

Dive into a novel about the rise of a legendary sportsman. Follow Zachary Bemba on his journey to become the G.O.A.T (Greatest Of All Time) in the soccer world. He travels back to a time in his past where opportunity abounds. Access to a system capable of propelling him to greater heights is just the icing on the cake. From a nobody born in one of the poorest and most remote places on the planet, he relentlessly pursues his goal of becoming the greatest sportsman the world has ever seen. **** ---- G.O.A.T SYSTEM INITIALIZING ---- ACTIVATION SUCCESSFUL **** My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Mujunel_the_Mystic Book Discord Link: https://discord.gg/NK4Uaw8GRN

Mujunel_the_Mystic · Sport
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The Dangerous Substitute II

Zachary reacted immediately on seeing Christian Gamboa, the right-back, running with the ball. He lost his marker, opened himself up within the midfield, and started matching Gamboa's run. All the while, he made sure to stay in parallel sync with the right-back as he raced towards Aalesunds' half through the center of the field.

The latter noticed him a few seconds later and relinquished the ball to him.

Zachary received Gamboa's pass as he stepped into Aalesunds' half. He then continued sprinting towards Aalesunds' half as if his life depended on it.

He intended to fulfill the coach's expectations of him by first helping Rosenborg dictate the game's tempo. So, he ran with the ball to attract the attention of the opposing midfielders and create space for his teammates.