
Initiation and Unveiling I

"Don't look so down," Fabio consoled after witnessing Zachary's reaction. "When you settle into the team, you'll realize how fortunate you're to wear the number 10 shirt. You'll learn that most of your teammates would kill to have that number."

"I understand," Zachary said, nodding. He didn't want to waste more time arguing with his bosses about the shirt number issue.

"It's good that you understand," Fabio said, standing up. "Now that I've settled the matter of your shirt number, it's time for me to go and have it printed. We must have it ready for the unveiling ceremony in the afternoon."

"Oh!" Zachary said, totally not believing the sporting director's words. He suspected that the club's top dogs had decided on his shirt number and printed it out long before he arrived in Turin. As for the meeting to inquire about his opinion that morning, they could have just held it out of formality.