weapon.

Arbit: Not a chance in hell!

Sin of Greed: Did you not here me before? You are in no place to make demands. I have you completely under my thumb.

Arbit: You can kill me if you want my answer is still the same!

Sin of Greed: Oh but you see that is about the only thing I won't, or more accurately you won't do. You see if you refuse you will be immediately consumed by greed. Becoming a slave to your sin. And then you, not me will take the girl currently in your arms and put her back in the hell she has lived for the last couple of years. Then you will mercilessly kill your exhausted friends. Then having done that your sights will turn to the village, and-

Arbit: Ok I get it! I guess I have no choice. What are your exact conditions?

Sin of Greed: You finally seem to be getting it. I don't think my terms are that unfair. I will let you operate without any added temptation, and even partially use the domain of Greed. In exchange I ask only one thing. You can tell no one the information I am about to show you, or that you are the Hero of Greed.

Arbit: Ok fine that is not so terrible.

The silhouette put its hand out.

Sin of Greed: So we have a deal?

Arbit shook his hand.

Sin of Greed: Now than to tell you that information that I just spoke of, but first I introduced my self don't you think it is a bit rude that you have not done the same?

The Sin of Greed had gone back to his former way of speaking

Arbit: Fine whatever you want. My name is Arbit, I think.

Sin of Greed: Oh how rude. Do you know how rude it is to neglect to disclose your title when you introduce yourself.

Arbit: Oh I guess I am the Hero of Greed now right?

Sin of Greed: That's not the title I was referring to. I meant your title as fortitude, or rather the Hero of Fortitude.

Arbit: huh?

Sin of Greed: You heard me. You are indeed the Hero of Fortitude. In fact it is quite lucky that you are because without that domain of yours you would be dead two times over.

Arbit: What do you mean?

Sin of Greed: Oh I'll just show you. I would brace yourself.

Suddenly the world around Arbit warped, and he found himself back in the forest of Salutem. He could see himself, Amicus, and Fide in the bushes and the Hero of Greed in the field just like the before.

Arbit: Amicus what is going on? Why are there two of me?

Amicus didn't respond, or make any reaction to Arbit's question.

Arbit: Amicus?

Arbit realized that even though he had thought he had said these words no actual sound had been produced. In fact he couldn't move his body either.

Hero of Greed: Now then, let's get started. Stop hiding in those bushes, and fight me with honor. After all a surprise attack is far too cowardly of a method for the likes of the hero of Fortitude, Aristotle, and the rightful heir of the bloodline of envy!

Arbit's body did exactly as it had the first time he had gone through this fight there. While he was forced to watch as the events of the battle once again unfolded in front of his eyes. Every happened exactly the same as before until it came time for Arbit to call out to Amicus. Just like before Amicus ran at the Hero of Greed. Arbit waited for his body to call out, but it never did. He then tried to call out on his own but the result was the same as last time: he couldn't make a sound. Instead Arbit helplessly looked back to Amicus just in time to see him get impaled by the large metal rod that had missed him before. After this Arbit seemed to regain control of his body. He ran over to Amicus.

Arbit: W-what is this. This isn't real. Amicus please get up!

Despite Arbit's pleas Amicus remained motionless on the ground. Next the Hero of Greed turned his gaze to Arbit whose failure to call out had caused the current situation. Suddenly metal restraints appeared on Arbit's body and he was lifted slightly into the air. The metal restraints warped so that they now held his body in a sort of X shape, with his legs spread, and his hands above his head. Similar restraints then appeared on both Amicus, and Fide. They also warped to put them in the same position as Arbit.

Hero of Greed: Now then my greedy little maiden lets see if you have learned your lesson. Just like last time and the times before I will show mercy and spare one of them.

As he said this he pointed to both Fide, and Amicus who were both already on the brink of death. He then pointed to Arbit.

Hero of Greed: This one however you cannot save he must die either way.

The Hero of Greed had been directing his speech to the girl in the white dress who was now crying.

Girl: Please don't. Don't kill again. Take me instead. Please.

She could barely get the words out between her sobs.

Hero of Greed: Now that is just simply not an option. First they deserve death for attacking me and I am showing mercy by allowing one of them to live, and second you are a creature so horrible that death isn't nearly enough to punish you. You deserve to live and suffer for your greed. Now hurry up and pick I've got a city to burn.

Girl: Please, I am begging you to take me instead. Kill me instead and let them live.

Hero of Greed: That truly is a shame I thought you would have learned your lesson by now, but it appears you are still far too greedy.

As soon as the last word left the Hero of Greed's mouth the restraints holding Amicus, and Fide started stretching neither of them were conscious to give any kind of resistance. They continued to stretch until it was too much for their bodies to handle. This resulted in both of them being ripped in two with profuse amounts of blood spilling on the ground below.


Hero of Greed: It is your greed that killed them. I was willing to spare one of them, but you wanted more and refused to budge so I had no choice.

The Hero of Greed then turned his gaze to Arbit who was so shocked he hadn't even attempted to utter a word since his failure to call out to Amicus.

Hero of Greed: I hope you enjoyed that sight for it will be your last.

The restraints on Arbit then began to stretch.

Arbit: Wait no. Please no. It wasn't supposed to be this way. AH! AAAH! AAAAAAAAAAAH!

The pain was unlike anything he had felt before. Every fiber of his being wanted to stay whole but reality wouldn't allow it. His body was being pushed to its very limits and beyond, and it was only able to endure this torture for a couple of seconds before it split in two. Arbit's last sight before everything faded was the crying girl who had collapsed onto her knees. Then every faded to complete black, and he was once again in that void. The very idea of this void being a relief would have made Arbit laugh just an hour ago, but now he was most definitely glad to be back. This relief only lasted several seconds, before he once again found himself in the forest of Salutem.

