
The Greatest Sin in DxD

A man who was unsatisfied with his life received a chance to live out his fantasies what will he do with such an opportunity read and find out ------ A/N: I am a newbie writer so the chapters may be rough to read but Ima try my best to make it bearable

J0K3R_ · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

I was tired of being bullied and alone no matter where I was, it seemed the world itself looked down on me

I couldn't help but look back and agree I was born talentless, poor, and ugly nothing about me seemed tolerable to others

even Pig's received better treatment than me

The only time I felt normal or comfortable in my skin was when I was drowning myself in food and anime

I was Jealous of all those characters with their cool powers and hot wives. The things that I would do to have a hot harem like Issei's

or to be as confident and powerful as Escanor but I couldn't be like them I was trapped and doomed to suffer in this world

later in that evening I finally reached my breaking point, another day of being pushed around and bullied by my peers at work

brought me to where I was now fed up and standing on a ledge ready to put an end to all of my misery. maybe in another life god would have a little mercy

and with that, I took my first step off the ledge and began my freefall

It's weird when you watch others fall it seems to happen so fast but when you're experiencing it for yourself everything moves in slow motion

Looking at all of the people below moving on with their normal lives completely unaware of the end of my own I looked at the sunset one last time

and before I could hit the ground an oncoming truck hit me first


My eyes fluttered open I was in a space I looked around and I still nothing when I looked down to check on my body

I saw my body unchanged from what it was before my death I couldn't help but ask myself is this what the afterlife is all about " Not quite" I heard a voice

coming from behind me I turned back and saw a man sitting down in an office he waved at me to enter I "sat" down in front of him "So your soul #XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

hehehehe that sure is one hell of a way to die getting crushed by a truck on the way to falling to your death, even better your life was miserable too"

Who are you I was confused by the situation and I felt that my reaction was well deserved "I am what you would call an administrator or as some call me God or ROB

I have many names but more importantly, I am the creator and maintainer of this world and the person who is gonna guide you to an afterlife" I was shocked God is real

Goddamn it how dare you do that to me and make me live such a miserable life with no hope of happiness I went off on ROB after a minute or two he got annoyed and strapped me down

to the chair " Zhe ha ha ha ha your funny it's not often people yell and try to scold me, I like people like you their so much better than those stuffy uptight freaks I made life so that it could

enjoyed not spent suffering or scared" I wiggled in my restraints and yelled at him " And yet you made me live such a life even you call miserable ROB got up and grabbed my shoulder " I am aware of your complaints

so to make it up to you I took some creative inspiration from your wishes and came up with a solution I shall reincarnate you into the world of Highschool DxD with the powers of Escanor I made some changes so that

it is more convenient for such as even though you will be a human and look like Escanor you be able to use Sunshine at the same level as Mael and for things to flow better with the world sunshine will be connected to

your new Sacred Gear Divine Axe Rhita My eye's lit up and I started profusely thanking him this was everything I could want my only question was when did I start ROB looked at me then snapped " Right now"


I opened my eyes once more and found myself laying in a plush queen-sized bed I sat up and looked around instead of an empty void I was in a bland apartment there was a desk with a laptop right next to the bed

across the room from the desk was a closet with some basic T-shirts, pants, and shoes finally, to the right of the front door was a small kitchen with a single gas stove, a small dishwasher and countertop, and a couple of cabinets on top

and that was pretty much there was all to see I got up and walked over to the laptop and turn it on I saw that there was a notification I clicked on it. It was an email from ROB letting me know some important information

like that I was here a week before Issei met Raynare or tomorrow was my first day at Kuoh Academy he also gave me basic instructions on how to use my sacred gear and that even though I had access to all of the power I would

still need to train to use it all the letter ended with a reminder to check the drawer for the magic glasses that suppress the daytime form, my bank card, and finally the keys to the apartment

