
The greatest Extra

What do you think is a hero? A person who sacrifices his all to save others? The only person who could kill the demon king? The extremely lucky one? Or the one who is extreme op? Or the man who is a trouble magnet? Yes, all of that. But do I care? The answer is... No. Why should I care what a hero is going through? Im just the greatest extra. _________________________________________________

mad_man_3176 · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Azul 2

"tell me what was happening here?"

Azul looked at everyone with a kind smile on his face.

But no one dared to look at him.

Following behind him were, James, Mary, Layla and Freya.

It seems even they had heard about the commotion here and came to watch the show.

Seeing Azul here, Derek hesitated for a bit but still spoke.

" Why the hell should I tell a fucker like you?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

You know this was just the 1st floor. Andon the 1st floor only commoners or those of baron houses stay to eat.

And it is an unwritten rule here to respect those with high status.

No... Even when they were just 1 year old, they are taught to respect those high in status.

This was especially for the nobles.

And seeing Derek here like this speaking others were astounded.

And someone even began to think that he was brave.

But all I thought was that Derek was stupid.

No, it's now confirmed that he was stupid!

I mean which noble would dare disrespect royalty?

To put it in simple terms...

How dare weaklings fight against those with power?

Unless you have a death wish that is.

Well, don't get me wrong...

...I respect those who truly are fearless against the strong.

But there are two categories of this kind of people.

One is... Those who dare to go against anyone with just their power and belief, with no backing whatsoever, with great self-confidence in themselves to win and face any challenge!

And the other is, the one who is arrogant to the extreme just because they think that they have a backer, a bigger background, with no power of their own to boot and just rely on someone else power!

And I respect the former kind, not the latter kind.

...and clearly, Derek was a person of the latter kind.

He thinks that he has the son of the minister to back him up.


Because it was the son of the minister himself who gave Derek the order to humiliate Azul.

Or more precisely test Azul.

And Derek accepted the task.

But he didn't know that he just signed the date of his death.


"Oh... "

Azul raised his eyebrows a little for a moment. Then slowly a smirk formed on his face and he just kept staring at Derek.

Yup. Azul was no fool. Although he is kind, you should not let that fool your eyes.

He is smart and understood who was behind all this.

Derek who looked at Azul's smirk seemed to be pissed.

I bet that he felt that he was looked down upon. And it was something unbearable for him.


Because his whole life, Derek was looked down upon by his own family.

And that was one of the reasons Derek did as he was told.

"What are you laughing at? "

Derek grumbled.

But Azul didn't pay any attention to it and just stared at him in the eyes like a ruler looking at his subject.

He sure knows where it hurts the most. For a guy, Derek being looked down on was not a pleasant thing. It makes him angry and it was unbearable.

After waiting for a few seconds and still feeling Azul's gaze on him Derek lost all control.

He immediately lunged forward toward Azul!

He stretched out his hands and shaped them like the claws of a tiger and with brown mana, he covered his entire arm.

"Earth claws"

Within a few breaths, he came in front of Azul and attacked Azul.

Seeing Derek attacking him, Azul's blue eyes glowed for a few moments and he just stretched out his hand shaping it like claws and caught Derek's hand dispersing all its momentum and power.

It was just like a tiny stone dropped on the ocean. There Was no effect at all.

In the same way, the Dereks' attack didn't even scratch Azul. His Power was negligent in front of Azul's power.

"What? "

Derek couldn't believe his eyes.

In his mind, Azul was a first year just like him, so he should not be too much more powerful than him.

But he chose the wrong person.

If it was others then maybe he may not be crushed like this after all he was a 2+ level individual.

But he just fought against Azul. The one who faces off against the demon king.

Although he was not currently as powerful as he was in the future, right now he was a 4- level!

A terrifying strength for a first year!

Of course, he is hiding it. He was not a fool who would flaunt his strength. But he would show his strength if the situation arises. That's The kind of guy he is.

"Is that all you got? "

Azul looked into Derek's eyes. And then...


The sound of breaking bones resonated throughout the first floor of the canteen. Followed by...


A heart-wrenching scream echoed throughout the canteen.

" My hand! My Arm! " Derek screamed due to the pain. Tears welled up in his eyes and snot was in his nose.

It seems that the pain was unbearable to a greenhorn like him.

The audience watching the show with me got goosebumps and some got chills on their spine.

Even they were greenhorns, afraid of some little pain. No wonder they were afraid.

Except for me though.

And what am I doing?

Nothing, just eating my popcorn and enjoying the show before me.


Azul looked at Derek with an indifferent gaze.

He slowly walked towards Derek, with the sound of his footsteps fading in the silence.

Derek seeing Azul walk toward him got scared and tried to run away but his legs betrayed him and instead fell on the floor.

Azul stopped near Derek who just fell.

Looking from above he bent his body and looked Derek in the eyes. With a dignified and domineering voice, he said,

"Listen here carefully Derek. Stop This foolishness here right now.

I don't have time for such childishness. Remember I don't want to fight anyone right now, but that does not mean that I'm a pushover.

So, stop it right here. And tell Kain that I also don't wanna fight him. But If he wants I can fight him. Just that the results won't be good. But Not for me though. It would not be good for him.

So go tell him to try all the things that he likes but he will still lose to me.

Oh... Derek im sparing you right now. But remember this is the last time.

If this repeats... "

Azul did not continue anymore.

But he raised his hand and patted Derek's shoulder. Then looking at Derek he smiled lightly and stood up and walked away.

But when he walked away, everyone see the unconcealed terror in Derek'ss eyes, whose back was soaked in his sweat.


Azul walked towards Ronac and lend him a hand.

He smiled at him and said," Please be at ease from now on. He won't trouble you again. "

After saying that Derek and his companions walked away towards the higher floors.

Ronac looked at Azul going away and thanked him, to which Azul just nodded his head slightly and continued walking towards the next floor.

Looking at the fading figures of Azul and the others, I too stood up. Glancing at Derek for one last time I walked away. With the sound of my footsteps fading with the air.

This incident may just seem like a minor incident.

But no one knew, except me that this was not just any minor incident.

This incident was key.

A key for the start of a massacre!