Hero of Greed: Now then, let's get started. Stop hiding in those bushes, and fight me with honor. After all a surprise attack is far too cowardly of a method for the likes of the hero of Fortitude, Aristotle, and the rightful heir of the bloodline of envy!

Arbit tried his best to scream, but he had lost control of his body again. Just like the hell from which he had just left he was forced to repeat the same actions. For every moment of the fight that he was being forced to live for the third time he put his all in trying to break free of the confines he was held in. By the time it came time for Amicus to get impaled Arbit was fighting as hard as he could, and to his shock he called out.


This allowed Amicus to dodge and continue the fight like the first time. Even though Arbit had called out the force stopping him from taking control of his body was just as strong. It became clear to Arbit that he had not overpowered this force, but it was the one to call out. Amicus was able to land his first decisive kick, and jumped to meet the Hero of Greed mid-air. However Arbit once again failed to call out even though Arbit tried with all his might to prevent the unknown further that awaited him. Amicus plunged his sword through the heart of Greed. He landed on the ground, and the body of the hero landed next to him already lifeless. Arbit regained control over his body. Amicus ran over to Fide, but when he was about a meter away from Fide who was still motionless on the ground, he let out a blood curtailing scream. He was now hunched over.

Arbit: Amicus are you ok?

Amicus made no response. Instead he stood back up and closed the remaining distance still between himself and Fide. When he reached her he stood just looking at her for a few seconds. Then he raised his foot so that his knee made a right angle. He then brought it back down with tremendous strength, crushing the skull beneath it.


Amicus then turned to look Arbit in the eye with the same cold look that was once held by the hero of Greed. Amicus then removed his foot from the bloody remains that used to be Fide, the girl that seemed to have made his world turn. In the next instant Amicus had reached Arbit, and landed a punch that almost sent Arbit off the cliff. As Arbit laid on the edge of the cliff the ground beneath him warped to restrain all four of his limbs. He then heard something that chilled him to the core.

Girl: I am now able to rid this world of my wretched existence. Let this be my only contribution to the world.

Arbit turned his head just in time to see the girl that should be in his arms let herself fall off the cliff.

Amicus: What a shame she could have been useful.

Amicus was standing over Arbit with a sword to his throat. He then plunged the sword straight through Arbit's neck. Arbit's sight quickly faded to black as he choked on his own blood. The last thing he heard before the world went completely dark was the sound of bones shattering from the impact of the ground below the cliff. Then there was only the void.

Sin of Greed: So how was it?

Arbit didn't respond; he simply stood there silently. The Sin of Greed asked again but much loader.

Sin of Greed: So how was it?

Arbit: W-w-what the hell was that?

Sin of Greed: I thought you would never ask. Those are your memories.

Arbit: What do you mean those are my memories? That never happened.

Sin of Greed: Oh but it did, you see this is your domain of Fortitude. Those were your memories of your first two attempts to kill the Hero of Greed.

Arbit: That isn't possible. I died twice in whatever the hell that was.

Sin of Greed: Yep you did die twice.

Arbit: If you are going to lie then at least make it convincing. If I really died then I obviously wouldn't be alive to talk to you right now.

Sin of Greed: You can thank your domain of Fortitude for you being alive right now. You see it allows you to relive the events that lead to your death, once you have died. The only drawback is that it locks the memories of those past lives.

Arbit: If you are ready trying to tell me all of that happened then why didn't I remember living it?

Sin of Greed: That is thanks to your domain of Greed. It allows you to read the thoughts and memories of those around you, including your own. This then allows you to regain the locked memories of your past lives.

Arbit: I don't believe you. This is some kind of sick game that you are playing.

Sin of Greed: Then how do you explain your ability to not once, not twice, but three times prevent disaster when there should have been no way for you to have known. It is because while it sealed your memories, those feelings were strong enough to bleed through.

Arbit: I guess that makes sense.

Sin of Greed: Now that you believe me I will remind you of my conditions. I will let you use the domain of Greed to remember your past lives without any temptation. In exchange you aren't allowed to tell any one that you are the Hero of Greed, and Fortitude. You also can't tell anyone about anything related to being the Hero of Greed, and Fortitude, that means no talking about your past lives.

Arbit: Fine but I will be free of you someday!

Sin of Greed: Knock yourself out kid, but for now you should get back to the girl in your arms. Her name is Pura by the way.

Suddenly Arbit was falling with a girl in his arms, but before he could get his bearings they hit the ground. Somehow Arbit was still conscious. He was in a cloud of dust, and he could hear someone frantically running around. As the dust settled he could see that it was the girl in the white dress who was running around. As soon as Arbit saw her all he could think about was how thankful that she was ok. He tried to get up but he couldn't move. She saw Arbit and ran over. When she got closer Arbit noticed that she was crying. Once she reached Arbit she fell to her knees. She placed her palms on Arbit's chest, and he could feel a warm energy flow through his body. She was healing him.

Pura: Why would you do that? Why would you risk everything to save me? The world would be better off without me!

At this point the warm energy stopped, and Arbit was completely healed. Now that Arbit was able to move he sat up and once again held this crying girl in his arms.

Arbit: I did it because you are worth saving, and this may be selfish but I know for a fact that my world would be one hundred times better with you in it.

This caused the girl to sob uncontrollably, and she melted in the arms that held her. The two sat there and she ended up crying herself to sleep.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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