I went outside to explore my new environment it was surreal I couldn't believe I was actually in the world of Highschool DxD I ran around town all day trying to learn the area I had no plan's until I ended up in an alley

right beside a tattoo parlor, I am Escanor now right so I have to get that badass back piece of his I entered the tattoo parlor and was greeted by a beautiful woman named Merlin who Ironically looked exactly like Merlin from 7ds (A/N: Adult form not the kid)

I explained my Idea to her and she gave me a weird look "Are you sure that's what you want your first tattoo to be it's a little big" I was never more sure of anything plus big was the name of the game

I can see why Escanor was so smitten by her in the series I don't know about what was going on over in that universe but in this one, she was funny and relatable which made the process of laying down and getting the

tattoo is done go by really fast I was almost sad when I paid and walked out I ended up thinking of her the entire way back home tomorrow my new life truly begins


I have never been more excited in my life to get out of bed I went to the closet and put on the student uniform I was practically jumping out of the suit by the time I arrived at the front step but I had to relax

I couldn't just show up being so excited no one would understand why and then I'm chilling there a social outcast again which I can't let happen this lifetime is going to be different "Hello you must be sir Escanor"

I heard a voice from behind me it was Sona and her Queen Tsubaki "Is everything okay" I made a return to reality and looked at them "Yeah just a little zoned out" They took me on a tour throughout the school or at least

they thought they were I was distracted by their beauty and couldn't help but stare I know for a fact they realized but I was going to just roll it with they haven't called me out yet

After the tour ended they guided me to the Student Council room where Sona went behind her desk and sat down and Tsubaki stood beside her "You may sit down" Sona pointed to the chair in front of her

"So do you think you can find your way around or were you too busy staring at our asses to learn anything" She finally decided to call me out on it " A little bit of both I understood the basics and got

a great sight that is a win if I have ever heard of one" She seemed shocked by my straightforwardness but then she and Tsubaki sighed and face palmed in sync "Another pervert at our school great" I heard Sona

murmur I made an offended look "How dare you call me a pervert I am way above such indecency" She didn't look convinced I mean it was fair I spent an entire classroom tour staring at their ass it was then I made the smart

the decision to change the topic and pointed over to the chessboard "So do you like to play chess would you like to play a match" She started to move over to the board "Trying to change the topic it seems

Yes I play a little chess and I wouldn't mind playing a match" I moved over to the table myself I have no experience playing I only understood the basics like the abilities of the piece but I wasn't gonna tell her that I was going to let her find

out by herself during the match

I don't know how many move's it took but I managed to win I have never seen a more confusing look face on someone's face Anger, confusion, surprise a wide variety of emotions "Ho...How you were just

moving pieces around randomly" I looked at her with confidence even though I was even more confused than how the fuck I just put pieces where they fit I chopped them up to the big man in the attic because in this world

the big man upstairs is dead " Was I just moving pieces or was that part of the plan" I watched Sona's face start to think I broke the silence "Nah I'm joking I had no idea what the hell I was doing" I heard Tsubaki start

to giggle then go back to silence when Sona glared at her I started to talk "I don't understand what's up with the Big reaction it's not like your marriage is on the line or anything" I watched as she had a nervous

expression and began sweating profusely I knew what I said would shake her and that was the point after that I made my exit and went to my first class of the day


It has been a while since I have had to make an introduction especially to a class of highschoolers and just to my luck the perverted trio was in my class I heard their cries of disappointment that I wasn't a hot chick

but instead a nerd other than that there was nothing crazy that I went on instead I remembered just how boring and slow classes were even though things would get a little chaotic I was excited for when canon began

where I would be able to try and show off my cool powers but I had to be patient good things come to those who wait the moment school let out I went home and I made a list of important people I will need on my side

Valerie, Tiamat, Rias, Sona, Gabriel, Serafall, and Yasaka to name a few were important definitely not desired harem members. I had a couple of days to make up a plan for how I was going to introduce

myself to the supernatural I could save Issei and "accidentally" run into Rias and her peerage or I could do something to gain Sona's interest and have them make the first move decisions... decisions... eh I will leave that for

Tomorrow with that thought I went to sleep.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

J0K3R_creators' thoughts